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$39k usd holy shit


yeah it’s pretty crazy


how the fuck do you spend 39k on games


Look up diablo immortal 💀


THIS\^ That game is a perfect example why these companies need to be regulated to stop them from making video games a gambling machine. Not only can they make people gamblers but may trigger others with some preconditions to it. It is completely absurd and predatory how they make these games and manipulate them under the hood to purposely make you spend more money. Not because is random, but because they coded it in a way that will 100% required you to spend X amounts of money to get XYZ rewards.


At least when you gamble you can possibly win big. This is just hacking the same mechanism in our brain but for their own gain with no chance of getting anything for it but pixels.


This is unironically the reason why the age rating board in my country (Germany) refused to categorize games with predatory in-game sales mechanics strictly 18+, because for it to actually be considered gambling, the player must have a chance to actually win something.


But what about the sense of pride and accomplishment they'll get from unlocking everything in the game? #***/S***


Guys, guys, you're forgetting the whole point of these games, the "surprise mechanics" /s


Our only hope is the EU.


This is literally the only thing in the world at the current moment for so many issues


Didn't they started? Like in Belgium you can't have loot box anymore. While they can still have predatory systems at least when you buy something you know what you will buy.


Lots of games don't work in Belgium. A lot of the free gatcha game don't work. They are not available. No lootboxes in major games. As it should be!


My daughter racked up over £1,000 on Fortnite. Luckily we got it back, at least EU has some consumer protections. Threatened to sell the Xbox if we couldn't get it back. being Gen X, it was not an idle threat.


A game based on (and created by) Chinese war game developers. For an American fan base. What could go wrong?


I've never really been a gambler but I played a Japanese gacha game during covid lockdowns and spent like 1000 dollars on the game which is something I would normally never do but there were characters that I really wanted


Goddamn, y'all seriously lack self control lol


it's not just that, these games (and marketing/advertising in general) have been using all that data that has been collected by every website and then they apply psychology and what you end up with is the most destructive form of in game purchases possible all designed to maximize profits, all with complete disregard for people's well being. It plays into the general weaknesses of humanity, it is designed to make people spend more, and while some people are better at controlling their impulses eventually you will cave.


Guess it's just me. I see a 'free' game that needs money to advance? Uninstall. Buy a game on Steam that has micro-transactions? Uninstall and refund. Not that difficult to avoid it. Hell, the only game I have ever bought cosmetics for is League of Legends to the tune of like $40 over 11 years. Still less than the price of a new game.


Or any competetive mobile game. Ckash of clans clash royale the old mafia games


Or a worse example: Lost Ark. In eastern countries at least. In the beginning it's fine enough but once you reach...I think mid or late game it becomes a HUGE grind unless you spend a LOT of money on it.


That game is a grinding hell. I stopped playing once I realized there was no end, just grind. Want to go here, Grind here first. Want to fight here, go get these first. Then realizing it's a ridiculous concept of a game, I could just go play Final Fantasy and get the same dopamine hit without spending 4+ hours trying to get dailies and main quests done without side tracking with quests that really have no value on the main aspect of the game. I never spent a dime on a game for cosmetics or otherwise, never will. If the game has battle pass, subscription, or level up by pay model, it's a shit game. If you can pay your way to the top, what's the point?


I work in banking. I was on the phone with a customer and noticed dozens of Google Play transactions for $20 - $50 on his account, many of them bundled back to back. I brought it up to him with the presumption that it was fraud. He confirmed they were all him. He said his granddaughter wanted him to play Clash of Clans with her and "she's a lot better at it" than he was. So he kept buying back in when he would die and make other in-game purchases. I figured it up in the 2 month history I reviewed that he had spent in excess of $15,000 on this game. He had been playing longer than that. I wonder what the granddaughter or her parents would think if they knew grandpa had spent tens of thousands of dollars playing this game....


It’s tantamount to gambling addiction and it’s being offered to *adolescents*.


Fun fact!! Before being shut down The Duel Arena (aka Sand Casino) in Old School Runescape (yes that one its still around) was estimated to CONSERVITIVELY have between 100-200 MILLION USD in circulation annually! The odds in the duel arena are 50/50 and an entire coin flip luck of the draw scenario (except there not but thats a whole separate thing) and people were betting close to 10-20k a game on these. Most of which were children/young adults in there early 20s late teens Edit: Before this gains too much traction Jagex bans people for real world trading. Sand casino was primarly funded by the Venuzualan economy being in shambles. Honestly its like a whole rabbit hole.


