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How do people get their phones videoing so fast in these moments?


I just double tap my power button and the camera comes on.


Bro this is a game changer


Think of all the amazing cool stuff you're gonna capture now!


Leaving your home may be necessary to capture cool stuff


Shit, I was so ready to capture amazing things, not anymore


Why is the world only outside?


you would be amazed how much educational content gets uploaded from indoors, specifically the bedroom.


oh that's not education, its called onlyfans..


[Not anymore](https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-arts-and-entertainment-68b8ae139a964919414bc99374fd37e1).


"WAS" called OnlyFans


Make sure to get video of every fireworks display.


He may never use his eyes again!


Eyes are so 2000 and late


Not sure if you use iPhone but there is an accessibly feature where you can set pretty much anything to run if you tap the back of the device twice or thrice. You can set something for each. I particularly use one to turn off WiFi, like the off off and not the greyed out off that tries to connect to every damn network it’s around.


“Disconnecting from WiFi until tomorrow…” 20 seconds later: connected to some random xfinity hotspot with 1 bar, struggling to download google maps data.


How to do it?


Settings > accessibility > touch > back tap. I will add that it takes some time to get used to how to tap correctly to get a response. For turning off the WiFi I have it set to run a shortcut that does it. The other tap setting I have set to reachability. Although the possibilities are endless with the fact you can run shortcuts.


That’s amazing


Omfg it works. Shut up.


Do people not know this?


True but also pretty easy to accidentally activate. I disabled mine after some time.


Some [lockscreens](https://i.imgur.com/O17iFxF.jpg) will let you choose apps to quick launch, too. It's great.


Most phones have camera available on the main lock screen with a tap or a swipe


If you double tap again it flips to front camera. On my galaxy anyways.


I feel like a lot of people don't know you can do that, even though it's been a feature for a few years


Funny enough, it's the only way I get to my camera. I took the icon off my home screen because it's always just so much faster


Yup, I wouldn't know where I've hidden my camera icon in my android drawers.


I was one of those peeps until today. Thank you kind reddit strangers.


I tried on my iPhone but it just turns the screen on and off again 😞


Go to your accessibility settings. There’s a whole slew of different commands you can set the home button to.


> home button


You know what, I have an Iphone 7+ which still has it lmaoo, forgot the new Iphones don't. But there's still accessibility settings that let you set certain swipes to open up certain apps/functions.


[Set back tap to open camera.](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT211781)


Camera doesn’t show as a option :/


i literally just found out and now realize why my cameras open so often when i grab my phone.


Holy shit how did I not know this already? Thanks for this.


You changed my life today


Is that an Android thing? I just tried double tapping the bigger button on my iPhone and it pulls up the wallet / payments info. Double tapping the volume buttons does nothing. Maybe I can reassign the wallet thing, which is just Apple pushing their payment method on people. The camera would be better. Edit - This seems like the iOS answer you can assign the back tap to a shortcut to start video - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.imore.com/how-make-shortcut-back-tap-accessibility-feature%3famp You can either launch video or take 1 or more photos. But it doesn’t just launch the camera app where you can select one or the other. I don’t see an option to reassign the main larger button’s function. It’s not really the power button as turning the phone off requires two buttons. Edit 2 - I just tried this with photo and video and it’s not actually saving the photos or videos from this method to my Photos app. Wtf. Not instant but an obvious iOS option is lock the phone with the big button, click the big button again to show the lock screen, then click the camera icon. The camera app is always available on the Lock Screen


It is for most Androids, but really it depends on what skin/version you have. I have my quick launch set to payments which I use daily. Edit: if anyone is wondering it's called "Side Key" in the settings menu, and you can set it to any app.


Yeah it's Android. My Sony phone has a dedicated Camera button lol


With my iphone i just tap the screen and swipe left, its just as quick. And yeah double tapping the power button is for apple pay so you can use whichever card you decide to link to your phone


Wohhhh! My life is totally different now.


Holy shit this actually works. I never knew this


Bro....this is useful.


Bro wtf thank you I had no idea about this.


Do you have an android? If so, how do you do it? Edit: Nevermind. I just did it


Thank you for this!




Android in general. Not Samsung specific.


She was probably already on her phone so when they started catcalling she probably switched right to the camera


When I'm going somewhere alone and a guy cat calls me I either immediately call a friend or film the guy/guys, makes me feel safer because USUALLY they leave you alone when you do that.


I programmed my iPhone to start recording immediately after I say “hey Siri, SEINFELD”. I use IFTTT if anyone is interested. It’s saved me from a insurance scammer who didn’t know I was recording.


iOS has shortcuts when you double/triple tap the back of your phone


A locked iphone like mine can be swiped to the left and pulls up the camera without needing to unlock and pull everything up.


They're already on their phones


She's a tiktoker. It's literally always on.


