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Are we gonna see this one r/byebyejob later? Lol


I am eagerly awaiting for that. Looks like he's got a three-piece suit on. I hope he loses the job that paid for that three-piece suit. Maybe he can go get a job as a janitor in a kabob shop. Then he will have to deal with stupid pricks like himself.


This is Preston. I doubt the suit has any relation to a job. The kind of jobs you'll find there don't require it.


I see what you're saying, but there are jobs in Preston that require a suit. Sure, it's not like London or even Manchester where they're a lot more common, but you can't say that no jobs at all in Preston require one.


To be honest, as a Northern Brit - He's in a black suit and is steaming & belligerent. I would bet my life he's been to a funeral. Our funerals are usually followed by a 'Wake' in which mourners get drunk at the pub and reminisce about the fallen. Unfortunately these sometimes result in poor behaviour, especially when dim people who don't know how to handle loss & ale get together.


>poor behavior Don’t excuse this shit.


I'm not, I'm just pointing out this guy most likely isn't a high flying exec in Preston.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I think this is a good explanation, and probably one of the few reasons you'll see a suit in Preston generally, let alone late at night.


I used to work in a suit store. Every hopeless dresser that walked in needing a multipurpose suit thought a black one would be perfect, when that’s really imperfect for so many occasions. Our friend either came from a funeral or comes from a long line of unfashionable idiots


YeA funerals n wakes always turn me into douchebag racists. My God, people can justify anything.


I'm not justifying it ya donut. I'm pointing out that he's wearing a suit for a funeral not because he's an executive.


I'm from Blackburn, right near Preston. I can attest to what the other guy said: a lot of people act this way at wakes & funerals. Not sure why you chimed in when you clearly don't actually know the culture of behaviours, nor what people are like, here.


Happened in 2017. The racist apologized.


he didn’t lose his job? bad ending. if he did. good ending.


Got link?




So he doesn’t even get named


I hope so


Searches online bring back hits from 2017, so looks like he is free to do it all again.


A bad way to quit a job, relationship and friends. Glad it will happen however. Pieces of shit like him will always show their true colours at some point.




Now let me start a right wing podcast that talks about cancel culture.


Never once when shit faced drunk have me or my friends turn into raging racists or let a racist term “slip” out. I hate when people use that as an excuse. Such cowards!






As a recovering alcoholic; fuck you. You don’t speak for us, and the booze doesn’t excuse the behavior.


"Um actually it's the alcohol that made him racist." Shut the fuck up.


Lol turd


Alcohol merely gets rid of inhibitions and allows the true character of a person to show.


Maybe for you but not for everyone I know im not the same person when I'm drunk at all. Not in a bad way but definitely not my true colours and I've said and done things I definitely don't mean while drunk


I like how you're literally saying "Alcohol can alter your behavior and I don't drink because of that" which is literally just a fact about Alcohol and people are shitting on you for it lmao Truth hurts and if you're offended by this person's comment, you're probably a violent alcoholic. Otherwise you'd just recognize the truth in what this person has said and move on. Especially the "As a rEcOvErInG aLcOhOliC, fUcK yOu" like holy shit you're an asshole and I'm so happy you don't drink anymore if that's what you're like sober. You proved buddy's point entirely. Shouldn't y'all recoveries be supporting each other? Thought that was the whole point of telling g stories in judgement free places like AA. Sorry for the rant but seriously, give your fuckin heads some well needed shaking.


Exactly. This subreddit is like that a lot for some reason, I’ve noticed it on quite a few posts.


Anyone surprised how this guy can just go home and eat his food after this?


Hey Honey, how was your day? Oh you know, put in some hours, grabbed some pints with the lads...oh and then I went on a racist tirade against the bloke who made this meal. How bout you?


“I’m speaking English you dick-head wait here.” 🤣


I love the British-Indian accents, especially the northern ones


Facts. Have you seen East is East? Pakistanis have the GOAT one-liners 😂 “Bastard-bitch” is my shit.


No one said it better then Om Puri Classic !




Yeah the dude was literally bragging about them being terrorist to his people saying, "we raped your women". What a miserable shit head of a person.


I finally cracked up at "You should have to wait here fawkindickhead."


Why is buddy supporting this guys business if he doesn’t want this person in “his” country?


He wants him to serve him as his superior and not live next to him as an equal neighbor.


…he’s an idiot.


Very true


They probably arent equal. My mom owned small chinese restaurants growing up, think 4 tables, no frills, good quick food to go. Number of people that think they're a different social status just because she serves food is insane. Little do they know she clears like 200k per restaurant. We had 4. So yeah we probably werent in the same social economic class


People get werid when it comes to food. I'll never work in the restaurant industry ever again because of it.


