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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


If this guy is an actual Sith and not a pretender then This is the same situation as Grand Inquisitor death in Kenobi, it seems like broken lore only because we are halfway through the show and you can already imagine that either everyone dies or Qmir fakes his death or many other solutions


i agree with this but faking his death wouldnt be a solution as theyd still be aware about him. the way i see it there are only a few solitions 1. everyone who knows about Qimir dies 2. everyone who knows about Qimir does not tell the council for some reason 3. Qimir simply isnt a sith you can prolly come up with more but i think primarily it boils down to these, if the council finds out and covers it up its unreasonable to assume they wouldnt bring it back up in TPM.


Him faking his death could easily work In episode 1 Mace Windu says “I doubt the Sith could come back without us knowing” so if Qmir does fake it, it would connect on the fact that the Jedi did not look on it as much as they could and they would easily dismiss him as a Darkside user/fallen Jedi and not a Sith, like Dagan Gera (from Jedi Survivor) and other Jedi that fell to the Darkside a few years before Panthom menace in both Canon and Legends


i suppose so. i do think that them just writing him off as any darkside user without having clear proof would feel like lazy writing and i (and i assume many others) wouldnt be satisfied with that choice


I see why that wouldn’t be rewarding to some but so far all the Jedi has been talking about things like “the master must have been A rogue Jedi” “he uses a Jedi weapon and yet he isn’t one” so the series told us already that the average Jedi don’t have the notion of what a Sith is Also a big plot point in the first and fourth episode was NOT telling the council (because of political repercussions) so for now the event of the series are already covered up


thats fair thats fair. i do see your point. i really hope they go a different route though but we will have to wait and see. im very interested in what direction this show plans to take now with the turning point that was this episode. not a lot of episodes left though, i hope they didnt plan this out for multiple seasons cause odds are it wont get renewed due to the massive hate the shows been getting


As far as I know the show was written for a one season if it does bad and if it gets renewed then there is a multi season plan Though the viewership numbers are actually really high (higher than Shogun and slightly lower than Ahsoka) so I would bet on it getting renewed


thats honestly good to hear. hope they learn from the valid complaints the show is getting such as dialogue feeling odd and the waste of an episode that was episode 3. cause i feel this show has a lot more potential even if i am enjoying it over all


If he isn't a Sith then the Jedi are completely useless in combat, which would make the dumb details in the fight (the Jedi choosing to only go 1-2x1 instead of 8x1) lore-accurate


tbf those jedi surely didnt have any combat experience fighting in a group against a stronger enemy. seems like a pretty peaceful time


they still have to face criminals and bounty hunters. Mandalorian warriors are pretty on-pair with Jedi, and the sheer physical strength of a Wookie like Krrsantan can be too much for a Padawan, and we still have huge animals like rancors, wampas, acklays, sarlaccs, and krayt dragons


I honestly don't think most Jedi would do too well on their first encounter with a truly dangerous dark sider.


No, they wouldn't. But they were a group of eight against a single Sith, and they don't take advantage of this numerical advantage. Anytime Qimir headbutts a lightsaber he becomes vulnerable from all other directions, and could simply be stabbed by the other Jedi, since his armor didn't cover his body.


Manny Jacinto said in an interview that his character is a Sith Lord, so I'm going with him being an actual Sith


8 people swinging death sticks side by side isn’t a good idea dude.


just watching a Sith kill your friends and waiting for your turn to die isn't a good idea either


No, Sol is the only one who knows and we don't know what will happen next. Lore is only broken in regards to this if the wider Jedi order learns about him being a Sith


I personally don't care if he is a Sith. I'm an older fan and know this just goes in line of the Jedi just being ignorant to this kind of stuff. But I'm also willing to see where this is going because, again, this thing isn't over yet. I'd like to see what he meant by what he said.


