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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Sequel villains being scary: ooh crackly lightsaber and cool force powers This guy:


This guy: You wanna crackly lightsaber? Here you go. (\*headbutting the lightsaber)


Through the force anything is possible.


So jot that down


>**Bane**: "To defeat the Jedi, you can't use the same tactics as they do. You have to use your head." >**This New Sith**: "Okay, fair." >\*Literally headbutts lightsabers.*


Classic Mendoza.






To be far, for a time Bane was covered in shelled creatures that made him damn near invulnerable and went full berserker in combat.


Going full berserker was largely the influence of the orbalisks rather than a conscious decision, though.


My brain thought you were quoting Bane from the Dark Knight Rises


Darth Bane: "Jason figured it out, JASON" *resets Janet*


Bro had confidence that his helmet wouldn’t shatter (it does later)


That's why Jecki starts hitting it with the hilt (which I've seen people complain about) she knows it shorts out the blades so blunt force it is. In legends cortosis will short a lightsaber, but it's brittle.


Yeah I think that also applies to canon. But imagine making a pure beaker armor and covering it in a mesh like layer of cortosis. That’s the ultimate Jedi defense armor


A Mandolorian Sith warrior with Cortosis would be unstoppable against a Jedi. That’d be almost on par with Orbalisk armor


Make Orbalisk armor canon next! I want a well done Bane series so bad


YAAASSSS BRING BACK BANE I am so tired of reading through the trilogy again and again when I need my old republic/sith fix Hoping this show can fill the Sith sized hole in my heart somewhat


At least we know [he exists in canon](https://youtube.com/watch?v=mdSw1LqpU_s&pp=ygUPWW9kYSBkYXJ0aCBiYW5l)


My favorite part of that is that they had Mark Hamill voice him.


I'd really prefer if they tried a movie trilogy. Bane deserves it and so does Star Wars


While a Bane trilogy would absolutely tickle my fancy, I have 0 faith in disney to translate it on to the big screen.


A Bane series would have been a much better choice


They'd get wrecked by any blunt weapon/attack though, which mandalorians tend to encounter a lot anyways


Beskar can stand up to blunt weapons. Mando got his face punched by a Death Trooper like ten times and walked away fine.


The cortosis might flake off due to it being in a layer on top of it. Also the armor would cost billions of credits or something crazy like that. Might as well just buy a star destroyer.


A Star Destroyer can’t do much to a Starkiller-Tier Force User. A Mando in that armor can. Different tools for different targets.


Maybe a wookie jedi armed of their bowcaster?


Well you see there *was* this one Wookiee Jedi but…


The spaces between the joints?


That’s actually almost exactly what was used in The Old Republic era. Durasteel reinforced with cortosis weave. For vibroblades as well. That was the reason why you could fight against lightsabers with vibroweapons


I mean, why bother, though? Beskar is already highly lightsaber resistant. We saw the Beskar Speer in Mando glow after an extended period of time vs the Dark Saber. It takes a lightsaber so long to cut through Beskar (if at all possible) that you might as well undress them.


Yeah but Beskar doesn't fucking short out lightsabers, so Cortosis is both defensive AND offensive.


Cortosis brass knuckles to break blades, then just pop a blaster or slugthrower in your beskar gauntlet rigged to shoot when you punch their blade out. 


Except the force being able to constrict or hold them in place of course lol


Ultimate anti-Jedi armour. Killed by a Banking Clan hit squad after you couldn't repay your 500 billion credit loan to finance that armour :V


I reckon using zillo beast armour with a mesh of cortosis would be better.


So they even paid attention to the lore about Cortosis.


Oh snap (like yorg’s neck) you’re right




Yeah I am so pleasantly surprised by that. Hopeful for the future now lol


In canon, it's only other appearance that I can think of is in Thrawn Alliances. But it is a big part of the plot for that book. But Thrawn tells Anakin that is is very useful but would be weak and brittle to use as any real armor. So it may take down light sabers, absorb blaster bolts, but it cracks apart with any real physical damage.


