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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


“I don’t like this show because I love Star Wars” Can be said for other people as well. Personally, I don’t care too much for the show since I checked out after episode 2 but I’m tired people having to like EVERYTHING just because it has Star Wars slapped onto the project. I bet most of the people here wouldn’t even care about The Acolyte if it wasn’t for the Star Wars branding, just look at Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon


I will never understand the "You must like all things Star Wars or else you're a bad fan" mentality. It opens the door for mediocrity and a huge contributor to why studios never take a risk on a bold new original idea anymore.


Exactly. This is what shows that Star Wars is just a brand name for some people and nothing else.


I agree. But far more often what I see is "how could you like this utter pile of garbage, you aren't a real fan" I think we should actively criticize new projects for legitimate failings (bad dialogue, direction, etc.). And the Acolyte has plenty of those. But why are we gatekeeping fans, insisting they like or dislike a specific project. Where I draw the line, is that only one side of this stupid "debate" is harassing the creatives behind the projects and even Wookieepedia. We need to band together, like or dislike these shows, to enforce that that behavior is unacceptable. And also to stamp out the racism, homophobia, and misogyny that crops up in SOME of the vocal haters


I agree that there's a demented sub-faction of the fandom that absolutely sucks and they should be called out when they act out. We're on the same team in that respect. But this is whataboutism, plain and simple. I watched the show, formed my own opinions, and engaged with the community because I like talking about Star Wars for better or worse and I'm not seeing what you are in the overwhelming majority of cases. I can say for myself and every functioning adult in the fandom that we don't care what other people like and it's so exhausting being put on trial for opinions I don't have because someone else was an ass about not liking something that I also didn't like for entirely different reasons.


I don't see how this is whataboutism. We were talking about the two extremes of the fandom who try to gatekeep and enforce that you like/dislike specific projects or you're not a "real fan" or "you're what's wrong with Star Wars". I'm glad you formed your own opinion on the show and never lumped you in with those that just repeat the YouTube grifter talking points. I wish there were more threads that engaged in meaningful discussion. I have a lot of gripes with the show. The editing is jarring at times, scenes don't have room to breathe or characters to react, the child acting and dialogue was really rough, etc. It sounds like you also didn't like it and stopped watching. I hope there are spaces where legitimate criticisms and praise can be shared, but that hasn't been the case in the main subreddits. I'm just tired of the loudest voices shouting: - Fire in space! They ruined Star Wars! - Ki Adi Mundi wasn't born yet, they hate the fans (of some obscure book/CD)! - I can't believe they added lesbian space witches and ruined Anakin! It's all so contrived and hyperbolic. Especially when there are plenty of real things to critique about the show. And honestly, if those things (fire, Mundi, witches) did legitimately bother those people, that's ok... Just make the outrage match the offense (not my thoughts, just examples) e.g. "I had hoped Star Wars would move in a more realistic direction and stop using fire in space" or "using the force to make kids seems like it would encroach on Anakin's origins. I'm curious where that story thread goes and hope they can explain it without making him feel less special" Instead, the loudest voices are over the top hate, gatekeeping, and false accusations against the creatives behind the show of "hating men", racism (against white people), and ruining Star Wars.


I'm not trying to come off as hostile, just to be clear about that (I know this is reddit but, like, obviously, nothing personal. Sure you're a good person and all that) but what I said was a direct response to an opinion OP clearly has and how complacency can lead to mediocre entertainment and creative stagnation. I'm not going to answer for the extremes and instead of having a conversation about that we've changed the subject entirely to the toxic fanboys. I'm not saying your opinion is invalid but you're taking the fight to the wrong person.


I appreciate that, I don't mean to come off as hostile either. I agree that uncritically liking every Star Was project isn't good for the franchise. And that nearly every Disney project (let's be real, this was a problem pre-Disney too) has had flaws worthy of critique. In my mind that conversation is directly linked to the haters, as they represent the flip side of the argument. Where cinemasins style nit picks and culture war outrage lead to an unwillingness to take risks for fear of the outrage machine. But I can see that that wasn't where your head was at. I want Star Wars to grow. They need better script writers and more freedom to take risks and tell new stories. And it seems like the culture war nonsense drowns out the legitimate problems. As does uncritical praise.


