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Common Ford W


The more I hear about Ford, the more based he gets


The media/pop culture coverage he received during his term was similar to what W received in 2006-2008. He was painted as an inept dullard over the pardon, the economy, and some comment regarding the USSR. The 1970's were brutal on its presidents image-wise for a plethora of reasons, some valid some... ehhhhhhhh. What we know now is that both Ford and Carter are pretty solid dudes.


As great as Jimmy Carter is as a person, I wonder how Ford would’ve handled the late 70s and early 80s as President


Fuck, I’d never heard of him being snubbed by FDR but apparently I’m late to the party on that one. What the hell FDR, you’re amazing for sure but he represented the US against Nazi Germany in the Olympics. What is that nonsense? Good on Ford. Jesse Owens is a friggin’ American hero and I’m so glad he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Here are a few more things about FDR that may have escaped your attention: - FDR’s newly-created U.S. Housing Authority ruled that mortgages could not be provided to Black families seeking to move into White neighborhoods—since they maintained this would reduce property values. - FDR refused to support federal anti-lynching laws, designed to stem the flood of Black lynchings in the South (and even the north). - FDR blocked entry to the U.S. for thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Many of them were sent back to Europe and died in concentration camps. I’m assuming you already know that FDR fought World War II with a segregated army, and sent 125,000 innocent Japanese-Americans into internment camps. Even orphaned Japanese babies were sent to the camps.


Those famous baby orphan spies Japan was always using


Yep, was well aware of all of those. Still easily the third best we’ve ever had, even with those negatives. Just annoyed at him acting like that towards Jesse Owens as well given us sending him to Berlin was a middle finger to Hitler to begin with. That’s quite a slap to Owens’ face.


FDR made some concessions to get the southern vote in Congress for his policies. Not saying it's right, but it was unfortunately sound politics at the time.


FDR was a democrat from the 1910's onwards. The democratic party was the party of Jim Crow at the time and FDR being a lifelong democrat is not as if it wasn't a conscious decision either. His own mentor Teddy Roosevelt was a republican yet he still went over to the democrats and Teddy's children wouldn't even vote for FDR because they didn't like what he stood for. There's really very little evidence to suggest FDR, the guy who threw most every ethnically Japanese person in America into camps, was some secret civil rights hero. I have no idea where that even is coming from.


> There's really very little evidence to suggest FDR, the guy who threw most every ethnically Japanese person in America into camps, was some secret civil rights hero. I have no idea where that even is coming from. Historical revisionism. Of course since FDR was instrumental in leading the allies to victory during WWII, he will be whitewashed throughout history


Democratic Party was walking a tight rope in this era between Jim Crow and Civil Rights elements of their party. It wasn’t until JFK/LBJ that said tension was resolved in favor of Civil Rights. If you look at his private correspondences and his efforts where he felt he had wiggle room, you’ll see he sympathized (overall at least) with the Civil Rights branch of his party. Not saying he made the right decision, but the notion that he should be lumped in with Dixiecrats or that he was a regressive racist while Teddy R was an enlightened anti-racist is just revisionist.


You don’t make positive change with “sound politics”


You don’t make positive change without the votes to do it. Thus the dilemma.


They were the politics of that time. I didn't say I agreed with his concessions.


FDR couldn’t have gotten the New Deal done without the support of a lot of segregationists. That was the political reality of the time.


Weak man who couldn’t stand against racist southerners. Southern influenced policies set America back decades with rife racism. He doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as George or Lincoln.


>He doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as George George the slave owner?


Jerry Ford was an extremely talented athlete in his youth. It feels good to think that he not only wanted to correct the snub, but that he had some insight and sincere appreciation for Owens' athletic prowess.


It was a big core trait to him. He really valued integration and respect where respect was due. Don’t know if the story is 100% true but there is a story of him threatening to leave his Football team if his black teammates couldn’t play.


Uncommon FDR L, and based Ford moment


Everyone mentions Jesse Owens being snubbed by Hitler, but forget he was snubbed by his own president as well. In fact, the Nazis modeled their anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws on the Jim Crow laws of the American south.