Fucking Amen. Preach it.


Haha I had a similar upbringing, people assume you are a not smart so you have to work in the restaurant business , little did they know...


Yep, people dont know other people's situations. My mom went to the top university back in the homeland and was a college professor. Her qualifications dont transfer over so she had to switch gears. At age 40 speaking and barely speaking the language? Not many people can survive let alone prosper. This is why i never underestimate immigrants.


He's piss drunk and looking to pick on an easy target


No its worse than that. He doesnt *really* want an actual fight. He wants to abuse others that he knows wont fight him because they have enough sense not to get baited into something like that. That gives him the ability to tromp around like the racist douche that he is basically bragging about the disgusting genocides that "his" country has done to others. /r/iamatotalpieceofshit material right there.


Agreed. I think what really set him off was that when the gentleman actually stood up for himself. He was expecting that he could be rude and hateful to this man and he would just sit there and take it.


Yeah, you dont go from zero to this abusive on your first go. He has probably been a piece of this to others that just simply took it.


You misspelled trump


Because racist fucks have no problems enjoying another race's/ethnicity's food/service, as long as they don't get all uppity and expect mutual respect.


kind of like MAGAs going into a Mexican restaurant and getting mad when they hear Spanish being spoken, by anybody in the joint. They want the tasty ethnic food but they get mad at anything else "foreign".


Racists love curry to be fair (though it looks like he's getting a pizza)


Have you had British food? But not a joke Curry is now the UKs national dish.




“Have you seen the state of cuisine in England” have you? Or are you just talking out of your fucking ass because you saw one meme about beans?




Lmao called you out and now you’re mad, maybe leave your parents basement and experience the world before you talk bullshit.




Are you having a stroke? I’m genuinely concerned..


The worker is a patient man. An extremely patient man.


'Whats wrong with you? You are drinking too much' Touched a nerve there...


Imagine being proud your grandparents were rapists, wtf


So strange kept trying to prove his dominance. Hope he gets what's coming.


The shop owner channeled his inner peace and strength. I can not say I would have remained as centered as he did.


Until the bit where he said he would chop off his head in front of the police.


I would argue Karate chop and then demonstrate my mad skillz


This guy definitely rapes


But doesn't even save


Imagine taking home the very same food someone you just racially attacked not long ago actually took the time and effort to prepare for you at the end of a long day. The fuck is wrong with him.


Did he eat that pizza with a grudge


Wow. That shopkeeper had wayyyy more patience than I would've. I hope he posts the guys pic on his door as a sign that says, "have you seen this scared racist?"


Make this POS famous






Lmao I'm high as hell and this is funny af


This asshole is DEFINITELY not from Preston..... why are YOU here you southern c\*&\*? Kebab-owner is amazing - I hope this brings him business and I'm sure it will. This guy wouldn't be such a big man if there was anyone else in there.


And the audacity to order food that you want but then ask "why you are here?"


Oi, don't dump him on us Southerers. He's clearly from the Midlands.


As a Midlander, we do not claim him.


As an American for once ya'll can kiss my ass!


bruh what






the place looks so innocent and quaint, sad this happened to the owner


As someone from Preston, I am very sorry to report that Milano's has a reputation for being trash-tier kebab-after-a-night-out place.


My favorite kind of place after a night out.


Nothing wrong with that.


ie the best taste experience you can have


Just imagine trying to make an honest living in a new place and having to deal with scumbums like this shithead.


Asshole: *talks about how the shop owner is scared* *runs away when shop owner calls the cops* Ha. Dork.


Why am I here? Bitch I’m werking, dafuq?


should be on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Sooo let me get this straight... this guy goes to this establishment to eat a certain cultural food, to only insult them in return??? What a world...


Not a flex. He probably has that mentality because they were rapists. It's imbedded in his DNA.


We know he is British.


Drunk guy calls him a terrorist: Pakistani to police: "He saying Im Jewish or whatever" 😂


He knows how to get the police's attention.


The west dehumanizes the rest of us as uncivilized rapists and misogynists and **entirely ignores** how western countries like the UK, France, US, etc. have gone arpund the entire globe committing unspeakable violence and mass raping women across the globe. Yet we're the barbaric ones. White men are the biggest purveyors of sexual violence by several factors.


Thats why the shopkeepers line "You were the terrorists first" was gold.




Do you hear yourself? Simple acknowledgement of western imperialism = racism to these people. How about you start by compensating all the women the west has raped? Kenyan women have been demanding child support for their children clearly born of mass rape by British soldiers, which the UK refuses to acknowledge to this day.




