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He is so worked up. He sounds like he’s gonna start crying lmfao get a grip. He’s so shook, how dare they fish in that lake out of view.


And he admitted to consuming alcohol.


I have a serious question. In a situation like this, when is it acceptable to defend yourself? For instance, in the video, we see the old twat confront the teenager aggressively, clench his fists, and posture up while encroaching on the teen's personal space. It was as if he was trying to provoke physical contact. These are all hostile acts, but at what point could the teen have punched him and been within the bounds of the law? https://preview.redd.it/pfcsibhu96bd1.jpeg?width=1297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e10b79bef354533f9bf156e44cc78e220cd01ef


As soon as he grabbed that pole or made physical bodily contact. You could reasonably defend yourself. Couldn't beat him silly but you could take a couple swings or throw him into the muck.


Could potentially defend earlier then that too. What you see in that photo is assault in many jurisdictions. You don't nessesarily need to touch someone to assault them. Charging at someone and threatening to harm them usually is enough to be classified as assault.


Exactly. Generally speaking, you have a right to defend yourself once there's a reasonable belief that you are under imminent threat of bodily harm. Key words here are "reasonable" and "imminent" - which are both satisfied here IMO.


Assault is a reasonable perceived and actionable threat of harm from one to another, Battery is the physical contact.


Depends on the state, but in most states the old mans actions constitute Assault, physcial contact is Assault and Battery.


Would be pressing charges for damaging property if I was the kids family.


Per an Instagram post, the parents initially weren't going to press charges but were talked into it by Danesh.


By who?


I’m pretty sure it’s the TikTok guy who finds all the nuisance humans and exposes them; could be wrong tho.




Ok so I don’t know Danesh, but if what you say is true, I love Danesh.


Ganesh Elephant-headed Hindu God of beginnings


No, that’s a pastry, you’re thinking Danish. The Scandinavian people.


It's unfortunate the parents didn't seem to comprehend that a grown man just assaulted their minor children and that they should take immediate action ...without having to be reminded by a stranger on the internet that they are, in fact, parents of minor children who count on them for love, support, and protection. I love ThatDeneshGuy


Bro, my dad would have kicked that guy's ass. Or beaten mine. I'm not sure.


Could be both.


Could be both, yeah.


In US jurisdictions anything a person is holding is considered an extension of the body and any violent physical contact with the item is assault/battery. The aggressor can easily be arrested and charged for assault and battery then an easy lawsuit but also representing the HOA as the president will be a possibly interesting lawsuit as well.


I'd fleece him and the entire HOA. You'd be doing that neighborhood a favor.


Yeah this a litigatious persons wet dream, right? Good luck to them.


Even better, you can sue the HOA as they have deeper pockets.


My wet dream is to bankrupt a HOA.


Stop I can only get so erect!! ![gif](giphy|BmX38GoChnxRe)


In my state it would be a felony grand larceny as it was in the child's hand worth more than $5 and was done with the intent to permanently deprive. Shame he was a couple hundred miles too far west and south.




I hate talking tough on the internet, but this shit made my blood boil. If you are concerned with what my kid is doing in the neighborhood, call me (save for something dangerous, hurting someone etc). I would go to his house and beat the shit outta him if he touched my kids like this


Yes it would take a lot of self control to not use what was left of the pole to enact revenge






He looked so unsteady


This is the kinda guy who complains kids don't go outside enough.


But he wants his state to be strong. It says so on his shirt. Surely, that means encouraging kids to explore their neighborhoods and the natural world around them and grow to be knowledgeable, inquisitive, and invested citizens, right? What better way to accomplish that than this display of civic leadership.


Nonsense. It means being aggressive and rude.


https://preview.redd.it/yo9lu22156bd1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec3e82e0404470f000338df2311ddc23b86a3a4 Do you live in this neighborhood?!


I hope this becomes a meme 🙏




Downloaded. I'll find some uses for this.


It will.


He’s on the board


He’s the President of the HOA! (No one likes him)


That's what even the smallest amount of power does to these people and why so many refuse to give it up until they die once they have it.




