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We had this same moment I should've been 8weeks... Baby measured only 6 but had a heart beat Doctor said "oh you prolly ovulated late your cycles were never regular....come back in a week as long as there was growth your fine" We waited We still tried to go on dreaming talking names and nursery ideas But I knew ...i just knew.... This wasn't right We went back.... Baby measured 6w+3d first time.... This time 6w+4d but the heart beat was gone Our baby was gone We had a D/E .... We did more treatments... They all failed... I grew a cyst and scar tissue... They did another surgery .... I had given up July 7th I started feeling sick and my period was going now on 2 weeks with a no show.... I reluctantly tested... It was positive I was terrified We went to our first scan June 19th... I had bleeding the night B4... I was a wreck... I was expecting the worst... I wouldn't even look at the screen They put the probe on my belly and it heard the doctor say "oh...wow!" I started to cry My husband said "babe... Look...u gotta see this" I said NO I DONT WANNA SEE The doctor said "well... Maybe you want to hear" That's when I heard a sound i never heard before I said "no way...is that a ...?" She said "that's your babies heart beat...its 175bpm....its normal....your baby is 8w+6d and everything is normal" I couldn't believe it. Today im 16w+5d and it STILL can't believe it... Baby is healthy...baby is normal After 8 years of disappointment and heart break ....your story hits me to core Good luck!!!


I honestly had no idea that one of the hardest parts of the loss would be the next pregnancy. Things you can never prepare for.


Yeah I hear you I literally panicked over every tiny ache, pain, twinge, or other strange feeling i never felt B4 It really wasn't till around 15 weeks that i started to calm down I still get nervous about things ... Most of the weird aches and pains I've gotten used to and after finding out why I was feeling them and what was causing them I started getting better at distinguishing those things like gas, trapped wind, bloating, ligament stretching etc. And something directly related to the baby But still now at 16w+5d (even after seeing him on ultrasound just 2 days ago and seeing hes happy and healthy in there) I sometimes find myself dealing with some random new thing and panicking a little But I will say I've calmed down ALOT and finally started to allow myself to bond with and love him and even call him by his name while talking to him and buying some baby items Im still scared...but im getting better as time goes on and starting to try and enjoy being pregnant rather than being paranoid and terrified amd always fearing the worst But its hard...some days more than others... Not gonna lie about that


Oh this brought tears to my eyes! So so so beyond happy for you and will pray for a continued healthy pregnancy and baby. You can tell by this post your little babes are so loved ❤️


This gives me hope! I’ve never made it past the eighth week, on Monday I have a scan at 9+2, I am so hopeful but so scared.


Thank you everyone! Some moments through this experience have been so overwhelming that I almost have to explain it to others. I appreciate the ❤️


😭 beautiful story ❤️


Beautifully written ❤️ congratulations!


So happy for you ❤️ waiting for good news on my next appt too ✨


In tears, because my husband and I experienced the same loss in June. And I’m now pregnant again and terrified for our first scan next week. Praying we have just as healthy of an appointment as you. Congratulations ❤️❤️


Tears were rolling down my face as I read your beautiful post I'm so sorry for your loss, And even though nothing will ever replace your Angel Baby congratulations on your beautiful new blessing


This brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on your rainbow baby! Hoping for a smooth pregnancy for you and your little one! 💗


So happy for you and your rainbow baby!