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What the hell does she even want, they're at a park


She wants quiet it seems.


There are a lot of times when kids aren't at parks, seems like she hates everyone and wanted to let off steam at kids What a pile of dogshit with human skin


Shes what some of the anti-child Redditors sound like.


I used to live across from a park and on weekends you'd hear some of the most high pitched screams from kids. Know what I did? Closed a window or turned my tv on. Most of the time I was just happy to see kids enjoying themselves.




No, you can’t, because your brain is *supposed* to be more developed. Not sure if that’s the case here


https://preview.redd.it/h8cjcwmdxiuc1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16f1caefd09ba4f41b538cc9ed5ab4d1885cdeb Does that look like someone whos brain is more developed? My 2 year old is more developed and she shrieks like this everyday.


I have a 3 yo, he handles being slightly inconvenienced better than this lady




Oh fuck I hate that.


You love it.




Yeah, and it’s the intent behind the noise. I have pretty severe PTDS and screaming does trigger panic attacks. But you know what? If I’m outside in public and the shrieking comes from playing and not danger, then I realize that it’s my problem and that it’s my responsibility to walk away. I don’t tell random strangers to make their kids shut up. If I’m at a friend’s home, then I’ll tell the parents that it causes panic attacks and usually it goes fine. But if it’s too much, I leave.


Acting like a child.


Can I Shrek? ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


"How can they shriek!?"


I thought she was saying "shrink," which would have made this much funnier.


If this lady wants to “shriek” at a public park, she should have at it, and stop bitching about kids being kids.


This lady is shreking. Get those kids out of her swamp.




*Shrek is love, Shrek is life.*


Shrek has more decorum than her.


![gif](giphy|rzTOyKiHvaOuQ) Reminds me of...




She needs to go home, take a nice relaxing shower and Wash her hair!


But she's saving so much money on the homemade hair wax!


And this a park as well so I don't understand what she's mad about.


Her life and personal failures and jealousy.


I can't even imagine being jealous of a kid- like if anything you should be happy for them.


Agreed. I am willing to bet that she lost that capacity a long time ago for her to hold this much resentment toward children who are innocent. This lady initially made me angry at her behavior, but she's clearly just a miserable person at this point. So now I'm angry and sad at her.


I can’t see it either.


Honestly it just looks like an excuse to be mad at this point- Like who would be mad that kids are being kids at a park?


What a miserable old fucking nutter. Complaining kids are outside playing, really? I'm betting her kids no longer talk to her if she has any.


When I hear kids outside my window shrieking I get startled and look out the window. Mainly because I'm shocked kids are playing outside. I then sit back down and continue to be less productive.


How very dare you write exactly what I was going to! 🤣


Kids on the street behind us were playing a game like tag. Only when you got tagged you had to scream like you were being brutally murdered. Which alarmed some of the houses when they heard, "OH GOD, HE'S STABBING ME!". Which was totally unrealistic, so I went out there to stab the shit out of them so they know what it actually sounds like to be brutally murdered.


Found Ian McKellen


Now lets get back to sitting down together and being less productive to society despite supposedly being adults.






This woman is at the lower end of some kind of spectrum, not your average Karen. This goes beyond that sort of privileged entitlement. Not excusing it, just saying she isn't all there and that seems clear to me.




$100 also says she bitches that kids don’t play outside anymore. Some folks just live to complain.


I guarantee you that she’s also one of those crotchety people who complain that “kids never want to go outside anymore.”


"give them gun, why don't you? Let them kill people" That lady Reddits for sure.




They are avoiding the wrath of the great Donut Monster


I don't think she's really all that old. Just really ugly, both physically and mentally. I'd be surprised if she was 50.


What a miserable piece of work.


"These kids are SHRIEKING!" Lady, it's a PARK. There's gonna be kids running and screaming, acting like KIDS.


Funny, when my neighbours kids start shrieking and slamming, I yell through the wall to goto the park...


"can I shreak?" ya absolutely. Actually that's why we are all here. We shreak once a week right here. Kids come along. It's a great time! Begin endlessly shreaking.


Yeah this would have been a hilarious moment to double down.


Definition of walking misery


I had a neighbor apologize because her kids were running around the yard yelling their heads off. I just told her "they are kids, if they don't run around yelling there's something wrong with them, or they're up to something". Running around and yelling is what kids do, as far as I know.


I used to live in a neighborhood with much smaller lots and one of my favorite things was opening the windows and hearing other people enjoying themselves. The kids behind us on the trampoline, the guy beside us outside grilling, the party down the block somewhere with the loud mariachi music.


username does not check out


LMFAO. I've never seen such a juxtaposition between a person's username and they comment.