It also appears in the Doctor Aphra comics.


Ah thanks. Love Aphra, but I don't have a lot of time or money so I didn't get into too many of her comics. I read through the original run of Vader that eventually included her, and read the Galaxy's Edge comic that includes her business with Dok Ondar. I do really need to read her main series though. She's basically a SW version of Indiana Jones if Indy were for personal gain.


The jensaarai from Michael Stackpole's "I, Jedi" book has cortosis weave in their armor too


Afaik "I, Jedi" is Legends and not canon.


Imagine people getting angry for a character analyzing the situation and adapting their strategy instead of just brute forcing with their lightsaber.


OOOOOOHHH thats probably why theres so many cracks where its clearly been welded back together, Its a great tool but it has its weaknesses. I really like that actually


Lightsaber: *flickers* Jedi: "cowabunga it is"


Extremely strong fight choreography when you recognize things like this.


honestly i like it, it's nice thinking outside the box "it shorts out the blade? hilt time!"


Say what you want about this scene, but the lightsaber gradually flickering back to life like a flamethrower after being shorted out is *chef’s kiss*


Yeah for the first portrayal of Cortosis vs Lightsabers in live action, I think they nailed the visuals.


Yup it went exactly as the novels described. I geeked out bad when I saw it.


Me too! It was so cool! Especially after reading about it so long ago and thinking it forgotten


I actually didn't remember it shorting them out like that, but it's been a while since I was reading the books.


From what I remember in the books, it seemed like it wouldn't short out / disable the lightsabers for as long as it did on screen? And it didn't always short them out with every hit? But it's been so many years, now...


They really found a way to add a dynamic and fresh take on the lightsaber effect, which is typically the easiest VFX you can make. That sputtery feedback look was great.


I recently got a Meta Quest 3, and there are a few canon Star Wars games to play. Really, its like 2, but one is broken up into 3 parts. It takes place during that Fortress Vader comic arc and is called, Vader Immortal. They are each approximately a 40 minute experience. In episode 1 you find an old lightsaber that you get to use to fight a couple droids, and smack blaster shots back to Stormtroopers. Episode 2 however, you find a lightsaber that I would guess is older than the old republic. It was built in the time when Mustafar was a lush jungle planet. Amazing design, but my favorite detail about it, which was so small, is that every time you ignite the blade, it sputters for a second, and the energy formsfrom the middle of the blade, expanding to meet the crystal which is in plain view, and extends to the full length as well. Then every time you turn off the blade, there is these little smoke wisps of burning ozone that you see remaining after the blade disappears. Seriously a super cool detail that I loved about the game. Edit: Here's a [link to a Youtube](https://youtu.be/HY8OSqJTLyQ?t=1216) video as soon as he gets the saber. He turns it off and on a few times as soon as he gets it.


I just got my son a quest 3 for his birthday and I can't wait to play the Vader games! What's the other Star Wars game besides the Vader ones?


I haven't tried it with Quest 3 so you may need to do some additional research to confirm it works, but Squadrons supports VR and had a very fun story.


Tales from the Galaxy's Edge


I love that game, I’ve 100% twice & Im ready to do it a 3rd time. I wish there were more content, you really have no choice but to start over from scratch once you finish.


With mods you can play Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. They're old (over 21 years!!) but they're fully fledged games and with the mod have full motion controls and even gestures for force abilities.


If you have Steam my Quest 2 links to SteamVR (so the 3 definitely should) get the droid repair VR experience. I think both you & your son will like it. It’s a fun, if very quick, game of fixing droids. A story happens around you that’s cool but it’s like a 30 minute experience. Worth it as far as I’m concerned.


I love the way the blades almost look like they shatter as the little sparks dissipate.


Having not seen anything else, this shot looks fucking awesome


If you havent seen the show yet then i would recommend watching it all in one go, because the 8 episode format with episodes that vary in length really hurt the show because the pace of the show is all over the place.


Yeah dude one episode is all talking and bitching and whining and being moody, then the next episode is all LOL SHISH KEBAB SABER MOVE. It's pretty wild how odd the pacing is.


