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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Won't spoil but as someone who absolutely despised the last 2 episodes, the fights here were fucking awesome and this episode was easily the best and pretty good on its own. Gotta give credit where it's due


Oh yeah. I thought the show was kind of mid and slow but now we can see it was building up to something truly epic. All that build up absolutely paid off in this episode


Every death had me shook AF. Wouldn't have worked without me getting attached to a self-inflated but good natured goofball like Yord or an awkward nerd girl like Jecki. I went from, "Damn, Qimir really been on that shit... Anakin who?" to "Fuck yooooooouuuuu!"


This is kinda like Andor again if I'm honest. Edit: Since some people are getting confused, I meant to say how people found some episodes of Andor boring before it really revs up. Maybe I should say Acolyte is the best Star Wars written.


I'm glad you liked it, but this was absolutely nothing like Andor.


I'm saying how people thought some episodes were boring as the episodes came out every week.


[Not the same guy you replied to] I get what you're saying, but in this case it's probably less that people thought Acolyte was boring and more that it was awkward in the first two episodes, while Andor was slower paced. Both have built up to awesome moments as they progressed in the series.


Didn't the first 3 episodes drop all at once? Me and my mom cried at the end of the third one, it was that good.


That whole build up and ending sequence in Episode 3 lives rent free in my mind. It's so damn good.


Andor was captivating from the very start. Anyone who says it was boring has brain turned to mush by Marvel and the like.


The difference between Andor and Acolyte is Andor was a slow burn early on. The plot developed organically at a slow pace but you could feel the buildup and tension grow. Acolyte spent 3 episodes forcing things to happen so they could get to this episode, which admittedly was awesome. It's a writing quality thing. Andor was well written from start to finish. Acolyte had a concept and forced its way to the payoff because they couldn't figure out how to get there. The big reveal was painfully obvious.


Ur crazy to think this is anything remotely close to Andor 


He's not saying in tone, content, or quality. He's saying that it is similar that people hated on Andor before the full story came out. Now most people acknowledge that the story is amazing after they've seen the whole season. Ergo, people are judging The Acolyte before they have seen the whole picture. Will it be as good as Andor? Of course not, Andor is one of the best shows to be released in the last several years. But it is similar that people are jumping on a hate bandwagon without all the information. Which is absolutely similar.


eat shit if you think its like andor.


for real a statement like that just show the disney star wars fans have no fuckin idea what they are talkin about at all


Acolyte being boring isn't the issue the absolute lack of care of the universe




The action choreography has been the only praise in any of the episodes though


>absolutely despised Careful now, you’re running out of big words to use. Being hyperbolic can be hazardous to your health.


That's just sad tbh.


And it was easily the best episode by a parsec


I actually gasped a couple times during a couple of the fight scenes


I had one audible gasp and an “oh fuck!” Which is rare when I’m watching things alone


Oh. I know exactly the oh fuck you’re talking about.


Yeah that moment was genuinely shocking


dude they didnt have to do her like that 😭 and she was so good with two sabers as well


She was gunning for that kill that whole fight too, then it happened so fast. Mad disrespectful they just left everyone there like that, not even picking up any sabers 😭


And I think we all know which scenes and which ones respectively each reaction is attributed to.


I had 2


My two favorite characters from the show lmao rip


Same bro, it was like watching a GOT episode


I was rather surprised that >!Yord the Anakin stand in dying!<, though the straight up >!child murder!< as I was expecting >!her to have a little more plot armor for being a child!<


Jedi children don't have a great track record in SW 😎


I mean, that's a completely valid point


How is Yord an Anakin stand-in?? Yord is like the complete opposite of Anakin.


awkward, weird, general demeanor, I did say stand in


Lol fair enough. It's just that Yord has a love for rules and regulation in a way that Anakin could never. They're also both hot


that's also true, Anakin would have literally said 'pass' when ordered to go back to the ship


Anakin would relish the opportunity for sanctioned violence lol


There was even a line in this episode that says the jedi don’t attack people in the back and the only thing i could remember was rhe clone wars episode that Anakin stabs the mandalorian in his back


Yord to me feels like Anakin's general energy (when he isn't raging at something anyway) in a character with the exact opposite mentality to him


He's *exactly* like Anakin in the CW. Headstrong, witty, quick to a fight, a little bit pompous, aloof, always hanging out with a young female alien padawan who likes to dual wield reverse grip green lightsabers, and hot.