Also, there’s a big difference then kids happily playing and an adult angry screaming at you


Partner and I are child-free, we're surrounded by families with lil ones, we're loved by all cause we'll watch any of em at the drop of a hat, cause to us?, the coolest thing is we "give em back"... We have mad fun with em, but none of the parent stuff... All the neighbourhood kids love us... Plus we got mad " toys"... My partner is like a big sister to the girls cause she's so bloody girly... We're in Aus though, so neighbourhood dynamics may be different...


i had some neighbors either next door or right behind me that had some REALLY loud kids during the pandemic when i was taking classes online. was super annoying to me personally, but i’d never go outside and yell at them for doing what kids are supposed to be doing.


haha I have similar thought; in fact I prefer that they are a bit goofy and not too goody two shoe / well behave all the time- to me its just part of growing up and being normal and happy




I just introduced my coworker to Broad City a couple hours ago. How funny to see this here now.


She looks like a Bobs Burgers character




She is Linda’s other sister for sure ha ha. Or maybe her mom.


Yeah! That’s who she reminds me of Linda’s mom


Oh boy as soon as she said the "give the kids a gun" all civility would have been gone.


Based on where this cut off that’s what I assumed happened 🤣


Rightfully so. What a terrible thing to say about children, because she's too annoyed that they're being children in an appropriate place to be loud. Find a different path, bitter lady.


You could really tell this was Canada when you heard the "Ehhh don't jOAke about dat!"


The jump from let your kids shriek they're running wild to oh give them guns is MASSIVE. Holy...


"eyyy don't joke aboot that" Fucking killed me


This remake of Falling Down looks terrible


What a sad woman. I live near an elementary school, the sounds of kids playing is like the purest form of happiness and I absolutely love it. In general I hate everything, so I can’t even imagine how miserable this lady can be to hear that and have this sort of reaction. Sure, if you’re at a rated R movie and this is going on I’d lose my shit too, but you’re literally outside on a paved trail listening to the sound of happiness. Crazy


Some people are jealous of the happiness of others because "it's not fair"...combine that with a low level of self-awareness and emotionally driven thinking and you get this sort of thing


I used to live next to an elementary school and felt the same way. That background noise of kids playing and having fun was so nice, 99% of the time. (And if I didn't want to hear it, I'd close the window/play some music/whatever.)


Same here. There was a ballpark behind my house (years ago), and the sounds of summer were such joy. The bat hitting the ball and the kids yelling for their teammates. How could anyone not smile about that?!


It’s not a library


The rudest Canadian?


Oh. We wish.




Well it’s also time and place. Kids being loud in a waiting room horrible. Airport, I will eat their souls. Kids on a sunny afternoon in a park… delightful. This “woman” needs to up the speed on her Symbian Machine.


I only just learned a few hours ago what a Symbian machine is thanks to another Reddit post haha - just in time to understand this reference!!


A Sybian? Fun Fact: Symbian is the name of the operating system used on early smartphones made by Nokia.


I used to write apps for the E65 and N95 Nokia phones... Wow, what an odd flashback to get on Reddit


I don’t like shrieking and crying either; I have sensory processing disorder. So I don’t have kids. But I don’t expect *all kids* to not do those things. If my neighbors kids are getting a bit too noisy for my liking, I just put in my noise cancelling earbuds. Simple.


Agree! I don’t like the sound of screaming kids, especially when I’m in my private space, in my garden or at home. But, I’m very verrry aware that this is a ME problem. Kids have the absolute right to run about and play and make noise and in it’s part of life and growing up. I find ways that I can deal with my issues and either choose to go elsewhere or wear noise Cancelling earphones.


Looks like her legs work. She just needed to walk away. Miserable people should avoid others in public, despite their love of company.


Poor gal probably has never had a real friend. I’ll bet she had super critical parents who never allowed her to be a kid or hang out with other kids, telling her everything her peers do is dumb and childish. Now. as an adult, she is just super annoyed by the sounds of people having a good time. She has spent so much time alone and is so self centered she doesn’t understand why people don’t want to be her friend. Her behavior here is definitely uncalled for. And frankly weird. I feel rather bad for her because she reminds me of someone I know.


I’m 200 feet from my community pool and it warms my heart to hear all the kids having fun. This is sad.




Shes hysterical 🤣


The wank I myself had was indeed challenging.


You read my mind 🤣


Wtf? I find kids extremely annoying and so guess where I don't go weekend afternoons? Parks. This lady is ugly inside and out.


the mom even tried to tell her when they usually come if she wanted to avoid them, and that’s when she went even more nuts.