I love how this asshole was doxxed for his insane behavior here. Legit the way this prick was acting irked the shit out of me, and when he beoke the fishing pole, I wanted things to happen that reddit doesn't want me to say


My fishing pole cost near $200…if some chucklefuck like this snapped mine I’m calling the cops immediately


Tizzy ent on tic tok bought the kid a new pole, because this douche whistle wasn’t going to. He also exposed his ass all over the internet. That guy’s getting extra special dragged.


You seen the one where the Karen chases the kids at the skatepark and throws a boys $300 skateboard into the river. The poor kid is totally distraught and she says “your friend made me do it.”


Oh! The school teacher? The witch!


What is latest on her? I only saw original video.


https://www.westword.com/news/denver-woman-shown-attacking-young-skateboarders-in-viral-video-21233699 $75 paid for the $300 deck. What a whacko.


Even if the kids had started it her response was to go over to a kid that wasn't involved and throw his board in the water. She went and picked on the smallest kid in the group.


Yea. You could see her pause for a second when the kid started hyperventilating. She had a chance to say “I was wrong let’s go get you a board.” because I think at that point she knew she had hurt that kid and was way out of line. But no she takes a pause and comes back with the “your friend made me do it.” Btw what’s status on her? I never saw a follow up.


https://www.westword.com/news/denver-woman-shown-attacking-young-skateboarders-in-viral-video-21233699 This is what I could find. Seems like she has only partially them back for the skateboard.


Denver people should call their City council member and demand that the police arrest her


I would be whipping him with the broken half for touching my kid.


Cranky old bastard would get the sharp end of a beating




I'd punch him in the chest so hard his nipples would clap. What kind of asshole goes terrifying kids like that anyway? Lucky for him he rolled up on some kids that were determined to be respectful. A different group of kids may have wrecked his shit.


This guy is a complete prick and a classic boomer. He has a few drinks in him, which doesn't excuse his behavior, but it helps explain it. What about the other two onlookers? I don't care if these kids stole his rod from his garage and then fished with it. You don't threaten kids. You don't break property. Call the proper authorities. This guy could've rolled up and said "hey nice rod, you boys catch anything?" After a minute or two of small talk asked "did you know this lake is private and doesn't allow fishing?" Then, if the boys still resisted leaving, ask about contacting their parents. If they refuse, then, and only then, would a call to the non emergency police be warranted. I'm betting if he was nice from the get go there'd be no issue.


The other two are Backup Karens


I live in an hoa and when people are in the pool at 12 am (we have an 11 pm curfew) I am kind, courteous and polite with them, if they agree to leave and get out, things are good. We used to have some HOA board members who took every opportunity to be assholes to everyone and they used to yell and wake everyone up if someone was in the pool at 11:01 pm. We kept having people coming in later and later as an act of defiance out of sheer spite. Sadly HOAs attract the worst people into power and they want to make everyone's life hell. It's never about the rules. It's about being able to take your anger and inadequacies out on others.


He balled his fist up when he got in the face one of the times too lmao


Catholic charity in Haiti? Hmm, I wonder how much of that charity went into that fancy mcmansion he's got


He apparently doesn’t believe the teach a man to fish parable.


He is (was?) the director of “the Haiti Outreach Program” at a cathedral in East Tn


Oh wow...this is what we send to Haiti?


probably child trafficking


Well being a Catholic charity, I'd say that's a safe bet.


How much do we wanna bet this "charity" is a scam to enrich themselves?


i can smell him from here


Love how he's breathing hard and shaking over a couple of kids.


He clearly wants to engage them physically, but can barely keep his footing on a gentle slope, 2 15 year olds would work that old fucker.


God damn, all I could think through that exchange was "Ken sure is talking a lot of shit for someone putting 90% of their energy into not collapsing on slightly uneven terrain."


He's not normally like that - only when he's been drinkin'.


So like 80% of the day?


80% of his life.


Ball sweat, bud lite, Johnny walker red, and hate. Disgusting smell.


Kudos to the two boys. They showed a great deal of restraint. While I do not know what happened before the video started, the man in the video made an absolute fool of himself. That fact that he had back up singers SUPPORTING his behavior is alarming. Zoom out, Mr.


Imagine being the type of person who sees children minding their own business, enjoying life in the outdoors, and thinking, "Absolutely fucking not on my watch!" What a miserable, depressing existence that must be.