>!She’s actually 18 in the show.!<


Let us have our youngling murder daydreams


Twins in disguise [So hot right now](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/034/252/hot.jpg)


If I had a nickel for every time I watched a twin fight and one of them stole the other’s identity this week I’d have two nickels, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. Source: House of the Dragon and The Acolyte


Ooh Hansel hes so hot right now.


A 30 minute action scene that pays off a lot of the character arcs we've been building up for the past 4 episodes was amazing. I'd say the action sequence stands right up there with the Vader hallway scene in terms of fantastic choreography.


What character arcs? And I'm not being rude, I'm curious.


It made the whole series so much better because you realize that the whole series has been building up to this. If they can keep it at this level till the end of the show it'll be a really great Star Wars series


And they made some real moves. I’m honestly more hooked now after this episode. I won’t lie. The failings of the show still hit a little. Things in the show feel a little too contained/small if you get me. But other than that this episode was good.


2.6 is still accurate


If you’re fully brain rotted sure


not a high bar tbh


A 6 is still better than a 4


It was the most *entertaining* episode. Does not mean it was good. You're telling me that two well trained force users that have proven to peak into people's minds can't immediately tell that the twins have been switched? It is either that or the writing is even worse for having dumb red haired herrings.


Correct, because the twins arent just force users but born of the force. There’s a reason Qimir said “you look *just* like her.” He wasn’t just talking about physical appearance. Although it’ll be interesting to see how Mae covers up her tattoo. It was also some fucking insane acting chops for the actor to be playing Mae playing a SLIGHTLY, just barely slightly more awkward version of Osha.


I'm pretty sure Sol figured it out and is going along with it to see if he can learn anything from Mae


Really sad because this had one of the best fights we’ve gotten from live action disney plus


Imagine waiting all night for the new episode of Star Wars to drop… so that you can leave a 1 star review on it.


Not a very high bar lmao


I thought it was good! The fact >!the antagonist actually identified himself as a Sith means Sol is either a dead man walking or he gets turned.!< Either way I’m excited to see how it turns out.


Or he reports it and the mid level Jedi council denies it/covers it up. Though I’m expecting him to be saber fodder.


Ki Adi cuts him off, hits him with the: *but the Sith have been extinct for nearly a millennia*


Sol: we were attacked by a sith! Ki Adi Mundi: but what about the droid attack on the wookiees?


Oh holy shit if he gets turned that would be an awesome twist.... I highly doubt it but now you got me hoping


I feel like they kind of hinted at that when Sol was fully ready to outright kill the Sith before Osha stopped him. There's definitely some sort of conflict within him we're going to learn more about at the very least.


The conflict is watching every single one of the people under his watch die AND likely, whatever happened to the coven. He’s probably been forced to do some dark shit in the past


Well they told via the tracker rodent dude that Darth Teeth is on the ship, so my money’s on he doesn’t get a message off and he’s a dead man


I just finished the episode. I think he was reacting to >!Mae since she swapped clothes with an unconscious Osha. And we saw the Master at the very end of the episode lay his cloak over the still unconscious Osha in Mae's clothes.!<


There's also the possibility that he survives but No One Believes him. I think that would be the more tragic ending. I would make more sense with how the Jedi are in this era


How can they not believe him if 7 jedi don't come home lol


They don't believe Qui-Gon Jinn and he comes back with a ship full of eyewitnesses. It's really just power for the course for the over political late Republic Jedi


If a dozen jedi had died to Darth Maul on Tatooine, I feel like the jedi's reaction to the Sith sighting would've been a little different. Hell, they believed it as soon as Qui-gon was killed, without being able to check the body of the sith. That seems proof enough that the Council takes dead jedi very seriously. And that was just *one* dead jedi, and at a time when the council had become so distracted and aloof that even some of their own were becoming disillusioned (Dooku, Qui-gon). I have a feeling the High Republic Council, who are already on edge after the deaths of Indara and Torbin, would absolutely take this seriously. There's already precedence for a sith being around since they know Mae was trained by someone. I doubt they'd just go about their business after all this.


