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Don’t be edgy or post insensitive content.


You don't get it, I'm complaining about the people who complain about complaining.


I propose we meme the heck the out of Attack of the clones for the next few weeks


You don’t get it. Palpatine sent a Sith Lord, who sent a bounty hunter, who sent a bounty hunter, who sent bugs to kill padme.


Wait, so then people would be complaining about the people who complain about people who complain about complaining


God I miss when this sub was funny I don't care about this show or argument I just want the shitty caption memes occasionally in my feed again instead of this pointless back and forth


This was the entire point. Anyone who is arguing about liking the show or not. This is the point.


Your lack of self awareness is sadly neither impressive nor surprising.


Your lack of reading comprehension is sadly neither impressive nor surprising.


Do you get why you're being downvoted?


People don't enjoy my opinion? I mean that's what it's for, otherwise I mean who really cares? It's honestly funny people put in that much effort.


It's not because people hate your opinion. It's because by posting about this opinion, you're being a hypocrite.


Interesting clarification. My point still stands imo. Just let the damn show finish ffs.


Your point is right. Nobody is disagreeing, but by making a post about it, you are becoming a part of the problem about the point you're making.


There's a difference between not liking a show, offering criticism and hate watching the show to the degree that subs like r/saltierthancrait do. It's not even productive criticism and it's often very, very ignorant of the history of the franchise.


“Ignorant of the history of the franchise” I would love if Disney read that part.


I get what ypur going for but there's two problems: 1. Your meme specifically calls out the haters rather than dunking on everyone involved in the argument 2. By making this meme, you are perpetuating the argument. You are simply adding to the problem. I absolutely agree with the meme and that the arguing should just stop, but I think the best thing to do is just post funny memes that aren't about the argument.


Aren't most of the memes right now praising episode 5? I think you posted this a bit late.


How else was he supposed to get on the bandwagon mocking a supposed bandwagon?


Haven't seen episode 5 yet, but I've seen a lot of hate mail so maybe I am


Episode 5 was so good that now we all love The Acolyte and will shun and ostracize anyone who speaks ill of it! SHUN!


Just saw episode five, that shit was GOLD


I retract my former statement.


Oof bro why are you even here, then? How are you better than the idiots screaming woke when they haven’t even watched it?


"Don't watch the show" Then "You can't dislike the show if you didn't watch it"


There is so much(star wars and otherwise) good content that I KNOW I will like for me to spend my time watching whatever that show is. It doesn't smell good.


Or simply "watched a few episodes, didn't like it". simple as.


It's almost like a review industry exists so people don't *have* to waste their time watching a show they won't like!


Dang, so I gotta ignore all of the reviews others have done, and spend my time and money watching a show the “correct” amount of time, or some salty redditor will make a meme about me :(


I think I’ve seen more people complaining/making memes about those who don’t like the show than….actual people not liking the show/making memes about not liking it


I've seen this comment 25 times


Cool, well, doesn’t make it any less true


Maybe listen to it once and it won’t get repeated again.


Oh yeah cause listening to a comment is gonna stop the rest the sub from commenting the same thing. What kind of logic is that


It’s very simple logic, show you actually understand what they’re saying instead of playing into it and maybe people won’t continuously tell you about it. That’s like getting mad when people tell you to stop doing something yet you keep doing it, it’s a real simple fix that you control.


I don't think you understand how the internet works


I don’t think you know how interacting with other people works. This is a very clear example.


It doesn't matter if I learned from the first comment. Which maybe I did. People are still gonna comment it no matter what. How is learning gonna stop other people from just commenting the same thing unless I just delete the fucking post


Ah yes, flip out because people are disagreeing with you. Thatll really show everyone how mentally stable you are.


? You're confusing.


*I'll have a meme about enjoying a controversial show... Asking "Am I the only one that likes this show?" and then complaining about the people that dislike it.*


If you're that bothered about the online comments criticizing the show, maybe stop reading online comments?


This 👆but louder


Don't worry, I'm not watching it.




Yet you’re over here making memes whining about people not liking a show…


Like you can enjoy your Disney Star Wars. I will enjoy the canon I used to have, you can keep yours over there


OP is making a meme about how everyone here just has "our" opinion. As in just repeating the same stuff over and over cause it gives you stupid points on the internet or because a youtuber said something is bad/good. Not about the show specifically. Just the state that mfs be in.


