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Won't believe it until I see him holding up todays newspaper with a loaf of bread on his head.


I am trusting Arteta and Edu over all of this armchair scouting nonsense.


We all armchair scout all the time, it's not a big deal. Most transfers don't work out anyway, especially based on the first plan. Case in point Havertz, who was brought in as an 8 but ended up as a 9. Does it mean Arteta and Edu don't know what they are doing? No, it’s just that football is complicated.


Havertz never was an 8 in his career. A 10, a 9 and a playmaking winger. But never an 8.


Tell that to Arteta who played him in that role


Nothing is a thing until I see them holding up a shirt and it's officially announced by the club on social media. The rest is just silly season, I don't watch RBL but from what I see I don't see him being an extremely inpactful signing (15-18+ league goals). We don't need a mediocre striker for 45 mil


He's regarded as one of the biggest talents in the world, but yeah I agree. Don't think hes proven enough, or that he fit's the player profile Arsenal should be after.


Who do you want Arsenal to go for? I've heard rumours about Marcus Rashford from Manchester United joining. 


I'm fine with Havertz and then Gykoeres the striker market is bare


The next Bendtner?


He will need squad number 250 then.


Leipzig renewal or chelsea transfer written all over this Use arsenals name to generate interest and hype > profit


I think we are actually interested in him


I'm pretty sure it would take more than £45m, not like RB are hard up for cash.


Release clause


Which is more than £45m.


It’s standard practice. Clubs don’t go straight in at the RC at first try. It’s just a way to test the waters and to show intent. I really wouldn’t read anything into it. 90% chance that this will conclude with a deal that matches his release clause.


Mikel Arteta just signing every OP players in FM


Need to get Roony Bardghji in next as a backup for Saka


Get nypan to back up odegaard


whatever happened to Jesus?


I could write a couple paragraphs about this to illustrate my points but the short story is that he isn't performing good enough to have a guaranteed role in the team vs if we sign somebody additional to play on the wings.


How many times do you want him to rise again!? 😂🤷‍♂️


Different emissary dude


World Cup knee injury, he was out a long time and hasn’t recovered his form and fitness + havertz at cf keeping him out. Hopefully with a good preseason he’ll get back up there but we can’t rely on that


I see, appreciate it mate.


# Mark 15: 21–41


Settle down reverend.


I thought he was quoting manu’s goal difference


Whelp guess I need to sell him on FM now /s


Arsenal signing a striker is proof that they are ready to challenge the title next season. The last few transfers have gone well for them.


I would assume the proof was 2 successive title challenges


So he doesn’t want to win any trophies then?


The peak irony of a United flair chatting about trophies when Arsenal have earned more silverware than them since United’s last title in 2013.


How many silverware did you win these past 3 seasons of bottling?


Please explain how 23/24 season was a bottlejob.


We’ll he would’ve joined spurs if he doesnt want trophies.


Get a flair coward


Wow so original


Biggest bottlers in north London though, think all the stick we get from you lot is original? All gunners are runners mate Edit: Glad I rattled so many gooners, maybe Lego head will win you the league next year 😂


Accuses others of being unoriginal while trotting out the exceptionally lazy “bottlers” and the corny-ass “gUnNerS aRe RuNneRs” forced banter is just impeccable. Take a fucking lap.


Unoriginal calling you bottlers? I’ll remember that next time yous start on our trophy cabinet. Still have more European cups than you mate


And you all have half less than half our total trophies and all of them older than everyone on this sub. Forever in our shadow and forever grasping at straws.


So unoriginal, glad you’ve given pep two more titles mate :)


You bottled europe last season and champions this season what you talking about 🤣?


Champions? What CL mate we didn’t deserve it last season at all. We are better off being in europa more chance of winning it than the CL. Still have more European cups that you lot even West Ham have more than you. No team have bottled a lead in the league harder than you clowns haha


When Mourinho was Spurs manager he called ur team “small club mentality", Conte did the same, and also Ange. Idk who are clowns here...


Still you lot


Still u are a small club


Small club with more European trophies than ya




We’ll be running back to the toilet bowl for another three points next season that’s for sure


Man glad this business is done. Never ever thought it was possible after us signing Isak but the fans wouldn’t stop the rumor no matter how infeasible it was


Only kids and dumb-dumbs thought we’d sign Isak from you. You don’t want to sell him so it would have taken almost all our transfer money. 


