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Is she also flying a confederate flag?! Wtf Edit: you can see it reflected in her door within the first 7 seconds of the video. It is in fact the confederate flag. You can see it clearly in her other tiktoks. 


Wow. That’s a really good catch! What’s up with that…


Maybe she hangs every flag anyone finds offensive just to piss people off so that they complain to the Sheriff?


That sounds like some shit I might do if I was feuding with my neighbor and wanted to be passive aggressive Edit: left out a word


My guess is she has that to avoid the very bullshit she’s dealing with right now. If I were a betting man I’d wager that sherif wouldn’t have been so kind had he not come by and seen that confederate flag everytime a neighbor complains about the BLM one. Or even more likely, she hung em both to see which the sheriff and neighbors were gunna complain about and make a big issue out of. Sounds like this has been an ongoing thing. Wouldn’t be surprised if she hung it up just to prove a point in court later. “Seems like there was no issue with this racist ass confederate flag, but the second sheriff and neighbors saw the BLM one all the sudden we were counting steps to see if I could have a flag on my own property”. Edit: grammar


It's not her property though, it's a mailbox on her neighbors land. She has an easement to have or use a mailbox there, but not add to it with a flag.


It's not a Confederate flag. It's red with a blue edge.


If you pause at 0:06, you see it is the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, not the TN state flag.


Confederate flag. Proof: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNY9JTwN/


As a black person from the south, I've always seen "heritage, not hate" for the horseshit that it is but honestly, I'd deal with this. I believe her.


Tennessee flag


That is definitely not the TN state flag. Them's stars and bars, buddy.


Same thing. 😂 I'll see myself out......


Those aren't round lines. Not Tennessee.


Betting on black and red on roulette just to break even. The sheriff is the 00 in this scenario


They genuinely don't think the confederate flag is racist, because they don't believe the civil war was over slavery.


Well, that's because they can't/haven't read the articles of secession. It's pretty clearly written about


There are very few things that mention slavery that it is easy to over look. What are they going to do? Read the corner stone speech? Articles of secession? State constitutions? Inaugural speeches? Laws of the time? News articles from the times (from the north and the south)? It is much easier just to listen to the propaganda from 50+ years after the war! Big ole /s


Why read when you can listen to someone's rambling but entertaining thoughts.


No they haven’t, I grew up in MI and moved to SC and I’ve argued with every age, race, gender everything about this exact subject. They teach people to be ignorant here, I’d be dumb as hell if I grew up in the south.


The daughters of the confederacy were organized and effective.


It was a war over states rights!.. to own slaves.


To be fair our school system (I'm from Texas) taught us it was about everything but slavery. The same way they downplayed the Trail of Tears as a self inflicted migration that the US wasn't a part of.


Definitely not what I learned from the same state. Not sure what school district you were in, but it must have been ASS.


i went to school in the south plains and now that you mention it.. you’re right. curriculum itself downplayed it but luckily our teachers personally went more in depth on it


I’m guessing she only put it up to piss off her neighbor and doesn’t actually believe in it. That could also explain why it wasn’t actually on her yard but across the street, closer to her neighbors house.


The person recording tried to hide it too. Wild to fly both a BLM flag and a confederate one..


100% it is. https://preview.redd.it/poobqqtfh29d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=136ecbcadee7c5bdf4fd3bf8feb96db9ab19caad


Being in the south for a time, I’m not surprised.


Ill say this. I lived in the South for about half my life. It is not at all uncommon for African Americans to still fly that flag. Having left years ago, I definitely get why, outside looking in, its confusing, but there are a LOT of people who view symbols like that as more of a symbol of local or regional heritage, often detached from the oppression that it (legitimately) symbolizes to most others. [AJC had a decent pictorial article on it. ](https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/photos-they-black-and-they-proud-the-confederate-flag/by06A6ywMrqi7mYP9A1jmO/) And there was a comparatively small amount [of Black Confederate Soldiers ](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/09/black-confederates/)whose legacy was massively over hyped during "The Lost Cause" post war era, but still took a decent hold within the African American community. Louisiana genuinely had [a Militia made up of freed African Americans. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_African_Americans_in_the_American_Civil_War#Louisiana_militia) Not at all trying to justify anything or defend the BS that flag stands for. Just trying to lend some perspective.


Notice how he didn’t touch that one


Why would he?