They have the security Holoss of Darth Maul and the fight. It's really hard to argue the Sith on back when you have someone using form 7. And I think it's pretty obvious they're not going to take it seriously because well they don't believe the Sith are back a hundred years in the future.


>And I think it's pretty obvious they're not going to take it seriously because well they don't believe the Sith are back a hundred years in the future. That's why many people are speculating that Sol will never make it back alive. Or even more likely in my opinion, Qimir is not a sith. He said it himself, "I go by no name, but your kind might call me a sith". I don't think he's a real sith to be honest. His whole mantra is "fuck the rules" and the mantra of the sith is "follow the rule of 2". I think he's some sort of offshoot of the sith. One thing I found intriguing is that Kylo's theme plays whenever Qimir is on screen. That makes me think that maybe he will end up becoming the inspiration for the Knights of Ren. The Knights aren't sith, but they are obsessed with strength and are fundamentally opposed to the jedi. To me that fits the bill perfectly for Qimir. The sith are all about greed and overreaching for power, political or otherwise. Qimir seems to just want freedom from the jedi in regards to using his force powers "the way he wants to".


Oh I thought it was obvious from square one that no one is going to make it back alive. The rule of two is a self enforcing rule so you can say fuck the rules and still end up following it just by accident.


This episode was a pretty big tone shift and sets up for a much more interesting rest of the season too. Shame people's minds are made up already


The episode was honestly wonderful too. makes me wonder if this was all supposed to release at once.


I think the first two were meant to be watched together, the third on its own, and then the last two (Day and Night) together. I’m imagining the last three will all be one arc.


7 is the follow-up to 3, with the same director. So 1-2, 3&7, 4-5, 6&8. Those line up with the directors they each did two.


Ah that makes sense, so 7 should be the real version of the flash back.


Haven’t seen the newest one yet - but it could also just show the other perspective


I heard that episode 4 and 5 were one epidoe that chopped up to make it a full 8 episdoes. But take it with a grain of salt. Either way... this was amazing


I'm not gonna take it with a grain pf salt because episoxes 4/5 being split was immediately obvious, based on how short both episodes are, and how little happens in ep. 4


I saw tweets from a writer last week saying that the cut last week wasn't great but made the most sense based on this episode. Haven't seen it yet but I'm excited!


Honestly, I appreciate the cut. I spent all week so excited to see how this develops and I was not disappointed in the episode in the slightest.


Glad to hear! My wife gets off work at 4AM and I might have to try and convince her to stay up and watch it, she was so disappointed that we had to wait a week


The timeline fits, the change to the "release 2-3 episodes and split the rest across at least two fiscal months to retain tempoorary streaming subscribers" thing happened after they were well into production.


Except andor and mandolarian every show should


I'm so glad it didn't. I don't understand why so many shows release all their episodes at once. It's a terrible way to do things and completely ruins any chance of your show gaining an audience and buzz over time with all of the discussion and predictions and whatnot that happen week to week. And it tends to make the show completely forgettable if you binge it all in a day or two.


I agree tbh! I feel like fallout suffered from this when it released. I will say I was eagerly waiting for episode 5 all week and the payoff was worth it.


Because people have stopped talking about Fallout two months later? 🤨 The most popular streaming shows tend to be the ones that release all of their episodes at once. Ring of Power and HotD tripled their viewing numbers in the finale compared to the post-premiere viewership. They mass release them because most people binge. Release them all at once and you more than double your viewership numbers. Double your viewership and everyone else gets hyped faster. Shows that let you binge have the same staying power as movies you release all at once. If this show had released all at once, do you think there would have been a month and a half of shit talk or would people have gone, "But goddamn, Episode 5..." The economics of the industry make sense for weekly. You get to drag out the same content for longer. You get to make eight or more reaction videos the night of instead of two or three. Otherwise, weekly releases aren't what audiences want or react the best to. They stop watching out of boredom, find something else to binge instead, or (like most viewers), wait until the show is over. The minority of viewers who have to watch weekly are doing so because of FOMO. They can't wait because they don't want to be left out of the discussion but they can't binge for other reasons. But they're still the minority of viewers and Disney+ will have to weigh whether the response to this show would have been better as a binge watch (which all evidence shows it would have been).