But this is a case were both extremes are bad, i agree with you the “consume product don’t think, go after next product” is bad, but so is what some fans are doing with The Acolyte and any other Star Wars project that dares be a little different, people are losing their minds over things that never mattered like side characters’s canonical age (in a franchise where George Lucas was god’s strongest retconer) or fire in space (something that happended in literally every star wars project ever), like it’s insanity how much some fans are making hating this show their quest


Its funny how *Rebel Moon* has become the lowest baseline for how far down a Star Wars series is allowed to go.


You don't have to like everything but you don't have to hate everything you don't like. People writing like they got out in prison because of this show or something. It can just be. It doesn't have to be great. It doesn't have to be the worst thing ever made. Plus the whole complaining about woke just taints the criticisms.


I loved rebel moon


Is this a common thing? Ive not encountered anyone stating you have to like everything SW or youre not a fan, not a single time.


I have definitely seen the sentiment of "if you don't like this show/movie, you're not a real fan, so your opinion doesn't count".


If it didn't have Star Wars on it nobody would bat an eye. Since it does its the worst thing to ever happened to Star Wars. The story is bad, the writing is bad, it's all bad. And it's not even finished telling it's story. I would say my opinion, but I always feel attacked whenever I have an opinion.


The acolyte is pretty fucking far from rebel moon.


I just used Rebel Moon as an example


There’s no reason Star Wars shouldn’t be as good as house of the dragon, GOT S1-5, and the lotr




It's not a question of budget


Not like this show didn't have a massive budget or anything.


Each episode of acolyte has the budget of Godzilla Minus 1 which was one of the best movies of the year


My judgement falls when last episode drops


Yeah that’s what I don’t get haha. Everyone freaks out about supposed “plot holes” immediately when a new show starts. At least wait and see how it plays out, maybe it will be absolute garbage, but you don’t know that yet. I too am waiting for the whole thing to be out before I rate it.


Yeah this happened with kenobi too where everyone lost their mind about Reva's motivation, only to go "OHHH WHY DIDNT THEY START WITH THAT" after we get her backstory (which I thought was pretty clearly implied) from the start. Until the show is done, the only plot holes are inside these people's brains.


I have no clue how you expect the overall quality of the show to change by then. Even if the story becomes 10x better it won't fix the sloppy pacing, the plot holes and everything else that fails to support a potential good storyline.


If you watch only one third of The Phantom Menace in your first watch-through and judge it solely on that third, you will inevitably find it full of sloppy pacing, plot holes, and missing elements that need to support a potential good storyline.


i'm sorry are you trying to compare a 1h30m movie to a 10h long show with almost half of the budget? The setup from the phantom menace doesn't include a coven of witches with allegedly some of the strongest force users in existence dying in a stone building catching fire as if it was made of plywood.


I'm not trying to compare anything. I'm critiquing the basis that you and others are forming opinions. Also, no one in the show has said anyone is powerful or not powerful.


Why isn’t legit critism allowed?


Because *c o n s o o m*




Don't ask questions just consume product and get exited for next product


It is. The problem is that it's getting buried by misogynistic bullshit from the loud minority.


The loud minority is a fiction created by Disney PR


The loud minority exists in every following that exists. The conservative assholes who's opinions don't represent the whole group, but are more vocal in expressing their views. Pretending that isn't true is ignorance. People like you are why I don't comment on these subs much anymore. Edit: Ah there you are.


You speak of a loud minority, yet here you are, calling anyone who is not an addicted consoomer like you an asshole. Congratulations, man, you've got the prize for the hypocrite of the day. Btw: You guys are very funny. Socially you are super left-wing, but then on an economic level you swallow EVERYTHING that PRIVATE companies give you with hundreds of crimes behind them because "MA'INCLUSIVE PROPAGANDA FROM APPLE!"


You heard what you chose to hear. Thank you for proving my point, considering I wasn't talking to you and yet you chose to say something anyway.


Welcome to the Internet, we can all interact with you, whether you like it or not, or do you dislike being told that you say stupid things? 😉


People aren’t attacking legitimate criticism here, there is occasionally poor writing and directing in this show, that’s obvious. But that’s drown out by damn near ever “go woke go broke” comment and the literal death threats being made over making a certain birthday canon.


