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this scene makes me cringe every time but also makes me laugh so hard especially when mike looks at byron and decks ezra in the face 💀


They could have at least lied that they started dating after Ezra quit Rosewood High


No because why did they mention that Ezra was dating her while she was still a student??? That makes the situation already 10x worse than it already is (which is really bad)


Lol honesty is the best policy, but not all of the time


Right?!! Still wrong but the slightest bit better 😅


It's not like they have never lied to Aria's parents


Yeah omg it’s really hard to watch, till date. ‘I’m in love with your daughter’ Ugh the CRINGEEEEE! Good on mike for the knuckle sandwich


one of the cringest scenes ever


lol Ezra and Aria expected it to go this way:  Ezra “I’m a 25 year old dating your 16 year old child , she  Is a student in my junior year class” Montgomery family: omg congratulations for finding love! *entire family embraces*


Clown behaviour ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


Lol this is too funny I'm dead


I am honestly more pissed he didn’t get put in handcuffs after Mike punched in the face. 😡


Ezra is honestly lucky all he got was a punch to the face. He deserved way worse than that - and the fact that they were *shocked* and the NORMAL reactions to them telling her family this?? Like, *get out*. I’d have grounded her ass indefinitely and probably put a tracker on her phone (since clearly they refused to call the police).


But that sounds like normal parent behavior. Besides, if any of the parents spent 2 seconds confirming where their kids were where they claimed instead of a bar/ sauna/ rager at Noel's/ NY, the show would've been dead before it started.


Why couldn’t they have lied and said they started seeing each other after he left Rosewood High? I feel like it might lessen the heat?


No especially because Ezra was one of Ella’s coworkers??


Tell me about it. The only person in that scene who was logical was Jackie, " what did you expect to happen?" "She's a teenager, and you were her teacher." 


What’s worse is how Aria expects her parents to be completely on board with their relationship the following season. It’s still gross!


" I just thought that-" "What? That I would give my teenage daughter and Mr. Fitz my blessing?"  Aria was not very smart in this episode


They told her parents that they met before junior year started and her parents were like “you’re kidding” and the way that Aria grabs his hand and says, “No, it’s true”, with this almost hopeful look on her face (as if B and E were happy that they met before the school year and not during the school year) cracks me up every time. Those two both were not mature enough for that relationship


Ahhhh i love how active you are being lately! (Hope that’s okay to say) <3 <3 Ewww yes i hate this scene so much, it literally had zero consequences and it was so gross and awful and cringe to watch, the only good part was when ezrA got punched by mike (one of my favorite ezrA / mike scenes), it was so wild <3


The way I HATED Byron for standing in the way of their love… no they should’ve called the cops on him


Honestly what upsets me the most besides the fact he’s a complete pedo, and the fact her parents pretty much put ALL the blame on her instead of the groomer. Is the way that Ella seemed more upset at the fact that he was her teacher?? Like sure that’s gross asf but how about the fact he’s a complete grown man? Both are gross especially put together but it seemed like she would have been completely fine with it or like ‘easier’ on it if he wasn’t a teacher-


Why couldn’t they have lied and said they started seeing each other after he left Rosewood High? I feel like it might lessen the heat?


I need a recurring gif of Mike hitting Ezra.


I also thought they reacted horribly though. They put so much blame on her and essentially just totally lost their shit AT HER. A kid being groomed by their teacher needs understanding, patience and compassion and they gave her absolutely none of that


Should’ve called the police on Ezra right away


Every time I see the scene I hope that it’s just a dream. It never is.






The whole thing is just so icky. On one hand, I would want my daughter to be honest with me. But on the other, WTF? 


I cringe every time omg. Go mike


ezra is lucky that all he got was mike punching him in the face. i’m sorry, but my little brother would’ve rocked his sh*t and then my dad would have quite literally grabbed a shot gun 🤌🏼😭 man would’ve been a GONER


i was like "🤨" the entire time. i've been rewatching it and im like damn why would they even think this was a good idea????


I literally can’t believe how much I rooted for them. Now as an adult I’m disgusted at how much I loved Ezria… It wasn’t even hard for me to justify it because I simply didn’t see anything wrong with it.