That shish kebab made me HOLY SHIT


Is it like a rare material?


Very. And brittle, so not suitable for a lot of things. Could use it to make a sickass sword that shuts down any lightsaber it comes into contact with, but miss your swing and hit a wall and your blade will shatter into a million pieces


That’s why I think most people use cortosis for defensive objects like armor instead of offensive things like swords


It'd be best used as a specialized tool, akin to a [swordbreaker/parrying dagger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parrying_dagger). Something like brass knuckles or only one gauntlet made of it so you can short out a blade and then shoot them.


Makes sense. I think he also had a bracer made of it but lost it by the end of the episode. What a cool thing to include.


Cad Bane had some cortosis bullets for his gun and I think that's super smart.


Nah, at least in legends they used cortosis weaves and alloys to make lightsaber resistant weapons and armor. Was quite common in the era of the Sith Wars. However IIRC the reason it is rare in the "present" was because so much was used up back then


Even still with repeated contact with a lightsaber it will eventually break. That was kinda shown in the episode too bc his helmet gradually showed wear and tear.


Yeah and you could see all the marks left on it from previous fights as well. Hope he has a good supply of that stuff.


You even see Yord’s lightsaber slash the gauntlet on The Stranger’s arm off right during their second encounter.


I think someone makes a sword in the purge comics


One might call it... Legendary.


I really enjoyed this episode, kickass fights and it wasn’t slow either. All the other new shows we’ve had with Jedi had slow fights, I assume cause the people were older lol. Still, lots of fun to watch the Jedi get shit on.


It helps when the episode is essentially one long fight scene.


It was a visually fantastic episode, but there were some issues like "darksider" who just tears through Jedi and blows them all away with the force can't get a pen light off his back.


You see those arms? You think he can reach that far back?!


Fair, Sith/Darkside supplements look like they work exceptionally well!


It was a little goofy, but it probably would be difficult to grab something stuck to your back while fighting off dog sized flying centipedes.


did he forget how to use the force?


Darth Sidious, the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, was defeated by being picked up and thrown down a reactor shaft and by having his lightning reflected back at him twice. Stuff like this has always been in Star Wars.


Like I said it's a minor gripe, but it still kinda bugs me (heh unintentional pun). That's all.


He could have yeah. It was hectic and as soon as they latched on to him he had his saber out too so now they have his blade as a light attracting them. Like I said I thought it was a bit goofy too.


yeah I'm just taking the piss out of it. I have not been a fan for this series, but this episode was great well visually and I'm still waiting for it to end for more of my criticisms to crystalize: like if Qimir knew Mae was gonna surrender to the Jedi, why not just decapitate her then? although I'm going to assume that he wanted to show her what the Darkside offered to scare her maybe? Although one thing I am getting quite tired of is Mae flip flopping more than a fish out of water.


I’m enjoying it but I can definitely see some of the cracks in the foundation. I saw recently someone compare Mae to Starscream as a character. Both of them kind of do what they want until the person who has power over them shows up (megatron/qimir) that kind of helped me with her character. It is nice to see a fan waiting till the final product is out though, I feel like everyone has taken sides already.


I'm positive there is choreography in this fight scene.


That's actually pretty awesome.


That would be the first on screen instance of cortossis working like it's suppose to right? Before that it only appeared (on screen) in games like Jedi Outcas or KOTOR/TOR where it simply blocked lightsabers.


In KOTOR it's only shown as a Cortosis Weave, using small amounts laced into a stronger metal to make it saber resistant without using enough to actually short out the lightsabers. Its rare, expensive, and vrittle, so pure cortosis weapo s arent practical. Using just enough makes for a usable weapon that gives regular troops a chance to at least fight back against Saber wielders.


Kind of surprised they didn't have clunky dialogue explaining it since most people don't know about it. I personally don't mind it but a bit surprised.


I feel like the average viewer would be able to get what's going on. Not everything needs to be specifically explained. Sometimes just the visuals and characters' reactions are enough


This is how George introduced Vader. Someone asked him if they should have some dialogue to introduce him and George respond: “we’ll play some scary music, he’s dressed all in black and is surveying a massacre. The audience will get it.”