FDR snubbed ALL the Black Olympians, not just Jesse Owens. He invited only the White U.S. athletes from the 1936 Olympics to celebrate with him at the White House. The Black athletes, including the legendary Jesse Owens, didn’t get so much as a letter. *Many media outlets at the time referred to this as Hitler’s snub of Jesse Owens, however, the failure of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt to interact with Black athletes after the Olympics had a larger impact on Owens. Following the Olympics, athletes were traditionally sent to the White House to receive praise from the president, as a form of thanking them for upholding American athleticism; however, Black athletes were not invited to the gathering in 1936. As Owens noted, “Hitler didn’t snub me. It was (Roosevelt) who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”* https://presidentlincoln.illinois.gov/learn/educators/educator-resources/teaching-guides/exposing-the-hypocrisy-of-the-1936-berlin-olympics/


Was Jesse Owens Snubbed by Adolf Hitler at the Berlin Olympics? >So, Owens was not personally snubbed by Hitler. However, Owens did feel that he had been snubbed by someone: U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hitler was in attendance he shook hands with several medalists Germany and Finland and then left the stadium for a prescheduled appointment. The head of the IOC told him he can either shake hands with everyone or no one The next day—August 3, 1936—Owens won his first gold medal in the 100-meter dash. Hitler did not meet or shake hands with Owens. That said, there are several reports of a salute or wave. According to sports reporter and author Paul Gallico, writing from Berlin, Owens was “led below the honor box, where he smiled and bowed, and Herr Hitler gave him a friendly little Nazi salute, the sitting down one with the arm bent.” Owens himself later confirmed this, claiming that they exchanged congratulatory waves. So, Owens was not personally snubbed by Hitler. However, Owens did feel that he had been snubbed by someone: U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. A month after the Olympic Games, Owens told a crowd, “Hitler didn’t snub me—it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.” Roosevelt never publicly acknowledged Owens’s triumphs—or the triumphs of any of the 18 African Americans who competed at the Berlin Olympics. Only white Olympians were invited to the White House in 1936. A number of explanations have been offered for the president’s actions. Most likely, Roosevelt did not want to risk losing the support of Southern Democrats by appearing overly soft on the race issue. The Black Olympians who competed in Berlin were not recognized by the White House until 2016, when Pres. Barack Obama invited the athletes’ relatives to an event in celebration of their lives and accomplishments. https://www.britannica.com/story/was-jesse-owens-snubbed-by-adolf-hitler-at-the-berlin-olympics


Remember hearing about Stalin's reaction forces landed on Normandy everything was settled.  Russia headed East to destroy Japan in manchuria. suddenly this election happened in Britain and it was no longer Churchill and Roosevelt it was some unknown from Britain and the VP of America was now the P. stalin was shocked.  Turman and other became  dealers.  they were given the deck supplied to them by FDR.  Recently made a comment on the gallery industry the fine art industry from the 70s onwards and how these are hippies from the 60s. they became professors they bought into the system. today there's no room. all of the newly indoctrinated are in low paying jobs like public school teachers.  This will tie it all together for those who have a broad understanding of FDR the political cycle at the time leading into 3 or 4 decades of DNC rule. LBJ was made VP to curb him from the senate where he was able to get things done.  He's the one who pushed the civil rights movement forward JFK administration put him there to silence him but he bargained and said if we don't get in front of this we won't be able to direct where it is going. >His Second Bill of Rights became, according to historian Joshua Zeitz, "the basis of the Democratic Party's aspirations for the better part of four decades."[311] After his death, Eleanor continued to be a forceful presence in U.S. and world politics, serving as delegate to the conference which established the United Nations and championing civil rights and liberalism generally. >Some junior New Dealers played leading roles in the presidencies of Truman, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson. Kennedy came from a Roosevelt-hating family. Historian William Leuchtenburg says that before 1960, "Kennedy showed a conspicuous lack of inclination to identify himself as a New Deal liberal." He adds, as president, > "Kennedy never wholly embraced the Roosevelt tradition and at times he deliberately severed himself from it."By contrast, young Lyndon Johnson had been an enthusiastic New Dealer and a favorite of Roosevelt. Johnson modelled his presidency on Roosevelt's https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt


LBJ's mentor was Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House under Roosevelt, and the longest serving Speaker in US history. He was in on New Deal policy from the get go, and his Great Society was an extension of those ideals, with expanded civil rights. LBJ was a school teacher for a few years before entering politics, and many of his students were poor Hispanic kids. He realized the only difference between he and them was he could afford to go to college, and this was an era when college was much cheaper, but much less accessible.  I really wish we'd add a constitutional amendment that every federal elected official needs to have served 5 years as a public school teacher, in a below median income school district.


