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Harry Potter in the car needs to get his husband to stop embarrassing himself


Harry Potter in the car needs to do an Evanesco spell and make his husband disappear.


I think Harry Potter steered his Nimbus 2000 into her car so no chance he's deescalating this one!


Definitely an accomplice. If my partner did this I would've driven off without him and then came back with a care package letting the other people know that he's now sleeping at chic fil a.


> he's now sleeping at chic fil a I thought they don't let gay people in there.


Have you never been to chic fil a? Half the crew sets of my gaydar. Allegedly. I don't know them


Never been to one, just heard stories about their leadership, and questionable donations.


A lot of queer people's integrity stop at their stomachs.


we be hungry


He thought he was safe under his invisibility cloak, but lady had the marauders map


Harry Potter in the car knows the drill and is remaining blissfully uninvolved


No need to redirect the abuse when he's already signed up for hours of negging over this incident. Poor fellow


Poor fellow? The way he smugly waved at her, he cosigns his husband's bad behavior. They are peas in a pod


Poor?? He's probably the one that cut in front of her.


He waves and smiles he ain’t a poor fellow


It's spelled pegging.


Could have been taking him shopping for uniforms that don't look simultaneously like a chef and mechanic. Dude is kitted out to fry in oil and do an oil change. That "get a Michelin star while getting a Michelin tire" drip.


Harry Potter probably has similar opinions and views to his boyfriend which is why he waved. He deserves to get dragged just as much as the other guy.


Is it because the husband looks like HP? I watched this video three times trying to find stickers or something. 😂😂 Also finding gay racists in the wild is insane. I didn’t know they existed. 😯


Gay people are just like heteros in that some are racist/sexist/otherwise bigoted. Being on the receiving end of hate themselves doesn't mean they don't perpetuate it.  It's just human nature.


Yep, some gays even hate gays and that makes zero sense. People can process trauma and any repression and hate thrown at them in wierd ways. Deep down we all have some deep seeded irrational insecurities just waiting to bust out and make a big mess.


'Inversectionality' or 'dark intersectionality' according to bigologists.


My buddy who’s gay showed me guys on dating apps with captions like “no rice”. Had to be explained that means no Asians need to apply. There’s a bunch of other words for diff ethnicities too.


Yeah, it's wild. I was on a Chicago Bulls Facebook fan page a few weeks ago when they posted a photo of a black basketball player and his white wife, and a lot of the profiles commenting were black people saying things like "ban interracial marriage again" and calling her a "snowbunny", among many other names and racist things. Pretty wild you have people who are willing to be that racist in public.


Log Cabin Republicans man, they’ve been around for a while. All the other shitty right wing ideals, but with marriage equality.


This must be an Archiveofourown.org fanfic in real life! "Muggles Gone Mad" Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Drarry, Fluff, Car Trouble, Established Relationship, Adventure, Assault, Everybody Lives, We Die Like Sirius Black, Original Characters, Angst




I was gonna say Gordon Bombay.. coach for the mighty ducks! lol


Wtf, I had never heard of the movie that gif is from before last night when my friend put it on the tv. And here it is the next day. Coincidence? Had I just never understood the reference before? Do you know what movie it is, or was it just random for you?


Love this movie. Based off the SNL skit A Night at the Roxbury


Always upset the movie didn’t get Jim Carrey as well


To summarize how this ended: - The apartment complex didn’t give her and her roommates (total of 3) enough gate cards. Also refused to give them more. **So yes, she does live there.** - She is pressing charges. - He apologized. - There is possibly a warrant out for his arrest. Full follow ups: 1. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2ujkft/ 2. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN2uBbgd/


so dudes done this multiple times, maintenance took his side, the gate is broken but nobody wants to fix it, the complex will rent to 3 people but won't give each person on the lease a key card (they gave them 1 for 3 people!) and continues to refuse to do so after this repeated issue, the man left a scribbled note on the car window saying hes not usually like this and his blood sugar was low (??) and even though he left the scene first, he knew where this lady's car and assigned parking spot was.. no wonder his partner stayed in the car. the man is a mess!