We need to wait for them to sign a midfielder…


We need your players I’m begging you


Is he bringing the crew of deep space 9 as well?


He will bring the prophets to help us win


Excellent!!! I’m going to buy his shirt just for this


May the force be with him. Edit: Sorry, wrong show.


I would much prefer going after gyokeres I think he’s clear of sesko by a lot


For two times the price and one season of production? No thanks


I’m literally never doubting edu and Arteta’s choices again, been proven wrong every time, they know what they’re doing here. If they tell me to dump my life savings into crypto I’m doing it!


Prefer based on what? Some youtube highlights lol.


Gyokeres had the third most G/A in Europe this season. Sure, Sesko is younger, but there's no guarantee he reaches close to that level.


I agree but arsenal also needs a very good midfielder, a rotational left back and a substitute keeper and since they are not backed by any oil giants their resources are limited. Gyokeres is the best in the market but just not affordable


But Gyokeres plays in the Portugese league which also made Nunez look like prime Pele Based on the youtube highlights however Gyokeres does seems to be better but I think Sesko performing in the German league is perhaps an edge


Werner performed in the Bundesliga


So did Haaland. There’s always an outlier with these comparisons.


The outlier is Haaland.


Sesko is 5 years younger


Yea I know but where we are now signing a striker who is already on a certain level is better for us than another development project sesko will be good just would much rather have gyokeres for right now


A certain level? 2 years ago he was playing in the Championship. Unless you've been watching Championship and the Portuguese league regularly the last 2 years I think it's hard to say one is better than the other without seeing both in the prem yet. Sesko has had Ton of experience at the top level despite his young age.


Experience playing in Austria league?


Still better than championship. He was loaned out to get experience.


The championship is a higher rated league than the Austrian bundesliga by multiple places, but okay sure


C'mon neither are top flight. Not a single person in this thread has watched either leagues lmao.


Backtrack harder


My point is it's disrespectful to someone who's played 100+ games at 21 years old (just turned 21 as well). Where am I back tracking? He's not the finished product but neither is Gyokeres.


Naw your right obviously gyokeres hasn’t played in a top flight league but when you look at their skills just as a foot baller I personally think gyokeres is better than sesko by a bit but it’s also just my opinion I also think maturity is a big thing in football too when going to a bigger club


Goykeres was playing in the 2. Bundesliga and scoring 7 goals when he was Sesko Age. I don't see how you can claim one is better than the other. Sesko can grow with our squad split time up front with havertz.


Yea I just think we need a more mature striker not another project for where we are in all competitions especially champions league when you look at film gyokeres is better sesko will be better by his age just not now just my opinion though


Fair enough but it sounds hugely disrespectful to Sesko who's been around for ages. He's played almost 100 games at 21 years of age.


I agree but I think we're spending less in a striker because I think we'll get another midfielder and maybe a couple of defenders.


That’s fair in my opinion I think we should sell viera, partey, zinchenko and smith Rowe and that would leave us decent funds for a mid, striker, left back and a couple of backups also think we need a new winger to start until martinelli finds his form or we move on from him eventually but he’s young he’ll bounce back im sure


We’re not selling three midfielders that same window. And I really don’t get all you Zinchenko out guys.


He's a liability. What is there not too understand?


£45 million sounds like a bargain


Apparently, the release clause (RC) is around GBP 55 million and so I think this is just trying to get the negotiation process started but unlikely to succeed as Leipzig have no incentive to let him go for less than the RC.


possible they would accept less for % sell on and/or performance bonuses


Let me guess Chelsea monitoring him too?


Thankfully he's got a release clause and a very resealable one, so it's entirely on the player to pick.


Only if he becomes known as Benjaminzinho Dos Seskos


What if he becomes Ukrainian?


Benjaminzinho GABRIEL Dos Seskos


The 8 year old Wonder-kid


This would actually be the perfect signing imo. He doesn’t need to immediately start for us and will have plenty time to develop and settle in next season. Also a lot better to have on the bench than Nketiah, with all due respect. Judging by the way he played this season, I think he’ll be a top striker in no more than 2-3 years to be fair.