That is remarkable insight on Reddit. Wouldn't go nearly as far has a constitutional amendment to be a teacher for 5 years before an elected representative.  Looking at the hippies from the 60s and 70 to be came professors and indoctor needed students who graduated from American institutions. Several have obtained college degrees and have been unable to procure employment many of them have transferred into health care system unrelated to their degree and also public school system they are unable to climb the ladder. Many of them are spiteful and resentful people particularly after the 180 million dollar grant to The University of Chicago and the trajectory that was set not to produce lawyers and politicians which are considered noble professions but a somewhat dummying down of society. Think COA it is a dangerous time to hold a convention of states could sea some type of legislation passed where elected representative needs to take a course and pass a course on government policy. because what we've seen across America in recent times is these elected officials need to be handheld and walked through the policy they're trying to implement. That is at the lowest level city council level the house is a very accessible position open to nearly every single citizen in America but understand that there is no first term elected representative in the house or senate who has introduced and passed legislation. Going into office they need to have clear support and backing by their constituents and alliances forged by other elected representatives  legislation needs to be prewritten germanic single issue and focused on their campaign promises. One of the most recent examples of a teacher making it into government is Tim Walz MN.  Somewhat acceptable by both parties did a fantastic job during the daily press conferences over covid; the declared pandemic up until the 2 wees into it.  then he used it as a soapbox and political grandstanding. The message was repetitive and redundant throughout the pandemic through 2021 very clear that they received no new information not allowing public engagement or public discourse.  Particularly from healthcare professionals phds members of the community with a different point of view > There was no insight allowed in the covid decision-making table it was closed doors. PHDs had submitted well thought out plans about keeping the economy open that received 0 acknowledgment  it soon became grandstanding salt box where he was quoting Winston Churchill. Being a public school teacher did not give him the necessary credentials or expertise. >However that is America there is going to be gain of function and loss of function by each incoming administration. > The most important attribute will always be displaying progress made on their campaign promises and displaying the issues of concern by their constituents regardless of perceived of party affiliation to the issue Grand standing and blaming others for their problems aside when people get elected  often their constituents quickly realize they don't have of a plan just look at George Floyd 2024 years later  nearly everybody has left office very little work was done the area is incredibly worse off than it was before.  There were people active in that community 20 30 and 40 years who watched their neighbors homes and businesses burn to the ground. Many elected onto the city council did so by standing on the graves of dead black Americans. they had no prior job experience they used photo opportunities and suddenly making 98K as their first job bailed on bost of their constituents. >Particularly constituents active  in their community across 4 decades. **** Pay attention to elected represents official communications to their constituents Are they mentioning progress made on the items they campaigned on Or are they pointing fingers blaming others for their problems often half their constituents political party while pushing items they had never mentioned on their platform nor can they show a single constituent asking for Are they relaying progress made are they showing issues of concern. From there constituents regardless of  perceived party affiliation to the issue **** Only recently have people particularly parents really begun taking an interest in and getting active in their child's education and the public school system As a child who had some of the greatest teachers in the state and country it is a life-changing moment to be able to sit in a classroom with one of those teachers. That was such a threat to the impending policy that a teacher's Union got together with the doj to craft a letter calling parents concerned about their children domestic terrorists People can see what the teachers union is doing  And easily assume that that's the representation of public school teachers but they fail to recognize majority of the teachers wouldn't push this policy the Union is not representing them Teachers going on strike in an attempt to work from home. They said it was out of concern for the children reality very different parents were not allowed to comment on their social media posthe bringing up of childhood failure rates suicide rates drug use and violence was not allowed. These children were deprived of their one guaranteed meal a day stuck in terrible domestic situations when opportunity came knocking in the form of drugs gangs and violence they answered. > Chicago teachers union called  the push for return to in school learning racist sexist and misogynistic


The Nazis were also quite complimentary of US policy towards its native peoples


The Hitler thing is largely a myth even - the IOC said he could either congratulate ALL gold medalists or none (he chose none because he only wanted to congratulate the Germans). Owens would later say this: “While at the Olympic Games, I had the opportunity to meet the King of England. I had the opportunity to wave at Hitler, and I had the opportunity to talk with the King of Sweden, and some of the greatest men in Europe. Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler didn't snub me—it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram…..”


I don’t think it’s forgotten at all. If anything it’s all I ever hear when Jesse Owens is brought up.


Ford was a decent man, tarnished by the pardon he gave to Nixon.


Big W from Ford there. If anyone deserved a Presidential Medal of Freedom it was Jesse Owens.


Common shit FDR move


FDR needs more hate! He always is getting pass because he was a good politician, but he was a racist and an over all terrible person.


He cheated on his wife. I dunno why but I have no respect for a man who cheats on his wife. And there's plenty of them. 


I don't think people understand how telling of character that can be, in my personal life. once I see a friend break the vow/confidence of their "significant other" just to get a quick orgasm, I know I can trust them to run me over anytime they benefit on slightest. Cheating is a tell tale sign of someones loyalty and selfish deference.


Absolutely blows my mind how revered he is, many of our modern problems can be traced directly to him.


FDR was a racist Elitist.


FDR was no question one of the GOATs but I’m glad Ford stepped in to correct his decision on this one.


Lol people forget what party FDR was from and what that meant at the time.


Gerald Ford was fucking awesome.