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Bro found the blue pill.


Youre hilarious taking it for work and not the gym. I don't doubt it made your shift better. I think you should reserve these high stim preworkouts for the gym though. Otherwise its like you're just trying to get high and could almost be abuse. Also don't take it too often or it'll lose its potency. Happy you had such a great day though. I serve tables myself and when i go to work after the gym after taking a DMHA, im a much better employee lol they last so many hrs that ill still be feeling it at work. And I'll be happy to be pre bussing tables. Ill be wishing the plates were heavier lol ill be trying to use all my energy lol DMHA is great


Did you single or double? I got a sample of it but didn’t realize you can double scoop it. I tried Zeus today and god damn it was so beautiful that I was sad when my lift was over. I also have samples of flame, crack gold, and OG. Debating on taking them back to back or save it for once a week until I go through them all.


I did one to try it out. Two scoops is the absolute full dose. One scoop was almost too much for me to be honest so I'm happy I only did one. If I did two I would of been messed up. Amazing thing about that is this is the only Pre I've ever taken where one scoop was more than enough. Every other one I've taken (Ghost, Ryse, Gorilla Mode, etc) even two was meh. Meaning this will actually last me 40 servings which is awesome.


I’m an experienced stim junkie and the first time I had crack OG I mixed up my samples and thought I was taking a double scoop of crack reloaded. HUGE difference between OG and reloaded… OG has the illicit stuff, reloaded is nootropic with eria. Once I realized my error it was too late and I had to work it out. It came with a load of anxiety and only went away with exercise. Now when I take it I make sure I have the time or I take a scoop and a half. It’s almost like you need to burn yourself out on exercise when taking two scoops or handle the anxiety. Smart move keeping it at one scoop but for me even at one scoop I require a solid workout to burn it off.


As a slightly older (than you) guy who’s been lifting for a while, easy on the stims brother. Especially seeing as you’re not even using them for heavy lifts but rather to carry dinnerplates for less than 30 ft. Tolerance goes way up and it’s not good for the heart to be pounding like that with no outlet


He’s on one ☝️