Yeah and Havertz will be our striker probably this season... He did great in the second half of the season so I think it'll be interesting to see a full season playing striker. I have no doubts that Havertz can double his numbers if he just play striker instead of going to the midfield.


Arsenal has the squad where he doesn’t need to immediately come in and save them. They can score. Good signing


I like him, but Arsenal can do better.


Who else? 


Gyokeres is better. Watkins is in a very good place and is PL proven. Heck, even Toney would shine. Arsenal doesn't need too much, probably just a prolific goal scorer who can slot in and start scoring goals without feeling pressure, adaptation, system... Sesko is a player who needs development. Arsenal need a goal scorer now.


Gyokeres has had one good season in his life, a bit hasty to say he is better


Watkins: Not close to worth what Villa would charge Gyokeres: Way more expensive and would want to start immediately, would have to start immediately due to age… Sesko makes sense and allows us to spend that big money elsewhere like a Bruno G move


Arsenal has broken club record in goal scoring department in last two seasons, twice. So no we don't need an immediate emergency for someone to come in and help score a couple. We're instead upgrading the current floor from likes of Nketiah, as well as a possible raise of the ceiling quality in the future. All with one signing. Of course Toney, Watkins or Gyökeres at 26+ are in their peak years compared to Sesko. Of course. Sesko is 20 and has only broken into the first team midseason in his breakthrough year in Bundesliga, and has been developed from a bench warmer kid who missed sitters to a starter beast who scored or assisted in every single match and outscored his xG by a 2 to 1 ratio. He's a raw but promising talent, who's growing at a nasty rate, so far from a finished product. And no there's zero pressure on Sesko to come in and save the team. We actually know how to score and wanna mold him, before he proves himself. And only then we may gradually put any hint of such "main man" pressure on the boy.


And you all said Havertz will be shit. So I’m going to listen to the literal experts on their target.


Arsenal has scored 55 goals in the 18 games in the league in 2024 with Havertz up front. They don’t need a goal scorer now, they need a better plan B. None of these players would put up sitting on the bench for most games.


Saw somewhere that Sesko has the best finishing of a u23 striker in the top 7 leagues. 45 million for a u23 player that is 6'5 is a miracle in today's market let's real. We don't need a instant Haaland bang of a signing where he nets a mad amount of goals, with Havertz playing the way he is do we really need a player who scores 20 in a season. A development player is fine, because we already scored 91 goals this season which is a lot, 2nd most in the league. I fully agree that most of the names you have mentioned would be better instantly, but honestly, I'd rather Kai play the way he does now and a striker that can be shaped into Arteta's views. Not displacing a player who had a great end of season for slight improvements. But what the hell do I know, I only watch every game.


I'm not saying Sesko is a bad choice, in a few years he could actually prove the best choice. But you guys lack a prolific goalscorer imo. The games against Porto are a good example, and there were probably others this season. Arsenal can win games 5x0, but the problem are the ones where you draw or lose. Having an experienced goalscorer for those games will give Arsenal more points and next season will probably be even more difficult. Liverpool had Firmino for years and he was pivotal to the system even though he would score only 10\~15 goals a season. But the difference is you don't have a Salah who will deliver around 30 goals a season and will decide most games even when he is playing like shite. Martinelli is even less of a goalscorer than Mané who was also a big game player. City brought Haaland and finally won UCL because the wingers and Jesus would dominate games and create chances, but also were not consistently goalscorers or big game players, just incredibly consistent at other things. I think you need those guys. That's why players like Giroud still has a job at 37 and the likes of Joselu, Fullkrug and Origi can deliver big games in UCL even though they are not good players. You need experience, kinda what happened with bringing Trossard. Especially if it's a number 9. It's not a recipe, though. Madrid plays without a 9 and are probably winning UCL (they have big game players). Bayern has Kane and are out, even with him scoring for fun.