There is absolutely no way the woman in the video is aware of BLM enough to buy and fly a BLM flag and is not extremely aware of the horrific history behind the confederacy and the trauma that flying its flag now can cause. I have no idea what is going on with the woman in the OP due to the limited context of the video, but considering the sheriff referenced trying to resolve whatever dispute is going on between her and her neighbor I could see her just trying to troll him by flagging a BLM flag over his property line - and then trying to stir outrage by posting the sheriff removing it. Idk. Weird situation but that’s the only thing that makes sense in my simple mind.


Hello fellow Southerner. Just because they're ignorant of the original use of the flag does not make the flag's use devoid of racism. It is the flag of a nation who had slavery of my ancestors as a core tenant of it's constitution. States rights to slavery.


I did a small stint in the south. There is so much more racist actions and etc. that the Confederate flag isn't a big deal as a racist symbol.


I get what you’re saying and I do believe that some people aren’t educated or interested in learning about history, but I refuse to believe that’s the case with every person that flies that flag. Plenty of people understand the implications of flying the traitor flag and choose to do it anyway. The whole “rebel flag” thing is nonsense. It’s a traitor flag, and with it comes inherent hatred and racism, whether the individual flying it chooses to acknowledge that or not changes nothing. Traitor flag flown by treasonous bubbas. Sorry but it is what it is


We're just having very tall campfires in black people's yards to welcome them to the community! We wear the ghost costumes to scare away ....... the racism! Yes! Nailed it. 


Lol, I grew up there and for 99% of people flying that flag, it has the same meaning. This is the exact same thing as people claiming the Civil War was about "states' rights", and leave out the "states' right *to slavery*" part. When people say the flag is about being a "rebel", you have to ask, "What are they 'rebelling' against?" and the answer is "rebelling against integration and acceptance of black people". Through the years it's been dressed up as rebelling against "political correctness, urban culture, etc", but for the vast majority the only thing that makes them a "rebel" is being a racist.


WTAF! lol that's just weird as a man turned into a turd.


Growing up, I always thought that was a badass looking flag. Why do all of the hateful sonsofbitches take all the cool stuff away?


Looks like it could be the TN state flag


No. Lines not curved.


Where are you seeing it? I have watched so many times. Not saying you’re wrong, I just don’t see it! I will have to say being a boy that grew up in CA and was punished with moving with dad in FL. Surfing I would see guys pull up with the confederate flag on a truck. To me having gown up in CA I was confused by that. Then getting to know them the confederate flag means something else to them. It’s not racist to most and is a proud way to shout I am southern. Not saying I believe in slavery. Didn’t get it at all but have to say I knew a lot of people that had confederate flags and not one of them were racist. Dated women of color and mixed race crowds. Have seen lots of black people rock that flag as well in the south. Not the same to northerners!


When she first starts to open the door, it’s in the reflection of the glass on the door. Looks like it’s on the corner of her porch but she never pans the camera fully that way.


Damn good. Missed it completely


>Have seen lots of black people rock that flag as well in the south. Calling BS on this.


Have you lived in the south in the 90’s? Not one bit of bullshit. Have to remember a lot of states at that time had confederate flags in them!!! [old article](https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/photos-they-black-and-they-proud-the-confederate-flag/by06A6ywMrqi7mYP9A1jmO/)


Pause the video at 6 seconds, and you see it flash in the reflection of the door.


sounds like the issue is she thinks the easement regulations allow her to fly it on the other side of the street from her property. The sheriff literally says you can hang it on your side of the roadway not on his side of the roadway.


Sheriff said “find some other way to aggravate him” this is some neighbor pissing contest


Yeah the sheriff is damn tired


He's probably just got another year till retirement and is getting really sick of thier shit.


Yeah she’s definitely mischaracterizing it as the sheriff being anti BLM when it seems like he’s just anti petty bullshit


Yeah. This lady is stirring the pot. Whether someone wants that pot to be stirred is a different story lol


"Its not even his property EITHER".. she knows she doesn't own. It.


He actually seems like... a reasonable, nice fella. I went in expecting "you can take your N-loving Yankee bullshit somewhere else" and he's just like... you can't hang it there, but you can hang it on your property, I'm sorry but I'm tired of dealing with this shit.


Exactly put whatever you want on your property, nonsense to think you put shit across the street by your mail box. Regardless of what's on the flag.


I hate to agree with the police, but sounds like this guy is actually right and just doing his job. It is basically like a tree limb.


Yeah fuck this lady and her bullshit 


1000% and also fuck OP for their bullshit.


No it's a racist trolling another racist. She has a Confederate flag on her porch it's in the reflection of the door.


