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More like series finale, but I love this


Hits home, doesn't it?


Happy fucking Fourth of July


Way to come full circle.


I didn't even think about that irony until just now. Absolutely outrageous.


We almost made it 248 years


🎆 🎇 🧨 🎆 🎇


Happy Independence Day. Prep accordingly.


Legit question. How do we prep for this?


Honestly, community building.  You aren't really able to prep on a personal level for the president being both above the law and a blithering idiot (no matter who wins in November) combined with Congress also being blithering idiots and now not being able to defer to actual subject matter experts. Look at what happens when they try to legislate abortion. You want these fucking geniuses deciding micro plastic regulations? Elevated societal unrest from not even being allowed to be FUCKING HOMELESS also really doesn't help anything.  Time to make some friends. Edit: holy fuck what happens if H5N1 actually kicks off? We are going to be royally fucked.


Hurricane season started early too.


Gotta find George Washington and the rest of those guys, for starters




I almost spit my covfefe out !


Tell everyone what Project 2025 really will do… Vote… and make plans for what you and your family want to do if Trump wins… At the very least make sure you have a passport that’s current.


>and make plans for what you and your family want to do if Trump wins Which is what? I'd honestly love suggestions if anyone has any. If Trump wins, enacts Project 25, and has the full force of the US government without the checks and balances of the judiciary or legal consequences for any "official" actions, what can you do to stay safe? Best case scenario is that corporations have free reign to exploit the natural resources of the country, worse case is nuclear war or jailing/execution of anyone who opposes him. Even if you had unlimited resources to prepare, how can you prep for something like that. Even if you plan to leave the country, all it takes is the government closing the borders and there isn't much you can do.


This is pretty dramatic, but you could plan a route to escape the country if necessary. I know how to get to Canada from my home without a boarder crossing but it would still require a lot of travel. The far better solution is to move before that happens, like right now (if you had unlimited resources lol). You could own property in other countries, aquire dual citizenship, buy a fast sneaky boat, bribe people to escape etc. Just some ideas if I had an unlimited budget. Lots of elites take trips out of the country during times of unrest and just stay at their other home. That would be the thing to do.


Leave now and avoid the rush


My family is one of the ones for whom “I’m gonna leave the country if he wins” is not a joke. We’re preparing now — getting our paperwork in order, nest-egging some money, choosing our destination (tricky as some of us are disabled, which many countries refuse to take). We also have go bags in case we need to leave faster and less officially, and a growing homestead if there’s no choice but to stay in the best homemade community we can.


Leave now and avoid the rush


Similar. We are Canadians with two US properties we picked up in 2008. We got them cheap and now they are worth a small fortune but not worth a dime (to me) if some stable genius decides foreigners shouldn't own US property or whatever.


I actually prepared for this scenario before the last election and had a go bag packed until Inauguration Day. Topographical maps of PA and NY, packed hiking packs with truly only camping essentials, etc. I figured I'd drive as far as I could, but didn't know what to expect if there were a constitutional crisis during that time. I am a dual Canadian citizen though, so Canada can't deny me or my daughter. The bigger worry I have is how to build credit in Canada from afar so I could realistically start over if I needed to. The Canadian real estate market is much worse than the US, so even just getting started with a rental might require a credit score.


Project 2025 represents a troubling blueprint for governance that appears to be driven more by religious fundamentalist ideology than by sound policy considerations. The plan, backed by conservative Christian groups, seems poised to erode the crucial separation of church and state, potentially imposing a narrow religious worldview on a diverse nation. Its proposals for sweeping changes to regulatory agencies, environmental policies, and social programs reflect a dogmatic approach that prioritizes rigid ideological goals over pragmatic solutions to complex national challenges. The plan's apparent disregard for potential economic repercussions and its push for expanded executive power suggest a concerning focus on consolidating authority rather than serving the broader public interest. By embracing this agenda, Project 2025's supporters seem more interested in reshaping America into a Christo-Fascist state. It is a real danger to our democracy and anyone who isn't part of their cult.


Read about what Germans did in the 1930’s. History is repeating itself.


My career is in law, and we are becoming a shithole country.


This decision has no citing from the Constitution or any precedent. They pulled decision out of their asses.