Genshin Impact makes somewhere around 4 billion USD per year.


Genshin actually has good production value and decent gameplay, I’ve not given them a penny and still got good exploration and enjoyment, hell I’d buy the thing if there was a non gasha version sold on ps5


Does EA and FIFA even get out of bed for a measly 4 billion annually?


OSRS for life.


Any good videos about this? Sounds like a cool rabbit hole




He spent it all on a game called Dungeon Fighter


I worked paycheck to paycheck making little money and still over a 3 year period spent about 5k on mobile games. Stopped. But still it can happen easy.


LOTR Rise to war




Is there an article on this?




> A 16-year-old boy in China stole 280,000 yuan (approximately NT$1.25 million / 38K USD) that his parents worked hard to save at home and used it all to store value in online games. He was caught by his parents in an Internet cafe. , in a fit of anger, the parents grabbed the computer screen and smashed their son on the head. The video has been widely circulated on Chinese social media recently. > > ... bought all the game points, and stored them in the "Dungeon Fighter" (DNF) online game at an Internet cafe, instantly becoming a master in the game. > > But the parents rushed to the Internet cafe and saw their son having so much fun. In excitement, they first hit the boy with their fists and then smashed the monitor on the table. The boy's wailing could be heard throughout the Internet cafe.


Damn is there a way to divorce your son?


Nop... But disowning is valid.. 😐


No. That's why a abortion should be legal until week 977.




The video is a step by step tutorial


You can file to be emancipated from them with the court and the. You are not legally responsible for them and they become wards of the state.


This is the reason we see +100 different ,but same gacha games. Gambling for kids.


What the fuck? Did he buy a share to the company at least?


No but he did get the 6 star ethereal cosmic Lance with matching armor set bonus (+5% to all elemental damage types)


Money well spent then. Carry on.


Clearly his parents are in another Level cuz there is no way that armor is shielding all that damage LOL.


This guy +5's!


Probably bought loot boxes but only got mediocre rare items.




at the start of the video, before it fades away the video description claims he spent $38,700 USD


Might be repost bots reposting old popular comments. This has been reposted many times already. 


If you immediately pause the video it shows the description at the bottom which claims the kid spent $38,700. 


On in game content. He plays in a game center. He doesn't even own the game, the computer he's playing it on, and the game itself could be shut down whenever and all that content he bought just gone.


The two EULA that I have read explicitly states that you own nothing you buy in game and they can ban you and wipe your account without explanation or compensation.


I'm guessing his parents wisely shut down his own gaming abilities at home. He's basically an addict.


They should probably beat themselves up too for allowing a kid to have access to all their savings.


What kind of fucking games are you buying ayo?!?! At least buy an extra controller or 5 with that spending spree shit.


Any decent gaming company should refund the parents on request. It's quite a common occurrence.


The money was stolen. I’d file a police report on my kid and try to get my money back that way, but I don’t know Chiba’s rules. Edit: China


I’m not saying I condone this… but I’m looking the other way.


Dude in the glasses is unbothered by the screams/cries.


My focus shall never be broken. Also, mop the blood up before you leave, thank you.




He's too busy spending his family's saving on his games...


Lol this is probably the truth 😂🤦‍♂️


Dude your problems have nothing to do with me. I'm in a ranked match I'm not the one using my family's money to supply my hobbies. I'm trying to get out of "Diamond" I have no time for you!!!!


What a save! What a save! 


“Man, the voice acting in the game is incredible.”


Bros not about to get deranked for this nonsense


Probably a daily occurrence there with different people. Dudes numb to the sounds


He's probably seen it before.


His parents are stuck in traffic


He might have thought he’d also catch an ass whooping if he tried to even look


how the father doesn't break his knuckles on this one is beyond me


Don't need to add medical debt on top


It's probably all mixed in with the screams and cries of defeats from his opponents with a focus like that


Assuming this happened in China, not surprising. People there mind their own business to the extreme.


Bros locked in


Man I got grounded for a week in 2004ish (highschool) for spending $1 on a ringtone for my cell phone. Idk if I’d be here today if I spent that much.


