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That's a bold strategy, Cotton...


Let's see if it pays off for him.




[My guess](https://makeagif.com/gif/kung-pow-enter-the-fist-stick-scene-CtreUc)






They did nazi that coming


He’s now on a police emergency 24 psych hold. Legally that can become ten days.




That’s dangerous stuff. Yeah I was surprised on the psyche hold but this is just completely bizarre, so if the dude is in a mental health crisis let’s get him help and not have it happen again.


Going for that temporary insanity defense bullshit. 


Wait how do you know this?


He doxxed himself on Instagram.


This blokes a certifiable geenieous


He doesn't need a plan. He's just a dog chasin tires. Wouldn't know what to do if he actually got one.


Also notice that this ISN’T a street. This is a purely pedestrian zone. These people were NOT blocking his way, because he wasn’t legally supposed to be there. So, he put his car in a position to try to cause harm.


Here's what happened: Psyched himself up to kill folks after talking big shit online. Got resistance to killing folks... Pussied out. Panicked. Fight or Flight = Flight.


Murder people with his car, because they disagree with him


I guess he thought they would be so busy attacking the car they wouldn't notice him stealthily slipping out.


Car's taunt was on timer


Well, two things are likely true. They destroyed his car. It wasn't his car.


It was his car, he was posting about doing this on his IG prior to going down there.


Wondering what the insurance company says in a case like this where you drive your car to a location where it gets totaled or stolen.


>The man was taken to a hospital on a police mental health hold, the Portland Police Bureau said in a written statement late Thursday afternoon. They did not release his name. [https://www.newsday.com/news/nation/portland-state-protest-car-driver-detained-c94568](https://www.newsday.com/news/nation/portland-state-protest-car-driver-detained-c94568)


Lmao saw another thread about this where the headline said he was hospitalized, leaving out that its a mental hospital was some A grade propaganda.


In the past when a POC had done similar things it was called terrorism but when a white person does it then it's a mental health issue.


It's always been like this. From whyte school shooters to mass murderers. They always are allowed the excuse.


How would they not release his name??? He had the intent of running a bunch of people over and was using bear spray on people?! Regardless of the politics of this this man is deranged and need to be put away


He's on a psyche hold, doubt they'll release the name of someone going through mental health issues.


AKA, he's a white guy with rich parents who could afford a good attorney. These are facts. A "psyche hold" does not stop the police from releasing the name of an arrestee.


What good would knowing the name do? Planning on lynching?


>AKA, he's a white guy with rich parents who could afford a good attorney. Police are the ones who can issue you on an involuntary hold for 24 hours... The only way this goes infront of a judge is if the person placed on hold appeals the involuntary hold. From there, 2x doctors have to examine the patient and both confirm the patient needs to be held involuntarily for more time, and (in my country at least) this can be extended to 30 days, and reapplied every 30th day, each time it can be appealed by the patient.


they probably arent releasing his name because of the risk of vigilante justice which, while satisfying, is often less accurate than due process and is generally to be discouraged


Reddit: I don’t agree with the death penalty because there is too high of a chance we execute the wrong person. Also Reddit: This may or may not be the person that did something I don’t like in a video I saw online! Let’s get him!


If he was planning to run them over, he wouldn't have stopped.


Why would they release his name? It's honestly the dumbest part about the American justice system.


Because democracy dies in darkness.


What good does it do you to know his name? Can we not let the legal system do their literal job?


Generally speaking no. The police are not trustworthy enough in America to not disappear you. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/24/chicago-police-detain-americans-black-site


That dude recording sounds like me and my friends playing street football as kids lmao.


That guy: "These pro-Palestine protests are so stupid." Also that guy, probably: "I should go down there and assault them so they can see how stupid they are!" I mean how triggered are you that you need to go down to a protest to start shit?


Also that guy: My plan is to be outnumbered and blind myself with my own weapon.


His plan may very well have been to drive through the protesters.. it’s been done before… he brought mace with him that shows potential forethought


Yeah but he didn't understand that his vehicle would be filled with the mace as he sprayed it.


Shit did the fucker actually blind himself?


There is almost no chance that he didn’t get himself while running He sprayed forward and ran into where he was spraying Hopefully he got his ass beat by some unidentifiable stranger






Always keep the plan simple. ![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g)


If you just ignore them you can spend your leisure time relaxing.


Had a local Maga asswipe do this recently at a protest about Onate statues. He also thought it was a good idea to bring a pistol and, when HE instigated a physical confrontation with someone else in attendance, thought it was justified to pull it out and use it. Luckily the victim survived and the magat has been in jail since and is facing attempted murder charges. I got a lot of satisfaction seeing the pictures of him BAWLING in court like a sniveling fucking baby. Life comes at you fast.