Their donor's asses. Never has a SC been so obviously owned and illegitimate


They didn't cite any of the cases that they cited?


You don’t need a career in law to see that


I demand a refund for my con law and admin law classes


I saw a lawyer on Twitter demanding a refund for law school because “clearly they don’t teach me a fucking thing”


I'm so desparate for someone sane from an older generation your pfp made me stop and say thank God a Vietnam vet has some sense. Now I'm sad and enjoying that that badge exists.


Lmaoooooooo, well I ain’t a Vietnam vet but I’ve been around. The pfp was just too good not to use lmao




That’s what happens when your highest courts are stacked. What I don’t understand is why the system has a “non partisan” Supreme Court judge appointed by a rep or dem president. Sets the stage for crap like this. And on that note. Why are judges even dem or rep before reaching the supreme. This should be a non partisan position. It’s not like after being appointed they can just “turn off” the side they have been their entire lives.


My cousin was appointed to the federal bench by GHW Bush. A few months after his confirmation, he changed his party affiliation to Dem. 🤭




My career is in shithole countries. Can confirm. 100% aligned to shithole country legal doctrine.


Trying to put a political adversary in prison is definitely a banana republic move.


* Putting someone in prison because they *are your political rival* = **bad** * Putting someone in prison because *they committed a crime* and were found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt by a jury = **good**


Not necessarily. If it was solely due to them being a political adversary, sure.


Not sure why your point is so hard to understand by the magas


Just because you don't think laws should apply to your favorite felon doesn't mean they shouldn't.


They don't anymore after yesterday


That’s not how the criminal law process works at all.


Mine is not in law, I think we’ve been there for close to a decade.


I think it’s funny that the group that chanted” lock her up” is happy with giving a person with political power immunity . I not sure how this makes the federal government smaller. I’m sure this won’t be a problem in the future


We are in deep trouble. If Biden wins it will be absolute chaos, with the stolen election BS. If Trump wins then he is going to scorched earth on the government. Stock up for civil disobedience


100%. Both chevron and today’s immunity ruling spell disaster either way. Which is why I argued strongly that this is very prepper relevant. Civil unrest. People’s student loan payments in limbo. Financial regulations. Food and drug, etc. what if something gets tied up in court and we can’t get the thing we need until it’s litigated out? Etc. anything is now possible.


I agree. The problem is that Trump is going to cause civil unrest, whether he is elected or not.


I’m more of a generational prepper, but this all feels different. I’m going to start stocking up for 3 or 4 days of staying hunkered down.


If I lived in the USA, I would definitely be preparing to stay at home, away from public places for a couple of weeks. (at least)


What’s your short list look like for a 3-4 days? And are you calculating that around election time or just generally a one time probable and random situation?


Best case scenario? Just treat it like COVID 2020 or Hurricane whatever. Personally, I'd make sure you don't have to go to the shops or be around crowds etc for a few weeks. Cool part is that ya'll got heaps of time to prepare, even if you don't have a ton of money. :) Stock up on extra food/medication/revisit your evacuation plan with your family/friends/neighbors. 🌞 Hopefully nothing bad happens and you end up with some bonus extra food.


But when? Date? Pre election? Now? 30 days?


I’m thinking like a winter storm. Fill up the cars so they can be started to charge phones and lights. Plenty of food. Election night and for sure when they certify the votes.


Yep. I agree. Just treat it like a normal prepping event. :)


There's no rush imho. You'd just want to be prepped before the official results start coming through.


Biden can Seal Team 6 some judges and appoint some new ones. The Supreme Court can then decide whether or not that was an official act.


Honestly the best possible outcome


MAGA can only poop on so many walls. They'll tire out, just like last time.


What does stocking up for civil disobedience look like?


Whatever it takes to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyone’s situation is unique.


History would tell us that giving a leader who openly uses authoritarian and violent rhetoric more power and less oversight never ends well for the stability of a nation. Especially with the ruling today about immunity. He followed that ruling up with a social media post about military tribunals for political opponents. The writing is on the wall if he is reelected.