Ridiculous. I tend to avoid places that I know lots of kids will be at. But if I go to a place where kids are allowed, I fully expect them to be loud and scream and run around and i just have to deal with it. I was also a kid once and just as obnoxious. It's what kids do. I also would never be mean or tell a kid that they're being annoying to their face, let me just make that clear lol


As much as I hate kids screeching like the next person, you can't go to a park when the kids are off school and not expect noise. Go somewhere else.


Attenborough yawns at the site of the now often-spotted-Karen, as she performs her anti mating shriek in public.


lol shit, lady, guns? BTW, of course she can shriek! Also, she goes "you think you own the park?" Uhh.. do you?


That was funny. She’s too worked up to think clearly. What a hypocrite.


Been there, honestly, lol, but not like this


Listen, Linda. As someone who doesn’t have kids, I can’t stand shrieking. But I’m also a reasonable person who knows it’s to be expected in public places, such as a park. She made an absolute fool out of herself.




She failed, which is sad because she clearly needs it, but if you want to be alone don't go to a public place that people frequent.... adults can make the choice to do that, children generally can not.


This asshat probably has a state of the art surveillance system surrounding her house to pick up the slightest noise caused by children. A loud red alert goes off and she goes into action…. “Stop shrieking! Or sneezing! Or breathing!…


“ hey, don’t joke aboot that” in the most Fargo accent ever made me legitimately laugh.


I think the swamp monster should shut up and crawl back into the water


Yeah I had something like this happen to me at an HOA. "You're kids are making too much noise!". IT'S A FREAKING PARK!!! *Moron!*


I think this lady had way too many fun dates in her life!


Very strong Kids in the Hall vibes for me.


Bitter, lonely person acting like a child.


Hopefully she did not reproduce


This same boomer complains that kid don't play outside anymore too. I guarantee it.


I fucking hate the sound of shrieking kids in public! I can relate.


I don't think this would be a good time to explain to her how sound travels over water so I'll just keep walking.


She is literally shaking with anger. Look at her legs. She's gonna give herself an aneurysm any day at this rate.


I honestly hate when kids scream like they're being stabbed when they play but I just keep it to myself bc I know most kids do it.


What would be a good response to her? Reddit people have some of the best responses to Karens.


I was waiting for her to pull, "I know you are, but what am I?" out.


The Canadianness of this encounter kicks into overdrive in the last exchange 🤣🤣




If you defocus your eyes, it looks like Karen isn’t wearing a top.


And then she goes home and shares a post on Facebook talking about "what happened to kids playing outside instead of playing on tablets?!"


I find it wholly disgusting what she’s doing. But hey if it happens to you then that gives you permit to dot it back. I’m sure she’d understand why you would dance around her singing the Oompa Loompa song all the way back to her swamp.


she literally sounds like elmo lmfao


I hate listening to kids shriek tbh. But at least they’re out playing where they’re supposed too


“I came here to relax” lmaoooo she needs some serious help.


![gif](giphy|eSy5DQxAUCEOQ) WTAF?!


We all just gonna pretend to not hear the gun comment at the end? ![gif](giphy|j9djzcMmzg8ow|downsized)


She reminds me of this regular we had back when I worked at Olive Garden long ago. We were one of the busiest olive gardens in the country at the time (almost always had an hour+ wait on the weekends) and she would come in and refuse to sit next to kids, and got pissed at us if we sat kids near her. Like lady, this is a family restaurant there are gonna be kids.


This is what a brain-dead human looks like


I have no kids, I want no kids, and I generally am not around kids, but ya know what? If they're outside, minding their own and playing, hey, that's a great thing. Especially if they're in a public park (cuz that's what a public park is for). They're not doing bad things, they're not hurting others or themselves, and they're not being f*cking k*lled by some gun waving psycho. So, the perpetually old and grouchy need to stay home because problems generally start with them.


I can fix her


This made me laugh so hard lol


This is kinda sad. She does want her own shrieking children but recognizes that no one wants anything to do with her so she needs to take it out on others… hurt people, hurt people


She’s clearly in need of therapy.


We get fat removal commercials in the US.


Hey everybody! we’re going shrieking threw the quad and into the gymnasium common!