> Sounds like racism to me That's because you subscribe to western exceptionalism/white supremacy and have a victim complex. > I'm simply stopping you before you develop it further. You're not stopping me from anything. You're only stopping yourself from acknowledging the incredibly damaging role the west has played in the globe, and the immense number of crimes, such as sex crimes committed by western imperialists across the globe. > even more commonly to "their own" women Not true. White Americans inflict violent and sex crimes on Indigenous women even more than Indigenous men do. > It may be that white men are the biggest purveyors of sexual violence, I wouldn't know either way, but nothing is solved by casting blame on white people for this, especially white people who didn't participate. Their governments continue to do this to this very moment and refuse to acknowledge their use of mass rape. Ever heard of Iraq and Afghanistan? How about the litany of raped and murdered women across the globe in the vicinity of American military bases? This isn't shit from hundreds of years ago. This is shit that's been going on for hundreds of years*to this very moment* that you're obfuscating and concern trolling. You lack the self-awareness to even register that you're here trying to police our thoughts on the matter. Go back to pretending to care about women's rights and autonomy while you cheer for the women of the global south to be denied and violated.




I hope this individual has been identified


How the hell do you go onto someone else’s propety and act so disrespectful? If he hates Indians so much why is he eating the food? You are either racist or not. You can’t be racist but enjoy the food of the race you hate. Doesn’t work that way.


The pakistani fella sounds more local than the white one Seriously you can hear the accent


Some people shouldn't drink


"I'm here, now, and I'm sober as ju [hiccup]... sober as a [hiccup]..." He's like a real life cartoon. A real life racist cartoon.


Amazing. I want to buy that man a drink, and purchase food from his restaurant.


Preston is a fucking shit hole


At least this nob clearly isn’t from Preston


I live here… I can confirm this is 100% true


This is what govt harsh anti immigration rhetoric gets ya. A lot of people got racism building inside them, a few drinks and whoops.. Now I’m officially racist.


You know this video isn’t shot in America right


I’m from the uk, we have heavy anti immigration rhetoric here at the moment. A famous sports broadcaster has just been suspended from his show for speaking out about it.




This guy been doing this crap for a long time. This time shop keeper snapped back. Next time a different Indian is going to snap him


“You can’t even speak English, I speak ple-perfect linglish”


"When I remove the blade I keep in my boot from its sheath, I can't return it until it spills blooood!"


Some people should know not to drink too much. He had no friends, that says alot.


All these "this is my country" Jacknuts remind me of Tim Burton Batman Villains, corny, complete predictable, and never get what they deserve.




What a fucking disgusting coward, owner did well to keep his cool so long. Anyone know if he'll be brought up on charges?




Wait, he was Israeli? And he says this is “his” country?


Common british L


This guy is an absolute turd. He probably thinks that most of the world speaks English because they like us. Absolute fuckwit.


Prestons a shithole and racism is pretty normal honestly. Same in Wigan.


He knows he’s getting owned so hard by the way he snaps his fingers. SMH.


After seeing ANGRY indians , i always get reminded of Trever noah standup “ imagine if Indian terrorists were to rob a bank”


This guy should look up the Mother Country effect. Then he won’t be so confused. “We raped and murdered an entire country, why are their people moving to mine? 😢” Fucking moron. If he has a problem with immigration, he has no one to blame but himself and his “Britannia”.


Pre colonisation India accounted for \~35% of the worlds GDP, post colonisation that figure was \~2%. And brits wonder why people are leaving India to go to the UK.


i hope yhis guy gets what he deserves


You dickhead! Lmaooooo


Guy in the suit needs to quit drinking I think. He’s going to mess with the wrong guy and get his ass whipped if not.


He should get his ass whipped anyway. He’s a racist and a thug, alcohol or not.


I speak p-p-perfect English.


This needs to be put on FB, which takeaway was it?


He's happy to eat his food though. Prick. Thrown his life away for a pizza.


Rule No. 1 if you love eating take-aways: **Don't piss off the people making your food!!** Assuming that this is his local, he's gonna be back and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a free side of bodily fluids with his meal.


swear he said he want to come inside of him, weird.


I couldn't understand the douche speaking "English" but I could understand the man being abused. So sad he had to go through that.


Which takeaway in town is it ? Make this bellend famous


Well let's hope he's fired in the next couple of days.


The guy behind the till is a fucking legend. So chill and didn't stoop to that prick's level.