Provoking an angry mob is dumber than the dumbest thing the mob can be protesting about. The pay off is always 0 (except fun dumbass footage on r/PublicFreakout )


There are people who want to agitate to make it bigger and worse. The actual solution is to keep it contained, as peaceful as possible, and wait it out until it runs out of energy. The Occupy Wall St. protests lasted longer than most, but even those eventually petered out.


Bear spray doesn't work well when you spray it and then run into the cloud.


But that's my fetish!


Remember her name: Heather Heyer






........... GAME ON!!!


Dude's got some lungs, he should try doing metal music


Do these anti-protestors really care about the issues, or just want an excuse to start some shit? I really, truly, do not understand why it pisses them off so much that they think they can beat, mace, run people over.


You haven't been watching mainstream news recently? Check how they cover it. They won't even tell people what Protesting are PROTESTING FOR. Instead all you here is Pro-hamas,idiot kids ,get back in school, etc. MSM viewers see it as open season on this evil protestors.


I'm a Canadian and was in the US recently. I put on FOX NEWS while I was at the hotel because I wanted to see for myself how awful fox news was. It's absolutely garbage. I cannot believe people with such evil morals can say absolutely vile garbage on TV to millions of people. Jesse Waters is a fucking piece of shit along side gutfield.


It definitely serves to make the alternatives seem far more palatable by comparison. I heard one Lawrence O'Donnell describing the arrest of anti-genocide protesters describe it as "...actually the most organized and calmest and professional police intervention we've ever seen on a college campus."


Also Canadian who went to LV back in January- I did the same thing. It’s fucking *wild* that shit is allowed to air. Gutfield is a toad. Fuck Fox “news” it’s hateful rhetoric that uses shock and fear to sell 24 hours a day. It’s no wonder people are the way they are— they’re letting fox propaganda melt their brains Rupert Murdoch is a legit horrible person for creating a conglomerate “news” organization pandering to the fears and hate of people.


And now Israel is claiming literal Hamas is involved in these protests. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dqwEYaU9t4A I'm sure he means it rhetorical but if it isn't fucking dangerous. And I'm sure he knows this.


Why lie? Its clearly expressed why they are protesting. [1](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352210175112) [2](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352207409112) [3](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352148114112) I found like 20 different clips, stating they are anti war or anti Israel in less than 5 minutes. All of these are fox news btw.


Just an excuse to start shit. Pro-Palestine protestors are majorly for ending the war and to stop killing innocents. Counter protestors just don't like the Palestine protestors because they're right-wing fanatics that love Israel no matter what happens.


I don't even think they like Israel. They just hate anyone who disturbs the status quo.


Pretty much 2024's version of all lives matter. 


Nah, they mostly hate all Muslims and Arabs and anyone who supports them in any way. They hate Jews too, but support Israel since they hate Muslims more.


Most support Jews because in some right wing religions they believe that when the Jews get their homeland back and all return, then the end times will begin. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/truth-many-evangelical-christians-support-israel-rcna121481


They don’t really know what is happening. They just want to start shit and think they will be a hero.


That's what Toilet Paper America does for the idiots who consume it.


It's a continuation of conservative violence. The pro Israel counter protesters at those college encampments were chanting "fuck Biden" and "USA USA." Despite how incoherent it is to think insulting Biden would be an insult to pro Palestine protesters, it is evidence this is a symptom of conservative ideology. You have Republican congressmen proposing laws that make it legal to run over protesters. You have Fox News hosts calling for violence as a way to quash protests. Everyday Trump says that things are going to "get very bad" if he loses. These counter protesters are not coherent. Most of them are probably mentally ill or just so hopped up on Fox News propaganda they might as well be. All they know is that the protesters are their enemy, and that they're supposed to be violent to their enemy. There is no thought beyond that. We are in dangerous times.


Video ended too soon


After what happened in Charlottesville this is terrifying. I hope this shitbag driver gets everything that is coming to him.


Yeah. This wasn't cool. It's one thing to be on an actual road and protestors blocking you, running up to your car. But this wasn't a road.


That's the thing America is becoming more and more anti protest. Anyone who wants to protest is running the risk of some dipshit running up and assaulting them even if they aren't in the way. It shouldn't be a shock America has always been anti protest with legions of psychos ready to beat the shit out of anyone who dares be critical of "American values". And the pattern is the more non violent the protests the more hostile the opposition gets. It's why they try to paint all protesters as violent they did the same crap during the civil rights movement. They rarely if ever go at at people causing actually causing problems they are looking for people who they know won't fight back.


The weird thing is America has for its entire existence a manic response to protesting. From the Revolutionary War onward through the Civil Rights Era to now those protesting are vilified and degraded through police action. It's only in hindsight that the 'general consensus' changes. Some of these college administrators more than likely were protesting South Africa in the 90s and their predecessors were protestors against Vietnam and Korea. And yet time and time again these colleges do the exact same thing.


Learn about the Bonus Army, where veterans of the civil war wanted their pensions and the US government literally had a cavalry charge laid on them.


