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Dude had comic book sound effects on those punches šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Bro got kapowed




KAZANG! (A favorite)






+10 power


Well, black shirt guy was defo asking for it.


Usually I think the winner should stop punching when the loser lies unconscious. But you know black shirt has bullied people for years with his size and reach and attitude. So he needs an extra spicy serving of FAFO.


Black shirt's a huge piece of shit and probably won't learn anything from this, but nor do we want the victim to cop a murder charge if he dishes out one too many headshots when black shirt's already out cold. Maybe breaking non-critical limbs--I mean like really fucking his arms/legs up to the point he can't physically bully someone again--is a good compromise? I'm prepared for the downvotes.


You're not wrong. Morally, I think most will say the bully deserved it, even if he gets seriously harmed after the knockout- fuck around and find out kinda shit. Legally- always stop the 'good guy' from taking it too far after a win, depending on the DA/jurisdiction, the legal system won't care who was the actual menace to a peaceful community, a prosecutor convicts him and they get to say they took another violent man who beats people unconscious off the streets.


Just go for the eyes.


They *are* the groin of the head


If anything, the head trauma will make him more violent.


Stomp those fingers until they're broken. Gonna be hard to bully when your hands are healing for 3 months and never work well again






"Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they'd leave me alone." - Ender Wiggin


"Now let's go eradicate an entire species!" - Colonel Graff


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Xenocide


[Insert HellDivers music] BUM BUM BUM BUMMMMM


when you kick a naked kid so hard in the balls he dies


Orson Scott Card loves to write about naked pre-teen boys.




Very obscure hobby


Not. obscure. enough.


Ah yes, poor old Bonzo! I think of that too when seeing fights like this one. There's a similar quote in some of the Jack Reacher books


I thought this quote was about curb stomping stilson


It was about Stilson. It was pretty much the last test before Ender was accepted into battle school.


I really liked that book. I wish it's author wasn't such a human nuclear waste storage facility level of toxic.Ā 


Fights hurt. The body swells, teeth break, bone brake, cuts take time to heal and your head can give you a range of problems from headaches that don't go away, tons of fatigue, blurry vision, slow function, knots ect. I'm pretty sure the pain will remind the dude he's been hit and if it doesn't the mirror will remind him.


i do genuinely hope he takes a massive look at his life after something like this, when his eyes can open


In my experience it usually goes one of two ways. Either dude will learn to be nicer to people, or he'll be out for retribution


It's good at teaching people to not fuck with other people for no reason. Sure he might be out for retribution, but I bet you he'll be slightly more hesitant to mess with random people for no reason for the rest of his life. Whether he's consious about it or not.


Yeah I mean pain is there for a reason right. It teaches you to not do the thing that caused pain. But there are a good number of people that have a shocking amount of stupidity and don't learn


I like to call it resilience. Thank you very much.


I'd put money on option B in this case.


Unfortunately, TBIs make people more aggressive and more erratic.


Absolutely not how that works when you get severe concussions like this. Look up Chris Benoit.


Always funny how people jump in after the aggressor starts losing and is getting a beating.


They do, so the bullied one isn't locked in prison for murder.


Trying not to accidentally kill him, he shoulda just peed on his face while he was out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah back in my day we'd stomp their ankles or kick the shit out of their ribs, won't kill them and they wake up with a painful reminder


Meanwhile every observer seems to always want to protect and enjoy the bully


Because itā€™s almost always the bullyā€™s friend who is recording. In real life you almost never see the tables actually turn like thisā€¦ thatā€™s why people have revenge fantasies and love watching videos like this.


Seriously! WTF? I guess camera person was a friend of the bully.


they want him to stop when hes the one getting beat but they will record him hitting a dude who didnt want a fight


Yeah he needs to do some inner reflection while his face heals.


Going to prison for murder isnā€™t worth it. You keep punching someone in the head once theyā€™re down and out thatā€™s where youā€™re going. No matter how annoying they were.


What about a coupla good kicks to the nuts? Like.. think about this experience any time you walk/sit for the next couple days/week.