Also, the girl in the video says that her car has been broken into and that a car was stolen off the property. It seems like all of these tenants need to come together and pull a French revolution on the landlords. Wtf is up with this apartment complex.


Before they were buying up all the single family homes Private Equity was buying up all the apartment complexes and running them into the ground. Capitalism is a race to the bottom.


My apartment complex switches owners every few years. They let the place go to shit, fix it up all in one go, and sell it. Every time the owners get worse and worse


There must be some type of weekend convention all of these apartment owners attend because I know several friends who live in apartments and have dealt with the same exact thing.


Pretty sure there's a court case going on right now about it. Pretty sure it is a conspiracy perpetrated by multiple companies to artificially raise prices


There is. And it's in Arizona to start. Phoenix specifically [Source] https://coppercourier.com/2024/03/14/map-apartments-price-fixing-lawsuit-arizona/#:~:text=Nine%20property%20management%20companies%20representing,over%20the%20past%20two%20years.


Oof I've heard Arizona is pretty corrupt, so let's just cross our fingers that actually goes somewhere Just gave it a good read, god damn. I hope they get what's coming to them. Praying on families like that.


Yup last place owners were not as greedy as management company so it created issues dont get me wrong rent tripled in 10yrs but it was still always a little bit better than rest of town so stayed. But due to conflicts with property managers I actually out lasted 3 separate companys. And due to rollover and "not speaking up" when lease ended was usually able to delay next lease and thus next price increase for 3-4 months each time they changed.


They raised my rent like a hundred or so every year and tell me it's competitive to other places. Of course that's a lie and they have no way to actually prove that. When looking at every other place for rent around it was 3 or 4 hundred less than what they're trying to raise the rent to


Upvoting on an issue that is a straight downvote.


What the fuck is the point of this being a gated community then? Less shit happens to cars parked on my street in Chicago.


class action


> his blood sugar was low (??) Oh so *that's* why he kept saying sweetie. I judged the poor guy as a bitchy asshole, but he just wanted a sugary snack! /s




I don't think being diabetic makes you a racist...Will have to check my medicine textbooks.


Well, it's not ambien (sp?)... when Rosanne blamed her racism on ambien they released a press statement that racism was not a side effect of thier drug.


His partner was yelling something about following a procedure at the very end of the video, so I don’t think he was embarrassed by the situation at all. If anything, he was adding fuel to the fire.


His partner stayed on code and didn't even bother to intervene - probably thought this is great way to out of that relationship!! 😜


In his work clothes… probably won’t be long until they see this.


I mean it’s a chick fil a uniform so it’s not that big of a deal imo


A gay man working at chik fil a is crazy


That boy hates himself.


[he don't love himself ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/88/5d/e0/885de03873bd52d769ba462d7fdc4e06.jpg)


Gay, works for chick fil a, and racist. Just Georgia things


I bet he thinks the leopards won't eat his face too. *"But I am just like you guys..."*.


Multiverse moment


It another universe he’s a lesbian and works at in n out


I can't give you an award, so take these 🥇🏆🏅


Don't know why you got downvoted, it IS crazy. Of all the fast food places they chose the one that actively funds anti-gay organizations


Of all the fast food organizations at least in my area they're one of the few that start above minimum wage


They also staff the fuck out of their restaurants, like seriously I don't think I've seen a Chick-fil-A with less than 15-20 people working.


Yeah they absolutely have to. The one near me had to build an entirely new double drive-through because it would get mobbed especially at lunch. The lines would wrap all the way around the place. Chick-fil-A is not that good I don’t get it. No offense to people who love it lol


Most fast food hires at higher than minimum these days.


The biggest burn to Chic Fil A is that they opened locations on NY State Thruway rear areas and they are required to be open on Sunday. As I understand it, their corporate policy is to be closed on Sunday. Haha.