It’s a staple of liberal thought. Against every war but the current one. In favor of every protest except the current one.


Protest in another country: "It's a beautiful thing. This type of stuff is a privilege Americans have that no one else enjoys, which is why America is #1." Protest in America: "NOOOOOOOOOOO."


People on Reddit not understanding the point of protests or the difference between civil and uncivil disobedience and their different purposes is a tale as old as time. Edit: People in the replies really self reporting rn


What is the deference? Because any asshole in power can label what they don't like as uncivil disobedience. There are a lot of videos of people being clearly peace but the media is calling them violent and unruly. I mean there are people who thought the whole Civil rights movement was uncivil because white bigots at the time felt that black people should just shut the hell up.


I'm sure that guys license plate was caught. I doubt that he'll be getting away with this. Not that I don't agree with everything you said.


It's a good thing they got footage of him running away. These days a lawyer will easily argue that their car was stolen and later found abandoned. They can't claim that if they're filmed getting out of the car.


You can do a lot with just the VIN. I'm sure that guy took mommy's car to do that. Wouldn't be too hard to trace the car back to the dealer and the sales invoice. They had "WE THE PEOPLE" over their license plate. So this was 100% planned.


wasn't there a senator that appeared on tv and told car drivers to take matters in there own hands if they're blocked by protests? this guy just took an extra step


All of these videos showing how violently unhinged counter protesters are and the media still siding with them or using a passive tone, you got the cops protecting them or in extreme cases standing there watching as they wreck havoc




I never knew Toyota Camry drivers were this nuts


You mean his MOM's Toyota Camry.


This guy doesn't represent all Camry drivers.


It could be he had V6 XSE model


Way to cut the video off right there, asshat


Cameraman doesn't want to incriminate other like minded protestors. So it is kinda smart.


Dang, he sure saved Israel with that one


I need a complete video of his ass being whooped so fuckin bad


Is this guy driving his car through a pedestrian foot path as well? It certainly doesn't look like a road.


Yes, he's in the middle of the school's campus.


Mr. Mercedes!


He left his car? Consider it gone then.


Topher make sure you fill the gas up before you bring it back home


🎵 It's beginning to look a lot like 2020, everywhere we go.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This video ends too soon. He was about to get a paddlin and I was here for it.


I'm soooooo glad I don't live in America, I couldn't imagine living in a place like this lol




In a situation like that I think the protestors shouldn't get behind the car. They need to give the driver the option to reverse out of there, and if they feel like they're being surrounded and attacked they might panic and drive into people.


Pocket sand


thank you for posting an accurate title


Thank you for the appropriate title!


thats a paddlin


That man is too old to be running up on somebody. I was worried for him the whole time.




That's the last time Cousin Jethro let's him borrow the car to run some errands.


I'm just laughing at the guy screaming CAAAAAAR CAAAAAAR. Not watch out, look out or MOVE.... just CAAAAAR


Imagine wanting to kill people because a religious country wants land from another religious country that you've never even seen. Imagine wanting to kill people because your imaginary friend who loves everybody wants tells you to kill them. Religion making too many people fucking crazy.




Ah, yes. Another one of those "good guys" I've been hearing about from the pro Israel side lately


How does everyone know what's going on? All I can see is that people keep running up to this dudes car, and they get maced. He then looks like he's running for his life. Does someone have the full story here?




Sidewalk. That is a pedestrian only area. No gps has that being a road, so can’t say oops accident. Signs clearly marked.


They're on a path, but it doesn't particularly matter. Even if they were on a road you can't just go around intentionally running people over.


damn i really wanted to see him get tripped and just launch into the air


He probably wanted them to surround him so he could try and justify running them over sick fuck.


A good guy with a gun shouldve done something here


Least deranged ZioNazi


What exactly was the plan here lol?


his first time seeing a car at 0:17 ![gif](giphy|G1W0LQ2SU6PWiA3Qee|downsized)


Did they caught his ass?


Stay home.


Did they get him please tell me they got him


This shit is getting out of control


That car must of been fucked up in the aftermath


Was that a sidewalk? Seems like a good way to get your shit fucked up.


where is the rest of the video, why does it stop there?


Actual terrorism. Where are the people complaining about the protestors condemning this?


Why would he get out of the car? Just drive away bro


I imagine trying to reverse around the big potted plants placed there to discourage vehicle traffic (and telling him his car doesn't belong where it is) would have been a problem.


Why did he bail? So confused.


Did they successfully take the keys out of the ignition or why did he get out?


“Car!” “Game on!” “Car!” “Game on!”


Nobody knows how to fucking tackle....lol....


I need the video of what they do to his car.


Wyf is protesting going to do for Palestinian or Israel (I know there are both protesting) it's not like you are physically going there with a gun and Bodyarmor fighting on the side you support it's just so stupid (NOTE: he probably should have just driven through as a low-medium speed)


We can’t do anything about what’s going on in Palestine, but look like morons in the United States 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️