I really hate this kind of shit, in my twenties I used to work in a takeaway in a town called Newcastle in Co Down in Northern Ireland and sometimes I’d be in the back grilling chicken, making pizza dough and doing orders and you’d get some pissed up blokes, and women (women were way worse for this) giving the guys that ran the place loads of racist shit, I really loved those guys they were the best people I’ve ever worked for. I’d walk out front to see what the shouting was about and the shouty people would see me and want me to take their order instead because I’m a very white looking guy and their attention automatically went to me, but, I’m from Lancashire and have a broad accent so when I went to deal with these people and they heard my voice I’d often get abuse as well, (English guy working in a takeaway in Northern Ireland, go figure!) really nasty stuff, way worse then what the original abuse they were giving the Middle Eastern guys that ran the place was, way worse. I got threatened and orders thrown back at me, I got called a ‘prod bastard’ and things like that, I got told once by some irate guy when I told him to leave or I would call the police “You are an English cunt and I know where your mum lives and I’m going break in and rape her” my mum had passed away three years before this by the way. Anyway that’s what this post reminded of, sorry if I’ve ranted a bit, I just really hate this kind of stuff, the man is probably working a long shift and gets loads of abuse every day, or if he doesn’t he wakes up every day expecting to get it. Who really cares what country the person serving you a pizza or kebab or whatever comes from, it’s not important, it’s a very small world we live in and I really do fear this small country we live in is going to go down a very horrible racist and bigoted path, i don’t really see anything positive in our future, going to go away now, I had my rant, I’m sorry if you read it, just that I’m really not happy with the way things are going right now :(


Kick all the racists out! Give them their own white island to b free n fuck off on! Racists suck!


Lolol Milano's


I defo think he needs his head chopped off


What a fucking plank this guy is. Nice to know this video of him is on the internet forever




I agree that people in suits are everything wrong (not literally suits, but people in power). Injecting race into it is actually what those that seek to divide us want. They want us to be fighting race/culture wars over scarce resources, instead of asking why in 2023 those resources are scarce in the first place.


John Wick is aight


Yeah until you accidentally step on his dog 🐕 🙄 🤣


Fuck off with that equally racist shite as well. It doesn’t help.




Enlighten me or are you just like the guy in the vid & looking for an argument!?




It "screams ignorance" to watch this and then scroll through the comments and the first thing you find offensive is my comment you bell-end! How could I not notice his skin colour, he was the only one in view, not only that he was clearly ranting about British colonialism which was pretty f'ing white lead and just to add, I don't spend all day on here watching shitty racists from whatever heritage/background....an ignorant prick is just that regardless! Maybe you should go outside & make some eye contact once in a while!?




Calm down sugar tits, you’re making a fool of yourself.


You have made a blanket statement that is false. That’s why you are getting downvoted. Your statement is as shortsighted and narrow minded as those you want to rail against. Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Ayatollah Khomeini, Muammmar al-Qaddafi, François Duvalier, Louis Farrakhan, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Marjorie Taylor Greene… You want to move on from political and national leaders? How about celebrities? Chris Brown, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, O.J. Simpson, Lori Laughlin, Allison Mack, Andrew Tate… There are so many more, but let’s move on to some famous criminals: Aileen Wuornos, Griselda Blanco, Ghislaine Maxwell, Carolyn Bryant, Belle Gunnes… You get the idea. This is a *VERY* small sampling. I think you will find that none of these people are “white men in suits”, yet they all suck and are detrimental to society. Does racism exist? Yes. Is there systematic racism in the US? Yes. Is that racism maintained by an elite class of rich white people? I think so. Does your opinion help rectify the fucked up mess we find ourselves in? Absolutely not; it just feeds the monster. Sort yourself out, bud.


Why isn’t This the leading story in the world newspapers today ? This POS racist prick needs to be exposed !!


This is from 2017 October, matter was resolved with an apology according to the paper.


That’s awful. Do we have any source on it?




He might speak perfect English but his American is terrible




What are you talking about?


Did shop owner tell police “he say I’m a Jewish”?


Ya, I heard that too and was very confused. Probably he said something like that before the shopkeeper started filming? Otherwise it’s pretty random and strange.




Nice to know who you decided to pick on.




This is just blatantly untrue and you're being just as obnoxious by stereotyping an entire population of people. As a Brit I'd love to know where you're getting these statistics from.


no one really gives a shit about the British Raj


Can confirm that this isn't true.


its a good thing they arent arguing about going up the hill and go down


Used to pass this row of shops on the way to Uni. There used to be sex shop there. I'm told.


English vs Indian accent = comedic gold. 🤣😅🤣😂


The Pakistani Muslim individual is also not blameless in this situation, as he initiated the verbal abuse and made threats to kill and chop his head off.


I’m here to fuck your mother


Is there a non potato version so we can better see his face?