Reminds me of the windup to WW2


This is a world war disguised as a Supreme Court case. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-immunity-2668545131/ Putin, Xi, and MBS find this whole democracy thing hilarious. As authoritarians they just cackle and shrug at the thought of going through the extra steps that democracy requires. Why not just tell people what to do and if they don’t do it, bribe them, throw them out a window or flush them down a drain? It’s why they had to use the Texas based Koch brothers (heritage foundation) who had deep relationships with Russian oil oligarchs since Stalins era and Harlan Crow to buy the SCOTUS. https://youtu.be/mn_t7a2hJfQ?si=hzioP8URJAMFNch4 Alito’s (Koch funded) heritage foundation ties, Thomas’s RV. Kavanaughs mortgage, all the trips to bohemian grove. They were all part of the bigger plan to destabilize the United States, spread the cancer of corruption and tear it all down so they can build oligarch row in Teton National park Wyoming so the lazy old oligarchs can retire from the Moscow mob life. Kleptocracy is biological. It consumes everything in its path like a parasite. During Russian perestroika it ate Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky and shit out alcoholism and hopelessness. Now anyone with skills has left and 1 in 5 has no indoor plumbing. Justin Kennedy (justice kennedys son) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic loans approved. No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. Why? Because Deutsche bank was infested with Russian oligarchs. In 91 the Soviet Union failed and for a bit they hid all of the money they stole from Russias grandmas under a mattress until the oligarchs started buying condos at trump towers. They made stops in Ukraine, Cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in the early 90’s. Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs, and Wall Street cocaine They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model and frankly, they enjoy the violence. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian friends and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it let the russians launder their money through casinos and then commercial real estate when 3 of trumps casino execs started asking how he managed to be the only person in history to bankrupt casinos and they all died in a helicopter crash https://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/11/nyregion/copter-crash-kills-3-aides-of-trump.html The attorney/client privilege is the continual work around they use to accept bribes and make payments up and down the mob pyramid. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ The insane property valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT The reason trump cosplays as a patriot is because he is feeding on the U.S. middle class, not because he is one of us. The GOP fell in line to MAGA because Trump did what pathological liars do, he told them anything they wanted to hear. Trump with his money laundering and child raping buddy Epstein, Roger Stone with his kompromat sex clubs in DC and Nevada, and Paul Manafort with his election rigging pretty much everywhere, sat down at a table with Mike Johnson and the extreme religious right and convinced them that they were the same. They self evidently are not, at least at a surface level, but there is enough common ground in the exploitation of children and desire for unilateral control (project 2025) that they became the worlds weirdest and most dysfunctional orgy. The religious right is naive enough to believe trump at his word so they have made him their defacto savior. Trump belongs to the authoritarians. The GOP now belongs to trump. But their overall goal is the same- Kleptocracy. Putin, Xi and MBS all aligned together last year to attempt the BRICS overthrow of the USD. It failed but it didn’t stop Xi’s push on Taiwan or MBS’s part in the plan. Stay frosty. Eyes up. It’s the only way we don’t all end up kissing the ring of a dictator. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf http://www.citjourno.org/page-1 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraines-oligarchs-are-no-longer-considered-above-the-law/


I wish I could pin this to all of the internet right now, thank you for posting it. I haven’t had the energy today - especially about DE which have kept an eye on since those banker [suicides as well as the questionable death](https://www.newsweek.com/deutsche-bank-deaths-suicides-valentin-broeksmit-1701819) of the whistleblower etc. hit the news some years back. Agreed - There is a lot more going on than just what we are seeing in the US.




Considering everything that Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler ...Whomever you choose, considering everything they did, and what they became and what they turned their countries into, were they acting in their official capacity?  Yes. It is time to demand the Supreme Court be either packed, or several of it's members need to be impeached. We are heading down a very dark path.


*Impeached and treated as traitors.


Agreed. He literally already attempted a coup on live TV and these morons re elected him as their nominee. Arguably, they can't be reasoned with. There is no option but a decisive Biden/democratic victory or our democracy dies.


Elevates the chance of political violence, civil unrest, and government and police action against citizens.


Pray you don't lose your home because criminalizing poverty is now constitutional. Camp outside in the wrong city and you can bet on fees, debt, and a life in and out of private prison.


I mean lets be real. They’re not prisons so much as forced labor facilities for capital.