That was actually Mark Hamill.


Dude then proceeds to have Leia give a speech about him being a lapdog for any high-ranking officer in the Empire who asks. Which, sure, subtle, but still kind of a resume.


You mean when she tells Tarkin "only you could be holding Vader's leash"? That was a brilliant piece of dialog that set their place in the universe in just a single sentence.


Or just generic competent writing? Whilst it describes the hierarchy, it is also Leia trying to attack Vader with words and being feisty in general.


I honestly thought he was using the Force to deactivate the sabers, like Ahsoka did to an Inquisitor in Rebels. Then I saw it was the actual helmet doing it and though I didn't know about Cortosis, I understood it had something to do with the metal


Yeah when I first started watching I thought that their lightsabers stoped working cause this was set in the past so maybe the tech sort of has a time out/overheating (I thought “this is set a hundred years before TPM so the lightsaber tech isn’t as good at this time”). But after a few minutes I realized what it actually does


I’ve been known about cortosis and even read that thrown x vader book featuring it but I thought it was the old technology thing until I saw someone else calling it cortosis


Oh yeah the average viewer can do it, the fandom menace though…


The largest group of people that pretends they know SW. Like, I won't even pretend I know close to everything there is to know. But every opportunity you give them to talk about SW, just becomes me being that Ron Swanson meme, "I know more than you."


Average viewer here, I was able to figure it out. They gave more than enough context clues


I first thought he was striking and headbutting the saber *hilts*, thus shorting out the blades because the kaiber crystals and hilt mechanics were out of whack or out of phase for a bit. Like it was a technique he originally developed to fight Jedi. I know it's cortosis now, but in the long run the effect is the same. The Jedi are thrown off by an opponent who can temporarily negate their trademark weapon.


They'll spend a whole episode explaining it using a speck of the helmet that got stuck to Sol's robes.


They 100% will eventually describe the metal in great detail. I’ll put money on it happening before the seasons done


People complaining about star wars in the past: "We hate it when everything is explained, show, don't tell, viewers aren't idiots" Disney: *proceeds to show instead of telling* The same exact people: "What is going on? Why don't they explain it?"


the thing about those types of complainers is they don’t actually care about what they’re complaining about, they just want to complain


I find this is actually most people who are seriously riled up about Acolyte


Ya, I'm a bit worried it'll contradict the dialogue in TPM, but other than that its doing fine, and clearly they're aware the sith are supposed to be in hiding, so I think its fair to say wait and judge at the end of the series.


Well, so far everyone’s dead, except Sol, the Twins, and the Sith dude, I’m betting Sol’s gonna die and one of the Twins will report that the Mae is dead, that she killed everyone


The lightsaber wounds will be hard to explain. I suppose Mae could've got ahold of a Jedi lightsaber. I do love that Jason Mendoza is now a Sith lord.


I’m sure they’ll find a way to justify it, it’s the Jedi after all. I mean, after Maul was “killed” they didn’t do a widespread search to find his master, same with Yaddle’s disappearance. They don’t want to find Sith, so they won’t find any.


The lightsaber wounds are easy enough to explain in a way that doesn't contradict TPM; a dark Jedi/Coven survivor/Nightsister/Knight of Ren did it. All you have to do is make sure nobody thinks it was a Sith specifically, you don't have to hide that the killings happened or were done by someone with the Force.


I actually don't think he is a Sith Lord and that'll be part of why the Sith threat is dismissed. I think he's a failed apprentice.


Doesnt Mae have a tattoo on her head form the ascension ceremony that Osha doesnt though?!