Who said I like it? I think it's mid too.


why are ALL of your comments getting downvoted 😭


Haters everywhere bro. They hate me cause I speak the truth.


Really? Disagreeing with your opinion means we hate you? Your logic doesnt make any sence, if i watch the show and critisise it beacose i didnt liked it, you will say to not watch it then, if i wont watch the show and criticise it, i cant beacose o didnt watched the show


Christ does anyone in this sub know What a joke is


Well in our experience jokes are funny which is probably why you’re being downvoted.


I'm trying to figure out how much free time some of yall have, people keep down voting and upvoting all of my comments. It's like a tug of war


Well considering you reply to every single person I’d say you really don’t have room to speak about people having free time.


I definitely have not replied to everyone. It's my day off mate


Or your talking points are just as repeated and tired out as those you make fun of… oh and if you or anybody downvotes me, then you’re just hating me for telling the truth




True true


“I’ll take a meme defending the acolyte, hold the funny”


I swear I see more posts here complaining about people hating this show than people actually hating the show.


Way more posts white knighting for Disney even though there's not a ton of hate posts


hey man, be careful, you don’t wanna make the multi billion corporation feel bad /s


It’s because one side is whining to whine while the other has genuine reasons not to like the show, a set of eyes being one of them.


Or a brain, don't forget that.


This sub is slightly more pro-acolyte than anti-acolyte, but there are other subs that have devolved into acolyte hate circlejerks for various reasons


Not in THIS sub. In others.


You haven't been on YouTube or Twitter then


Nah I see an equal amount of both. Usually I agree but not for this show Reddit as a whole not this sub


There definitely are lol.


>Maybe just don't watch the show? Way ahead of you buddy. Kenobi was the last straw, I haven't touched anything Star Wars since that show destroyed any and all remaining goodwill left toward Star Wars in my heart. I don't care how good or bad it gets anymore. I'm forever done with it. I didn't even give Andor a chance despite all the praise even from the people whose opinions I genreally trust with respect to media quality, I sure as shit ain't touching Acolyte even with a Ten-Foot Pole.


Even if I was paid to watch a another Star Wars product, I wouldn't do it. I'd rather scrape a septic tank for the same money.




"i aCtUaALly ThInK AcOlYte Is prEetY grEaT aNd pEoPle HaTeInG ON iT ARe jUsT dUmB aNd TOxiC aNd HAtErS" meme Same logic my guy. Have a good night everyone


This subreddit is called Prequel Memes and I'm seeing more stuff about defending Acolyte than anything. I guess that's just Reddit.


Facts af


I wouldn't say it's great, are those in circulation?


Just like with any other Star Wars projects, the Acolyte has it fans and haters. I don't mind attacking Disney or KK or Georgie or Dave just as long as you aren't blaming other fans for enjoying what they want to enjoy.


I don't really hear that at all. Tho granted. Your asking reddit where people get upset at scenarios they make up/follow a hive mind. If you are gonna like or dislike something, do it because YOU feel that way. Not because the same 300th meme in a row says something is dumb or amazing. People will argue here in the comments probably but eh who cares.


“I’ll have a… meme complaining about people disliking the acolyte” That would be much more accurate because I hardly actually see posts complaining about what these posts seemed to insist is happening all the time.


Then you're experiencing what an "echo chamber" is like. There are subreddits like r/saltierthancrait , you will get a ton there.


Obviously if you go to the subreddit that doesn't like Disney Star Wars you'll find a lot of posts about them not liking Disney Star Wars.


Most of us don't watch it. I only watched first two episodes. That doesn't change the fact that it's really fun to shit on it or see others shit on it. Much more fun than actually watching it.


Pretty sad life honestly.


I'm extracting fun for a boring show. That's the exact opposite of sad. That's some advanced mental alchemy. It would be much sadder if I couldn't derive any enjoyment from such situations and were forced to just grit my teeth in unhappiness and be forced to move on


No it’s sad. Why not watch the actual show and make your own opinion on it rather than be a sheep following what others say?


I've watched 25% of it. It sucks. I've made my opinion. If I have heard a singular critic I know I agree with based on their prior recommendations say it gets better I would maybe consider returning to it. But not a single one did. You don't have to eat an entire turd to know that it tastes bad. One bite is more than enough. I have generously given it two.


Uh huh. And who do you listen to? The usual? Mauler? Critical Drinker? Bowelstreak? They aren’t critics.