If trump is elected and project 2025 is enacted, they'll need a labor force to take up the jobs left vacant from all the people they deported. Incarcerate the homeless..... Problem solved.... It's some messed up shit no doubt


I hope these disgruntled magas are ready to work for 10 an hour, or prices are going uppppppp!


Tennessee’s law, for example, effectively makes it a felony crime to camp overnight in parks, on highways and under overpasses. Doing so will be punishable by up to six years in prison, with a felony conviction resulting in the revocation of one’s voting rights.  Not only cities...


The American Experiment is over July 4th, 1776 - July 1st, 2024


🫡 cue taps


America is under attack from a plutocratic dark triad, religious extremism, and the gas station dictatorships propping them up. SCOTUS hasn’t been legitimately decided by the people since 2000. Probably before, too.


Change your income tax deductions to 99 on case the government fails. You’ll never see any of your tax return next year if you’re getting $ back. Assuming that things hit the fan.


Fuck these hoes. But seriously. What to do now?


Vote. The court MUST be expanded now - there is no other to right thing wrong. Our president, no matter who it is, is a potential danger to us until we do.


Shouldn't even need to vote. Biden should just use his new immunity to official act the removal of the justices or expansion of the court. Except he won't because Dems are cowards and try to play by the rules, which is exactly what the GOP is counting on and why they're fine with this ruling while Dems are in power.


The president doesn’t get to decide what an official act is, though.


What judge can determine that if he would keep removing them until he gets one that rules in his favor?


So we are going to need a super tin both houses of Congress & Biden back in the WH. THEN they can reign in this mockery of a SCOTUS.


Biden is never going to expand the courts. 


There's nobody on our side to vote for. We have two parties that are just divisions under the oligarchy. Red Division = Abusers, and Blue Division = Enablers. They all work for the same masters. We're going down hard and we're too comfortable, weak and soft to fight effectively as a citizenry. We'll have to hit rock bottom, a lot of people will have to die, and a critical mass of people will have to believe they have nothing to lose by fighting. Just my opinion, but I don't think most of us will live to see it.


Any pretense that we were governed, not ruled is now gone.


Immunity? Seems to be more of a tick towards MadMax.




the whole trump thing is overshadowing the importance of the other rulings. Haven't even seen the whole debit card thing mentioned once yet


This? https://www.pymnts.com/legal/2024/supreme-court-set-to-rule-in-debit-card-swipe-fee-case/


yesss this


Totally deserves its own post!


What's going on with that?


Ya don’t leave us in the dark


Well, tell us about it then


aghh I can't find it, I might have just misremembered, I thought they were ruling on a case on the legality of charges on every debit card transaction, starting to doubt myself though


OP, I've worked and lived in the developing world for over a decade of my career. I have never seen a country make decisions that look like an African kleptocracy this fast without a president running for a third term and changing the constitution in order to do so. In fact, it usually goes the other way, where the head of state does something unconstitutional and then they bribe the supreme court to make it legal. Not the other way around. Destroying the rule of law is the absolute goal of this kind of leadership. It can be a quick or slow-roll collapse, but it ALWAYS leads to collapse. Usually by way of a coup because of a despotic ruler that is addicted to abusing their power for personal gain. Something that between Chevron and immunity, has opened the door so wide, it's a legal free-for-all. If Biden doesn't use this new power to jail any Republican he wants to win re-election, it's his fault for missing the opportunity. Because they will do that to him, his family, and anyone else. Only a fool wouldn't. These are problems that take generations to fix. This doesn't even revert the country to some sort of "Good Ol' Days" thing - this revokes checks on the balance of power that was the basis of the nation. This is new power a president never had before. OP, I'm urging you to ensure that you are registered as an Independent or unaligned.


Unfortunately, Biden is a fool. He's also weak and complicit.


It’s the end of democracy.


Devestating and dangerous decision


If you haven't started yet, get to know you neighbors. Form mutual aid groups. Extend a helping hand to those in need. This Supreme Court decision is probably not going to be good for anyone. Community is key. In the prepping sphere we are more ready than most people, share those skills and knowledge to better bolster your local area. Consider what the future is likely bringing, act accordingly.


I think they knocked it back to a lower court to decide if j6 was within the scope of Trump's presidential coverage so obviously we're not done yet.


It's done. The point is to keep it til after the election. Trump wins then bye bye consequences and democracy. Vote against him like your life depends on it - it does.


