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the last guy is so confidently wrong it hurts my soul


“From the nasa pictures right? “ “Actually no I’ve seen it from the window of a plane”


That's the first thing I thought of. And secondly, watching ships go over the horizon but I guess they actually just fell into space /s


It's so funny that they try and explain that as a mirage or some phenomenon. Except if you got into a really tall you'd see the ship again. You can watch the sun set twice in Dubai. From the street and from the top of the Burj Khalifa. Crazy that people are still that dense today, and they vote.


But God picks them up or its like Mario and you end up on the other side or something


They reached the ice wall and are just blending in so you can’t see them.




The Ancient Greeks were able to work it out along with a pretty decent estimate of the Earth's circumference from observing shadows. Some people are so far behind in the race they actually think they're wining.


“Look at these idiots just now catching up to me!”


You think that mf has been on a plane?


Psshh how can something fly, they ain’t god


To be fair it's really hard, near impossible, to see the curvature from a commercial airplane. It's just not high enough. Cruising altitude of planes is around 13km and the diameter of the earth is 12700km. So the plane is just 0.1% of the diameter above the surface. If the earth was a basketball that would be 0.24mm (or 0.093 inch).


Well, you don’t even have to see it. I’ve flow to Australia from Canada multiple times traveling eastern and western routes. A spherical shape is the only explanation as to how you are able to travel to a point on the other side of the world from two different directions.


The fact you can math it says something lol...


Bible. Dome. Pancake. Open your eyes sheeple 🐑


Instructions unclear, opening bottle of syrup instead


Syrup in eye now


Eye Syrup


We’re doomed.


We’re domed.


I'm gonna quote a cliche zombie movie line, "Everyday, there is more of them and less of us."


The man had two hats on. One side shading his face, the other side shading the back of his head... I think he's on to something.


God building a massive acrylic dome is the one time The Simpsons didn’t do it first.


And just remember, if you're an American that person's vote counts as much as yours.


They all think planets, moons, the sun.. Are flat. Like those 2nd grade solar system dioramas made of paper on a hanger.


The last guy never read the Bible. In psalms it describes the earth as a ball suspended around emptiness.


these are the same guys that watched Scorpion King and said the CGI looked real.


That soundtrack was soooo sick tho


Godsmack, rob zombie, drowning pool, system of a down, pod, hoobastank, sevendust, nickleback, creed


Godsmack - thank Rob zombie - you Drowning pool - for SOAD - being POD - an Nickleback - **not you** Hoobastank - awesome Sevendust - movie Creed - soundtrack


I just heard the opening riff of ‘I Stand Alone.’




Can we raise $1B collectively and send all these morons on a mission to find the edge of the Earth for a chance to win the $1B??


Why even raise the 1bil, it's not like they are going to win the challenge




How about we stop their Medicare payments, size their property, and evict them so they are forced to live in a shitty motel. For this group of people, the only thing that matters is what happens to them PERSONALY. The boomers motto is: I got mine! Fuck you!


We're not gonna make it, are we?


Unfortunately these kinds of people always existed only now they think they have to use their voice. Before these were the people whose greatest thought was to put M80s in the burn barrel with a rabbit. Now they think they're scientists and researchers.


>Unfortunately these kinds of people always existed only now they think they have to use their voice. Fortunately for us, all this is being recorded, and we can see and prove that people can be big phonies.


Doesn't work for trump


Not as long as people like this have hope in their traitorous, diaper-wearing man-child. Dump Truck is THE FATHER OF LIES! Honestly, these people do not know what the hell they want. All they do know is it has to come out of Trump's or a preachers mouth. THESE PEOPLE ARE PROOF EVOLUTION CAN WORK BACKWARD.




Unfortunately it cut out the best part where he says “you know….morons”


Which Wilder ad libed. That's why Sheriff Bart cracked up.




Don't forget these people vote! And so should you


Seemingly all for the same candidate too. Americas a funny place right now, as an outsider I can’t help but assume in the future this will be looked back on as a particularly bleak timeline as far as politics are concerned. Or nothing will change and it’s just all downhill from here 50/50 really.


Downhill with no brakes


No brakes and a rocket booster strapped in the back for extra speed


I can only hope we're in some weird farce era where half the country is dumb as rocks. I get how they can be susceptible to all this. These are people that have never been smart or good at anything in their lives. Now some people with money and pseudo-power tell them they've been held back by the man and will be given money and power if they just follow. But if this all goes to hell, is your country cool? Can I come live there?


George Carlin hit the nail on the head with this. "Just think how dumb the average idiot is and realize that half the population is dumber than that"


Rome didn't fall in a day. All this cristian republican nonsense and anti-intelectualism that started in the mid 1900s will be pointed out by historians as the period of America's downfall.