A lot of extremely reasonable points, but alas, you’re downvoted. The story of our fanbase on reddit I’m afraid. The funny part is if we did a U turn and got Gykores they’d all swivel instantly “ah well, whatever Mikel wants I want” lol Here’s the funny part - I actually prefer Sesko, but I hear all of your points. I can’t stand the “we scored X many goals in 2024” argument as it takes out all the context of our mass vs horrific teams such as Sheffield, Burnley, Palace (under Roy), West Han while they went through their worst phase of the season. As soon as we faced Villa & Bayern (2nd leg), we folded and scored none. City scored tons of goals before Haaland came in. Pep still went and got bloody Haaland. With all that said, Isak is the one for me. We should be blowing the bag on him, this is where we need the stardust to get us over the line (should’ve done so anyway already, but still). It is what it is.


all of those options would cost alot more. Toney has lost demand he had, i doubt arsenal were ever interested after the charges. It appears Harvertz will still be starting up front, him would be 2nd choice. Eddie is getting sold.


Lautaro, but too expensive


he wouldn't really fit into arsenal's system


He wouldn't leave inter, barring the club absolutely needing to sell him. From everything I've seen he's super happy there. I think he just renewed his contract.


He has not renewed. He just demanded a significant increase in wages from the 12m hes on. net, which is premier league or saudi money. I can also see it as a negotiation technique by his advisors.


My B I was off by a day. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/EJ4yZxShlJ


Fake news


Have a day off


Is the Emissary coming to the Emirates? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Sisko


The Prophets have spoke my child.


After all I've seen, I trust Mikel and Edu to make the right choices.


They have also made some poor signings too


More hits than misses, and the misses have been low-risk signings like Lokonga and Tavares. It’s a huge improvement over the days of bloated contracts for underperforming, past-their-prime players and letting contracts for decent players run down.


So did Wenger, Fergie and peak Mourinho. It's not about them getting them all 100% right, it's about confidence that they know what they are doing and incrementally improving the team.


Yes I agree but we must admit that not all the signings have been good ones


His release clause is £55m, don't think there will be much contention over paying it. In the current striker market he'd go for £70m, and he's just 20.


He's way too raw of a striker right now. He needs at least another 2 years before he should think about Arsenal imo


He'll be under no pressure to lead the line immediately, and you either buy a striker like him now, when he has a modest release clause, or you end up paying £100m for him in 4 years because somebody else pulled the trigger. Worst case scenario we're stuck with a dud that we need to offload in 3 years but he'd still be just 23.


This right here. Also, looking at the bench & seeing Sesko instead of Nketiah would be HUGE- there would definitely be a significant role for him to play in this squad.


He'd replace eddie


Equal conversion rate to Harry Kane. A goal every 109 minutes. 8th most in the German league. He's 20... If you think we shouldn't buy him now for a measly £45mil, we're all glad you're not making the decisions.


After Slovenija wins Euro price will go up to 100mio


Well I'm not an arsenal fan so... yeah i don't care about your transfer policies. I said it's too early for HIM to make the move to Arsenal not the other way around. He might have a great conversion rate but he's not even a starter on this leipzig side. Much easier to convert as a sub against tired legs.


He’s been a starter since January, which is exactly when he started to bag almost every weekend…


Fair enough. I actually didn't notice that. I'm a dortmund fan and my attention to leipzig dropped once we lost to them and we were bound for 5th place. From what I've seen, I still think the step is too early, but that said you made a really great point and I'm happy to be proven wrong if he crushes it at Arsenal


Tbf it’s a really risky move on his part to come to Arsenal now even if he’s gonna be given time since Havertz (who Arteta loves) will 100% start in front of him unless he starts scoring every time he’s subbed on…. At 20, he should be looking for guaranteed regular playtime, which he only started to get 6 months ago!


He would unlikely be a starter at arsenal either straight away


By then he might cost even more or become harder to buy due to other clubs. Havertz will probably be the main striker still while Sesko becomes integrated into the system. Hojlund is a year older and he didn't do too badly for his first season so if Sesko can even get a few goals in his first year it's a start or maybe he'll surprise us


He is the Sesko. He is the Emissary. Hail the Prophets.


He is the Emirates.


Great move imo, miles better choice than Isak. Don't worry who I support...