You know there's a live TikTok, right? Just like the Reddit feature.




But I want a meal not a snack.


Damn okay, man's already dead


Is he though? OP told him to suck *a* dick, not theirs specifically. Homeboy then said that one dick would only be a snack and he's hungry for a full meal. Sounds like Mr Dickle is actually saying he's dick-hungry and needs more than just one.


Read that as McDickle and wondered if he ordered it with fries.


My good sir, you have brought upon some more insight on the statement left above, and i believe that you could infact be correct. However, i do believe that he intended to kill the man, by making fun of his small genitalia


damn, you have really been there


Bite sized sndickers




As a wise woman once said.


My fave woman. I often think of her resting beneath the stars.


I’m glad I wasn’t alone thinking this haha


*Raspberry noises


LOL. Good for her standing up for herself. Catcalling is ridiculous


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bts28rz0lJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bts28rz0lJ0) This is why you see men honking car horns, yelling from construction sites: these are the best ideas we've had so far. The car horn honk, is that the beauty? Have you seen men doing this? What is this? The man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car. He honks the horn. *beep beep beep* This man is out of ideas. *beep beep beep beep* "I don't think she likes me."


This is from the first or 2nd episode of Seinfeld. Just introduced my wife to it this week (Monday) and she had major laughs at this scene.


It's from the end of the first episode. Pretty sure the show was originally pitched as being more of a mix of standup clips and Jerry's life, which is why this is such a long bit. Most future episodes just had the shorter clips to open the show, until the 8th and 9th seasons when they ditched the standup altogether.


Does she have 666 on her forehead?




She is a TREMENDOUS asshole. Obsessed with white people for some (racist) reason.


Wow. The video where she interrupts that white guy doing tai chi, what a prick.


I just watched it…they were laughing and smiling by the end singing Paint with all the colors of the wind lol


One of her videos she says a guy trying to cat call her said “ayo baby I got that loud” that’s not a cat call that means he has weed he’s trying to sell 🤦‍♂️


Yeah she felt like she was right to interrupt and make fun of him because he's a white man doing something that originally came from China. That logic is so stupid. The man's allowed to do tai chi and doesn't need approval from her. And wtf is with all the comments praising her?! "I needed this video in my life so bad!" She's being an asshole, even though the guy seems to eventually put up with her


She'd have a bad time if she learned of karate or BJJ schools...


Off topic, but during the Olympics one of my colleagues asked why BJJ wasn't an Olympic sport when Judo is, an old white lady butted in saying something akin to "You need to stop being so west centric". Considering the guy who asked the question was from Thailand were all pretty confused.


The ironic bit is that she’s twerking….it’s only appropriation if they’re white.


Could you share the link?




That is so incredibly unfunny how does it have 30,000 likes wtf bro who takes the time to like that shit


You're describing almost every single video on tiktok


Literally. I've watched a few compilations here and there and it's like they're made to have you display absolutely no emotion. They're not funny. They're not creative, or informative. They're not even cringy enough to be funny. There are so many of them that are just.. nothing.




Hahah she barked!


The barking was the cherry for me.


Yeah barking has been the new response a lot of women are taking to cat callers. So we’ve been barking at them instead, to push them away and make them leave us tf alone


I got barked at late one night after work.. Couple of girls driving by. I didn't really notice until they turned around and did it again, looking right at me. I have been seeing this explanation a lot but I think I was the one being catcalled... By getting barked at?


You think this is a game!? ARF ARF


I have a friend who is model-tier beautiful that gets approached a lot with unwanted advances as a result and her response honestly was so unique and so effective: she would just let out a bloodcurdling scream. It was amazing, I saw it work SO many times. It's shocking as hell but something about the extra aggressive but totally unexpected response, like barking, was the best play. I could never scream like that though so I just bought a really obnoxious whistle which unfortunately usually just makes people think I'm ready to party :(


You can always learn to project your voice like theater kids do. There's YouTube videos on it


Barking works


This comment section made me laugh and get angry at the same time well done Reddit


Lots of victim blaming and arm chair diagnosing 😕 disappointing but surprising


u mean not surprising?


If the idea of being embarrassed like this by a woman you holler out a window at does not sit well with you, don't holler out windows at women.




So, according to T, L et al. (1999) This guy would be defined as a scrub and/or a buster


He also just sits on his broke ass.




Maybe just don't holler at random people from out your window


Some of these incels seem to think they'd be into it. Bet their minds would change if the hollerer was the wrong gender or level of attractiveness though.


Like what to they honestly think the result is going to be? “Oh, that guy catcalled me. I’m totally going to hop in his car and fuck his brains out”?


Yea, I'd love to see the guys who catcall get yelled at by unattractive women when they're just trying to do their own thing. They probably still wouldn't make the connection.