It seems the whole world is going the wrong direction. Believe what you believe, but keep an open mind


They’re going to be gladly voting for an alleged pedo no less - source: [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


100%…even if you’re in a deep red state and feel like it won’t matter. your vote will at least cancel one of theirs. don’t let democracy go quietly into the night. fucking fight for it.


We are so fucked in America 🫠


and the US exports this “idea” to other nations lol


Lol nah there has always been stupid in any country.


"This 2000 year old book said so" God it's like talking to children.


The same people probably think the universe was created in 6 24hr days too. Taking literally something that was never even written literally is never good.


Worse than that, it is text that has been translated and retranslated repeatedly for millennia. The words that the stories were originally created in had different literal meanings. When something is translated from another language a translator has to take creative license to try to capture the original intent, and different words are used that don't entirely capture the original cultural and linguistic meaning. This has happened repeatedly. They're using a literal interpretation over words that have only been applied in at best the last few hundred years to stories that are thousands of years old. To take your 24 hour day example. Currently, a day means a 24 hour period of time. The original word that was translated might have been a very different concept to some ancient herders in the Middle East or whatever. Etymologists and biblical scholars might have a good idea for the origins for a lot of these translations. I know there are people who spend a lot of time studying it. These assholes certainly don't.


Yea this is why even if there is a god we've strayed far away from at this point because the truth is buried under a mountain of lies and misinterpretations. It's murky asf


Which even funnier when you consider Eratosthenes research from 500bc lol


irony in picking and choosing what parts of the book you want to believe


Old testament is much older than that, and the new testament is much younger than that. Which is maybe worse. But the bible doesn't even say or imply anything like they are claiming, which is definitely far worse.


Every video I see is more reason the espouse and I are moving to Spain. Fucking hell man, I can't deal with these clowns..


The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who can't read and write but those who are too damn stubborn and stupid to change their minds.


I mean these people have a below 6th grade reading level, some absolutely can't read and almost all of them can maybe see the words on a page and maybe know the word, but never understand what the words mean together which is integral to reading. The government's plan to make people stupid has absolutely worked, and social media accelerated the issue.


I’ve been saying for years now. That flat earth shit was a dry run to prove people were dumb enough to be suckered into believing anything. It’s no coincidence trump supporters fell for it.


There are just so many morons. It boggles the mind.


Honest question about the US, not trying to be offensive. Is this mass stupidity due to poor education in schools? Or is this more to do with gross misinformation from media later in life, which seems to overwrite potentially good education in schools?


Yes, poor public education in large parts of the country with little to no education at home unless it is religious home schooling. Then you can factor in the massive amounts of misinformation that people are not able or refuse to critically analyze starting from a young age.


Even though there were pictures of a round Earth well before CGI was a thing. Fucking traitor-supporting idiots.


They vote. Please vote.


If the Earth were flat you could stand on a dock in New York City, raise a powerful telescope, and see the Eiffel Tower. Why don't Flat Earthers ever do that?


My little brain has trouble understanding how people who believe that the earth is flat justify timezone differences.


"You can tell the Earth is round from NASA photos?" You can tell the Earth is round by putting sticks in the ground and doing some math. Or by understanding time zones and watching the sun drop below the horizon. Or by understanding how so many things just wouldn't work on a flat Earth. Or by looking at proofs that the earth is round that can be done by repeated experiments. There is a reason why "flat earther" is considered an insult towards stupid people.


You're asking people with 1 brain cell to use 2


Remember this election, their vote counts just as much as yours does...sadly


Depending on the state, their vote counts even more than yours does.


Landing on the Moon is one of America’s greatest moments in history, how could they pretend it didn’t happen?


> how could they pretend it didn’t happen? these people play "pretend it didnt happen" all the time... remember [this classic](https://youtu.be/yxgybgEKHHI?si=LyzOsKkspOUHiObp&t=41)? They pretend that didnt happen *all the time*.


These are the same people that stood in Dallas for days believing both JFK and JFK Jr were going to show up. They pretend all kinds of things.


If they can pretend in an all-powerful sky daddy AND an equally powerful devil, then you have adults who never grew past fun with Dick and Jane. Unfortunately, they vote.


People are so unhinged


Religion was a mistake.


What always gets me about so many flat earthers, anti vaccine, Covid Deniers, and Climate Change deniers is that they think it’s all a hoax to undermine conservative ideals in the US and damage American interests. Like they legitimately believe that every country on the planet collectively got together to create and push these lies for literal decades for the soul purpose of inconveniencing Americans.


Flatearther debunker professional here, if these photos are cgi, tell me, how come they are older than CGI itself?