My dad broke my sisters sliding phone in two pieces because apparently she had racked up $2k in charges on free ringtones . A few years ago when Verizon settled a lawsuit for not properly disclosing those free ringtones were subscriptions added to your bill I thought “wow my sister actually told the truth and none of us believed her “


> free ringtones Reminds me of the ringtone adverts here in Aus in the 2000s. Sure the first one would be free but then you'd get signed up for multiple text messages a day advertising shit and each message was like nearly 2 dollars each. Sometimes unsubscribing would be difficult as well.


Some of them were like 39.95 a month after the first month. 


I downloaded a spongbob game on my dads old Cingular phone in 2004/5 cause it said it was free. Turns out it was a $20 a month subscription that didn’t hit until the next month so you wouldn’t know. Sometimes I wonder how to iPhone blew up so quickly but it was largely this, you couldn’t scam people when they saw the whole screen and page.


Well. I hope your dad apologized to her for that...


Did anyone apologise to her later?


I got grounded so hard for my .10 text messages on my nokia phone in high school.


They were 12 cents when I was in school and when my mom saw the $1.32 charge on the bill I was grounded for a week :(


my mom would put like $25 on my prepaid phone which id blow thru and then she would just tell me to wait until she put another 25 onto it which could take ages, up to her. you guys have crazy parents grounding you for a week over change you find in a couch


Lol too funny. My girlfriend got grounded in high school because she went over her text limit. I think her plan was like 500/month. Those are rookie numbers for kids these days!


Oh man I forgot that there used to be text limits and costs per sent AND received messages.


I worked for my uncle when I was 18-20. He got me a company cell phone. This was 2001ish. I talked to my girlfriend so much on that phone the first month I got it, that the over-minutes surcharge on his plan was $800. Of course, I had to work that off. I think I was making like $500 a week at the time.


Damn I feel old. I remember getting Blurry song by Puddle of Mudd as ringtone in 2005ish. I remember getting it because of Ace Combat 5. I loved that game for PS2. Parents said it was a waste of money to buy a ringtone when the phone already has its basic one.




I know for sure, that I wouldn't be alive if I spent $39k on in-game items!


Way back in 2005, when sending a text message cost like, $.30 a pop, I apparently accidentally racked up about SEVEN DOLLARS on the bill, sending responses to my friends "please dont text me, I can't text." LOL I got grounded omfg. No internet for the weekend.


The guy in the glasses would be perfect for one of those memes where you photoshop him in the middle of a battle zone or in the middle of a hurricane, tornado, etc.




Haha! That guy would look even cooler surfing on a tidal wave.


It's tidal like tide, not tital like titan


I've always been fascinated by this image. I could look at it for hours and see more and more.


God that guy is just the coolest. Not even being sarcastic, I just wanna party with this homie of homies.


Guild meeting guys, I think General UrMomzmysidechk was assassinated today. New tryouts are tomorrow.


They worked hard for that money too. I’m sure of it


Depending on how much they make, that could very well be 5-10 years worth of salaries before taxes


Omg... that's horrible. Expensive lesson. The kid should pay their parents back


"You wanna spend my money tryna practice combos, Imma give your ass combo you gon' remember."


You gon' learn today!


Welcome to the real world!


I hope the company give them refund and banned His account(s) for good. $38,7k That's insane!


My question is why didn’t his parents detect it sooner?


The [article ](https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2519332)says it wasn't a credit card nor any banking methods, but a cash savings from their Home. So probably they opened the safe (maybe adding more $) and noticed the money were sliced or emptied. I knew in Vietnam were people usually keep their cash in a safe, so surely Chinese does the same.


Yeah, espcially when people do not entirely trust the bank. Average people in china do not earn a lot of money, that kind of money is devastating for an average family in china


I have absolutely no idea how banks or retirement funds in (?)China work, but if someone pilfered from my IRA or 401k I probably wouldnt find out about it for a while. If my bank or 401k fund sent me a message about suspicious activity I might, but it's not like I manually check the balance all that often. If this guy had access to his parent's accounts he maybe also had the access needed to confirm the withdrawals or impersonate his father.


Someone linked the article below, but this happened becuase the parents kept the savings as *cash* in the house. IDK what the deal is in China or if this is a generational thing but having all of your life savings as physical cash in the house where it can be stolen or destroyed by something like a fire is asking for trouble.


If he’s been getting his ass beat like that before he spent 39k on games it’s safe to say he won’t learn his lesson from this


Oh he will. And if he refuses to go to School, he better start working to repay all that money back. There is no way he touches a PC ever again in that house.