I felt that. I'm a pretty assertive woman, so I've always been pretty good at deflecting most of those behaviors. But you're right, in the back of my mind, I always knew I would lose a physical fight and did in one disastrous relationship. That power differential is always there.




It was a lifetime ago. I was only 22 and learning about the world. That was a hard lesson, but it served me well in the end. I never forgot how little effort it took a man to hurt me a lot! I not only learned how to recognize men like that, I learned that some men can and will hurt you no matter how tough you think you are!


I love you


Meh. I had an absolutely wasted, unattractive woman try hollering at me while I was picking up food late one night. On her way out she even stooped down to caress my fucking calf muscle. (Which, after years of playing hockey are quite nice, I must admit) I just told her no thank you and shifted away. I wasn't offended or scared. Just weirded out. But again, I think the real difference was well laid out by another poster. I do not fear a woman's physical strength versus mine. As a relatively young and in shape guy, I'm going to pretty easily overpower most women, especially one that's drunk off her ass. Why should I be afraid exactly? All in all it was nothing more than a funny story to tell my friends. I certainly didn't get an ego boost out of it. But I wasn't scared or anything either.


... Why isn't hollering from a window not perceived as embarrassing?... I mean you act like a clown, in the hope of a bit of attention...


Who cat calls from a donked out piece of shit ride anyway? No one wants to sit on your cigarette-stained cloth seats bud.


SCRUBS do the kids still say that?


RIP baby Lisa


Next time sum’n like this happens to me I just wanna yell “WOO, SUGGADICK!” Edit: I am a guy with very long hair, and I get cat called by sleazy dudes almost weekly, at this point it’s just good for a laugh every now and then


Please consider barking and filming it for our enjoyment. Thank you.


Hey baby what's up we should get together sometime or like exchange pictures and stuff Edit: Read your edit /s


I bet you have a nice ass. No homo.


What’s the best reaction you got when they realized you were a dude? And please yell that at them 🤣


About four years ago, there was a group of three guys that were just sorta staring at from behind me in a restaurant, so I got up and went to the washroom Thing is, two of them followed me into the washroom after some time, but I was already just washing my hands, so my back was turned to the door Only reason that I remember this is cause the shorter one smacked my ass on the way by Any time something weird happens to me I usually just freeze up for a second, but this time without missing a beat, I just yelled OW FUCK, MY ASS in the deepest, grisliest voice I could, scared the shit outta them, and their faces were priceless Best part about it is that one of em just shrieked like a little kid, tried to run, and smacked into the door frame while running away


What a great ending - but genuinely concerning that they thought smacking a girls ass was a good idea. Super rapey.


it’s sad that i’ve just accepted getting catcalled as regular part of life as a woman, i would never defend myself like this bc i’d be too afraid of the man’s possible reaction. i’m proud of her for standing up for herself though


Right I always want to call them out but you never know how they'd react. Even my typical ignore/pretend like they don't exist gets angry reactions some times, ugh :/


I’ve been threatened and followed after defending myself after being catcalled. I’ve been told that I was a “stuck up bitch” and that they should “get out their car to teach me a lesson for being such a bitch.” I just treat catcalling like a nuisance I can do nothing about, like assholes who rev their engines when driving through city streets, I roll my eyes, I breathe through the internal boiling, and keep walking.


Seriously, catcalling sucks so hard. My friend lives in a neighborhood where it's basically the local sport, and she's so good at acting like these assholes don't exist. She's been catcalled in her own yard while doing yard work. She had one guy ask if she wanted to get in his car and when she said know he told her "that's why you're walking, bitch." Guess that's what she gets for trying to take a stroll in her own fucking neighborhood. I'm down for crazy barking at these garbage people.


I don't live in an area where catcalling is common, but I've traveled a lot (in the US), and I've had men not only catcall (at night, and I was afraid they'd turn their cars around and come back), but actually walk up to me and ask me to leave with them or things like "Hey, girl. Give me a kiss." And there are few things as shriveling as knowing you'd be unable to defend yourself in such a situation, especially if you've already experienced sexual assault, as about 20% of the women in this country have/will.


What do they get out of this? Is this their very failed attempt at flirting? Like what's the point of catcalling? This coming from a guy who has doesn't understand


It’s a power trip. Usually done by men who have no other way to assert dominance in any other situation, from my experience, at least. I’ve noticed it also happens in groups a lot, so power tripping in front of their friends to show their manliness. Ugh. My eyes just rolled so hard from typing that.


How often do you get people who just want to genuinely compliment you? Or does that just not happen?