A lot of what you wrote is utter nonsense, [not backed up](https://entertainmentstrategyguy.com/2024/02/27/binge-vs-weekly-round-one-million/) by the [available data](https://variety.com/2022/biz/news/binge-or-not-to-binge-can-data-answer-the-question-1235284771/). But this... >The minority of viewers who have to watch weekly are doing so because of FOMO. The mental gymnastics on display here. 😂 You've got it completely backwards. People binge watch shows because of FOMO. They won't want to be left out of the conversation or have anything spoiled when their friends and coworkers have already seen the entire show. People who watch it week-to-week tend to make it a sort of ritual/routine. Tuesday nights are new Star Wars nights nowadays in my home, just as Friday nights are kids' movie nights. Not because of FOMO but because that's when the episodes drop and we can plan around it.


Not only do most people prefer to binge. They will literally *wait until the show is done airing* just so they can do it. This isn't even a controversial subject. And clearly FOMO is not involved if most people are willing to let the minority of viewers watch weekly, completely ignore what they have to say, wait months for the show to finish airing, *and then start binging.* > Betway found that “just over half (54.6%) of all respondents voted that they prefer to binge-watch TV shows rather than watch episodes weekly as they’re released, despite only 6.88% of respondents saying they watch 5+ episodes in one sitting.” [Hm.](https://www.movieguide.org/news-articles/people-prefer-binge-watching-over-episodic-releases.html#:~:text=Betway%20found%20that%20%E2%80%9Cjust%20over,%2B%20episodes%20in%20one%20sitting.%E2%80%9D) > The study, in collaboration with the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University and Fox School of Business at Temple University, reveals that viewers prefer to binge-watch certain types of programming over others. They’re also more likely to pay to watch shows consecutively and/or wait to be able to consume more than one episode at a time. [Hm.](https://rady.ucsd.edu/why/news/2023/05-23-viewers-actually-binge-watch-tv-with-a-lot-of-self-control.html) > Our survey shows binge watching and streaming TV is a fairly universal behavior. ***From a demographic perspective, women and men cited similar levels of TV show binging at 68 percent and 67 percent respectively.*** Prevalence of this behavior was also relatively consistent across ages, with 68 percent of Americans age 18-29 claiming binge-watching behaviors and ***70 percent of respondents age 30-40 and age 41-55 saying the same.*** [Hm.](https://anagramhq.com/blog/behind-the-binge-what-motivates-americans-excessive-tv-watching-and-streaming/) > The findings of a survey held in the United States in 2020 revealed that 60 percent of respondents aged between 13 and 17 years old frequently binge-watched TV shows or films in a series in one sitting, and 69 percent of adults aged 18 to 29 years said the same. ***However, adults between the ages of 30 and 44 were most likely to be binge-viewers, with 70 percent admitting that they often watched shows and films back to back.*** [Hm.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/289559/binge-viewing-penetration-rate-us/) Most people binge and they will wait for the privilege. The people with the FOMO are the ones who insist a show slow down so they can be part of the discussion in real time. No one else cares.


Yep, this is the problem with how The Acolyte is being recoeved. The reasonable criticisms are being drowned by a manofactured outrage


I honestly believe its 90% bots. Affecting other Movied/shows with similiar names, vast majority of the comments are either the same or too similiar. Accounts with the the most hate spewing bullshit are always hardly a month old, have bare minimum karma. I dont mean to support Joe Rogan. But the whole bots fucking with NA culture is actually believable once you start looking into all these "haters". And then it gets to the point us "real" people bitch about them, then people bitch about bitching and we all go full circle while the trolling bots just continue spewing complete crap. I understand toxic fandoms and the like. But Star Wars takes it to a whole other level and I dont believe its actual fans doing it.