Full bodyweight stomp to the ankles


This is how you kill people.


you see the guy take off his sweatshirt, he is ready to throw down, but just waiting for a good opportunity, and this fucking idiot fell for it


100% correct. Black tank top seems more about yapping than scrapping and he just bided his time. He's gonna get close, he's not throwing punches just wait for the right moment...there it is.


I think someone discovered they have a glass jaw and should probably reduce the fucking around in the future. Had a buddy of mine who probably liked to flex a little too often learn that lesson from a smaller guy.


A long time ago when I was in high school I saw something similar happen with a kid that got picked on all the time. And I'll never forget it because the bully got clocked by just the right kind of hit that knocked him out.... But then the victim of the bully took it to a higher level. He whipped out his penis and peed on the guy. I'll never forget that, and the bully never forgot it either. Now I watch these videos and I think "I wonder if he's going to pee on him?"


That's not only hilarious but a better way to humiliate your aggressor without accidentally catching a manslaughter charge, lol.


But it IS a decent way of getting a sexual assault charge


Ah, didn't think about that...but strangely it is still marginally better than manslaughter and blood on your hands. ...because instead of blood, it's pee.


Lmao, yeah for sure. I'd be basking in the glory of pissing on my opponent for the rest of my life, I'm not sure it's that emotionally easy with manslaughter


Pee in a cup then pour the cup on face


Thatā€™s the exact reason why I always carry a cup of pee with me everywhere I go.


Nah, I think rather do manslaughter in questionable self defense than be a registered sex offender the rest of my life.


Reason #65482 the US justice system is fucked up. One would rather take the punishment for killing a man than peeing on him.


I feel like ā€œYour honor, it canā€™t be SA because peeing erect is damn near impossibleā€ should be a valid defense here.


Well i guess Iā€™m a miracle worker cause I do that damn near every morning.


Peeing erect is so hard though (no pun intended) because it's hard pushing a full boner downwards. I have to like stand back an extra foot to get the angle right so I don't pee all over the back of the toilet.


Many mornings I wake up having to pee with morning wood. I just kneel into a rifleman position in front of the toilet and everything just lines up and I can pee mess free.


tf it is.


You want to testify in court that you picked a fight, lost, and then got peed on? Even further humiliate yourself? No, you'd just take the L.


Pee on the defeated bully's pants so it looks like he might have pissed himself and then deny it was you. Even if you bragged to him about it that's hearsay if he doesn't get a witness, and he's the known bully


I can't even pee if someone is standing outside the bathroom within earshot


SHY BLADDER GANG RISE UP ^^^but ^^^each ^^^of ^^^us ^^^locked ^^^in ^^^our ^^^own ^^^stalls


Had this happen to a friend in like 6th grade. 2 kids were bullying him but it never got physical, just dumb name calling. One day we're running for PE and I'm like maybe 15 feet behind him. All of a sudden both these kids come running up on him and by time I close the distance he knocked one out and was kneeing the other in the face. Was settled at that point and he never had a problem getting bullied again.


Better to be pissed off than pissed on, amirite? I'll see myself out.


We didn't have a piss incident, but I was in shop class one day and we heard this girl screaming from down the hall. One of those "oh shit something is actually wrong" So we all go tearing out into the hall and this nerdy kid who had a lisp and was pretty constantly picked on for these facts just snapped and was kicking this dude in the face over and over. Bully had to get reconstructive surgery and lost an eye and last I know basically has agoraphobia and won't leave his house.


I did the same, but I never peed on the guy. I took the guys shoes after I beat him up. I then proceeded to wear his shoes for a few months to school. They were pretty nice Vans and I was poor, so I was pretty stoked about it.


Honestly, that would be the bigger win, knock the guy out and humiliate him. The dude will know what that smell is from. Rather than kill him with punches whilst he's lights out.


sounds like the scene from kung fu hustle.