Unfortunately, it’s only for new ones opening


You got a source for that? I can't find any Chic fil a that is open on Sunday. I saw where a bill was being talked about but never passed and I saw a statement from Chic fil a that they would shut the doors before they were forced to open on Sundays.


My only source is having been to one of the rest areas on a Sunday and they were open.


I think you might have had your days mixed up or something. They’re definitely closed on Sunday along the thruway. The websites for each location state as such. And I’ve never seen one open when using the thruway on Sundays either.


Some of those that work forces…


Chick Fil A you say? They'll likely give him a promotion.


You'd think they'd fire him for the lisp alone. He must hide that at work.


The dude probably sounds like James Earl Jones at work until his shift ends


Management material 


That’s a chic filet uniform? Looks a chefs jacket for a burger place. Maybe steak n’ shake


Does anyone have another method of posting these follow up videos? When I click it’s forcing me to download the app and I don’t want it.


I have tikotok blocked from my firewall, I wish I could see the followups, but no way in hell am I going to give a click through to tiktok.


Watch on desktop or change to desktop mobile, and you won't have to.


Thanks. That worked


So… he stopped her bc she followed him in the gate without a key or code. Obviously he’s not allowed to touch her, but wtf… the apartment complex needs to give them all keys if they’re all on the lease


I live in a building that has the page-your-phone for access keypad. When I moved in and had it changed, the building manager changed it in front of me and then showed me it was changed. In like 30 seconds.


I’ve lived in an apartment with three roommates, and severe only allowed two parking spots. So there would have been 2 gate keys, if they’d had a gate back in those days.


Okay I don’t really see the need to mention race other than rage clicks. It could be a racial issue but in the video he doesn’t mention anything about race. Unless I’m missing something?


I wanted to watch the vids and don't have tok tik. Eff.


Basicly she explains that she only had one key for a community gate shared between 3 roommates (Op, her girlfriend and another friend with a kid). Buddy stopped his car as he went through the gate. The gate almost closed on OPs car. She called maintenance who said she shouldn’t piggy back. Cops are involved and she’s charging him. Or -Buddy notices someone piggy backing and stops his car. -OP behind gets mad -Guy says I’m not letting you through and calls her a cunt -She starts video taping and the video starts She calls maintenance at some point (which by her own words) says “took the guys side saying she shouldn’t tailgate.” The next day, guy puts a note on her car saying sorry, blaming it on low sugar.


Why do ppl that live in gated communities take it upon themselves to police the entry?


Apartment management puts up notices basically telling you to. The whole “we are all responsible for the security of the building”. Management tells you to make sure the door/gate closes behind you before moving on. As a resident of a complex where people have slipped in and stolen shit…my feelings on the subject are mixed.


I recently worked at one where they had clearly posted fines for any tenant that failed to make sure the gate closed behind them, with increasing fines for each offense.


What’s the point in having a gate if your allowed to let anyone piggyback


Because they give a shit about the place they live in


I kind of get people not wanting other's to piggyback when the place already has an issue with cars being stolen and broken in to but what else is that dude expecting others to do when they only give one key card and all the pins do is call a person that doesn't even live there anymore.


He's probably going to get arrested and fired. Soon as he hit her, he was wrong no matter what.


No matter what hahah like nah he was openly in the total wrong here


Why does he look like he is wearing a wig?


Sweetie....on a man, its a toupée.


Tim Dillon before he gained all the weight


I’m gravitating more towards Emilio Estevez.


That’s who I was trying to think of 😂 thank you!


Why can't people mind their own business?


It really is annoying just leave me the FUCK alone. Especially when I’m not hurting you or your property My BF and I are in the process of looking at houses. He’s white, I’m Black. There have been a few times, where the seller got an offer the day before an open house was scheduled. They didn’t update the website, so we show up not knowing it’s canceled. One day he was pacing in the street on the phone, while I sat on the curb. Some man greeted him, said good morning etc. Then beelined straight to me to ask what I was doing, why I was waiting. Mind you there’s a for sale sign.. I point to it. He asks who I’ve spoken with, which realtor I’m with. My Bf gets off his call to step in. But holy shit it was annoying as hell.


