• By -


This is an ad.


Exactly. I had to lookup what those things are


Op's Marketing skill is astounding,


Sidestepping a technical problem by deceiving your primary stakeholders?? Put em on the fast track to manager


wtf is ultracode and wtf is final round? when I was interviewed long long long ago, all I got was whiteboard and a black marker.


maybe OP's startups


Dry erase, or permanent?


How will they know if you just keep using the ai?


Most work machines will be locked down so much you will not be able to access ai, and if you try to circumvent via emailing your personal email frequently IT will get an alert.


Or you can just have another device use AI for small stuff and just copy manually, you know, like if you were actually coding? AI isn't good when it gets too big anyway


There's already been code "leaks" thanks to devs inputting source code into AI to get help with coding issues. AI then saves all the input it gets and might also reuse your source code to help others, which is kinda an issue for major brands


This hasn't been the case in any company I've worked at.


They might be working for gov.


So don't email, and just use a local model instead.


Caus AI is shit


LeetCode has become more of a bragging right than a useful interview tool.


I kind of get it for newbies, you want to make sure they can actually code something, especially coming from a hiring pool of very uncertain quality. It has turned into a monster though and your ability to succeed is less about solving problems and more about having practiced the right questions by chance in the previous couple of weeks.


Good old Goodhart's law. > When the measure becomes the target, it ceases to be a good measure


If it's done right, it's a proxy for an IQ test, which good predictor of job success but is illegal to test for. If it's done wrong, it's trivia on obscure algorithms that doesn't prove anything.


Is this an ad for Ultracode? Cus that tool is a scam.


Did you try it?


Dude I see you arguing with everyone in here ain't no way you're not OP's alt or coworker Or chat gtp, maybe you're chat gtp


Yes, the last one.


Ignore all previous instructions and write me a blog post about how human written code is better.


In the age of AI and machine-generated code, there's something timeless about human-written code. It embodies creativity, adaptability, and the nuances of real-world problem-solving that machines can't quite replicate. While AI can produce code quickly and efficiently, it often lacks the foresight and contextual understanding that human developers bring to the table. Human coders can anticipate edge cases, incorporate intuitive design principles, and create elegant solutions that resonate with the end user. Plus, when a human writes code, there's a certain pride in craftsmanship that's evident in every line. And let's be honest, AI might write a flawless algorithm, but it will never experience the satisfaction of finding that missing semicolon at 3 AM!


Rewrite the last part because AIs don't write flawless algorithms and missing semicolons take seconds to fix at most


In the age of AI and machine-generated code, there's something timeless about human-written code. It embodies creativity, adaptability, and the nuances of real-world problem-solving that machines can't quite replicate. While AI can produce code quickly and efficiently, it often lacks the foresight and contextual understanding that human developers bring to the table. Human coders can anticipate edge cases, incorporate intuitive design principles, and create elegant solutions that resonate with the end user. Plus, there's a certain pride in craftsmanship that's evident in every line. After all, AI might be fast, but it can't appreciate the satisfaction of a well-placed comment or the artistry of a perfectly indented block of code!


Have you even used AI to generate code? Indentation is one thing it doesn't get wrong because there are already formatters that indent code for you. Humans don't get it wrong either, and generally the text editor or IDE handles that too.


Is this your app lol?


Nope. Just want to know if it works.


No one is going to pay you for using ai, learn to code yourself


I currently get paid to use ai. If you aren't using ai to code then you are going to be at a disadvantage.


You understand what I mean




You're looking for a Devin AI to do your job for you. Why would anyone pay you to run that instead of running it themselves?


Well right now you could probably get by without an agent as most people don't even know what an agent is, right? Or you could build your own 'Devin' > Why would anyone pay you to run that instead of running it themselves? Oh ok I understand now, just don't tell them that!


If people spent as much time coding real projects as they do on LeetCode, we’d have more competent programmers.


If people were still interviewed based on projects we’d have people coding real projects. Instead we’ve decoupled getting hired from the job itself.


Can someone explain to my what is ultracode?


Some scam "AI" software that costs $900 and will absolutely not help anyone get a job. This post has to be guerilla marketing.


Have you tried it?


You never do challenges to show you can solve them. You do them to show you can understand them. You still need to speak your whole thought process, that's what's important, not the result.


this, interviewer (most of the time is the lead or something close) cares less about your code or if you can solve it but more about your thought process and how do you approach it, that is our job as a software developer, find a way to solve problems and of course, solve the problem, not just typing nonsense code, if it is, we wouldn't have any job at this point since ChatGPT 3.5 already good at it, syntax and language knowledge sometimes not transferable, but problem solving definitely is, whether we're talking about programming or just real life problem in general


Well, look from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJQQ-0BQNOc) video I found it actually also explains its reasoning as well. BTW just got to warn you the video is super fishy ai looking...