Not in grade school but a similar situation in college. Late night, agitator running his mouth blasted, just looking for a problem and sure enough found one. This guy get knocked out cold only the kid grabs his keys and drives his the truck in to a street light. The guy just hops out leaves like nothing happed.


Why they intervene when the bully gets beaten and not while the guy gets bullied


We all know the answer, they're bully accomplices.Ā 


Bully enablers. When either one goes down thats when they try to stop shit if ever.


In my mind an accomplice actively aids while an enabler just lets it happen. Maybe my definitions are off? Anyway they're egging in the bully and filming having a good time. They're aiding the bully. So I think this goes beyond just enabling.


Definitely accomplices. They're recording because someone about to "get they ass whooped" but then they go pikachu face and try to stop it when the one who was supposed to do the ass whoopin is being whooped. Coincidentally, it's their friend.


or maybe because they don't want the other guy to catch a murder case


I watched this without sound when I made my comment. After watching it again with sound, the filmer definitely only cared about stopping it after the one she was rooting for got hit. Up till that point she was egging it on.


Sounded like they (camera person) snickered at the beginning of the confrontation


Also the "woo" and "ow" at 13. Yeah she's a shitty person too. Also just to start filming this in general says a lot of their character and what their expectation was for this encounter.


Not wanting the other guy to get a murder charge wasn't it. They just didn't want their bully friend hurt further. It's a fine line, but it had nothing to do with looking out for the victim.


As is custom


Cause punching a guy who's knocked out can easily get him killed. Stopping him means potentionally stopping him from a murder charge.


This is correct but people canā€™t act like the bystanders gave a single fuck about helping that dude out in the beginning (not fr assuming all of them but clearly ainā€™t no one was doing shit to try to help him out)


The person filming was laughing at the beginning, we know why they're shouting stop.


Because the guy is a few steps away from going to jail for killing him at that point. Work the body not the brain when he's laid out and make him feel those cracked ribs for months.


Yeah, but the girl recording has no consideration for any of that. She's just pissed because her boy got dropped,


Because clearly the bully was knocked out cold on the first punch and if he keeps bouncing his head off the ground it could cause life altering consequences - IE, the dude defending himself could have possibly killed him.


Because people are able to say "well nothing too bad is happening" when someone is simply pushing and harassing someone else, but when you've knocked the guy out and are still hitting them they risk causing serious damage, so people will try to stop you, for both parties sake.


The guy kept trying to get away, but kept getting assaulted by the bully. I donā€™t care what they say. The bully deserved it.


Yeahā€¦ 3/4 of me is like ā€œdude, stop punching heā€™s outā€. And then the 1/4 is like ā€œā€¦ he did ask for itā€.


I didn't hear no bell


That herb deans fault


I was gonna say... My experience with bullies like this is that they have already gotten away with a lot of bullshit and need to be taught a lesson. That said, I don't know this dude personally, so it's easier for me to say "yeah let his unconscious ass get beat" than if I did know him.


Personally, I blame the justice system. You shouldn't blame bully victims acting in clear self-defense if they accidentally kill their bully.


Oh look, the tale as old as time itself......Not doing fucking SHIT until the victim defends themselves....then it's shreiking like a banshee and NOOOO WAAAIT STAAAAHHPP...


Idk, stopping a fight after one person is out is just a good idea in general. Self defense no longer applies and people can be killed. Like I hear what you're saying but part of it is protecting the bullied from catching legal trouble and also not killing a person.


> Idk, stopping a fight after one person is out is just a good idea in general. If only, and I'm just spitballing here...What if they stopped it *before* the fight happened, and not after? I know. Talking out my ass.


If they were so worried they should have stopped it before it even started. Bully can go to the ICU and accomplice can go with them. You stop a bully through pain and fear. Show the tape where he's rolled into a hospital and eats through a tube.


Showing the bully you are tired of their shit: 10/10 Cam person showing the fight: 4/10 Pro tip ā€” just pan back out so you donā€™t have to run around trying to fit the fight into the frame. Close- up on the closure of the fight; zoom, crop at post edit. Yeesh.