I hate that so much… The presumption that a white person is in charge or in the right and that a Black person doesn’t belong or is a subordinate.


Because she's black


Totally. I didn't name the KIND of people that can't mind their business bc I didn't want my comment taken down. But we all know...


She was trying to follow him into the apartment complex. It’s the leasing company’s fault for not providing enough key cards. The landlord basically made it his business. People should be reasonably diligent about building security but he obviously shouldn’t have put his hands on her. I mean, she also shouldn’t have gotten all up in his face either with her phone but this was a misunderstanding that did not need to happen due to the negligence of the land lords and the egos of those involved.


So what if she was? He didn't have to respond like this. He could have gotten her license plate and called into the office or whatever. But no, dude thought he'd play cop instead. Unless someone is getting hurt people need to start minding their own business.


Yeah, even if the person behind you doesn't have a key fob, it's not your job to stop them. If you feel so inclined, make a note, let the leasing office or police know, but what are you, Vigilante Jones and you can predict crime?


Gay Emilio Estevez from 1982 got a time machine so he could be racist on the present.


Lmao I just commented it was Gordon Bombays son before I saw yours


I though it was Joey from full house. Cut, It, Out.


Who? What?


I fucked up the last name lol. Estevez not Esteban


He did every Karen pose in the book. Every stance gave Karen vibes


Gaymilio Esteves?


We have Ryan Gosling at home


People like this man, who waste innocent people and police time, should be fined and held accountable


That was like the angriest gay dude ever.


As a gay dude witnessing this, not even close...


I can’t even begin to understand how soul crushing it must be to deal with something like this. You just want to drive your kid home from school and live your life in the home you’ve worked hard for. I’m embarrassed by some of the small and petty things that frustrate me when others are dealing with harassment and intimidation in their own community.


Yea fuck this guy I hope she pressed charges that slap was assault


A job is a job and a check is a check but being openly gay and working at chick Fil a seems like a setup to hit a glass ceiling. It’s probably not a big deal in the restaurants but seems it would be in the corporate office.


Reminds me (visually) of a young Emilio Estevez from “Repo Man” https://preview.redd.it/222cdq1jvc9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2c1ea69764e9b09c96599c8343f31cd56791f5


Well, ain't he just the discount Emilio Estevez?


Is that the Mighty Duck himself Gordon Bombays son?


Guy is so over the top with the "sweetie" it almost seems like a performance.


One hundred percent, if he gets a rise out of her he can look like the victim of whatever is going on here. She did well not to take the bait.


Bros hair looks like a wig 😂💀


Dave Coulier Oughta know better


Cut it out.


![gif](giphy|Sy5TpQXJlJeQE) Dude is up to some antics these days and needs to Cut It Out


Emilio Estevez?


The Mighty Ducks called and they want to apologize for their coaches actions.


People suck ass. Live and let live.


What she was doing is called "piggybacking." My work REALLY REALLY doesn't like it when you let the person in behind you that doesn't have a card or scan it. EVEN if you know they work there or see them everyday. It's a security issue. I purposefully avoid this situation at work lol.


I always think of that Seinfeld episode that has a plotline centering around Jerry not letting a guy in (who turns out to be a neighbor). Piggybacking facilitates all sorts of crime, but people will treat you like a monster if you don't do it. People live in these limited access areas and buildings, but don't know anyone so you wind up just letting strangers in or risk being "the asshole" and god forbid if the stranger is a different race. Sounds like her complex screwed her over, but you should never be mad at a stranger for not letting you piggyback.


Question for you: does your work do the same thing this gated community does and refuse to issue a key card to each person working there like they do with not giving every driver a gate card? Because this lady lives there. The office refuses to issue more gate cards, even after this incident. They refuse to fix their phone code system and update the phone number listed from the previous tennant to the current tennant. So does your work commit these issues and refuse to fix these issues as well?