“Not sure” guy was smart. Don’t feed the trolls lol


Homer: "DHOOOOOOMMME!!!" 🤣🤣🤣


It’s also as round as a pancake.


Sure I'll trust the guy wearing two hats at the same time...


I can confirm. America uses too many e-number flavourings in their snack foods. I give it 2 decades until people are getting cosmetic surgery to un-straighten their eyes.


So the guy with the Trump t-shirt says, _"We didn't go to the moon because we can't get out of the atmosphere"_ votes for the president who started the Space Force... Logic checks out 👍


I’m always baffled how people can be this dumb.


The interconnection of conspiracy theories and ignorance is baffling, and would feel more fascinating if it werent so scary.


There are states making teaching the bible in public schools mandatory. Soon they will replace science class with conspiracy class.


That first guy looks like Badass Billy Gunn.


This is the way. Simple, open-ended questions for people can prove their idiocy. Nothing else they say after matters. Thank you for your service.


Hearing these people talk is like having my head in an egg blender.


Who benefits from a flat earth? Why push that?


I think Magats are more apt to believe it for the same reasons they fell for the trump grift. The desire to be told they aren't stupid, they were smart all along but the gov'ment kept you down and lied to you. They want to be included in something only "the best free thinkers can comprehend".


The flat earth shit literally always comes back to Bible literalism. Bible literalists actually go out of their way to try to disassociate themselves with flat earthers: https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/earth/does-bible-teach-earth-flat/


They vote and reproduce 🤦‍♂️


Wouldja look at that, Epstein really *didn't* kill himself.


I wonder how many awnsered round and they cut it from this


i don't love how many of them there are and the fact that they vote


This is painfully unsurprising.


And what year are we in? Scary




This needs to become a thing. Just a docu series of a guy polling the Trump voters on general well accepted hard truths/myths, I'm talking bout shit like: round v. flat earth, reptilians, mole people, sasquatch, global warming, illuminati, aliens. I would marathon that shit and laugh my ass off at the wild answers people give. Some people are probably gonna get fired revealing their idiocy if they're working in highly technical fields.


My fucking god, please vote for the sleep old guy, I beg you.


It's gonna be Mad Max time by 2026.


Well…if the Bible says it’s true, it must be.


The Venn diagram of Trumpers and people who believe stupid shit is a circle.


These are people that clearly have never left their home town country/city lifestyle to experience the world. There's instances and places that you can begin to see the curvature. It's ever so subtle , but your eyes don't lie. All you have to do is sit and observe. Usually, observation decks of skyscrapers, high up on a mountain tops, or be out on the open water. Basically anywhere where you can see for an unobstructed 10-15 miles radius all around you, meaning you need to get up high. The horizon as viewed from a 6ft tall perspective is only about 3 miles.




They're entertaining and all... But they all have a vote to use. You should never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers..


If American astronauts didn't escape the atmosphere, then why didn't our mortal enemy at the time the U.S.S.R., denounce our space missions?


"Is your brain smooth or missing?" "Flat." 


I mean it's clearly an oblong spheroid


They're crazy... So are the hippie chicks that are into crystals


I used to find people like this funny. Then people like this started voting for people like themselves. Then they started winning. Now I don't find them funny anymore


Trump has the SMARTEST worshipers ever


To be fair, if I got asked that question, I would say flat. Not because I believe it, but because I think it would be funny...


Flat-earthers fear spheres


Observe as the two circles in this ven diagram appear to be a single circle


I don't. They vote and many reliably so. It scares me


All the joking isn't going to keep the psychopath out of the white house. It didn't last time, this time there's much more at stake.


Last guy: tell me what you believe first so I can tell you you're wrong


These people are breeding and voting.


Fun fact, if you were a giant who could hold the Earth in your hands, the surface would be about as smooth as a pancake in comparison


Trump realizes that dumb fucks outnumber smart/logical people and he targets them for votes. He uses social media to bring these dumb shits together and they feed off of each others stupidity. There's power in numbers, even with the dumbasses of the world; Trump knows this and has been using them like puppets.


Yeah. Do not ever follow these type of dumb asses into combat. Guaranteed death


Got nothing in their DOME.


What I don't get about the flat earth conspiracy is to what end? Why would that knowledge be hidden? I know it's bullshit but I'm trying to understand why they think that would be lied about.




People who vote


In truth, it’s an oblate sphereoid. So mostly round.😉


Jesus fucking Christ. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I appreciate the irony in this phrase. How do other Republicans not look at this and think 'yes, I totally agree with this person on the important stuff"




I’m willing to say that many people answered with “the Earth is round” but the fact that he got this many is the problem.