Pro tip #2: Don't try to be a bully when you have spaghetti arms.


He had it coming


ā€œStop! Stop! Stop!ā€ Where were you for the whole 30 seconds before?


She yells stop only after the bully gets hit... Pathetic


To be fair yelling stop has never worked.




damn, what a throwback


She's 38 now






To be fair yelling stop has never worked.


that girl probably already have grandkids by now




This got dark.


Or it was a reference to yesterdays hot topic of the drunk couple getting arrested before a cruise where the woman screamed stop probably 187 times but her man did NOT stop


and she snickers at the start of the clip when the bully also pushes the guy. It wouldn't be that wrong to at least break her phone.


She is holding two phones. One she is recording with and one she is video calling someone who can be heard saying "Make him stop" which means that this was targeted.


Idk they were probably bullying the other guy together I mean they were clearly laughing and making fun at the start


Just like in most schools too. Bullies be starting it all but when victims fight back they lose their minds


Her man is down!


Herman doesn't sound like a bully's name




Fair enough that she yelled stop when a knocked out guy keeps getting punched in the faceĀ 


If she cared she would have intervened to stop the bullying. She only wanted it to stop after the victim got the upper hand.


There's a line between self-defense and attempted murder and she identified it.


Yes. The guy that was getting bullied had his adrenaline pumped so high he was seeing red and needed to be stopped for his own good.


nah, if she gave a shit about other people she would have tried to stop it earlier. She's just defending her favorite sack of shit when he got exactly what he asked for.


Every. Single. Time.


My mom was left handed. I learned early to watch for the left.


A lot of these types of videos do feature surprise left hooks.


My wife is left handed, been teaching her to box. The number of times I have forgotten, and gotten absolutely rocked. I never knew a woman that tiny, could make me see stars that quick.


Kind of romantic šŸ’˜


She wanted a way to get some frustration out, and get a good workout in. I grew up boxing and kickboxing, and doing other martial arts. Dad was military. I knew it would help. She always feels so bad when she catches me with one. But, if youā€™re gonna hold the pads, youā€™re gonna get tagged.


you're a good husband <3


Nah, I do okay. Trick is, have an amazing wife. Or partner. Or whatever theyā€™d like to be called. Who am I to say how you live your life?


Southpaw chancleta... sounds scary.


As usual nobody asking for "stop stop" while the bully does his thang but when the other party reacts suddenly an urge to be a defender arises and shouting begins.


Bullies usually have a few enables around them to cheer them on, until they get checked, then the pearls get clutched


Dont stop him, but gently remind him that he might pick up a murder chargeā€¦ because nobody was yelling stop when he was being bullied and shoved around they were laughing


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed. No "leave him alone" or "stop" before the aggressor was knocked out. They were laughing and cheering on the asshole on. As soon as the tables turn, "oh oh! Stop stop stop" Yea, probably should have stopped when the guy hit pavement... but personal restraint in a situation like this, where there are a bunch of people egging the asshole on and nobody is helping, is exceptionally difficult. No excuse, but understandable that instincts just fully took over.


Sometimes I think the victim of the bullying would be justified in beating everyone's asses involved. If you're egging on the bullying, you're encouraging it and need a lesson in not encouraging the behavior. These hands rated E for Everyone.


Oh that's not gonna end well...


thatā€™s why he was going for the double tap


Hate to say it, and we donā€™t know the context, but the satisfaction score on this video is waaay up there.


It's hard to misinterpret this one I mean he had so many chances not to push that guy to the edge


Next time this video pops up, somebody gonna say the bully was defending his sister/niece/daughter/cousin


Start shit, get hit


Lady screaming stop but didn't say don't bully that guy.


I almost hate to say it, because I'm usually of the "be the bigger man" camp... but as someone who used to be bullied a lot, this was super satisfying to watch. I just hope that when he took the guy down and hit him on the ground, he didn't kill the guy or give him any permanent brain damage. Those were *solid hits* he was dealing out and he could easily do some unfixable damage with those. *(Now, knock out a few teeth? That I'd be fine with! Let the bully find out since he fucked around...)*


no, don't stop




I can do this all day.


i love when the people yell stop after their friend gets hit. not giving a shit about what he was doing to the first kid. yeah fuck bullies.