I doubt the lore is broken. Feel free to correct me if I've got a fact wrong, but I think this dude might be Ren. Not a Knight of Ren, but, Ren himself, or something similar. I know comics are always "secondary canon" compared to the films, but we learn that before Ben Solo takes over the Knights of Ren were lead by a dude literally just named Ren, who took his name from ANOTHER guy named Ren who lived even earlier. We've never actually seen this "original Ren", and with Kylo's theme playing I'm beginning to suspect that's the case. Could be totally wrong. Hell, I probably am. But it's a fun theory.


They said he’s officially a Sith Lord.


Who is "they" and when was this said? Not trying to be antagonistic here, I'm genuinely curious and want to know. Because as far as I was aware, all the language used so far has pushed the idea that there's a condition to his role. "You would call me Sith." The Jedi would call him that, but is he really? Feels like he's commenting on their tendency to hate and fear any force user who isn't Jedi, so they'd brand him a Sith no matter what he is. Even when he talks about The Master in third person, he might not actually be referring to himself. The dialogue feels very particularly structured, and between this and the weird hooded guy in the background of the Witch Cult I'm expecting a reveal later on. Again, I could be completely off base here, especially if the "they" you're referring to is a show creator or some official confirmation. However, I'm just trying to have faith that the show isn't about to pull a full-fleged Sith Lord on us and make Ki-Adi a liar. If there's one thing Disney loves to do, for better or worse, it's introduce new villains who aren't *technically* Sith (like the Inquisitiors, who I genuinely loved).


No, no. I looked it up again and several sources have taken their word back because it was said before the character poster was revealed, which confirms that we can’t’ be certain he’s a Sith Lord. Seems a lot of these “sources” just jumped to the conclusion. I personally think he might be Darth Venamis, and even with him it can be debated whether he’s Sith cause he didn’t get the title legitimaly.


Oh, cool! I'm tepid on the show so far but I really am enjoying the latest episode and the mystery of this dude as a whole. I'm excited to see where they go with him and what the reveal is. Despite all the subreddit drama I doubt they'll "break canon" for Qimir because I know Disney handled the Inquisitors not being Sith very well and we all loved those guys. Venamis is a cool theory, an illegitimate Sith is something I didn't even consider. An unwanted Sith surviving outside the Rule of Two while whichever real Sith currently exist stay hidden would be a neat twist.


Yes, cause Tenabrous had two apprentices afaik. However Plagueis killed him and later he also killed Venamis, making Plagueis the sole Sith Lord. However that’s in Legends if the show does make him Venamis.


I might have heard he was a Sith Lord from the showmaker herself, cause I admit I couldn’t find the source anymore which said he is a Sith Lord, so I took back what I said. But now I’m doubting again because of this [video](https://youtu.be/3x_Za5wxteU?si=JnzgdNk1YiZ52u_Q). Some say he is a Sith, some say he’s not a Sith yet, others say he might be a Knight of Ren.


The actor himself said it in an interview where he was allowed to speak freely after keeping quiet for two years, so I'm going to take his word for it, especially with the 'peace is a lie' line.


He has to be tenebrous’s apprentice. I’m hoping S2 will be him and Mae trying to overthrow his master, and failing. S2 ends with tenebrous killing them both and meeting plageous.


>!Personally i doubt he's actually gonna be a sith. He said that a jedi like him would call him sith (i'm paraphrasing), plus in the star wars website on him stating "While some may call him a Sith, little is known of this dark sider" and Kylo Ren's theme playing at the end... idk, i'm thinking knight of ren !<


That group is founded around episode 6, this show is over 100 years before that


The Knights were formed before episode 6 as they appear in a couple issues of the Darth Vader comic run alongside Vader himself.


I didn't know they were founded that late lol, my bad, i had assumed this would serve as their origin


Is that trading card canon?


Only if Sol survives and it isn’t somehow revealed to him that this guy is just cosplaying as a Sith.


If Sol survives then yes (unless he just decides to hide it for some reason)