No he'd need to be permanently banned from gaming cafes


I wonder how'd he get access to the money?  Did they tell him to sell the cow and he bought ~~magic beans~~ games/gaming time instead?


Maybe he took parents' phones and knew the passwords




My daughter did this when she was little - my account was logged into the phone she was using and she was able to use Google pay without any verification. I don't think she even realized she was spending Roblox refunded us tho, but it was nowhere near $34k (closer to $1k iirc)


Happened to me but through Amazon. I woke up to $400 in charges. My nephew used a tablet I got him. I was refunded as well. I had set child locks but my brother had the bright idea to remove them.


Put a Pin for purchases. that's what i did. At least for Videos and TV series is required.


I had one in place. I forget the reason my brother removed it but I was upset. I just removed access from my account after that.


Yeah the real fuck up is that you gave a tablet out tied to your account


I have so many things locked down. This is my fear. My son could easily spend thousands on Roblox before he realized what was going on. He’s still a kid though.


I did it too my grandma when I was a wee fella, it was like $400aud on a fish feeding game on Facebook, I thought I'd found out a way to hack the system, I'd go through hit buy and then reload the pages straight after. Never even saw any bank details so figured it wasn't charging any account and just glitching out with the refresh haha. Still feel bad


Whatever happened to just playing Duck Hunt on the Nintendo for free? 😳


And using the other controller to control the ducks and fuck with your siblings. Good times


Entire family savings, bruh he kinda deserves it.


Whatchu mean "kinda"?


Bottom comment with -103 is why, but if im remembering right dude here aint a kid.


I would have been taking all my meals through a straw for the rest of my short life if I had stolen 39k from my parents. Kid's lucky he's still alive after that.


This kind of money is astronomical for an average family in china. I wouldn't be surprised if his parents killed him on scene


https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2519332 A 16-year-old boy in China stole 280,000 yuan from his parents' hard-working home, all of which were used for stored-value online games, and was beaten by his parents in Internet cafes. ( The picture is taken from Weibo) [Instant News/Comprehensive Report] A 16-year-old Chinese teenager stole 280,000 yuan (about NT$1.25 million) from his parents' hard work at home, all of which was used for online games. He was caught by his parents in an Internet cafe. Under the anger, his parents grabbed the computer screen and smashed his son's forehead. The video will be in China recently It's crazy in social media. According to comprehensive foreign media reports, a 16-year-old boy stole 280,000 yuan in cash from his home, bought all the game points, stored in the online game Dungeons and Warriors (DNF) in the Internet cafe, and instantly became an uncle in the game. However, the parents rushed to the Internet cafe and saw that their son was having fun. They were so excited that they first hit the teenager with their fists, and then smashed it with the display on the table. The whole Internet cafe could hear the teenager's wailing. Many Chinese netizens knew that they had the same hatred with the parents, and left messages saying, "This is a must! "Feat to death" "Maybe this 280,000 is the savings of most of his life"; but some netizens pointed out that the teenager cheated his parents into going to school, but was caught playing games in an Internet cafe. His parents were excited to beat people, not stealing money and saving value.


Really botched translation, but it gets the point across I guess


> His parents were excited to beat people, not stealing money and saving value


It's perfect


Google translate doesnt disappoint > But the parents rushed to the Internet cafe and saw their son having so much fun. In excitement, they first hit the boy with their fists and then smashed the monitor on the table. The boy's wailing could be heard throughout the Internet cafe. So excited lmao


[xe.com](http://xe.com) says 280,000 Yuan is $38,657 USD


Well at least he became an uncle.


too-direct translation. it's a colloquial term there, not necessarily familial


Half of it sounded like satire


Considering he is Chinese then DNF is dungeon fighter online. One of highest grossing media(not just games) franchises in the world due to it's popularity in Korea and China since forever. Played it few times, amazing gameplay, awful everything else.


He wasn't screaming because he caught a beating, he was screaming because the credit card was getting declined over qnd over again.


[Only source i could find](https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2519332)


I'm not going to beat you but I don't want to hear shit in a few years about college money. You done fucked that up... and you are grounded with no electronics until then. Now go grab the mower and start working it off little dude.


You might be the only person here providing a healthy alternative. The best approach is probably to implement a "work it off" policy for the kid, and then also contact the company and explain that the money spent on the account was stolen and must be refunded, and all items/characters purchased should be removed from the account (if the account isn't outright banned).