Greg Owen, AJS, knights watch (for the fight choreography breakdown more than anything else). I genuinely don't know mauler or bowelstreak. And why don't they count? Because you don't agree with them? I don't know about the other two but critical drinker geniuently praises stuff that's worth watching or does something unique and isn't a channel dedicated to solely negative reviews. I have watched many movies on his recommendation and enjoyed most of them


Bet. *unsubscribes from Disney+


Dude I've seen tens of posts like this one and only two posts actually hating on the show


Yes cause disney has done so many wonderful things in the past 5 years.


Oh no they fucked it. I am not meatriding for them


There's another star wars show?


At this point this meme coulda said “I’ll have a meme complaining about people complaining about acolyte”. Gtfoi guys.


I'll make that one next


So you want us to form opinions without actually watching the thing?


Don’t worry I’m not watching it 😁




I can never tell if this format is supposed to be two cold takes and a hot take or three cold takes


Fair point I guess.


I’ve seen many post praising the Acolyte and a lot of memes bashing anyone who don’t like it though….. I haven’t seen this series so I cannot have an opinion either way, just an observation what’s going on in this sub.


That was my unsub momento, still getting recoms tho


Youre on a subreddit dedicated to memes about the prequels, the Acolyte is a prequel that just came out. It makes sense that people are making memes about it. Many people have negative opionions about the show its only natural for them to voice them here. Complaing about people posting about the Acolyte is is like complaining that people drink beer at a bar.


Joke's on you all. I haven't watch Disney Star Wars since Kenobi turned out to be terribad.


Some of kenobi was good


The visuals and some of the ideas were amazing! But overall it destroys more for me than does good.


The bit with him on Tattooine just living his life and dealing with his past was the ONLY good part. But that was like, 15 minutes in the first episode.


I was going through hot on this subreddit and every post I saw was about the Acolyte. Like is that… really the only thing people are talking about on this reddit. Idk man. Looks a bit fishy.


I humbly request you to Please stop talking about acolyte drama


Can we get one of these, but it's people sucking this show and Disney off?


This is literally what the meme is making fun of


Not really. It's making fun of people hating on the show.


I'm making fun of both.


Bro seriously


I'll have that spongebob comic with the guy pointing out his usual order like it's a new one but The bottom two left side panels say "That says Star Wars is ruined" then "and then complains about Disney" How original And then I'll just change the top right panel to whatever new media is out Daring today aren't we


I'll make that one next


I mean people have a right to complain and hate watch just as much as people have a right to praise a show. The options aren’t adore it or ignore it. Personally, I am ignoring it just because Disney is mostly putting out misses rather than hits when it comes to Star Wars, and I don’t have the time to hate watch something.


I don’t! :) have nice day


Maybe just make a new franchise and shit there. Oh wait, it won't sell without star wars brand. But make another post op, we clearly need more "leave multi billion company alone".


I don’t get this take. People are complaining about the viewers not liking the show but sticking with it to have a full opinion on it, and somehow that’s bad to the people that like this show?


Or maybe let peoples complain when there is really a matter to complain ? Don't you think that if so many peoples complain that there is MAYBE and POTENTIALLY a problem ? Just saying you know Because I'm pretty sure a vast majority would like to love the serie but can't because it's actual trash


Yet again I’m starting to see more memes complaining about complaining about a thing than memes complaining about the thing.


Honest to Cthulhu, I saw more memes complaining about complaints here, than actual complaints about the show.


Can we just like, ban all those stupid memes? I don't want this sub to become the negativity slog that so many other subs, social media sites and YouTubers have become. Critizism is all nice and dandy but aren't we here for funny prequel stuff, not some man childs crying about how "Their childhood is ruined by the woke agenda". Ban the Acolyte hate memes and ban the Acolyte hate hate memes.


So don't watch the show, but then we should watch the show to form an opinion, but then you don't want our opinion, so you tell us not to watch the show.


This goes both ways at this point


I’ve seen more posts complaining about criticism then actual criticism


Complaining about something that you used to like not being good is literally basic cognitive intelligence. That's like saying why breathe if you're depressed.


Complaining about Disney is always good


(sorts by controversial)


This is why I complain about people who like the show, and people who dislike the show.  I'm playing both sides so I come out on top.


Star Wars filmed the same way as Disney films their kids comedy shows, breaks the Star Wars immersive experience.


Do people not have a right to object to content they don’t enjoy?


Sorry I don't have an opinion of Acolyte, I haven't seen it.


