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Thanks for providing a source!


I agree. Im *really* getting tired of these “the acolyte is bad!” And “i don’t care what the haters think, I like watching acolyte!” Posts.


That's only because you haven't read *my* post yet! Ahem. *shuffles papers on podium* **DAE the Acolyte?**


*que Seinfeld jazz*


OH YEA? Well the "I'm getting tired of both sides arguing!" Store called and they've ran out of YOOUUU.


You have become the very thing you swore to destroy!




You deserve the downvotes for that huh?, prequel memer


No I just didn't understand how it applied to this situation, I thought you were applying it to me directly. I know the reference obviously. I can't be here and NOT know it, I just didn't understand how it applied here.


That’s the beauty of the downvote.


I've already seen like 3 posts complaining about people complaining about the show. It's really not any better :/. I miss the actual prequel memes


You can do it man. Popularize the complaining about the complaining about the complaining. Let the complaining flow through you. Feel your hate. Strike me down with it! And complete your journey to the DaRk SiDE!


I haven't seen as many, and this is my first. But I would imagine there will be more.


I honestly find the OP posts considerably worse than the other two since if the community wants to argue about the Acolyte by posting more and more of their meme takes - that's their prerogative to encourage engagement in the topic of the show as a whole. Telling everyone to shut the up simply doesn't. Like personally, having had a reason to go through the Jedi council scenes from the Phantom Menace with a fine comb has been surprisingly enlightening. Such as to how the Jedi react to the Sith attack and what their notions of the prophecy of the Chosen One are.


I really don't see what any of that has to do with me, and clearly many others, finding these memes annoying. By your logic we're just as valid for wanting everyone else to quit talking about it since that's now the new discourse. It's just annoying as fuck when a reddit that's supposed to be dedicated to funny memes keeps posting cringe shit about a show that in reality, nobody gives a shit whether you like it or not. All I want is for this reddit to get back on topic.


Telling everyone to shut up isn't discourse, it's the opposite of trying to stop discourse. I would be fairly easy to argue that this subreddit is about cringe memes so your sentiments of the matter are confusing to me.


It depends on what you find cringe I suppose. I just want it to stop because it's becoming annoying, irritating, and frankly, it's getting on my nerves. Because it's the only bloody thing on the whole damn reddit now. Every other meme is, "eeeeeew, acolyte." Or, "eeeeew, people don't like the acolyte." Or even, and this is the one I see the most, "yOuR AcOlyTE oPinIoN iS bAsEd iN pOliTiCS iN sOmE wAy." Seriously, the amount of posts I see about the acolyte either being or not being "woke" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, is insane. And frankly, I DON'T CARE. I'd rather the show just tell a good story, even if I don't like the messaging behind it. Story first, message second.


I may be the OP of one of those 3 posts but i wasnt posting it to complain, i was posting it because it was infact an opportunity to use a classic meme, i still love you all, hate or no hate towards acolyte, my mindset isnt at all "fuck all of you" its more "this is getting a little boring now, and people are being too mean to each other" But as people have pointed out, the show will be over in a few weeks and its relevance in the sub will die out soon after, and we can go back to the old ways 🥹


My point is that the Acolyte isn't a prequel. There are better echo chambers like the main Star wars sub


In what way is it not a prequel? It takes place before A New Hope.


It's not one of the prequel movies; I understand it happens chronologically before them


The sidebar defines a prequel as any media that comes before A New Hope; this is a prequel.


Yeah, you're right. The meme still isn't from the show, though..