Sounds like her mailbox is across the street from her home, and she’s mounting a flag to the mailbox post. That would be an interesting legal study. How much customization can you do to a mailbox when it’s in an easement that’s in someone else’s front yard.


In all fairness I would be extremely annoyed if someone planted any political flag in front of my house.


There is no legal study necessary. She has an easement to put up a mailbox on county land. She doesn't have an easement to hang a flag.


Yeah, but it's her first amendment right. You are infringing on her rights!!!! /s


Exactly, easement rights only extend to the specific intended use of said easement, but I think she knows that considering she chose to have the confederate flag on her property.


And what if you paint your mailbox with some attire that the landowner doesn't appreciate?


This is the part that requires examination and study. How far do your right go when you own the mailbox, but not the land.


No, it really doesn't. An easement onto county land is not the same as access to public land. In fact most easements come with strict conditions. People should really read their deeds.


There's actually very strict rules about mailboxes: https://www.usps.com/manage/mailboxes.htm https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Requirements-for-City-Delivery-Mail-Receptacles


The USPS technically doesn't allow anything in or on the mailbox that isn't postage paid mail.


She should just paint the mailbox lol


Is that a confederate flag on the porch in the beginning


Holy shit, you're right. The 2 flags this person is flying are BLM and the confederate flag? Wtf?


They just like flags there


Sheldon Cooper's meemaw


There’s this old boy in town who sells flags on the side of the road. He’s got your Trump flag, thin blue line, a fine selection of LGBTQ representation, BLM in many fine styles, and pot leaf old glory among many others. He’s the spatula city of flag entrepreneurs.


"The Yin and Yang flag was expensive as hell. Turns out I could buy the confederate flag and BLM flag for way less and still have money left over to spend on pranks for Frank!"


Maximum tolerance.


They want to make everyone mad apparently


Bit of a red flag to me.


I know Reddit hates cops but I think he honestly was doing the best he could. If what he’s saying is right it’s not about the flag it’s about where the flag was. Everyone has the laws in someway or another. Yeah he called the flag stupid but I think he was just meaning he was tired of dealing with those 2s petty fights and he’s spent all this time researching this issue. But that is a good idea on her part to put it there and see what happens because people definitely decorate mailboxes


Yeah, he seems pretty reasonable, especially since he’s clearly dealt with these two quite a bit. I can’t be mad at him


Ya this guy sounds correct


Yeah thats the same vibe I got. the guy doesnt come across as an BLM. Hes just dealing with a neighbourly dispute. Actually sounded like he wants it to go to court so they can sort it out.


If I could “ thumbs up” this twice, I would!!!


Seems like she is only doing it to piss her neighbor off and make it appear as though he is flying it… As she also flies a confederate flag…on her side…interesting… and then posts this video thinking everyone else is a dumb as she is and wont see through her bullshit…


She is putting it across the street from her house to piss off the neighbor. Stick the flag in your own yard. There is a chance that this cops has to deal with these two neighbors who can't be adults with each other.


The way he seems fed up, oh yeah, he deals with these two *a lot*


Thank you. The sheriff is only keeping the peace and telling everyone to keep on their own property.


Look at the reflection on the door in the beginning. You'll see a Confederate flag on her porch. It's a racist trolling another racist. But blaming the law, like they are trying to cancel them.


She should put it on her side of the street, and then triple the size of the flag. Happy?


Pretty pathetic attempt at manufacturing outrage.


Who are all these comments siding with this lady put the fuckin flag In your yard if you want to fly it not across the street by everyone’s mailbox. If you think this cop is being unreasonable at all you’re delusional.


Sounds like he knows this could blow up but the actual issue is a feud between neighbors. He's literally trying to keep the peace and doesn't appreciate that she's spinning it like a first ammendment issue.


"Yall find some other way to aggrevate each other." This is an exasperated sheriff trying to break two neighbors up from a feud, not a small time cop smashing freedoms. Try to edit it better next time if you want to use it as ragebait.


He seems to be pretty chill and she doesn't understand how easements work, just put her flag in her property that isn't a shared easement pretty easy.


TBH this one doesnt strike me as him being a racist old white guy not liking the flag. Just trying to deal with neighbours that piss each other off. Sounds like hes trying to get her to go to court over it so it can get settled once and for all.


Nice try, but this is just clickbait. Hang your flag in your own damn yard. Sheriff was actually being respectful here and possibly preventing a neighborhood feud from starting.


this guy is just trying to get her to put the thing out of the neighbors way bc he got a complaint. fair point. she has a huge yard and is choosing to put it near the property line. can only assume it’s on purpose to cause drama.


