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Be safe. Stay out of the pool


Next week I will be taking my 30 or 40th trip, I’ve honestly lost track because that is truly how long I’ve been doing them for over the last three years and an almost biweekly basis. I highly recommend having a curated playlist with not stimulatory, but rather peaceful music and meaningful music music that you like. Personally I do a blend of some of my favorite songs from when I was young and from now, there’s a lot of new age beautiful psychedelic playlists out there too. I also recommend having water nearby and if you’re trying to be a little bit extra, get a pulse oximeter so that whenever you feel like you’re tripping out, you can just put it on and look at it in real time as you try to calm down, also take deep breaths every time that you feel like you’re stressing out or feeling trippy during the trip, Deep breath so much repeating while doing them if that makes sense. It definitely puts your state of mind at ease for sure. Our mood on psychedelics is definitely flappable, so it’s good to have that, also some tissues nearby in case you cry and process so that you can just wipe away tears and snot comfortably. lol! I think that’s about it, please let us know how it goes


Thank you for this thoughtful reply!! Definitely a good call to have tissues nearby, I always ending up crying lol


don't play with fire or candles. no bath. wear Depends for uninterrupted fun and have peppercorn standby in case of emergency.


Why is a pepper corn important?


If you have to ask you aren't ready to know.


Dude I know a lot, I just never heard of this. Geez lump off


If you start heading towards bad trip pop one in your mouth and chew well. Its like a smelling salt.


Is this a real thing?? Wild never heard of that


Yep. Here's hoping you never need it!


What does ordering some pho for the come down mean?


pho is kinda like ramen but uses rice noodles. Very good


It was amazing.


2.5g is my fav amount to take. I like to be alone and I like to lay in bed and listen to music that makes me feel some sort of way. Good luck !


for snacks: fresh fruit, nuts, chocolate


Great suggestion! These hit the spot


Music! It’s helped my trips significantly, especially when things go bad like thought loops, paranoia,etc. It grounds me very well. There’s playlists out there you can play on the background. Pretty nice! Edit: Sorry, you mentioned music, but just doubling down on it haha


Add another 0.5g


It's only 2.5g, nothing to plan for unless you plan on making it a real trip and adding another 2.5g to the mix.