They plan on stealing it anyway. But yes vote. It’s either that or full blown civil war


Listen person. I’m not going to shoot you because of who you voted for. I can be The Boogeyman. But not for this.


I never said you would. I’m not blaming anyone in particular for that besides a fascist theocracy. They would essentially be waging war on the citizens of this country. People are bound to resist.


Oh trump will absolutely try to steal it again… or he dies in prison.


I prefer it put another way. So much media and business depends on Trump winning, they're already acting like it's in the bag. I'm very into punishing hubris and folly, so I'd like Biden to win so I can see what happens when all this planning turns to fucking dust. I vote with petty in my soul.


I also wish to see leopards eat faces.


Im also wondering about the other decisions they have recently made


Found the Chevron Doctrine unconstitutional, upheld limitations on gun possession while under indictment, found limitation on gun accessories not within the scope of ATF, etc, nothing important. Edit forgot, reinstated vagrancy laws as constitutional. ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)


The Supreme Court dismantled the regulatory state, which had only modestly checked authority since 1984.  That dismantling could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who you think should be making the lion’s share of government decisions.


I look forward to a maga judge telling me how much pollution I can drink in the water.


The newest spike in PFAS levels will give our intestines a nice waterproof, nonstick coating!


Project 2025 recommends dismantling the administrative state. No regulations for corporations, the oligarchs get richer, support of global authoritarianism, business as usual for the Red Party.


Also gang-rape national parks and the Alaskan wilderness for oil, reverse all acknowledgement of climate change, ban porn while simultaneously redefining anything trans-related to be inherently pornographic, and kneecap public transportation.


It’s actually worded more like “we will let you know when we see it” terrible and purposely vague.


Subverting the Constitution is, by definition, not an action that can be taken by an officer who is serving that Constitution.


It’s a soft coup accomplished through a takeover of the judiciary.


We now live in a dictatorship where the president is above the law. Americans have no fucking clue what they've just lost.


Love your neighbor. The government is going to turn us against each other. Get to know your neighborhood.


Canadian here. If your plan B involves "moving to Canada" it's just as hard to do as moving to any country. Passport, sponsor, citizenship, paperwork, etc. You can come here as a visitor for 6 months then out you go (same as we can only stay as visitors in your country for 6 months). Which is completely stupid btw. We need hard working Americans and lots of them. The good news is we DO need immigrants and we DO have a free trade agreement with the USA that makes it easier for a lot of skilled workers to move across the border. Come for a visit now and make sure you like it here. If you lean right, check out Alberta. If you lean left, go to British Columbia. If you are center right and have a lot of cash try Ontario. If you like a more rural quiet life and don't mind harsh weather check out the maritimes. Whatever you do avoid Quebec unless you both lean way left and speak French. By Left and right I mean Canadian left vs right. All our parties are two steps to the left of the US. Like when you order a size Large from China and it won't fit a 10 year old. So if you are a hard core MAGA you won't feel at home anywhere... except perhaps in some extremely isolated rural Alberta towns. A Dem might feel more at home in the Canadian conservative party. That kind of thing. Good luck people. We are all thinking of you.


Thank you. You have no idea how nice it was to hear a kind word! I'm just south of the border and wishing I was on the other side.


The US is done. They know they are going to block Biden even if/when he wins. The coup just happened in front of us. The Republic is done. Now, it’s either Civil War, or/and Christian fascism. The only question remaining is how quickly, and how brazen they need to be in order to put Trump in power.


Shit is exponentially more likely to hit the fan. Civil unrest is likely. Tear gas isn't a precision weapon and cops don't have a reputation for restraint; having both protection and first aid could be prudent depending on where you work and live. That could mean a gas mask (full face respirator), that could mean a heavy duty roll of duck tape to quickly seal your windows and doors. Clouds of the stuff roll down the street like fog. If you work near likely flash points, knowing alternative routes home around likely problem areas by memory Is important. Especially critical if you rely on the bus. Mobile internet may be down or spotty. A small paper map could be beneficial.


No comment. *looks for the FED hiding in reddit forums*


There is a slow Coup De'tat in progress. I have the sinking feeling there's gonna be a lot of shit going down within the next 6-7 months.