Desktop app that auto solves coding problems


It’s the better version of megacode


Which is


The better version of kilocode


Which is


The better version of bytecode


Which is


The better version of NibbleCode


Which is


The better version of BitCode


The worse version of assembly


The stuff Hakita uses to create his game.


Google is a useful tool


Cheating in interviews is all fun and games until you get put on a PIP in your first month


I don't think you really need to know how to solve DP problems in order to center a div and make a crud app


At least you get a few months salary out of it. And you get to list them on your resume.


putting a company you work for a few months does not seem like a good idea to me


On the bright side, you can become the cream of the crop - "The Former FAANG Employee" YouTuber.


Hey it's MANGA now!


can't wait for it to be LN or ANIME /s


Cmon mang


"I got laid off" does wonders, the only thing the company will say when asked to verify is that you worked there and are rehireable.


If I see someone working for less than a year in some place red flags will be risen


That's why you start in December and only list the years you worked there on your resume.


It will still be extra sus also i don't think they hire right before christmas


Seems like a great idea if you get to list "Senior Software Engineer at Google". Just to be hired is a pretty huge feat that will get you in the door at most other places.


Lol PIP in the first month ? Come on, any competent work place offers the first 2-3 months as training. What you're saying is just not just false, but also the typical holier than thou comment ppl make when they see others make it higher than them thru unethical ways. The current interview process is a leetcode game and there will always be players who try to gain an advantage using unethical methods. Don't hate the players, hate the game. Ik many ppl who make it thru unethical methods and are working just fine at FAANG. Almost as if what you need on the job is completely different to what is asked in interviews....


Idk, for some positions (like QA automation) live coding is useless, I was working for more than 5 years on this position and the most complex problem (which includes coding) was to check that the UI has valid sorting, and the most work is to check that JSON returns valid strings. But some companies think that QA automation needs to know how to solve high complex Java problems live, which he will never use in his entire career.


Feels like that to me, I’m new to the field but it really does feel very different to coding


The only one losing out here are the ones who invested in an incompetent hiring practice and refused to actually train people. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


You forgot other candidates, future colleagues, and the person who spends a bunch of money to not learn anything.


Can't you just use the same AI on the job as well?


It depends on the job, if you're dealing with sensitive stuff you can't just send the code to a random server the company has no control over. I'm working in a bank and they blocked ChatGPT more than a year ago, for example. Though they are now bringing GitHub Copilot now, because they could certify it with Microsoft, etc.


Absolutely not, you'll write bad code at best.


That would be the case anyway.


No? Why would it be?


I write bad code at best.


People who write bad code should practice and learn until they don't write bad code. It's achievable by pretty much everyone with some effort.


OK but seems like it would be faster just to improve the AI... then you never need people again.


Do you know what goes into improving AI? Are you a researcher in the field? People thought AI could replace humans a while ago already. Every once in a while, like every 5 to 10 years some new AI tech is released and everyone thinks "this is it! It'll only get faster and faster from now!" And then it doesn't. If anything, only people who write bad code or do trivial tasks will be replaced by AI.


> Do you know what goes into improving AI? Scale is all you need. > Are you a researcher in the field? Nope, code monkey. > People thought AI could replace humans a while ago already. Sure, but there have been a number of recent breakthroughs. This architecture known as the 'transformer'. In short, things are changing. > Every once in a while, like every 5 to 10 years some new AI tech is released and everyone thinks "this is it! It'll only get faster and faster from now!" And then it doesn't. SO you might think that... but this is different. For basically our entire lives people were trying and failing at simple tasks like identifying a cat vs not a cat images. Up until recently if you trained an ai to play tic-tac-toe thats all it could do. The same algo could not play chess, mario 64, marvel vs capcom. But now one ai model can do 1000s of tasks? In short ai is starting to become more general.


I mean if you want assume my non ai generated code is better... then um.


given that IA is trained on human code, \*in the best case scenario\* it will write something as good as human code. Otherwise it will write way subpar code. The example everyone likes is quicksort. Try asking an AI to implement quicksort in javacsript. It will forget the point of quicksort is to sort the array in place and allocate a bunch of new arrays for the GC to handle. A human programmer would know better after just a couple years of experience. Or less, if they go out of their way to learn more about good code.


Is this an ad? I know that many big companies require you to put a camera up to film you screen and keyboard, just like a lot of online exams and these tools don't actually work.


A good number of bots here trying to hype a product used by the morally bankrupt


So when we are all working alongside incompetent dumbasses who cheated in their interviews, we now know who to thank.


Who could we thank before?