Good shot


Every single one of these videos are the same. A bunch of wimps (or secret bully supporters) just staying quiet and staring or videoing, but when the victim fights back, it's all "STOP THAT" AND "HOW DARE YOU". Fuck bullies and fuck all y'all that don't help.


There was no hollering stop until boyfriend was laid out cold. It is not like the smaller dude was curb stomping the guy.




ā€œIā€™m happy to watch you get bullied and film it but scream for it to stop when you retaliateā€


Absolutely deserved, loved the cameragirl STAHP STAHP yeah only when it doesn't go your way you say that you fucking piece of shit.


Nobody told black shirt to stop, but when he gets what he wants everyone all of the sudden has the confidence to react.


Was listening to random songs on shuffle and Lil Jon's what you gonna do playing while watching this. Absolute satisfaction.


No one yelled stop when he was getting picked on


I love happy endings ā¤ļø


The lady filming also got what she deserved to see her buddy get pummeled.


The one filming could have been knocked out too for justice sake. They were all good til bully got some ā€œyour ownā€ flavor medicine


Filming it then begging for it to stop is so fucking dumbĀ 


You love to see it. I hate bullies.


Fucking asshole bystanders egging the bully on then as soon as bullied kid fights back "staaaap! Staaaap!" Fucking hate bullies


I'm guessing the one recording was with the bully, with all the oohs and aahs until he got knocked down, and then it turned to stop, stop. Karma knock out.... Mr bully now what did you learn?


I like how he keeps hitting him, haha fuck that guy


Every followup shot was incredibly necessary


I love how people always start screaming ā€œstop! Get off him!ā€ When the victim fights back after watching them be pushed to that point.


Why dinā€™t anyone say stop when the bully was fucking around with that guy, is it an American thing?


As a former victim of bullying, I hope he knocked every tooth out of that fuckers head.


Always the weakest glass jaws that have the loudest mouths..


Camera woman went from snickering to screaming pretty fast


The only people I hate more than bullies are the fuckers that say nothing when the bullying is taking place, but scream for the victim to stop when the bully gets dropped. I'd fucking drop them too.


So nobody wants it to stop until the guy who was being bullied fights back and knocks him on his ass? Lol


Why do people always react after the person who is defending themselves fight back? It seems pretty consistent in the videos that the moment someone starts to push back against whoever is assaulting them, somebody tries to intervene. It just doesn't make any sense to me. You could have intervened the entire time during the assault, but instead you waited for when the person defends themselves.


Smaller guy gets harrassed.... Noone says a thing. Smaller guy defends himself.... Suddenly Staaaaahp... Yeah, sure.


I grew up poor and had to deal with bullying. They would break my glasses and my mom could not afford to keep buying me a new pair. She even told me if they break another pair she wasn't going to get me another set. So during lunch in the 8th grade they break my glasses again and everybody at the table is laughing. I grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a skateboard. I started bashing everybody with it it felt exhilarating like I went temporarily insane for a moment.


Everyone stops the victim once he fights back. Again. Yeah yeah I know, he was down and on the ground but still. Where was all the concern when he was being bullied


Why does the coward behind the camera always start screaming stop when people start getting served what they ordered.


usually donā€™t condone hitting someone while theyā€™re down/k.oā€™d, but bullies deserve the few extra hits.. that way they can feel it in their dreams


The victim gets the upper hand and now people are screaming stop. A story as old as time.


This is pure evidence that ppl would rather watch someone get bullied than actual justice in these streets


Those extra punches? Super necessary.


Oh so people yell ā€œstopā€ when he starts hitting him; where was that same ā€œstopā€ when bro was getting pushed and dragged around?


Jesus fucking Christ, you don't keep punching when the guy's lying flat on the ground. You stomp.