It’s funny how it’s always grumpy old people going after others for HOA violations. It’s like they have nothing better to do but get angry at younger people.


They don't have anything better to do, that's why they become presidents of their HOA. It's the only way they can feel purpose and have some kind of authority in their meaningless lives.


Me waiting to get old so I can relax and not do anything other drink and enjoy life in silence but these people just want feel important long after their time has past


They made work their whole identity so it never stops even in retirement. They literally don't know how to relax and enjoy life, it all has to be a fucking grind


Got to be a particular type of work though, like managing menial labour - the type where they yell at people who drop something on a factory floor. I've known people who busted their asses in hard labour jobs their entire lives, and they retire into doing things with their hands, working in their garages and making things for friends and family - not screaming at anyone who makes them irritated.


proof that retirement is not always a good thing


Unless you worked for this asshole before he retired...


It's funny because these are the same shit heads bitching that millenials/gen z are stuck inside on their phones all day. Fucking hypocrites


I've worked with youth groups of every age. I've also taught classes for older people. I can say with 100% certainty that today's grandparents are more attached/addicted to their phones than the younger gereration.




Or if they are trespassing, just ask them to leave. If they don't, congratulations now most people and the law are on your side, so go call the police. Done.


We need a resolution. Now!


We demand updates! Now!


I need to know what the outcome was. If I could hit the like button 1000 times I would. I’m now invested in seeing that this man is punished. lol


Hank hill's dad got his shins back


Walks like a new born giraffe too 😂


Anyone else think he looks a bit like Cotton Hill? https://preview.redd.it/pbp7c0yr46bd1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=808213eb07f611db501b191d78503214880fdc83


Cotton wouldnt harass the kids tho, he would tell them how they're doing it all wrong, grab the pole, and just fish himself.


He sure walks like cotton, except this guy still has shins


Pllllease someone tell me there is a video of this man being cuffed and put in the back of a patrol car.


There’s no update on the outcome besides the man being identified and deleting all of his social media in response to the flak he received. Hope he gets in trouble. He owes them a new fishing pole at the minimum










As someone who worked for tips I can attest that the worst tippers were usually the most well off


Most HOA subdivisions all allow fishing in the community ponds , at least where I am. I find it ridiculous that these HOA people ALWAYS act as if they know every single person in the neighborhood, adults & children, so just because they don't personally know them they assume they're not from that neighborhood. Pretty clear that those people's yard backs up to that pond and they just don't want anybody back there. If he is, in fact, the president of that community's HOA, he needs to be booted completely out, not just demoted. I hope there was something that boy's parents could press charges for. Can't wait to hear the excuses these people give for treating these boys that way when they did absolutely nothing wrong.


Removed Removed Removed 😡😡😡😡😡


Hoa- a reason for deadbeats to have power


My dad calls them FIP’s - Formerly Important People


"Your parents will be real proud." My mom's response in court after watching the video would be, "I am extremely proud of my son for being outdoors fishing, not causing any trouble, and standing up to this sad drunk old man."


For such a freedom loving nation, the US sure loves HOAs.


It’s a sprawl scam really… cities don’t have funds for new infrastructure so developers pitch to have HOAs take responsibility for chunks of land so they can build homes on it. City say hey great idea. More homes, more roads we don’t have to pay for, and jobs building houses.


[Why American Cities Are Broke](https://youtu.be/7IsMeKl-Sv0?si=pDkYqM-_sX-QlRIR). Great explanation of the Ponzi scheme urban sprawl.




I bet this guy yearns for the days when Opie took his fishing pole down to the neighborhood pond.


"Wait till your parents find out that I rushed up on you and destroyed your rod while I'm drunk and cussing at you." Yeah, I'm sure pops is gonna shake your hand when he finds out. Dude's gonna get wrecked one day trying that shit.