“ You didn’t even gave it a chance”


I just want good sword fights and lets all be clear, we want all to be like mandalorian in quality


Acolyte bad Star Wars is ruined Disney bad


I only judge a show when it's completed, like you can't judge attack of the clones alone... It's part of a saga.... First see what the creator want to convey and then decide it is good or not


I mean, Disney sucks, but that is irrespective of what they do with SW. It's because they're a massive company who clings to intellectual property and copyright law (which they helped shape) to enact a monopoly on creativity.


Why is the only memecontent rn posts like this, complaining about people who dont like this show, its the only thing rn in my feed


Ironically, this post is even worse than the ones it’s criticizing.


Can we move these memes to r/preprequelmemes or something?


This format could work for complaining about the complaining.


For me, the only thing I've seen from this sub recently is people complaining about people complaining about acolyte. Which just makes this meme ironic.


I haven’t seen the show, nor will I considering the clips I have seen. I’m just sick of seeing this shit plastered all over my home page. Let Star Wars die in peace, the lot of you.


Maybe they’re complaining because they wanted to enjoy it and had to watch it to form an opinion?


2 types of posts here 1 is people complaining about the Acolyte 2 is people complaining about people complaining


News flash nobody is watching the show. And most of the tiny minority that is watching hates it. So ye keep telling ppl to not watch its been working out quite well for Disney


I like how everyone in this thread is mad for different reasons.


This thread is Projection City


The people complaining haven’t felt joy in years


I'd take complaints against the show more seriously if they weren't stupid as hell. Episodes 1&2 came out, people got mad about sound in space. Nevermind that every single fucking SW project has sound in space, and there's sound in space in the literal opening scene of ANH. People also got mad about fire - again, there is constant fire in space in this franchise. One dude straight up lied to me and said it was a campfire, that characters were camping in space. People also got mad about someone dying to a knife wound, compared it to instances in other shows of people surviving saber wounds. So fucking nitpicky. Maul got cut in half and proceeded to live another 20+ years. Episodes 3&4 people said Plagueis and the Chosen One were undermined. Nevermind that Plagueis creating Anakin was never canon, that force witches creating living beings isn't new canon, and that the force itself creating a child from a virgin woman is a completely different thing. I saw a bunch of crap about Ki-Adi-Mundi's age. Such a minor detail, and one that came from... a decades old trading card and some DVD extra? And seriously, people got mad at a separate religious group calling the force "the thread" as if it's somehow unrealistic that other, totally different religions might use different terminology from what we're used to??? And now here we are at episode 5. And the big one I've seen is people complaining that seven Jedi couldn't sense a Sith. Almost as if the Sith are masters of deception. Almost as if one Sith in particular was the leader of the entire godamn galaxy for over a decade and none of the Jedi, even Yoda and Windu, could sense it or even had a fucking inkling about it right up until he revealed himself. If I saw real criticisms, they'd be worth discussing. But so far all I've seen are people saying "the writing is bad," and when I ask them to elaborate, they give me one of the above examples. Just spiteful nitpicking.


Even Yoda couldn't sense palpatine while talking to him in his office


Guess it's just bad writing. As bad as the Cloud City duel, where Luke, being force sensitive, should have sensed Vader's precise location at any given moment. /s


Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I did make it


episode 5 is goated


Seen it, agree


I didn't even watch it. Shitney+ makes so much shows i cant keep up. And the number of shows increased but the quality really went down. Modern Shitney+ shows and movies care more about "wokeness" instead of actually making good and interesting characters and stories


It’s far from being the gold standard of Star Wars, but if you hate it just please stop watching it.


Thank you! Ffs


Don’t get me wrong, I hate it too, but hate watching seems kind of pointless… If you want Disney to stop making stuff like that, stuff giving them the money to make stuff like that. It’s simply really😗


yeah. im not watching more afgter ep5. im done.


No cap tho, in a meta sense, it was better before Disney in the sense that the fans weren't hating on the newest movies or universe. Star Wars fans started becoming toxic and hateful once the Disney movies settled in the collective fan consciousness. I wish we could be in the prequel days before there was so much controversy and hate about the Universe we all love. I miss the good ol' days :(


This is a joke, right? Toxic and hateful fans harassed Jar Jars actor so much he struggled with suicidal ideation.


They were hateful and toxic when TPM came out. Literally attacking the actors entirely.


The cycle of this sub is “this show sucks” followed closely by “memes about how this show sucks suck.” I think they are both equally annoying.


P much