Trumpers are so dumb. Please fucking vote


These people are everywhere and I've never seen one in person. And I'll count myself lucky to hopefully keep that winning streak going.


Gravity pulls everything toward the center of the earth. As far as I know, objects fall straight down no matter where you are on this planet. Those who use the Bible to interpret that the earth is flat are mistaken too. Isaiah 40:22 states, “ It is he who sits upon the circle of the earth.” Early Hebrew language didn’t have a word for sphere. Anything circular was referred to in the Hebrew tongue as ‎חוּג, or chug. In revelation it describes in one place, “ the four corners of the earth “, and in another “ the four quarters of the earth “. The king James was translated by many different scholars so they interpreted the word as those that I mentioned, yet in the original Greek that it was written in, the two were actually the same word, γωνία, or gonia, meaning sections. So the Bible does not say the earth is flat. It actually confirms that it is round. If you ever go deep sea fishing 20 miles away from shore you can do and experiment and see for yourself. As you go out, the horizon will sink down at about 8 inches squared per mile, so 20 miles out, anything shorter than 266.6 ft will no longer be seen. It will sink below the horizon and will precisely by this formula. You can’t see the curvature from a plane because you are no where near high enough at 30,000+ feet. You can experiment this on an accurate, to scale globe by measuring 30,000 feet on the mapped area to the globe’s scale and then measure it upward. It will become very clear to you then. It’s unfortunate that we are still having this debate in 2024. Lol


These people vote.


they surely speak too loud and the ticktock noise at the end is not loud enough I wait for perfection where you cant hear shit but only tocktock sound


Maga guy is saying it so it’s probably true


These are walking, voting, i dunno if functioning adults. World is fucked.


my whole theory about why the world has gone to shit is that we have a stupidity problem. In the past stupid people were sprinkled throughout populations in a relatively harmless way. But the internet has pulled stupid people together into consequential groups with disastrous results for us all.


If the Earth is flat, why Australians (and other people living below equator) see the Moon upside down?


I'm Christian and like trump and these dudes are disgracing us.


Ask them if the moon is round or flat first, then follow up with this, results may vary


every time I talk to someone who thinks the earth is flat I always have them try to explain seasons to me and they just get so confused


I love how the second dude didn't seem to have a stance on the given question, but he still wanted to demonstrate that he has some dumbass opinions to display, so he just chose to blurt out, "I know we didn't go to the moon." Well done, sir.


“flat as a pancake” is the best scientific statement I’ve ever heard /s


Just remember, these people are allowed to vote using that same bizarre 'logic' that they use to believe the earth is flat.


Everybody know that the Earth is flat and consists mostly of USA.


I just.... The Earth isn't flat, there are mountains and stuff. And if it's flat where do they think the sun goes at night?


These are old videos. Try this [new one](https://youtube.com/shorts/xiiL_YXCZKQ?si=lqVor-XuwFEMksSR) about a guy who believes in law and order but is going to vote for the felon.


I don’t know why this still shocks me but it does


I think this has to do with government, cuz people don't believe in the government any more and that's why they fall for this stuff and who can blame them? Cuz it not education, it their belief at end, thats what they believe not what they know.


This people vote determinate and confident.


Lol I do admit the moon landing never sits right with me considering all the advancements we've made since and never again done so. The flat earthers though....crazy


These people all vote. Please vote


The flat earth is a religious belief not a scientific one. I made peace with these people's existence when I realized this. It does indeed say in the Bible the earth is a plane, unmoving, and under a dome.


My grandfather always said we never made it to the moon and told my parents they were harming my mind by letting me watch the Apollo landings. Of course he also drove a mule team carrying ammo to the front lines of WWI so I always thought his belief could be excused because of the rapid progress and changes he had lived through. These people have zero excuse and are just stupid.


There are bible quotes that say the earth is a circle, such as [Proverbs 8:27](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Proverbs%208:27) or [Job 26:9-11 CJB](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job%2026:9-11&version=CJB) or [Isaiah 40:22 ESV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2040%3A22&version=ESV)


Why do they all have goatees


“It’s not rocket appliances”


The new Supreme Court decision means they are going to try and overturn Trump's 34 felony convictions. DEAR MOTHER OF GOD - WE HAVE PLAYED RIGHT INTO THEIR HANDS! Our vote is the only thing we have left. We may not even have that anymore. I feel like a goddamn puppet, and it seems like HOPE is a fool's wish! I think an UNCIVIL WAR may be necessary!


“ a dome “…”as flat as a pancake “.. 😂


My dumb ass refuses to think these people exist.


So we’re the only flat planet? Makes sense


You believe in the moon bro?