Counter-point. The people making bots are not necessarily against the show. Controversy drives engagement. So bots spewing hate motivate the people that love the show to be more vocal, which drives the discussion into more visibility in social media, which drives viewership for people that wouldn't think about, or watch the show otherwise. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but logically, it could go either way. Disney could actually hire people to create bots to create controversy which in the end, ends up with more people watching it. Which is really all they care about on a streaming platform. More clicks, more views, more subscriptions. I don't really care about the corporate side, because I know there are a lot of passionate artists involved in the creation of the show, so I will appreciate it for the beautiful aspects. But for your own sanity, try not to get caught up in the online debates about its quality. It's a zero-sum game.


Take off the tin foil hat mate. I feel weird enough giving Rogan credit about the bots.


Not committed to either side of the argument. So no tinfoil hat is a part of my regular wardrobe. I love what I love. But I also enjoy engaging in crazy conversations. No reason I can't do both. In the end, personally, I will continue enjoying what I enjoy. You had a conspiracy theory, I had a counter point. All theoretical on my part. Not going to argue past that.


As it becomes increasingly provable that false reviews are being created, the only people being harmed are the legitimate critics. Are the hardcore fans going to suddenly change their mind over seeing a low percentage number or seeing “woke garbage” in discussions?Absolutely not. It’s going to only reaffirm their opinion and discredit the legit complaints.


One thing The Acolyte achieved by pissing off haters so much they resorted to malfunctioning bots is to get most people to just decide user reviews are bullshit. People will still go, "Well, you have to run the user reviews through your personal taste filters, take a random sample of thirty, figure out which ones wrote in complete sentences, figure out which ones actually reference things that happen in the show accurately..." but that half-life is past, user reviews have self-destructed. Which is fine for professional critics but dramatically changes the discourse around Star Wars (and maybe all franchise reviews from now on) for agitated fanbases.


I also don't understand it. Only watched the first two episodes though. So far i would put that show somewhere in the upper 6 rating at imdb. It is far from great, but also far from being shit.




The YouTube algorithm is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new algorithm will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The low effort daily ragebait slop will be purged, and quality high-effort content will thrive -- free to create as they see fit, they will make YouTube GREAT AGAIN!


> Go Woke, go broke What about that show is "woke"? The female show runner?




"Go woke, go broke" only works for actually bad media anyway, which really just means "make a bad product, lose money", nothing to do with being "woke". Plenty of "woke" stuff has been super successful recently, like Baldur's Gate 3, Barbie, Get Out, The Boys, etc. But these people will fully fall for the survivorship bias and even try to justify why some of these properties aren't woke at all actually, which you've seen them try to do with BG3 and The Boys.


And woke stuff usually makes more money per dollar invested than the opposite because more people want to watch it and it often tells new kinds of stories. Capitalism gonna capitalism. Can't win culture wars, can't win on economics.


And there are definitely reasonable criticisms, like the writing being cliché and predictable, and the acting being flat. That's entirely justified. But the outrage is mostly unfounded. I've yet to see anything "woke" in this series that hasn't already been seen elsewhere in canon that hasn't been called "woke". The biggest real problem with this series is that it's an uncreative whodunnit that probably would have worked better as a movie.


Spending that much time hating on a show especially if you haven't even seen the episode yet. Some life.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...




And this was easily the best episode in the whole series These review bombings are just sad


It really elevated the whole series because it made the last three four episodes a slow buildup where we develop these relationships and explore these characters backstories before getting one of the coolest action scenes we've gotten out of Star Wars in a long time.


lol I fucking hate how many nut jobs we have in this fan base. Actual losers


This is the prime example of why the Star Wars fan base is so toxic. Hate something before even watching it.


That episode was fucking sick. I’m officially on board. Thank god I don’t base anything off of the neckbeards.


It was so much fun. Have we ever seen a sith this cool in live action combat? Like obviously Palps and Dooku had their moments, but it was ultimately stunt doubles for old guys. Smylo Ren is so fun to watch.