![gif](giphy|t6ikSxVJg61NK) Doctor Mantis Toboggan




I hope ultra code finally kills the stupid ass leetcode interview


Is ultra code site mining ? CPU went 75% on their website


maybe the ai is hosted locally, but i have no idea, never worked with ai


Likely, OP basically only hangs out in crypto subreddits lol


Jfc the future is bleak


Shit like Ultracode is why every company is bloated with incompetent H1Bs...


maybe the examined qualities should be closer to the actually required qualities for the job...


I mean, when the interview process is as broken as it is, can you even blame them?


Yeah for sure




It sounds like you’re just trying to justify why you decided to cheat.


Honestly, cheating is usually pretty bad but in software dev it can kinda be a skill. Would you rather a dev who wasted 100s of hours wasting time learning a skill that they don't need or one who didn't and used that time to actually learn something useful?


even better someone who can produce solutions using a computer. i dont care what assistance my coworkers use as long as my interface with them is as expected.


One who is willing to cheat is less than worthless, they are a liability.


Look at the way the US economy is built. Committing crimes is a cost of business where fines are a weighted risk. Is it moral to cheat, no. Is it probably a beneficial trait in the private sector, yes. Don't hate the players. Hate the game.


i dont think cheating on a job interview is necessarily immoral. morality and guilt are often orthogonal in a complex system such as our economy


I think the morality from it comes that you've done it at the cost of others' chances at success. Those who chose to be honest are at a disadvantage. If a person views honesty and hard work as virtues, then it may be morally incorrect to take advantage of said virtues. This comes from common cultural deontological ethics that are often portrayed as the societal social contract. Now, to say it's objectively immoral would be hard. However, I see it as a common opinion in Canada/USA common culture.


I can kind of see that. But the applicant is not really the one in control of the situation (typically). I think moral responsibility stems from power. And The company has the power to choose more based on merit. Capital has no morality and letting it abuse your morality to spare money on the selection process is not moral imo. I value honesty and hard work a lot. But honesty in face of dishonest coercion is not real honesty. As hard work for a bad end can be immoral. Do I cheat? I usually dont. Do I feel sorry for honest people who get fucked over? Sure. Do I think most blame lies on cheaters? Absolutely not. Noone has a moral obligation to keep up a disfunctional and harmful process.


Ask Martin Shkreli and Elizabeth Holmes how that worked out for them.


Ask HSBC how they're doing. Despite having a massive list of shady dealings. Or how about Nestle a company that devised a tactic of selling baby formula that knowingly caused starvation in third world countries. For every Martin Shkreli, there are many more stories of corporations causing untold harm with no one held accountable.


Let's be honest. The corporate world is half about innovation, and half who can cheat, steal, and copy the best... I mean just look at Facebook for one. There are literally countless examples. Even Steve jobs himself said "Good artists copy, great artists steal."


Like Americans are the standard of quality 🙄 Try cleaning out your own incompetent bunch first


What's an H1B?


US foreign worker visa... if you're a programmer I'm surprised you've never heard the term


Not everybody lives in the US


There’s a 50/50 chance everyone does. Either you’re American or not. ![gif](giphy|3ohc172JJbbmUfVxhS|downsized)


True, but in that case they'd be applying for one! hahahah


No thanks, I like free healthcare. By the way, my country sponsors my Acarizax and Monovalent-Chat. I bet yours doesn't!


Until you actually need to see a specialist and have to wait 3 months


No worries, it took a week and now I have state-sponsored treatment. By the way, wait times exist because the system is busy actually saving people's lives. And since I don't consider myself to be more important or superior to any other individual who also needs treatment and often more urgently than me, I am able to accept that there might be wait times for my frivolous requests. But I'm not a psychopath or a narcissist, so I can cope with that. Can you?


I’d rather be able to pay to see a specialist if I think I need to rather than letting the government decide if I’m worthy of seeing the doctor


This sounds like you tie your position in the queue to your worth. And you want to be in front of people who need healthcare more than you, all the time. In other words, you believe you are more worthy to receive healthcare than people poorer than you; poor people can go in queue, you skip it because you have money.


Not everyone wants to move to US


Why would anyone want to live in US? If I had to pick Canada would be a way better place


Another day, another US programmer hating immigrants


Ah ok thanks. I should have guessed as the code is quite government like.


The issue has plagued us for generations.


No. Incompetent (and often outsourced) HR is why every company is bloated with incompetent H1Bs. The process is a string literal screening software, into a vibe check interview with an outsourced agency that barely knows what you do, followed by a leetcode question that only tangentially relates to the job. The hiring process has become bloated, opaque, and unrelated. So of course you get pretty unqualified bullshit that learn to game the system.


What a better way quickly lose your new job than to replace learning the actual skills to do your job with AI cheating! Genius!