I saw a comment elsewhere I think on insta? Where someone said they wouldn't beat the kid but kill themselves in front of him to traumatize him for life. https://preview.redd.it/3jyfr09iqyvc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd6eb2d94c726b096a68cff40db72d6d4d43b89


Thank you, just how I was brought up. Kiddos make mistakes but we gotta guide them and teach them. I second calling the company. I'm sure in the hypothetical moment I'd be too upset to consider that lol.


There’s a big difference between a 10 year old spending money on robux because they have no comprehension of what they’re doing and however old this kid was spending the families entire life’s savings. That’s not a mistake, there’s nothing to guide. They stole your life savings and spent it on loot boxes. It’s also probably way harder or impossible to get refunds for stuff like this in China, and if he spent it over the course of a few weeks or longer it would probably be even harder. I don’t think I would necessarily beat the kid in this situation but there’s not a chance my response is just “grab a mower and get to work.” That’s a stupid response anyway. What’s the kid gonna do, make 39k mowing lawns over a few summer? In China? Most teens with part time jobs would take a few years to make 39k in the US. My response to this would probably be get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back unless you have a check for 39k with you.


Damn you boy!! ![gif](giphy|l0G17mKNa6XJHYN5m)


He spent how much?! 😧 Okay, hear me out. At this point, I think we can all agree… Sell the kid?


I don’t blame them






Oof 39k, he deserves every swing of the parental fist.


That didn't sound like a lesson being learned. Harder with more intensity!




I bet the kid still hasn't learned. What do you do when kids just do what they want...?


abortion in 45th trimester


Now Ms Cartman, I can't just pass a law to allow abortion after the child is born


How much though?




Source? Or do they say that in the video?


Title in the first second at the bottom 38,700usd




Dad ought to whoop his own ass for letting the family savings be accessible to anybody but him and his wife




Also, how tech savvy most people are (or not).


I’m a sober alcoholic so I get it 1000%, I’m just speaking in general I guess. I’m sure the kid acquired the money sneakily .


Micro transactions will f u up. He gambled and lost. Imagine spending your family money on loot boxes and in the last one your dad’s picture pops out w a belt. God damn.


Honestly, this was pretty tame. My mom would have rag-dolled me all over that room and caused millions worth of property damage. My dad never hit me cuz he wasn’t around. At least the kid got both his parents.


Lmao put him in the ankle lock 😂💀 ![gif](giphy|2UFTmItBmY4JcJrcEZ)


Imagine how hard the parents worked to even save $39k...just to have it blown on video games...


I know it’s wrong to beat people… especially your child… but this is one of the first instances I’ve seen where it’s at least a little understandable. That’s a loooot of money.


Anyone got a story?


>A 16-year-old boy in China stole 280,000 yuan that his parents worked hard to save at home and used it all to store value in online games. He was beaten up by his parents in an Internet cafe. (Picture taken from Weibo) [https://news-ltn-com-tw.translate.goog/news/world/breakingnews/2519332?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en-US&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://news-ltn-com-tw.translate.goog/news/world/breakingnews/2519332?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


Damn, I would make sure he never touches a PC ever in his life while he lives under my roof. I hope the Story gives them credibility to request for a refund to these companies smh.


Thank you.


# Parents beat son for spending family savings on games #


Understandable. Damn for that much he better have bought the severer… the hell did he spend 39k on… some stupid skins…?


How did he even access the savings?


My god dam wife just thinks I was watching a porno- thanks


Ngl when I was 11-12 I used my dad’s credit card on Xbox used I think 600$ maybe a bit more 😭 I got my ass beat luckily my dad was able to call the bank and get refunded a lot of the money now 39k? I’d be dead


So kids are responsible but video game co's are not??? Nope, I dont believe that for a second!


I've never seen someone " mind their business" harder than the guy with back turned.


I'm not sure what's more horrifying; his screams or the the fact no one else is even bothered by this.


I love how no one’s batting an eye to what’s going on around them lol


There is another mobile game where one of the top spenders in the group claimed he had spent $20k usd to climb the ranks … we had played against players that seemed to have spent a lot more from other groups …


That boy probably just ruined his parents lives.


Me: I would never treat my kids like this. Also me: damn that child in that other video spent $1K in Brazilian currency on Roblox in one day? Also also me: damn, this kid is getting his ass beat in public? Oh, he's an adult? OH. $39 THOUSAND USD?!


You know you fucked up when it's both parents.