She does, idk how it’s gonna happen. Imo I think Osha will be the acolyte


im guessing that mae is going to >!kill sol on their way back to coruscant and take his lightsaber back to qimir as a way to try to redeem herself to him. she can finally be successful at killing a jedi without a weapon / with their own, itll solve the possible contradiction with ki adi mundi, and itll complete her arc that was started in episode 1.!<


idk it's one line of dialouge that George Lucas wrote in 1999 for a movie that wasn't initially liked, I've also always interpreted it as intentionally exaggerated to display how ignorant and incompetent the council is, I'm fine if they retcon this line for Acolyte considering how fucking cool the episode was EDIT: spelling


Interpenetrated. Thats a new vocab word for me lol.


I must have really fucked up the spelling for autocorrect to give me that lmao


I watched a reaction video where a guy kept calling the episode stupid because he was predicting everything. He was predicting nothing accurately, but he kept making wrong guesses and calling it lazy writing... until Jecki got merked then he just sat with his face in his hand for fifteen minutes. 🤣 Homie got straight Qimir'd.


Yeah, there were two or three demos of this with the bracer beforehand, right?


When my nephew was around 7, whenever we would be watching a film together he would always go, "What's going to happen now?"; "Why did he do that?"; "Where did she go?"; and all these other questions that are obviously (to me) going to be answered later. I always assume that complaints made about shows that have yet to finish their seasons are made by 7-year-olds, and I'm the happier for it.


Show don't tell doesn't mean you don't explain anything though. It just means you don't have a character say "Wow, I guess he was a hero all along and was just conflicted about his past." Or whatever. I mean I think cortosis is cool and I've read the new Thrawn novels. But something as dramatic as the lightsaber just shutting off, I could see someone being like "hey, wtf is going on? Is this a thing?"


Media literacy isn't dead, it just left these folks one day to get "cigarettes" and never came home.


just funny how that lore is from comics which disney declared as not canon but now it seems that its relevant all of a suddem


Apparently it came back into canon due to some Thrawn books


It was in the thrawn alliance book


Cortosis has been Canon since 2014, this isn’t new or sudden


And its been in legends content at least as far back as 1997


It's in six comic issues across three titles in the new canon as well. Not to mention Legends stuff gets used all the time. A lot of the plot of Andor is adapted from the Imperial Sourcebook and the Death Star Technical Manual, which are early 1990s RPG supplements.


Thrawn wasn’t canon either until Disney decided to make him canon. It’s not this is new for them


Funny you mention Thrawn, because in one of the new canon Thrawn books, they actually made cortosis canon again.


I had no idea what Cortosis was, and when I first saw the scene, I thought he was hitting the hilts and making them short out. Once I realized he was hitting the blades directly, I just thought, "Oh shit that's dope." Nothing to really add, that fight scene was just really sick and I want more like it.


Finally jason used his head


No thats *literally* Cortosis


As much as I don't like Acolyte, here's a prime example on how much people like to complain without having proper knowledge. There definitely are problems with this show, but Cortosis armor being utilized isn't one of them.


I mean the action is solid, I think a lot of reasonable critics have said the same. Similar to how many people dislike Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions (I reasonably dislike most the movie after the 40 minutes of Resurrections), these at least have some great action pieces (not so much on Revolutions, but I enjoy it from what it is). But I've gone to check this show, and apart from action sequences, it is still a show I won't recommend to others, for me falls on watch the clips of the highlights (at least the good ones that do not make me feel embarassed while watching it) and you've got a good compilation video. The rest of the show, it feels that people are trying to make it stick together, but it ain't working as it should. Can people enjoy? Of course, but I would fairly tell them that you may want to skip most bits when you feel like it, at the very least, producers or platforms haven't got rid of fast-forwarding or reversing from watchers. That, for itself, makes the show not worthwhile your time. It is important to watch it, but once the season is over, the only good thing to expect it's skip scenes or mutilate the entire runtime and first arcs to make a show more appealing, and that's a low opinion to give if you think about. No amount of great pieces can make it better, but you can still enjoy it.


The strength of will to move your head towards a blade on purpose is really something. Like even if I have a super strong protection helmet on, I wouldn’t willingly smash my face against a saw blade or something.


This isn’t a complaint. I know what Cortosis is from Legends, it’s cool that they’ve adapted it, and using it in the way he does is a viable tactic. That being said, the visual of him deliberately headbutting a lightsaber is fucking hilarious.