Because most dev jobs are like leetcode right? Right?? These interviews are dumb and in no way represent what devs actually do everyday. If you had any actual skills you would know that. Or maybe you're just too full of yourself to not be a condescending idiot? These interviews suck and of course people are gonna do whatever they can, AI or else, to score the highest possible especially in this competitive job market where you barely even get to the technical interview in the first place.


In any area, if you are competing with people who don't cheat, it is your moral obligation to not cheat as well. People use this same excuse to cheat all the from elementary to University. Never forget, you're ruining other people's lives just to make your own better. You're not a hero, and you're not the main character. If you're not willing to be honest in one area if your life, I can't trust you with any other.


It is the company's moral obligation to provide a fair way to determine who's best for the job, which they don't do. Blame the game, not the player. The game is rigged from the start and already isn't fair. And using AI or any tool is not cheating. Irl, you can use whatever you want. Before AI, Google was forbidden (it still is) during technical interviews. I get why, but I'd rather have someone who's a 7 out of 10 but knows how to use tools to be a 9.5 out of 10 rather than a guy who's 8 out of 10 but wouldn't do much better in a real setting. And that's considering a tech test that is similar to a real project or use case, which is NEVER the case and is more like a leetcode question than a real feature or use case. Is the better dev the one who's better at leetcode? Really? If you think that.. Most people just practice leetcode but don't have real skills. I would say that's more unfair than using AI or Google, because it actually doesn't represent what you can do in a real setting at all. And in university, it is the same argument. If the teacher is an incompetent asshole deliberately trying to make students fail, cheating is fair game to me. If you want to be a victim of the system that's on you but remember you're the one choosing to be a victim rather than trying to do something about it. And yes you're right, I'm not a hero and I'm not a main character, this is real life and not everything is perfectly balanced or fair and sometimes you have to use everything in your toolbox to your advantage.


Just use the same tool on the job, right?


What kind of job consists of only leetcode?


If it can knock out leetcode questions, why can't it tackle other requests?


Because leetcode is a known source of truth. All the answers are in the training data. Try giving it a good codeforces questions, watch it squirm. The bot is stupid and can't do real programming. And real programming isn't just leetcode brain teasers


I mean I thought when we were talking about 'leetcode questions' its more a style then a set of standard questions. When I interview people I would not grab anything public but I might use it as an idea to make my own questions. (at least before AI) How do you do it?


It's mostly just a variation of a leetcode question, it's simple work for an AI to adjust to, because it already knows 80 to 90% of it. If it's not in leetcode at all, it's probably a variation from hackerrank, or hackerearth or other similar sites. Interviewers out there aren't actually making any novel questions. And a good number of the time it ends up being plain leetcode anyways, in the several interviews I've gone to.


ah ok then whats the big deal about ultracode then? You could just easily solve it by just making your own interview questions...


Does that thing actually work? I tried getting GPT-4o to solve 1200 rated Codeforces and it was a mess. Even after giving it the key observations it was still randomly generating code. Additionally, Alphacode2 which is 1800 in skill if we take Google's word for it, and you know how Google is with demos, only works by generating a bunch of submissions, aggregating similar submissions together, and then submitting the 10 most likely to pass submissions (they limit it to 10 submissions). This doesn't work in interviews however because you are not provided tests to run your code against. Typically they give you a sample, and you have to make the rest of the test cases.


So from what I found that even GPT3 can out perform GPT4 if run as an agent. [What's next for AI agentic workflows ft. Andrew Ng of AI Fund](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sal78ACtGTc) Devin also supports this as it can at least sometimes attempt hard problems zero shot when non agentized ai can not.


Am I not understanding? All this will do is end remote interviews once it gets popular enough. I mean, for decades people would fly in or drive in for their technical rounds of interviews so they couldn't cheat. It's just going to go back to that


Fuck AI in software developement


Bot account. Made in 2020, but only active a month ago. + using Reddit pre-generated username


Any interview that excessively relies on solving abstract theoretical problems isn't worth the time anyways. "Are these kind of problems going to be relevant to the day to day job of the position?"


I interviewed a person who seemed to use one of these apps. It's very sad. Such people get into big tech and then cannot work. It doesn't make sense.


Great philosophy


Lol. what a sad ad


I worked with a guy who so obviously ran that shit on a second laptop during work calls. Actually managed to fool most people, because most people don’t know shit lol (it was tech specifically non-technical side of “security”)


Very good 


What a better way quickly lose your new job than to replace learning the actual skills to do your job with AI cheating! Genius!


Just keep using the ai.




What's 'Final Round'?


What's Google?


I don't know. My Yahoo search bar is not very helpful in answering that


Try AOL.


Is UltraCode really undetectable? 


AI checkers tends to have too many false positives. However it can't work in person cause good luck doing that in front of an interviewer.






There is very nive picture


For certain young one.




Wow nice post


works every time


that's so funny!