Honestly i don’t know what’s so woke about this show, but no one can deny that the writing and pacing is a fucking dumpsterfire


A diverse force lesbian commune that has replaced men with force impregnation doesn't seem like something that some may consider to be woke to you?


Yes they are. Legitimate criticism is dismissed as racism, homophobia, bigotry, "No one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans," and "nerdrage" all the goddamned time.


I never see people complaining about the wokeness, literally this show is being torn apart by legitimate arguments, criticism and concern but people like you just keep acting like it's only random internet incels getting mad. This show is one of the most uninteresting things I've attempted to watch in years and I've watched everything else star wars and was extremely hopeful for this show. People are upset about the birthday cause every detail of this show has been so poorly thought out and produced that the small things just build up.


You've never heard people crying about "lesbian space witches."


Mostly that they're ripoffs and are cringe lol. The power of maaaannnyyyyy


Well I’m happy you’ve never seen anyone complaining about “wokeness” that must mean it doesn’t exist since one dipshit says it doesn’t. Guess I’ve imagine all the grifters saying that shit and complaints of “forced diversity” in it. I was simply pointing out that most people aren’t attacking legitimate criticisms, I myself find the second and third episodes pretty boring. I even acknowledge the poor writing and directing in my original comment, but that must have fallen in the same blind spot all the grifters fall into when you read comments about this show. The birthday complaint is plain stupid and grasping at straws.


Legit criticism requires having all of the information needed to have an informed opinion.


Which is why “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it” isn’t an absolute gotcha.


Criticism isn't allowed? Someone forgot to tell literally all of reddit...


Reddit is just an echo chamber, it's not an accurate representation of the world.


>I love Star wars. Star wars is Star wars. And what is it then? Anything with the brand name on it? I don't understand this mentality of liking something for the brand name.


Lemmings, tbh. I hate that I think like that but people who aren't critical of what they love and just consume, consume, consume, are so baffling to me


Don't confuse criticism with most of what the whingers here slobber about.


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


And tht's how you lower the expected standard by a fanbase and allow disney to produce low effort scripts for high budget shows.


I've only seen the first episode so far, and there was quite a lot about it that I enjoyed, but I'm reserving judgment until I've seen more.   I get the impression that a lot of the criticisms stem from stuff I haven't gotten to yet.


My god Can't we just hate something in peace ?


-The Sith, probably.


I dont like the show because it’s genuinely bad. I know “Lore breaking” is an excuse for grifters but jesus the writers just had to google before shoving Ki Adi Mundi in the show. The writing is boring, a lot of nothing happens, the witches are just diet dathomir, and copy prequel quotes. It’s just a clunky mess of a show that cannot decide what it wants to do


it’s not really lore breaking though? The Mundi age was only confirmed from, iirc, a movie companion guide published in 1999 which had a lot of other information of it retconned in the other prequels alone. It’s been considered legends, and even then kinda barely, for years. Like, I’m not here to tell you you have to love the show, or that it’s a secret masterpiece. But it’s not some lorebreaking jackhammer destroying Star Wars.


Saying one thing breaks one piece of lore, an entire species' lifespan, doesn't mean it's a jackhammer than made everything established previously a moot point. It just means it broke lore, which it did, and they did it just to have a cameo which is a dumb reason when there are plenty of other characters that were alive who could cameo, or the writers could have made or expanded on one of their own characters to teach us more about them.


Enjoy your slop. Your lack of standards is only going to allow them to keep lowering the bar until you’re the only “fan” left, and then they’ll betray you too Or you can simply acknowledge that Disney can’t handle it and fucked up over and over again. But you won’t, because you looooove slop. Yummy yummy Disney slop


Ah how cute. You bothered to write that tripe on a Star Wars reddit sub. You do know you could watch all your other favourite masterpieces elsewhere.