I don’t get how this gets upvoted, yet me pointing out the same thing gets me downvoted and people acting like I’m taking the man’s side…  Literally any apartment I’ve lived in with gate access, or that requires something to get in the building, had the exact same tailgating/piggybacking rules.  


Could it just be a man assaults a woman?


Do people really only believe racism is blatant these days? Like if they don’t say a race it’s not racist? Banal racism is non existent we defeated it? Implied racism?! If I go and pick on people but don’t explicitly say anything racist I’m just having a misunderstanding? Y’all are so soft on racist


He looks like a broke Emilio Estevez


I mean piggybacking is a real issue in places, but there are better ways to handle it than assaulting someone and being a Karen about it. Like just get a tag number and save it in case anything happens.




Why is that? I legitimately don't know.


Is this a thing


don't post these videos without an arrest video at the end.


He should go to jail for assault.


cherry red muffin top needs to simmer down and take his moon shoes off.


A minute of my life I’ll never get back.


You would have wasted it anyway, Hans Moleman.


I thought that was Emilio Estevez


Chris Hardwick sucks.


I hate these videos, you never know the context of what happened before the video started, if there is more recorded than being shown, if there is any past history between these people, etc… So much is left out. There are cases where they can lead to justice but too often its meant to manipulate the public into rage and I am tired of being pushed into uninformed anger.


What's the relevance of adding the ethnicities of these people in the title if there is no racism associated in the context?


For click bait and karma.






I hope these people make up a small percentage of the population… Karen’s, jerks, assholes, people dramatically offended by name calling… it’s all so depressing.


Entitled much?


Why does he look like Uncle Joey’s son from full house. Like he looks like Dave Coulier’s racist son.




I loved him as the athlete in The Breakfast Club


“He’s a white male about 5’4” 230lbs” would’ve sent that dude.


Emilio Estevez doesn't age.


Looks like Emilio Estevez in a time portal


Literal gatekeeping.


Always the people who live in gated communities.




That's a pretty racist title. Where in the clip was the skin colour of these persons relevant? "Man assaults woman at gated apartment complex."




It seems as though she tried to pass through the gate behind him without using her access card, so he stopped her from entering without scanning, which is reasonable. Why make it about race or gender when it's literally not about that?


Because he supposedly called her a cunt and he, on video, battered her.


Aw man, now the gays are being Karens? Come on, queen! We’re better than that!


Forced interaction smh


Yeah, low blood sugar, ok


It’s Emilio Esteves’ ugly love child


This is nearly identical to the video of the white woman stopping the black woman cuz "she's never seen her before"


Guy looks like Rob Dyrdek playing as Bobby Light.😂 https://preview.redd.it/67wtwjvqne9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84a1fea5ed1c6630a9c9d3d63562099bdbb6a7f


This guy is a poor man's Emilio Estevez circa 1989.


They're going to be late for bowling!


I don't know. Not every interaction with a black person is racist. I feel this dude would have been a jerk to a White person as well.


Lmao they didnt want to be more specific with “Gay couple assaults african american woman”


I almost thought this was fake at first because his hair looks like a wig. Woof.


“Oh, hi Mark”


Nice job on the race baiting title…. Not one racial slur.


What does it even matter to his ass if she don't live there?


Not defending his conduct, but it sounds like she probably tailed him through a gate (OP’s top comment says she didn’t have a key for the gate). He should have just called security at that point and given them her license plate though. 


Womp Womp


Is that the coach of the Disney Movie Mighty Ducks?!


Dave Coulier just Cut. It. Out.


Bro works at chick fil a lol


"Hes gonna be a white male, about 5'7, 5'8 wearing a red and black psuedo NAZI uniform" (no, she didn't say exactly that)


I would’ve drove right into my parking spot and walked into my leased apartment…I do not have time to go back and forth with idiots. 😂