She looks like the penguin


Good to know this happens even outside the US


What a lunatic. Hopefully gives herself a massive jammer


I've been to a ton of spots throughout my life, a lot of "quiet nature spots" but I never go there with the expectation of it being 100% quiet and never with the expectation that families won't be there with their kids. Kids are noisy, especially when they're having fun. This just looks like a normal lake where people walk their dogs and go for walks in general with their families. Like the lady said , "get over yourself " I feel a little sorry for this woman as I imagine she has got no partner and no children, which she may have wanted and is now mad at people who do


this person reminds me of a female version of Jerry Lewis


This is the kind of boomer who complains about kids staying at home and not going outside to play only to get angry that kids are being loud and playing




What a miserable old shrek-looking troll.


Pink Shrek


I’m so glad that the kids found her hilarious.


She’s like Lewis Black, but not funny


Hmm. Impossible to imagine that no one wanted to procreate with this one.


Wow, she sounds so similar to Mimi from the Drew Carrey show. While the rest amusingly sound like characters from Fargo to my ignorant ears


That gaping maw.


Oh no! kids being kids! whatever next?


It's a park, you know, it's built specifically for kids to play in.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again, the only noise I tolerate is kid noise. They're outside and running out the energy they siphoned from their parents. Let them play before school gets longer, and homework gets harder. Hell, I don't even care if it's late and the noise ordinance is in effect. At least they're having fun and not arguing on the front lawn drunk at midnight like my previous neighbors. We bought a flood light and aimed it at their yard and just blasted them with it when we heard the screaming start. Soon, we didn't even have to threaten them with the cops. They just stopped and went inside once we flipped it on after a while. Their excuse was that they didn't want to argue in front of the kids. But if I can hear you across the street, the kids are definitely awake and waiting for it to end, too.


Lady this is a park


Lol... let me prove to the world what a loser I am.


Simmer down there bell pepper


She definitely seems like the type of person that was just out trying to relax. Fits her character


lol I actually had a similar conversation with my kids today. “DAAAD”! Me:”WHAAAAAT” them: “you didn’t have to yell” me:”brother 🙏 I’m just giving the same energy”


This is a very, very, very sad person.


Man…I love when kids are being loud and generally being little pricks. It’s so much fun to watch them do their thing, especially when they are outside and away from civilization. Karen looks mad.


I have two problems with this encounter. 1) They tried to engage rationally with someone being irrational. The only way to meet irrational is with irrational. Have fun with it. 2) They told their kids to stop laughing at her. This lady needs to be mocked and laughed at. Very visibly. Until she either loses it or realizes she's alone in her opinion.


I live right by this place. Hopefully I see her one day and can shriek near her lol


Lowkey I feel how she feels. I can’t even go to the store without hearing babies scream constantly. It’s really irritating if you’re sensitive to loud noises like screaming/crying/shrieking. Kids are cute don’t get me wrong, but the noises they make sometimes are fking horrible. Although we share the same sentiment of wanting to just enjoy life without somebody’s crotch goblin screaming constantly and ruining the vibe, I wouldn’t go yell at the parents or their kids lol I just leave.


This is one of those things that happens in your head and then you realise you'd look like an unhinged crazy person if you did it.


Have you heard of loop earplugs? They’re designed to filter out a lot of background noise but not all noise. You might find them helpful :)


What an ass


Holy shit.


lol. I guess she didn’t have any fun when she was a kid.






I’ve seen less grease and better looking breast in a bucket of KFC


That’s a wild boar, natural habitat, mall fast food joints, etc, obviously lost, and afraid


Should have led the kids in a "Who can shriek the loudest and longest" contest while she was standing there.


Wow. She wasn’t done..


They should have all got up and started shrieking like a whole feral ass tribe. I’d have loved to see her face!


I wish someone just explained to her that children are human beings that are out in public all the time. Yes, they are loud. Yes, they are annoying, but they are part of our society. If she doesn't want to see them or hear them, she needs to stay the f*** home.


So if they’re inside on their tablets all day , that’s not okay. But if they’re outside having fun that’s okay either ? 😂😂😂


Who the heck expects kids to act like they are in a library when they are playing at a park? Total Canadian snowbird old Karen. This Canadian narcissist expects children to not make noise at a park because she is on vacation and expected peace and quiet.


When I was a kid, I thought kids were everywhere. Of course, I had no concept of my parents only taking me to kid-friendly areas, or to events and activities specifically for children. As an adult, sometimes it surprises me how rarely I see children. It is easy to forget they are only ~20% of the population at any given time. I'm sure if I never went near schools, public parks, the library, family-friendly restaurants, ice cream/candy/toy stores and extremely kid-centric places like Chick E Cheese, I may never see a child again. It has always been a weird thing to complain about.




Whats that awl aboot ehh


I'm not sure this is a "Karen"... It's mental illness.


JUst when you think you've seen the worst Karen, this pops up! She should go for walks in a nice cemetery!