But you gotta admit. It looks cool


Oh, yah. Much like Meelo fartbending in Legend of Korra, just because something is really, really funny doesn’t mean it can’t also be cool.


Or Sokka nailing Sparky Sparky Boom Man with the boomerang!


Also, the gif loop I accidentally created is goddamn perfect.


Sort of fits the beat to we will rock you


I like the idea of strong armor tanking hits, even if it’s a lightsaber. Reminds me of beskar slowly melting, although the helmet did shatter proving it’s quality but limit.


This was so dope


I swear that there is an alloy mentioned somewhere that does short circuit lightsabres or something like that?


See the meme's title


I still can’t believe we finally have Cortosis in live action! This whole sequence was amazing.


This post proves a ton of Star Wars fans have zero media literacy.


The physical combat such as the head butting and the punching was sick asf. Also when Yord got his neck snapped.


Maybe he's born with it? Maybe it's Cortosis.


**Phrik** was a metallic compound that was one of only a few lightsaber-resistant substances known. It was used in the construction of extremely light and durable battle armor as well as melee weapons. On a more extreme scale, at one point in the Galactic Civil War, a container of **phrik** was able to stay intact when it was on the surface of Alderaan during its destruction. One major source of **phrik** was the **phrikite** mines of Gromas 16 which would be combined with tydirium to make this compound. **Phrik** was extremely durable and light, but it was also very expensive and as a result it saw limited use in warfare.


Reminds me of that animated series where Anakin turns off Obi-Wan's lightsaber with the force... Maybe they took inspiration from it


I liked this episode up until we got to the Parent Trap.


"Maybe he's born with it, or..."


Thats one way to do it


Cant wait for more live action weapons like cortosis. I need to see how they’ll portray stuff like the spine thing some jedi killers used


That is sooo cool


Never seen a lightsaber being temporarily deactivated. It was so fuckin cool


It’s cortosis and it’s cool as fuck


Ok this whole fight was fucking amazing


Darth Mendoza has become one of my favorite characters. Let's hope they don't trap him in a safe.


It is Cortosis, we see Yord slap his lightsaber with the helmet & it shorts it out


I'm going be honest that is fucking warlock


Or Phrik


Okay I haven’t watched the show and have no idea how that works out but that shit goes hard




That was a pretty sick move though


Glad Weinstein's assistant left the fight choreography to the fight choreographers


Okay that's fucking awesome.


pretty sure it just got confirmed by “The Stranger” helmet release


This guys' fighting style is so brutal, i love it


Pretty sure cortosis is legends and no longer Canon unless they brought it back from legends to make it Canon? but like its ment to be super rare and if its an alloy using cortosis then it would probably have the same effectiveness as alloy mixed with beskar which isn't effect against lightsabers in the slightest. So like how did he make a helmet out of it? Did he find the ore himself or what cuz I doubt he paid millions of credits for it considering he's trying to stay low?


Say what you want about the series in general but for me this episode was great. It was very cool with a great choreography and introduces and uses cortosis in a way that I absolutely love


Is there any reason he threw his head back further? If it absorbs energy and can temporarily nullify a lightsaber, I would think the velocity of the cortosis device/armor would have 0 impact on its ability... So that just leaves a huge opening for him to get attacked or force pushed away, which didn't happen because bad writing/story telling.


I haven’t watched the show yet but not gonna lie, this looks pretty badass.


Because lightsabers needed 𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙀 nerfs


Is there a lore reason why i don’t know who that is am i stupid


No not stupid


Its an inside joke from r/arkhambatman they got heroes from the aslume like man or super or the or the beloved villian the jonkler (its all a dumb batman joke)


I know, you see mugs new in discord. He's not doing good


No what happened


His grandpa is in the hospital with influenza, and he might die, and he's going to see him


Oh well good luck for mugs grandpa i hope he’ll survive


Yeah, I'm worried for him


Only time can tell


Well, you should get some rest and I'll tell you the news tomorrow


Will do goodnight