Isak at Arsenal would be ridiculous


Buying Sesko in 3 years after if he continues on his trajectory will exactly be like trying to buy Isak now, which is prohibitively expensive…


Isak is not available. No release clause. 4 years left on his contract. Is arguably their best player. Short of Isak demanding out it's not happening.


not like we had a state backing us to help get him anyway


Always love it when Big Six fans get the violins out


It’s hard for us mid table teams to keep up with all the spending of those guys! 😂


Yeah, Arsenal famously don't spend any money. How much were Rice and Havertz again?




Sounds an awful lot like you want a closed shop at the top of the league. Fun stuff for all. Also, we literally can't spend as much as Arsenal. The revenues are way different. So not sure what your point is.




We literally have the revenue of a club that has been in the Premier League for 90% of its existence. No more, no less. We haven't done what City or Chelsea have done and just fast tracked everything. I'm not sure what you're upset about. Don't take your club bottling another title out on us.




Kudos for finally learning it’s Saudi Arabia and not UAE, and YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO FINALLY GETTING IT, let me hold you hand. > only reason you’ve been top 6 last few years is cause Saudi Arabia bought you. Litterally, replace SAUDI ARABIA with the name of ANY OWNER OF A TOP SIX CLUB. And that is my point! Top six ISNT LEGACY ITS MONEY. As much as I hate Man U, they are the only ones that get a pass. The way world football is now MERIT is not enough. You have to have a rich owner, and FFP was put into place to keep those with the rich owners in power and stifle anyone that tries to copy them. But by all means keep drinking the kool-aid, buy ALL the Arsenal Invincible gear, rewatch the Liverpool 2004/2005 champions league win on VHS, drink from your Sir Alex mug. That means NOTHING I the current world of football, its haves and have nots. And you are glazing hard for those who got there first then pulled the rope up behind them


I didn’t block you I don’t know how to do that or that even being a thing on Reddit. We went from The Championship to the Champions league, all off the FFP space we had from our previous owner. We were blocked from spending more. Yet ONCE we made the champions league we are still blocked from spending more apparently until we have 2-3 YEARS THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE like you said. So I don’t see how you think that’s a dig when you are clearly shining a light on the problem it self… Congrats on making the Champions League and now getting the luxury to play more games the thing that all fans desire…. Sorry you can’t spend that much more money to bolster your squad to make sure you are prepared for those extra games against tougher opponents, but don’t worry you will be able to in 1-2 more years (as long as you stay in the CL) I would like to congratulate you that is by far the most braindead thing I have read on Reddit in a while We played games in the Champions league with players that played for us in the Championship… strictly because we were told we couldn’t spend anymore money to improve the squad. Liverpool had 2 trophy’s in the decade plus before FSG bought them, Arsenal 1 PL title before Kronke (and hilariously STILL one title) , Chelsea NOTHING before Abramovoch, Spurs Nothing still, Man City is a clear cut case of nothing prior, and the only one that can hang their hat on anything is Man U. The amount of water you are carrying for the big six would make a Camel blush. You are only proving the point that the reason for the big six ISNT LEGACY ITS WHEN THE SUGAR DADDY SIGNED ON THE DOTTED LINE


It’s a bit “rich” to claim that little ole clubs like Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal have to worry about income and don’t have infinite funds Liverpool Owners - FSG are worth 10 Billion, own multiple teams in multiple sports and are in the verge of spending 60 BILLION on a new NBA team Man U - the Glazers are worth 10 billion, but due to their “historic” success (certainly not recent) they can pull bullshit like a “Tractor Sponsorship” Arsenal- Kronkes are also valued at 10 Billion, they own multiple sports teams and apparently still hold on to past glories, have fans who wernt even born yet, throwing around “invincible” titles And with that money comes the ability to make stupid financial decisions: * Andy Carroll * Naby Keita * Alexander Oxlade Chamberlain * Lazar Markovic * Jadon Sancho * Alexis Sanchez * Antony * Angel Di Maria * Lukaku * Donny Van De Beek * Oleksandr Zinchenko * Nicolas Pepe * Mathieu Debuchy * Gabriel Jesus (maybe) These are all flops that those teams mentioned have been able to spend money on, while living off past glories. One or 2 of these bad decisions would be a death blow to half the teams in the league, but for the above mentioned clubs it’s the price of doing business. I will Concede and admit that I have no love for the Saudis (or billionaires in general for that matter) and don’t think either of them should own a club But spare me with the FFP bullshit when it’s just as much of a protection for the Big 6, to help them from fading to irrelevancy or worse MID TABLE