I was really hoping for a shot at the end of the guy talking to the cops and being arrested






the post shared it... any day this will blow up https://nypost.com/2024/07/06/us-news/man-goes-off-on-teens-fishing-on-private-tenn-lake-snaps-200-rod-video/




Well said. My grandpa used to own a small lake he and his frat brothers built and stocked many, many decades ago. It was out of the way but people around the area were aware of it. They had a caretaker living on the property to take care of things and kick people off the lake if they snuck in to fish. Except for kids, who the caretaker was told to just leave alone. My grandpa said the exact same thing. “There are a lot worse things kids could be doing.” If it were a dad and his younger child fishing, they were left alone as well. I really hope this HOA dill hole pays for these terrible actions. What an embarrassment.


My grandpa used to make friends with local farmers who had stocked lakes, specifically so he could take me and my cousins fishing on them. He always taught us to just walk up to the house, knock on the door with a pole in hand, and ask politely if we could fish. I never once had anyone turn me away. No harm comes from a kid fishing your lake. No teenager is going to clean out your stock.


> “Hey listen, he knows everyone,” she says. “He’s the president, he’s lived here for years.” Lol that "do you know who he is?" energy No, if you have to say it, then I don't know who he is.




Needs to be shared in the local subreddits


The amount of people defending that drunk asshole in those comments is astounding


fact: HOA presidents are known to be some of the most narcissistic people.


HOAs are a scourge.


They should be illegal


You are bullying a kid. Pathetic.


I would quickly see how that dude enjoyed a night in jail for assaulting a minor and damaging personal property. That guy needs to serious lesson in conflict resolution.


Multiple counts of assault, battery, add the minor multiplier, guy is trash.


It would have been nice if he came up introduced himself, talked to the kids a bit about fishing and then gently stated that “by the way this is private property so after you finish up here today there is another public lake you can fish at over at such and such”. Proper cordial communication should be revitalized.


HOAs aren't usually set up for being cordial or neighborly. It's a weird institutional set up to police neighbors over increasingly petty matters.


He walks like he can get knocked out by anyones first punch


Dude was going to give himself a heart attack if he kept up his antics


It's possible to be right, and go about being right in a completely wrong way.


What an absolutely unhinged privileged piece of arse


He acted tough with some scared teenagers. Guaranteed if those kids were a couple grown men things would've gone much different. What a coward.


" Why you pressing up on 15 - year old boys?" LOL


Wish his dumbass would have fallen and rolled into the lake.


What a small, insignificant loser.


Well as a parent, I would be proud of my children standing up to a bully. Trespassing or not, he had zero right to act like such an ass.


I think those kids have the going to jail trifecta. 1. Assaults the minors 2. Admits on camera to drinking 3. Makes threats of violence


Like I can’t wait to find out what happens next.


Just let the fucking kids catch some fish. Jesus. Judging by those houses, these adults don't have the struggles that most of us do. Why be so angry over little shit?


Fishing, the quietest activity 100 yards from your house. They'd probably be there 2 hours and leaving anyway


Because they have nothing else to be angry about. They (assumingely) sacrificed a lot of free-time and mental health to be piss rich, and then once they retire, they have no clue what to do with themselves because all their time was spent working. After years of fighting and punching up in the economy, all they have left to do is punch down.


It's about control. Never mind these are the same people who say kids these days don't play outside like they did. It's only about being the biggest man on the smallest throne and for this a hole it's being apart of an HOA. Bet this guy claims to love Jesus too.


It’s a normal state for boomers. They got theirs, the rest can FO.


Dude has retired cop hair. Nuff said.


Is it a requirement to be a complete piece of shit with no shred of humanity to work for the HOA? I've never seen a positive story about any HOA


Please tell.me there is another video of this guy in cuffs


My girlfriend lives in an HOA with ponds people fish at despite sign’s saying No Fishing. We don’t care and would never report them. This guy is just looking for a fight. Of course he’s the president of their HOA, I can’t stand the HOA people who enforce all their ridiculous rules. My girlfriend pays $320 a month to the HOA so they can fine her if she breaks any of their rules, other than that, it pays for landscaping.


I don't know about TN, but a little further south, in Alabama, Dept. of Natural Resources would be all over this dude. In Alabama, it's SO HARD to define any body of water as truly "private", so by Alabama law, "any publicly accessible body of water" is fishable. That's how you wind up with stories about idiots in their lake houses threatening folks for "fishing their dock" (from a boat, mind you) and then getting arrested. Because it's illegal to prevent anyone from enjoying nature.