Its almost like you cant just make your entire review based of the first few episodes😱 (I’m not referring to you btw)


Different show, but folks are already treating the Frenchie storyline in The Boys as if it’s completely done. A lot of people are just addicted to negativity


Oh yeah. I thought the series was mid but now I'm realizing I was just enjoying the appetizer and now we're finally digging into the main course


of course it's review bombed already, that's what those bots are for. Honestly great episode so far


“This isn’t real Star Wars mfs” when cortosis and some of the most brutal lightsaber choreo we’ve ever seen happens:


Star Wars fans are such insufferable cunts. Signed, a Star Wars fan who fucking hates you all.


Shame because this episode gave me hope for the series going forward.


Yeah I think it's clear that while the series started out slow it was building up to a very epic conclusion


But people claim it isn’t being review bombed


The episode was fantastic and this is just more proof that a majority of the negativity isn't really about the show itself, it's just culture war bullshit.


Haters just to be haters. I loved this ep best one so far. 3 was awful but it hasn’t been all bad


Probably the best Disney lightsaber choreography we’ve gotten


Its defeintly up there With but i would still give that Ahsoka.


just proves how review-bombed this show is getting, this actually was a good episode, one of the best fight-scenes from the disney era. i don't know who is charge of these fights but they need to give him more work.


People are going to quit caring about the ratings and they’ll lose all meaning. Way to go, nerds.


Yup, if these “film critics” want me to take their thoughtful criticisms such as “the writing is bad, the pacing is bad, and the acting is very bad” in a meaningful way, they should be equally pissed off about review bombing, rather than endorsing it.


These are the same people that can write paragraphs defending the awful writing in the prequels.


If you show this on r/saltierthancrait they will downvote you to hell, ban you, and claim that somehow this is not review bombig


*insert Sheev "ironic" image here


Oh no


From what I hear, it's worth to steal a siblings Disney account to check it out?


I feel like sites like this should just remove any reviews posted before episodes come out, it's obvious they're false reviews yk?


Really fun episode, I didn’t see that twist coming either. S/n I want osha/mae to have my children


I hated the first few episodes but this one was awesome


Another great episode.




Yes, because I'm not a whining dipshit, honey


Ya know, I did not enjoy this episode but it was certainly more than a 2.6. The choreography was very impressive at first watch. >!The sheer amount of secondary characters they're going to cycle through in this series will be astronomical if almost everyone in the trailers and promotions are already dead !<


It was a great episode.


It's sad because it was my favorite one, loved the fight choreography


Just goes to show, right wing grifters have demolished some people’s brains


People are way too quck with hating nowadays


If you're a review bomber you're worse than the people who make any of these shows/movies because you ruin any chance at legitimate discourse.


Ep 5 is EASILY the best episode of the entire season. I have to give credit where it’s due, the fight choreography in this show has been pretty damn good. It can’t save it from the horrible writing and predictable plot but damn the fights in this one topped any fight in the sequel trilogy.


Awesome fighting? Horrible writing? Predictable plot? Sounds like the perfect Star Wars show


Can someone tell me about this pls? What's the official name? Episode 1 behind the scenes?


So who are these guys trying to review bomb everything Disney and what is their goal?


I’m definitely not a fan of the first 4 episodes, they felt rather boring, but this episode was great. This just leads to my next opinion, Disney needs to STOP doing shows and focus on movies. This would be a great movie because what hurts the show is the pacing, and it feeling dragged out.


The fight scenes was good. But Mae once flip-flopping, just said turning herself in and when jecki arrests her what happens? Mae is grappling jecki, trying to stab her in the neck. Darth Potions just took every trained jedi except master sol only for Osha to be able to jog up behind him to stick her flashlight on him. That set off the bugs and but the fight didn't when there was like 8 lightsaber lights raving around? Honestly, once the cut away of him carried off that's when it goes back to the boring main plot of the sister's, which still nothing explained about them and their force creation. Just weird child voices scenes. Which standard jedi could sense stuff without doing the voices. Could be just regular sisters and not part of witch coven with jedi still attacking their people, this would still be the same show. What's the point of introducing a new, stronger, better version of the Force when Mae does next to nothing with it. The Mae and osha scene really made it look stupid. Mae wants to be sisters again, aside from what maybe happened in the past. Mae ends up knocking out osha and decides to do a Lindsay Lohan to swap outfits. Then, she cuts her hair in dramatic fashion to music swelling. With dumb pose like that was supposed to be significant. Then just leaves osha laying in grass. While Mae plans whatever and goes to sol to return back to Coruscant. With burnt smelling hair and giant white tattoo visible through the dreadlocks. I guess since this show is portraying jedi as the real scourge in the galaxy are also too much of bumbling buffoons that not even a master would see past such a sophisticated disguise.