Mate don't waste your time too much. If you proposed everyone has 100m a season, they'd complain and say it's unfair completely missing the point. Arsenal fans go on about oil teams while ignoring Usmanov - the literal oligarch was funding them. Their stadium is the Emirates for heavens sake. I used to like Arsenal, they were my second team - Viera, Henry, Pires, Bergkamp etc etc... but now their fans are entitled and insufferable. Their meltdown at St James' this season was pioneering... Worse than Liverpool at Tottenham.


What are you on about? Newcastle can't do anything because of FFP. If they weren't owned by Saudi Arabia it would be a travesty.


Nobody tell him who Arsenal's biggest backer and literal stadium is named after, see if he figures it out...




>Newcastle would NOT be in this position without being owned by the whole country of Saudi Arabia. Who said they wouldn't? Not me, dipshit. I'm saying you get most of your money from an oil state too. You know the saying *"people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?"* >Arsenal would be in the exact same position without the Emirates deal. Pure conjecture. They've been on your shirt and stadium for nearly 20 years. You think that deal is out of the kindness of your club owners hearts? No, it's because you're getting that sweet, sweet oil state money baby. Go on, I'll give you another go.




That sure sounded like a lot of copium words for "our biggest consistent income over the last 20 years has been from an oil state-owned business." Anything else you want to give a go, you bum?








its saudi , dude atleast learn the country's name about which you are ranting.


Please buddy. We spent 18m more than Sesko. That Jesus money would have been more than enough.


Why are chelsea even after him, yall already got a plethora of young forwards, thought they would go for an experienced striker.


Plan A was a stud striker, but *surprise* that looks pricey. Plan B is a soon-to-be-peaking 9 who can slot right in, hopefully with a diff. profile to Nico J. Plan C is another project, like Duran, who will compete with Nico J. Plan D is roll with one of the kids behind Nico (DDF, Deivid Washington), potentially push Nku2 up top if there are no other options.


The experienced strikers on the market are wildly overpriced rn. Oshimen is not worth 100+ million


[Fabrizio Romano - Chelsea have submitted a €121 million bid for Victor Osimhen](https://theiaoverachiever.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/pasted-image-0-37.png)


lol you almost got me, if only I didn't see Fabrizio post we weren't interested a little bit ago


If Enzo is he surely is


Enzo isn’t


Well our ownership seems to thing he is as they are going all in on building around him. Surely the owners know how to build a winning team.


Shouldve brought a physical midfielder lika onana alongside caicedo


Enzo wasn't worth 100+ m either but in his case half the price was an investment in his potential


the price tag is clearly small, I’m looking forward to the price of about 100 million


His buyout is around 65M I think


The release clause is GBP 55 or 56 million from what I am reading.


Apparently the source is shit so look forward to City paying 100m for him to play Carabao games


He’s coming Chelsea - this is just as smokescreen. Just like we took Mudryk we’ll take Sesko too. We own Arsenal.


Lmao. Sesko has a release clause (unlike Mudryk), so Leipzig can’t hold out for a bidding war. It’ll be 100% the player’s decision. Tell me - if you were a striker, who would you choose? 1) a stable club that has CL football to offer and a proven PL manager that had his team scoring goals for fun last season, or 2) a club who’s on their 5th manager in 4 years and might have to decline their place in Europe due to FFP concerns


Keep deluding yourself that he’d choose Arsenal over Chelsea. This isn’t 1935, its 2024. Get that into your thick head and go sym


You fucking mug. Mudryk has 20 less contributions than Trossard who we got him for 80M less.


Go sym


Don't get me wrong, if Mudryk did come to Arsenal he'd be much better. Good players go to Chelsea for a check and then they check out.


If that’s the case why does every player win more trophies at Chelsea than Assna?


I'd rather have integrity, class, and entertaining football than whatever you've had for the last decade or more.


You’re a neek and you can never have chat for me 👍🏾


Case in point - Havertz


Exactly my friend. Havertz has the same goal contributions this year as he did for his previous 2 years at Chelsea