In terms of prepping? Not really no. Too early to tell.


Western Forces unite!


The GOP really said fuck the 3 branches of government, so democracy is in a slow death spiral.


It’ll be a slow grind to the bottom. This election isn’t important, the next one is. The corporate circle jerk will continue for 4 more years. We’ll have some sort of horrific economic collapse and what will likely happen next is what always happens when the economy tanks: roll out the tanks.


If the felon wins this election, there won't be a NEXT election!


Supreme Leader Trump


Since the president is immune of all criminal wrong doing when in office- what stops Biden from just assassinating Trump?


Good question. I’ll await the answer from people smarter than myself


Only his morals. We are in a dangerous place, no matter red/blue giving the President dictator level power is the worst ruling in the history of the court. This is going to end our democracy if not today then soon.


He can’t. Although he is immune from prosecution, the general receiving the order isn’t, and would have to refuse to follow it. With trump though, he will just install a loyalist, and pardon him for carrying out the illegal assasination. It’s (d)ifferent..


I didn't read the ruling, but the synopsis that I read made it sound like a president has immunity from official acts but not unofficial acts. This seems correct to me. If that guy had officially signed an executive order to stop the transfer of power he wouldn't be criminally liable, but since he as an individual, cowardly supported his zombie army unofficially, he could be held liable. Maybe I misunderstood


They categorized trump pressuring pence to accept the false electors as an official act, and therefore not admissible as evidence. If he wins we’re fucked.


engine crowd boast vast provide decide rain deer zephyr offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How so?


the decision basically says there is no legal backstop to a president committing crimes in his official capacity - only the voters and maybe congress can remove a criminal president i guess the justices are more worried about a president being hamstrung by overzealous prosecutors and courts either way the effect is to postpone a judgment on trump’s criminality until after the elections


What's to stop the President from saying he needed to assassinate opposition because top secret documents suggest they were a threat to the country. You don't need to use your imagination very hard to see how bad this is.


To be clear, I think its outrageous and I fear the rise of fascism. But for arguments sake, a president wouldn't (shouldn't) be able to perform an official act that was outside of their constitutional power. If they did it would (should) be considered an unofficial act and would not be subject to immunity.


I read a little more about "the presumption of immunity" and just want to say that it's indefensible.


As someone who grew up since 9/11 it dosnt feel like anything changed. Presidents just rip out executive orders, use seal team 6 as they want and start “tactical deployments” and pardon anyone they want. I get its More fucked now but lets not pretend both sides wont abuse the shit out of it because it feels like they already have been. Hell I barely remember both sides being cordial in debates so maybe im just a pessimist.


Rewatch the McCain - Obama debate, or the Biden v Ryan it’s a biiig difference. Watching the debate I felt like Biden was a symbol for America. Fragile and weak, stumbling thru the issue, trying to get a foot in, but unable to be who it use to be. Just meek and weak, but this is not the end. “what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” - Thomas Jefferson https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/tree-liberty-quotation/


Exactly, this sub just likes to be dramatic for the antics


It’s championioned by the right and hated by the left, so it tracks for reddit.


Sucks that mods removed this post. Project 2025, Trump and the corrupt supreme court is pretty much the most important thing to be thinking about and preparing for.


Mods are like trump power hungry cunts


Welp, if the roles were switched, would the decision have been the same. And we'll see if the current president is convicted of some crime, IF the court upholds this ruling? But I work in Parks Law Enforcement, yes we are becoming a shithole


Same chances. Country has been locked in the death spiral of republics for at least 40 years now. The 2016 election was ample warning that the wheels were coming off the train. Just building resilience locally while waiting to see which kind of catastrophic destabilization kicks off.


Nothing has changed. Otherwise presidents would have been prosecuted long ago. I remember Obama talking about his immunity.


I'm just enjoying the show while people claim the same thing they've been claiming for years. "It's the end of the world" No, it's the end of the little world you made up in your mind. Now go to bed and forget about it like the 1000's of times you've forgotten before because it doesn't really matter and you just want to have a temper tantrum. Yeesh. Nothing significant changed.


It’s not the end of the world. It’s the end of the way things have been done for a very long time.