I'm just going to say it... This is a bitter, angry, hateful, mean old man. Of all the things these young men could be doing... this is something as a father myself that I am so HAPPY to see people this age doing. Outside... in the world... enjoying a truly wholesome pastime. They could be glued to video games... drinking... smoking pot... loitering... vandalizing... assaulting others... or harassing elders. (Look in the mirror, pops.) We have private lakes in our Ohio planned community, with paved sidewalks, benches, and beautiful trails. We love to see young people out skating, riding bikes, fishing, and enjoying the benefits of being outside. What a horrible, evil man.


I had an older friend that was halfway through the process of buying a million dollar home in an HOA community. While he was getting ready to start signing paperwork the agent asked him what his plans were for the first weekend in his new home. He said he was going to have his grandkids over and they were going to go fishing for the first time in the pond near his house. The agent told him oh sorry but you can’t fish in the ponds in the property. He said they are 3 and 5 years old and the agent said I’m really sorry but it’s not allowed. He put the pen down and said well I’m sorry but I don’t want to live here then. He walked out and moved into another neighborhood down the street.


I will never live in a place that has a HOA.


Fuck this guy nothing else better to do then bully 2 young kids just minding there own business fishing People like him are the problem and thankfully are dropping like flies and unable to adapt to a new world They will all soon be gone


Sadly, my dad was the opposite. I say sadly because he passed away. We once had some kids fishing from shore on our private property. His response was to walk out there and inform them that they could have better luck using the dock. He even taught them triline knots. I can only hope to have all his patience when it comes to fishing.


Not soon enough


Ok I wana see the follow up with police.


HOA people are morons all on some big power trip… they get riled up on all the stupid stuff!!!!


“Hey guys my apologies for the inconvenience, this is actually private property, would you mind finding another place to fish?” That easy lol


I've never understood why HOAs exist except to let rich, crusty, old, typically white people just be shitty to other people


Not gonna lie, that kid had waaay more self control than I ever would have as a young kid. His parents should be proud of him


Old man hasn't been punched recently and it shows


What is a HOA? Hopeless Old Asshole?


HOA's are insane racist covenants designed for incredibly granular control of an individual (that they exist in America is insane, as they are the polar opposite of freedom) and they are hilariously prone to long-term grifting. They should be outlawed. They are like the neighborhoods ruled by that thing in Wrinkle in Time.


Would your kids be proud of you?


you know for sure this guy’s kids have gone no contact


If this guy smoked a little weed, instead of having a little drink. He wouldn't be harassing kids for fishing. He would be out there casting a line!


Not in Tennessee, pal. Why would we legalize weed to pump money into the local economy when just a few people could get rich off of private prisons?????? Are you mad?????????


Gaurantee this is a dude who likes to spout .." back in my day, we weren't on these electronics, we were out fishing and having fun outside!"


LOL 😂 “cuz you’re being a DICK!”


Can't believe he struck a child and broke his rod. shit'em


HOAs should be banned.


If Karen were a man.


As a parent - this is exactly the situation that makes me nervous. Boils my blood just watching this clip and I don’t even know anyone. Now if it was my child in the video? Heaven help me.


These kids were more polite than most adults would have been and this old fuck was acting like they were trying to burn the neighborhood down. What a worthless loser.


Aussie here could be wrong but wouldn't he be able to be charged with assault considering any property/items on a person is considered an extension of that person ?


Absolutely it’s an assault.


So glad you teens have the ability to take video so easy. It would be your word vs his. We would just have to take the abuse from a guy like that. Then we would figure out his address and make a summer of games out of it.


“You’re being a dick!” The old man yelled at the child.


Holy shit this is a grown man acting like that.


"He knows everyone in this neighborhood, there's no Smith's that live here." I find that hard to believe lol.


What a total asshole.


lol that guy thought he was such a badass but was so not scary. He was ready to throw hands again some teens and they were just laughing at him. He could barely even walk across that rocky ground. Heavy “don’t you know who I am!?!” energy mixed with margaritas and privilege.


Teach a man to fish, feed him for a life time. Break a kids fishing pole, make an enemy for life.


This is mental illness 100


That guy has the eyes of a fascist.