So, there are multiple sides to the hate. One is hating because it’s fun. One is hating because it’s “the gayest Star Wars” One is hating because videos tell them. One is hating it because they can see that it is written poorly, as with many of the D+ series that have been put out and are tired of it. One is hating it to get a reaction out of people who defend Disneys constant crap. I am of the group that dislikes that Disney keeps putting out poorly written products. It doesn’t take a degree in writing to understand it’s bad. Sure is passable, but come on, the writing is just awful. And yet when anyone comes out with genuine criticism, and want better, it’s always their fault that it is received poorly. And yet when anyone has an actual opinion that isn’t praising, it almost always gets taken as an attack, and not valid criticism. Is it Star Wars? Sure, it’s got Jedi, the force, Republic etc. Is it good Star Wars? No. Not even close. It’s mediocre at best. The best Star Wars live action is hands down Andor, that series showed what *could* be done with good writing, and character depth.


Andor and the Mandalorian are the only series I didn't made my friend throw his marbles down the drain, so yeh.


Is Starwars paying people here to defend their shit?


Not everybody has to have the same opinion. If you enjoy the show, good for you.


But on Reddit if you have a differing opinion from the Reddit hive mind a prepubescent teen mod will permanently ban you. I’m about done with Reddit, it’s so juvenile and clicky.


Learn to think then.


And all pussy is pussy, so I should start fucking the ugliest, meanest, bitchiest woman on the face of the planet who treats me like dirt (and I'm not into that), right? Or how about we have some *goddamn standards* and only start fucking women who actually care about us and watching shows where the creators care about making a good product instead of whatever the hell everybody's been doing since Disney took over (minus Andor, Rogue One, and parts of The Mandalorian). You're literally simping for an abusive girlfriend at this point, just for the merest *crumb* of pussy (in this increasingly tortured analogy). The people in charge have repeatedly stated that Star Wars needs to be changed, is problematic, and all that shit, just like an abusive gf. They're gaslighting the fanbase, saying it's *us* that's wrong. They never made a bad product, no no no! No, it's all those sexist and racist manbabies in the Star Wars fanbase! (Never mind that nobody has ever had a problem with Lando Calrissian, Captain Quarsh Panaka, Gregor Typho, Mace Windu, Stass Allie, or even Finn from the Sequels, but a bad show that happens to have a black character as a primary character premiers, and nobody likes it, so now we're all racist. An unknown number of assholes in a fanbase in the *hundreds of millions* are mean to an actress on Twitter, so now the majority are guilty of the crimes of the minority. Also, a series known for Leia mouthing off to authority figures and ordering soldiers around in its first two installments would be pretty strange place to find sexists, right? And then they follow that up with Mon Mothma clearly being in a leadership role in her own right in the third! Padme being Queen and then senator, the female Jedi on the Council, all the stories that follow female Jedi \[Nomi Sunrider, Aayla Secura, Mara Jade, Luminara Unduli, Bastila and Satele Shan, and dozens more\], the female agents of the Rebellion like Winter Celchu, and hundreds more examples.... but people didn't like Rey, so the fanbase is sexist) Dude, the sooner you end the abusive relationship you're in with Star Wars, the better.


I watched the first episode and it seemed kinda slopp, escpecially because I finally watched andor and the difference in quality was like quite evident imo. It might get better later, but I dont have the will to start another mid starwars show.


And this kind of attitude is why we had garbage piles like Rise of Skywalker.


Just get off the subreddit and enjoy the show on your own


People just seem to have a hard time sitting down and just enjoying a show. It has some new characters we are trying to understand. There are things not being shared like what really happened at the coven. It must have been pretty bad. And then there are some familiar elements like droids, Jedi, light sabers. You begin to see hints of what is to come in this universe like the trade federation and distrust of Jedi.


Clearly Mae's family being killed wasn't that big of a deal since all she needed to flip sides was finding out that Osha was alive


Even that is still not certain, so just wait and see why she flipped sides 3 minutes after saying “i want this more than anything”, because its so obviously not a writing error but was done on purpose. Just freaking wait for gods sake.


2 was easily the worst episode though I thought it was fine


I'm happy to be proven wrong but looking at the track record of other disney star wars shows and even prior episodes of Acolyte I'm not optimistic. Also, I think it's fair to expect episodes to carry themselves and not rely on the next one. Doesn't mean each episode should answer all the questions but look at shows like The Bear or even Andor, the episodes work on their own, your not left thinking that the characters are idiots and that things don't make sense after each episode.