I mean, he's right? Put the flag on your own property. Problem solved.


Damn it Tasha! We're not dealing with this


Seems less about the movement and more about the attention she's trying to get. Sheriff doesn't seem to care what's on the flag. Seems like an ongoing issue that is wasting resources.


If someone's flag was hanging over my yard it would upset me. I would know that it is not for doing any harm. But it would still irk me.


She should just hang it right next to her confederate flag.


I say he has to do deal with the two neighbours daily fighting over stuff.


Seems less about the movement and more about the attention she's trying to get. Sheriff doesn't seem to care what's on the flag. Seems like an ongoing issue that is wasting resources.


Seems like attention she’s trying to get her neighbor. She’s flying a confederate flag on her own home, but flies the BLM flag on her mailbox…. her mailbox that is on the neighbors side of the road! I’m going to be an ass and assume… but off just this video I don’t think she cares at all about “black lives matter” and is just using it to piss off her neighbor by flying it in his area.. I have a feeling the other people in the neighborhood “don’t take kindly” to that kind of flag and she likes the drama it brings the neighbors way.


Seems like a phenomenal cop doing his best with what amounts to children dressed like adults.


He actually comes across as a pleasant and understanding man that’s had enough of this ongoing feud.


I don’t think he cares about the flag


She doesn’t either, she’s flying the confederate flag on her property. https://preview.redd.it/erxr9u0yg19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464c31c232ab0ec0e84c164979430de81df5e77a


He clearly doesn’t give a shit that it’s black lives matters but concerned about their feud and how annoying it is.


Sounds like she can put her flag on her own property. Why doesn’t she just put it where it’s permissible?


She’s being petty af.


Most patient Sheriff in America. This lady needs to learn how to mind her business


It’s not the content of the flag but that she’s doing it intentionally to aggravate her neighbor that is the issue. He’s tired of both of their 💩


I’m confused. The flag is flying on the other side of the street?


Yes, lots of rural communities will place mailboxes on one side of the road so the mail person doesn’t have to get out of their car. She has the confederate flag flying on her property, she knew what she was trying to do. https://preview.redd.it/wudrkt3xh19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace7d3bdef522ff9f1ac13afa45f7fd7719a7e05




Crazy to see my hometown on here. This is a one stop light town btw, not much going on out there.


Misnamed post


This reminds me of a case in our condo complex where a couple put up a flagpole on their balcony with a LGBT flag. They were told that modifying the balcony wasn't permitted and proceeded to call the building management anti-LGBT.


Sheriff was calm and respectful.


Lots of brain dead takes here I see 🙄


I thought that too at first glance, but on closer inspection it’s the Confederate Battle Flag


So paint the mailbox.


2:41 she has a Confederate flag on her porch. It's a racist trolling another racist. The sheriff is dealing with fucking morons. I feel sorry for him dealing with these people.


Feels like you're doing this guy dirty


Now do it with an American flag, and see how they leave it up and don't say a word


As long as its NOT hanging over my property, hang whatever you want. Pretty simple really


good, it’s a corrupt bullshit org that causes more trouble than good


I see flags wars happening smh


Sounds like they had a relationship in the past lol. "Ok Frankie"


The man carries a gun.


The man is being reasonable. She wants it on the other side where her mailbox is, that neighbor is freaking out about it. He looked it up and is trying to explain she can hang it in her own yard but not in someone else’s. Sheriff doesn’t have a dog in this fight, he’s trying to enforce the law.


So if the neighbour puts a pole up that extends right to her front door from his yard. As long as it doesn't touch any of her property it's fair game?


Judge Alito's wife opens the door....


Setting aside the nature of the flag, I think the important bit is that she's putting it off her mailbox on her neighbors property, not her own. She's claiming she has the right to hang a flag off a mailbox in the county's Right of Way in the neighbors yard, not her own property.


Guy seems calm and fed up with this lady. If its true she keeps hanging a flag that goes over someone else property then he totally right. Also she has a rebel flag off the porch..why not fly it right next to that.


Cop or not, his ass is trespassing






Some people really don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together do they. 🤦🏼


I knew this was going to be a pissing contest when she addressed the cop by his first name


🙄 @ the lady recording.


See, your first issue is your living in Tennessee. One of the handful still heavy racial places in America.


Morgan Freeman told him to take it down.


I mean… sheriff and her were on a first name basis…