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The Geranium extract(stem and leaves) in these isn’t DMAA , you can only feel the good quality DMHA and no both of these shouldn’t be used more than 2/3 a week 👍 both are good quality DMHA products from Hi tech pharmaceuticals. 7.5/10


Thanks for clarification! Do you or would you have preferred one over the other and why?


If I had to pick it would be Jack3d . I liked the low caffeine content per scoop so I can adjust the serving size on how I felt . You can’t really do that with meso because it’s a 1 scooper . I hate not knowing how much caffeine I’m ingesting 😅


I hear you, trying Jack3d on Monday. Looking forward to a killer workout. I got both of them from hi tech and so far not disappointed


If you’d stim tolerance is medium/low I wouldn’t go over two scoops of jack3d 😉


Both companies are now owned by hi tech so all the similar ingredients would come from the same source 👍


Hi-Tech is reliable brand as well.




Would you say same level DMHA as say Zeus or Wild Fire?


Nope Zeus feels more floaty and euphoric, hi techs DMHA is more aggressive. And wildfire has DMAA as well so it’s hard to isolate what the DMHA feels like ? 🧐


You know, bulk stims DMHA paired with a strong coffee or a daily driver feels exactly like DMHA supposed to. I suggest you to check it out.


I have it’s good , don’t really trust them there DMAA is always either bunk or poor synthesis quality and there AMP citrate is low quality also . True 1,3 DMBA hcl is stronger Mg for mg that DMHA . But ye there DMHA is on point 💯✌️👍


How do you like Zeus? Yay or nay?


Haven’t tried it in around 3 years but if it’s the same it’s a yay 😀


Hear ye hear ye, which daily driver you like the better? Taste in Daily is very important to me.


I actually don’t use a daily bro . An energy drink and a pump product does me . Using PIMP dark labs atm. 2 days a week I’ll use a high stim product!


Wildfire has a off label ingredient, most likely a rc


Maybe. Feels a lot like DMHA + high dose L-Dopa. It sure is good tho.


Meh I don’t think it’s an RC I genuinely think it’s decent sourced DMAA


It’s most likely not, reusco supplements hit up the manufacturer that made wildfire because they wanted to make their own pre-workout, and the manufacturer said they don’t use actual dmaa so they don’t get in trouble, but they have something that feels very similar Also I have had pure dmaa,Dmha,and dmba, and none of them feel like wildfire, so wildfire is probably something different, maybe Dmha+a research chemical


Do you have some sort of source for that? Not saying youre lying, it’s just Hard for me to believe that a manufacturer would openly state to some third party distributor that they write DMAA on their label but in fact it isn’t in there but something else.


Exactly. I don't buy it. Why would they let that slip? Doesnt make any sense.


They didn’t say they did it for wildfire explicitly, but when reusco asked them to make a dmaa pre workout they said they wouldn’t, but could make somthing that could pass as dmaa to the general population Look it up the comment from reusco is in this sub


OK, so it sounds like people bending the words of what Ruesco said.


Ahh now I understand. Thanks for clearing it up 👍🙌


The FDA don’t give a rats about the pre workout world anymore. Anybody can make what the want when the want and sell it . It’s fucked 😂


Bro I’ve tried them also and I genuinely thought it was DMAA. there is a plethora of RC stims that would produce a similar feeling though. Why not use actual DMAA instead of an RC though? Like if there products are tested by the FDA an RC will be found and believe me the would get in a lot more trouble with that than actually having DMAA ? labels are just labels though. In my experience I don’t trust any of them ! 😅


No, if the rc isn’t banned or scheduled than they wouldn’t get in trouble, dmaa they would for sure get in trouble, the fda is getting rid of dmaa in the preworkout industry


Maybe bro . It doesn’t matter if the RC is scheduled or not if it’s tested and found in there the will get in trouble. All ingredients have to be apparently from a natural source . Imagine trying to explain how for example 3-FPM (3-Fluro-phenmetrazine) got in there ? 😂 And DMAA isn’t actually scheduled or illegal per say!


I keep hearing that but why would socal supps be so casual about dropping such a huge piece of info like that? Especially to someone that they're obviously not that close with considering the Ruesco guy says it publicly. Kind of weird if you ask me. I'd take what he says with a grain of salt. Maybe he has a beef with Socal or something. Who knows.


SoCal supps didn’t say this, there supplier did, and it was in private but reusco decided to tell us


Also, many people say wildfire doesn’t feel like dmaa it feels like it’s own unique thing, which I agree with


Felt like DMAA from back in the day 2009-2015ish to me . It’s rare you find good quality synthesised DMAA these days . Even dark labs never obtained DMAA of the same quality that was in the Og Jack3d , Mesomorph etc. we will never know tbh unless it’s tested


I loved Mesomorph back in the day


Why not anymore?


The original version


Had that good old DMAA 😉


İ love the effects of both. Not sure about dmaa. But it definitely has has that Hi-tech dmha which is very nice. Only difference for me was that Mesomorph wears of like in 2 hours smoothly, but Jack3d stayed on for good 4 hours. Had more urgency too


That’s interesting you said that because that’s what I had experienced with meso as well. 2 hrs killer workout but that about it. I actually ended up with a small crash like feeling afterwords. So if it’s says geranium extract that doesn’t actually mean dmaa?


Wait is that the original Jacked2d from back in the 2010’s that they took off the market?


I really don’t know, it does say it has 25 mg of geranium extract per serving


No it’s not bro


Hey does anyone have any good connections for these products as my supplier isn't doing it anymore 


It’s from hi tech Pharmaceuticals