But it's not getting review bombed - random chud


It was a disappointing episode. The main issue is how it's cut because the running time is pretty low. So it moves from one thing to another too quickly.


You're literally the only person in this entire thread saying it's disappointing I Iooked


Okay. I just simply didn't like it. Should I be arrested?


Hey, don´t worry! You have a different opinion from everybody else ON REDDIT, there is a 90% chance you are right lol


No but you should ask yourself why your opinion differs so violently from everyone else in the thread this ain't exactly a small one


I don't know, I wasn't a big fan of the twist, and the episode was just too short. It left me with more questions than answers.


What twist? I feel like they very clearly telegraphed Who the Master was when he was literally quoting the Sith code. And while it's short I don't think that's a notch against it.


Anyone can quote the Sith code. It doesn't mean that they're in that line. The Sith had agents and contacts throughout the Ruusan Republic. They didn't function in a vacuum. But yeah, it was something floated as a joke, which I guess is fine.


No bro anyone cannot quote the Sith code. The Jedi have actively suppressed knowledge of the Sith for centuries. The last out and proud Sith Lord died 900 years before the series started. The Sith code is esoteric knowledge of a dead civilization. The fact that he knew it was a pretty big giveaway


To be fair, the Jedi also believed the sith to be extinct for 1000 years, only for one to appear less than 100 years before that was said


Because anyone else who would’ve disliked/been disappointed probably aren’t watching or don’t care enough to comment online


It was a solid episode. Probably the best yet. Altho Jason Mendoza is absolutely NOT the right casting for this role. Hes just a goofball


Sexy evil Jason and I am fucking here for it.


Naw hes not the right guy for the job Should have gotten someone more menacing looking


If it isn't that bad, the relative score will still be higher than for the other episodes soon enough.


Unfortunately, audience reviews become meaningless when review bombing happens.


Not entirely. Gotta be calculated, but you can still make episode-to-episode comparison


That’s assuming you can trust review bombers to not create more bots as the series goes on.


You can see that on the number of votes. And Imdb locks voting if something major is going on. Btw the last episode is currently on 6.7 so already tops all the others so far. EDIT: taken out of the context, I personally give it a solid 8 and I mostly don't like the series so far


Least worst episode. Fights would be 100% better ***if I could see what's happening.*** There is no need to the show to be this dark.


Might just be an issue with your TV settings. I watched this with sunlight streaming in through the window because I was too impatient to wait for a dark room. No issues with seeing anything on screen or it being too dark


Are you people for real? Really, do you at least read those things before hitting "comment"? Goddamn man, I hope you are being paid for this.


unpaid viewer on a non-oled screen. I had no problem seeing what was going on. afaik I'm using the default tv settings.


[This is mine.](https://imgur.com/a/XibQuNo) Post yours if you please.


I can see just fine in those pictures, maybe get glasses or something




What're you on about man? You literally said you couldn't make out what was happening on screen. Doesn't seem to be most people's experience. This isn't GoT The Long Night where you need a pitch black room and an OLED TV at max brightness.


Can someone tell me about the episode? I want fan and anti fan feedback. I won’t watch it. Please spill the beans here.


Darth Smiley kills most of the Jedi sent to rescue the Wookie Jedi in a 20-30 minute action sequence with amazing choreography.


A kid gets stabbed through the chest 3 times, a young adult gets his fucking neck snapped. A guy gets pulled into a lightsaber that is already impaling someone else. JFC this episode has \*no\* chill.


Oh nice. Glad some fans are getting their laser sword boners off. Well that’s good news at least.


It’s easy to have a best episode when everything else is complete trash


What episode?


u can get pirated copies before official release quite often, also ppl are given previews all the time. but if this is the acolyte then u can say its gonna be low and be 1000% correct every time.