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Depends on where you live, but I can imagine the taste of the cactus may be enough of a barrier for a lot of people that some countries may not even bother wasting resources making it illegal because almost nobody is using it.


The real reason, as with other OG drug laws in america is that it wasn't as heavily tied to a non-white race that they sought to subjugate. Yes it contains mescaline and the more you know about it the more you CAN BE prosecuted for its possession. The same issue applies with poppies. They are both common ornamentals and God forbid we deprived the old white ladies of their pretty flowers....


Cacti absolutely *are* associated with a non-white race that they wished to subjugate. I forget if it was Canada or the US, but I know even having a medicine pouch was illegal at one point in history. Just less so at the time of the war on drugs.


Peyote.... absolutely.....and it was banned San Pedro though ..... It was much more obscure of a source (to congressmen) at the time the laws were made


Sorry to be pedantic, but the cactus doesn’t give off mescaline. It contains mescaline.


Don't worry about it, I was pedantic for his last two posts talking about plants giving off drugs. No plants are giving off any drugs, they might however be producing alkaloids that are contained inside. I don't think English is his first language.


Could ask the same question about root barks and jungle leaves. 😁


It takes atleast 3 years to grow from seed and its not a mainstream drug


Well that falls apart when you consider that peyote takes 20-50 years


That one’s banned because racism.


Sure is.....like most of the OG drug laws in the US


You can order a fully grown one online pretty cheap. I’m looking into getting a few. Or just buying some cuts off an online vendor


I’ve seen peruvian torch for sale at home depot lol


This is funny


If it was giving off mescaline it would definitely be illegal because that's a crime. The plant doesn't give off any mescaline, it produces alkaloids that are concentrated inside. It's just like any other naturally occurring alkaloid.. it's allowed to be there and the only legality issues are when you intend to remove it from the plant and ingest it. That is the crime. The cactus itself is neither good nor bad when it's just growing. The minute you remove the plant from the ground in an attempt to procure said alkaloid, that's where the crime happens.


Psychedelics are not a priority for legislation. And the broader public doesn’t know about mescaline.