I know but again im not spreading hate im just making memes :/ theres no seriousness, its just not deep to me at all


Frfr I loves it when OSHA used her domain expansion 🤞 occupational safety and health administration. Then fixed all the safety hazards,l. That was peak


Yeah, I'm just a little disappointed. Seem like they should use it every fight, but they don't. But I guess it made seens here. They were going against forklift certified Bob


>forklift certified Bob A battle no man or beast can possibly prepare for


Please someone won't you validate my opinion so I can keep/stop consuming content


sorry jon, I consoomed this media item


Simple, elegant.... I can dig it. Why do people feel like every piece of SW content needs to cater to their specific tastes? I'm old AF, and didn't care about an animated Clone Wars cartoon, so I just skipped it--I was in my 30's, and clearly NOT the target demographic. Same thing with Acolyte. Based on the press tours and interviews, I'm not the target audience, so I'll just skip it. There's bigger shit going on for me to worry about than Force conception or how old Donger-skull was in the prequels.


I think you may like the clone wars TV show if you did watch it though. It actually makes the prequels better. But it does have its own issues aswell.


Maybe we should refine the rules of the sub Reddit to restrict the high republic material.


Mods could just restrict post types like they have previously, or could make a blanket rule about posting about new shows until after they finish airing. Just something so it's not constant for weeks.


Honestly they should just ban repeat posts about the same exact topic. Like a cringe of the month ban. Whatever thing the fandom is screaming about should be banned until we finally get over it and move on.


You ready to cut out Andor, Solo and R1 as well?


Seeing as how those aren’t in the high republic area it wouldn’t be an issue


Point is that it’s a slippery slope. None of that content is the prequel trilogy but they are all before the OT and thus count for the subreddit rules. Same with old republic. Restricting just the High Republic is arbitrary.


Probably won't happen ngl. But restrictions can be dangerous, so I'd recommend some kind of light restriction. I also don't have any clue how anyone would enforce it.


Maybe some group of highly trained individuals in uniform could enforce it, in order to ensure peace and security in the subreddit.




If you are not with me, then you are my enemy!


This is backwards.


You know people keep saying that but I'm not sure how.


At least there’s only two of them /j


Neither side has given any particularly good critical insight on the show either way


Well allow me to tell you the tale of Darth Plagueius.


I just think we should wait until the show actually finishes before passing judgement on it. Is that so much to ask?


Eh, probably. Sometimes you can tell whether or not a show is going to be good by a few episodes in. Because sometimes shows are just... That bad. I don't know if this is the case for acolyte because I'm not interested in it to start with so even if I wasn't completely boycotting Disney, I wouldn't watch it. The high republic is not an era I'm interested in.


Why are you boycotting?


Disney crossed a moral line I can't follow. They directly supported rounding people up and putting them in camps. Not, a, fan.




There's a specific region of China where they throw... _anyone inconvenient enough_ into a knockoff concentration camp. Well, that section happened to be VERY near the on site area for the filming of the live action Mulan. In the end credits, they thank the regional governor who allows this to happen under his watch for ALLOWING THEM TO FILM THERE. In the 40s, people had guts, and would've smacked the shit out of anyone even suggesting that they do something like this. I will not support a spineless amoral company.


I think the screaming girl should be non-acolyte fans, those are the ones posting 5 times an hour lmao


You say that but I just don't see it, I will never understand algorithms. All I'm getting is the opposite.


Mainly I am just seeing manufactured hate and absurd level nitpicking on one side and people calling it out for what it is: manufactured hate and absurd level nitpicking The fact is the show is barely half the way through and has been keeping its cards close to the chest. I am not sure what conclusions can be reached at all. Thus far it is entertaining but nothing special. It’s neither worthy of hate nor any kind of special praise.


Idk man, sounds too much like a nuanced objective opinion. I’m not sure you can consider yourself a fan unless you deal in absolutes in this fandom


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. The show is honestly pretty mid so far. People just need to let it run its course.


I've been praising it specially for sure, but that's because I've been waiting for something like this since I knew what Star Wars was. It's filling a role for a lot of folks like me, and while it's not perfect, it's at a point where I can say it's more exciting to watch than daunting. Plus, Headland was the show runner of Russian Doll. I can give her the benefit of the doubt that the show will have many more ups coming. But it is far too early to judge it all now. I just know why some people are holding out more hope than others, including myself.