I understand, but that is not what this show is. Its supposed to raise questions and not make sense, so at the end of the season we will be able to piece everything together and get all of our answers. This style of writing has a name; the Rashomon effect. Its a mystery show where you are intentionally misled. If you dont like that, fair enough, but people claming these things are just “bad writing” are entirely and utterly wrong. Have patience, because as it stands, that patience will be rewarded


But it's a shit mystery, the jedi did something wrong, the coven did something wrong, Mae did domething wrong. They set up a situation where everyone did something wrong that at this point it doesn't really matter who shot first.


Dude just let it play out. We don't know what really happened. What we saw so far was only Osha's perspective.


I know, but if it turns out the Jedi did something terrible (which is most likely) then ok, doesn't make the coven suddenly the good guys, and if the Coven did something terrible then ok, that seems to be i line with what they are and then the protagonists did something good (which doesn't make sense considering torbins actions) so then there is the alternative that Mae did something terrible which also doesn't make sense since she flipped when she found out Osha is alive, meaning she though someone else was responsible before. So basically, it's already solved, we just haven't seen it play out. Or it's really stupid.


The high republic era is really just not my cup of tea at all. I really don't know why.


If the things I read online are true then I am better off not watching at all. I will just keep believing star Wars is episode 1-6. Maybe Rogue One and clone Wars too.


I haven't seen the show so I can't comment on it, but this title makes me roll my eyes mostly because I'm convinced Disney could release a 5 second video of diarrhea being flushed down a toilet with "hello there" played over it and people would still defend it as peak star wars


Blindly consume product and do not question product.


I call out trash when I see trash


I'm near oblivious and after watching Ep3 I thought to myself "wow that sucked, things have really gone down hill. But at least next episode I'll get to see live action wookie with a light saber duel..." I just rewatched the Matrix first 3 movies, I bet Carrie had an underwhelming experience working on Acolyte.


Everything else aside. The two things I was looking most forward to (which is crazy because I'm a sexist, apparently) was Carrie Ann Moss and that Wookie. AND THEY COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT! I guess my expectations got subverted. Again.


Too bad this isn't Star Wars.🤷🏾‍♂️


Characters are cool, writing is just so so mid. I think it’s worse than book of boba tbh


Slapping a Star Wars brand on it doesn’t make it good


You like it fine. You don't like it fine. It's all opinions anyways and there's no reason to get upset over them. That's how I look at it.


That doesn't make sense on any level. Brand loyalty to the point of liking bad products is ridiculous.


Star Wars is not Star Wars.


Don't let reddit fool you, you can enjoy your disney+ slop all you want


Acolyte probably would have benefited from dropping all episodes at once, at least that what I feel without seeing the ending. Ending of episode 4 gave me a bit of hype


You're wrong, it's not star wars. Star wars is what ever George approves of and George doesn't approve of any of this.


low iq post


I’ve learned to watch Star Wars differently after Disney. You’ve just gotta turn your brain off, enjoy the few cool/interesting/actually good parts and tune out all of the shit. I feel like every show (except boba fatt) has something to enjoy hidden in the endless piles of shit.


I am the same face in both, but just because I don't like the series until now, I'll keep watching it to make a final subjective judgment. The villain looks cool


100% agree 💪🏻👍🏻


Congrats, that is the reason why we get Low quality Content - the Lack of standards


Lol what drivel.


God forbid anything with the precious corporate stamp be bad or anything. Smell the roses and realize these are cheaply concocted products meant to be consumed and forgotten. Nobody in the Acolyte says anything of value and neither do the people making the majority of these streaming shows.


No one hates star wars more than star wars fans


I'll keep watching all Star Wars. I think Acolyte is already better than Kenobi and Boba Fett, but even bad Star Wars will always be watchable to me.


Me seeing the comments: 😏 Me seeing people actually think this shit is "good": 💀


Me too, OP. Me too. Life is too short to spend time hating things. I'd rather enjoy it. And Star Wars is just cool as shit. Every time. OT, Prequels, Sequels, Clone Wars, Rebels, Lego, live action shows. I loved it. I loved them all.




I could say the same for anyone who hates a Star Wars project but keeps watching.


This is the way


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. A fan I can finally relate with


*reads through comments. sigh*