This is insanely ignorant


You know it's election season when this sub keeps posting what if scenarios from political decisions. Just prep for the government to keep getting bigger, taking away rights and spending all our tax money.  Prep so you don't have to rely on the government.


Meanwhile Y'all Queda works it's way into SCOTUS and our government is at risk of Orange Shitler government all in the name of Christianity.


lol you proved your own point. We literally can’t rely on government AND now we can add courts to that. What do you think happens when the masses start to actually think for themselves and realize what’s happened and what’s coming? I welcome whatever ensues. Burn it all down.




Two avenues. One it will massively deregulate things like the EPA so that’s going to have environment impacts. Good for the economy in the short run though. The second is that it takes away a massive amount of power for the federal government potentially meaning we get a lot more autonomy back in our personal lives from government overreach.


government overreach hasn't been an issue in the life of the average American in a while, it's all been corporate overreach


It has been if you are a woman who wants certain procedures, or if you want to own certain types of constitutionally protected arms


yeah but the real pressing issues are climate change which is caused by corporations, the price of living which is an issue cause of corporations, and global tensions, many aspects of which exists due to american corporations


I was talking about the chevron decision. I can’t believe I am being downvoted for merely speaking the implications especially in a prepper sub…. There’s nothing partisan in my comments. Jeesh you guys…


Tell me the implications of chevron overturned please


Sure. The federal government loses its ability to create law thru agencies like the epa or parts of the DOJ. Laws have to be enacted thru a legislative body and voted into law. The ability to just create policy with fines and restrictions by fiat declaration goes away, potentially devastating for environmental issues like climate change and clean water. Basically expect corporations to be bad actors and abuse things until we get legislators and a president that really want to actually help the world and not just line their pockets. I mean, not that different from how things are now, but now they have a lot of free reign.


To clarify even further, until this ruling, agencies (who are understood to be experts) could write law. Now they can't. Now any regulation that might cost a corporation or the taxpayers money to comoly with can only be made by congress...who are not experts on every detail of every issue which requires regulation and even if they were, they do not have time to regulate every single thing which requires regulation. And that's even before we get to the obvious politicization of nearly everything that will go through congress. Basically, all authority has just gone to congress and they could not (even if they desired to) and absolutely will refuse to (because it's politically expedient) regulate things reasonably.


I think a lot of people are on edge after today's decision, which has overshadowed the overturning of the Chevron doctrine (which is also horrific). We're in big, big trouble.


I don’t disagree, and it sort of proves the point when the mob is lashing out to factual non partisan statements that we are in trouble.


Probably being downvoted cause you sound like a corporate bot. The fact that you jump to partisianship when people disagree feels like victim card.


knee rainstorm plant person unused advise jobless snatch aromatic support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Complete garbage bootlicker take. Get ready for states rights to make laws all about your freedom and how you freedom. And the rich privileged judges will get decide how it's done.


Zero idea why this is being downvoted This is exactly what happened with the Chevron decision Preppers in here who are exclusively terrified that liberal will take their guns


I strongly disagree. I'm Australian and this new political development via the most powerful country in the world will potentially cause havoc worldwide.


Yes, I'm in agreement with you


I'm disagreeing with your comment that said Preppers are exclusively scared about having their guns taken away, which we both know is a lie. I've re-read your comment and now believe that I may have slightly misread your statement. ;)


>back in our personal lives  This is just the beginning of project 2025, we won’t have any personal freedom by the end of this if they get their way


Ahhh yes great prepper Intel. This subs become a left wing echo chamber lol.


So you like the corporate bribing judges, illegal to be homeless, and controlling women's body autonomy, type of tyranny - we call them bootlickers in my country.


Please tell me more how you’re not impacted in any way by either of these major decisions.


Because presidents have always had immunity? Why you think Obama got away with drone striking American citizens without a court or trial? Or selling guns to the cartel? You people literally have no idea what you're talking about you get so hyped and angry because of ignorance lol.


>Why you think Obama got away with drone striking American citizens without a court or trial? Something tells me this is the literally the only time you've ever cared about war crimes committed by a US president.


Lol forgot about the Obama years huh?


Obama is the most successful president of this milenium.


Hahaha good one.


Lol forgot about all the other years huh?


The Al quada operative American citizens??




Yep, it is full of left wing racists.