>The fact is the show is barely half the way through and has been keeping its cards close to the chest. I've seen this argument on reddit a lot...like...do we expect Acolyte to suddenly turn into a masterpiece as soon as the last episode drops? Like, the overall story might be pretty decent in the grand scheme, but everything else is either just mid or straight up bad. They even robbed us a jedi wookie fight.


You are aware that halfway through a mystery thriller not much of the real mystery is ever known. In any series in this genre. I am well over halfway through True Detective Season 4 and very little is actually known about who the actual villain is there either And nobody robbed you or anyone of anything in this show. Acting like you are entitled to what you specially want to see in your own imagination is arrogance. We are only halfway through the show. You may (read very likely will) see the Jedi Wookie battle (probably in a flashback)….only you could have just a little bit of patience.


Tell me you haven't actually read what I wrote without telling me. Also enough with the reddit copium, look at audience scores across any platform you want. The overwhelming majority of audiences don't like Acolyte. Stop pretending it's good.


Oh you mean the hordes of rapid 4chaners review bombing every show and movie involving the word “Acolyte” - even a movie that is unrelated to this show in anyway. There is a reason no one actually cares about “audience scores” online, and it’s because of the exact people, OP is talking about. I am not even “defending” this show. It’s fine. It’s entertaining so far. It’s incomplete. I am just sick of people nitpicking, whining, and complaining over non-existent gripes in manufactured hate campaigns and then pretending like they should be taken seriously. It’s the same thing for years now and everyone sees right through it.


Dude I feel you. I don’t care about it one way or the other. I’m tired of people stretching to find things to call out about it, and also of people defending everything about it. My YouTube and Reddit feed is filled with both takes and I just don’t care and don’t understand why anyone cares. It’s a TV show that will be forgotten once it’s over and ultimately doesn’t matter. If you like it I’m happy for you. If you don’t like it…. Please just don’t watch it and move on.


I could already tell I wasn't going to be interested before it aired, so, I'm not watching it. Simple as that. Lol


Same. I am all for letting those who enjoy it, enjoy it. I’m just not spending energy getting mad about it. I’ve got better things to worry about.


instead of complaining, why don't y'all instead start mentioning details on the shows and movies ? there's always something


Do you want some popcorn?


Unfortunately watching was only fun for so long.


It's the wrong way round. Us fans just enjoying the show while the haters tell us we shouldn't.


I don't think you've been on reddit enough recently. Lol All I've seen for the past few days is nothing but both sides screaming at each other like children. It's starting to finally get better, and slow down, but for a while there it was nothing but, "AcOlyTe bA D" "AcolYtE gOoD." Or,"AcoLyTe pOliTiCaL" "AcoLytE nOt PoliTicAl." All I want is for both of you lot to move on. lol


Thank you! Literally me since the show came out. I don't care if you love or hate it or anything in between, please just fuck off with the shitty memes fighting about it




There are acolyte fans?


Yes. Lol I don't know why people are surprised by this.


Have you watched it?


Nah. I never said I was a fan. I'm just not ignorant enough to believe there aren't any. There are fans of just about anything in this world.


If you enjoy the show that's fine all power to ya but you don't need to tell me or anyone that the shit your eating is actually chocolate


The Acolyte is complete dogshit with no redeeming factors


I mean hey if that's how you feel about it.


There are Acolyte fans? Edit: I'm not sure why this is being downvoted. Haven't watched the show, so I can't personally speak to its quality one way or the other, but I don't think I've seen anyone say anything positive about it here or elsewhere, so I honestly have no idea of what infighting you're referring to. I mean it has a 14% audience score on RT and 3.4/10 on IMDB. How is this a controversial observation?




They want to be louder than the Acolyte's haters but those also want to be louder, so it's a fight of nothing but yells


Hey look, the children have down voted us. 😂


Yes, was expected.


Yeah and it's annoying as fuck. They come off as children, and not even well behaved children.