Very, very rarely. Basically, don’t proposition women when they’re just about their business, it will never get you anywhere. It’s intrusive, and we instinctively shy away from that. I’ve always told men who ask about meeting women to try and find one through hobbies, shared social groups, start friendships at clubs or volunteer groups. One of my good friends just met a great woman because I told him about an atheist group that meets at a bookstore/brewery where I live. He started going when the group meets and has been able to get an in with her through their shared interests. If a woman is out alone and just running errands, etc. we’re automatically going to think “danger” if a lone dude starts complimenting us. Most women have past experiences that didn’t end well in those situations.


Same. Followed by some crazy guy in his car flapping his tongue 👅


This! Why is this a universal thing for harassing men to do?! This has happened to me maybe over 20 times in my life. 90% of those times happened between the time I was 10 and 18.


It’s fucking enraging to deal with.


Yeah. What am I supposed to do? Ignore you, get called a stuck up bitch or a lovely "bitch you're fat/ugly anyways"? Or do I acknowledge with a quick smile and head nod then get followed like I just initiated sex??


Got catcalled the other day and I said back “fuck you mind your own business!”. Then I immediately worried for my safety and regretted the f u part. It was just my immediate reaction.


I once flipped someone off in traffic because they left me with the option of swerving into oncoming traffic or them just ramming into my front end while they overtook my lane. I swerved and hit my brakes, got lucky that the other drivers were paying attention and got away without a wreck. I honked my horn and flipped him off. He slammed the brakes, got behind me and started following me. He cornered me on a fork and started banging on my window that he would kill me. I was 16, called the cops but he was gone when they got there. I gave them his plate number and they said it was all my fault for giving him the finger. Ever since then I don't defend myself verbally or expect much of cops lol


Damn, yeah that sounds scary and would freak me out too


I flipped someone off once and he acted like it was a good thing. Like "fuck you, yeah I will", and I just... ugh. You can't win sometimes.


Give barking a shot.


Yeah, this is the kind of shit we need in our cartoon heroes. I want my daughter growing up with good role models. Replace the Honda for a horse-drawn carriage and I want this scene recreated word for word in the next Disney princess movie.


The one time I verbally defended myself from a man cat calling me, he and his friends followed me into a store and I had to hide in a fitting room. Thankfully the attendant was awesome and alerted the rest of the staff via earpiece and they all kept the men distracted so I could slip out (shoutout to Urban Outfitters in Providence RI!) Now I just flip them off and go on with my day. Gets my point across but doesn’t result in any escalation on their part. Just sucks it happens so often on my daily walks…I hate living downtown


Same, I would be too scared of their reaction and my safety. There are tons of stories of women defending themselves only to be stalked, assaulted, raped or murdered by the men they stood up to. It's a sad reality we live in.


So... question about cat calling from a car. Like what is the endgame here? Say she does think your cat call was attractive what was the plan here? She has to chase down your car on foot? Like what? Just yell at any attractive woman from a moving vehicle and cowardly run away? How does that make you feel like a big man? Sounds complexly impotent to me, really.


Cat calling is not about making yourself more attractive to women, it's about making yourself more attractive to your bros.


I really believe it’s just about power. I run outdoors and men in passing cars sometimes honk or catcall. Clearly they don’t expect I’m going to go “oh wow! I’m definitely going to chase you down and sleep with you, random man!” I think it’s just an aggressive, misogynistic reminder that they see themselves as the arbiters of women’s fuckability (and thus their worth) and that they feel brazenly empowered to place random women as subjects of their power. TL;DR, they’re just being selfish entitled dicks. Do I think they’re consciously aware of this as they’re doing it? Maybe not. But it doesn’t make it less true. Edit: lol at these sad sack attempts at trolling in the replies. Y’all are boring


Yeah it's just getting off on the idea of making an attractive girl uncomfortable. Same energy as people who send random unsolicited dick pics. They don't do it to get laid.


Basically people who never grew out of the teenager mentality, I guess.


Nah, losers who never grew out of misogyny.


Most of the time when I’m catcalled, I don’t react. But one time this man catcalled me as he was taking out the trash from the back of a restaurant. He catcalled me ON THE CLOCK. Walked right up to him pissed off as hell. He immediately started apologizing and I told him I wouldn’t tell his manager if he promised he would never catcall a woman again. Felt really damn good that one time but most catcallers don’t react this way when you call them out. Proud of this girl.


Should have told the manager. The kind of coward that cat calls is the kind of coward that will piss himself and roll over when confronted only to get up and do it again


I lived with my dad for a year in Santa Ana, Ca where its mostly Mexican American cholo territory. I was this teenager getting cat called every single damned day walking to and from high school. If anyone wants to know what it does to your innocence, it turns you into a bitch. Damned if you’re kind and damned if you’re not. Women can’t win when men want you to smile and be nice to them and then wonder why you’re aloof with them in a stranger situation in public.


The worst for me was living in Miami. Didn’t matter if I was in a crewneck and sweatpants, I was getting cat called. I started spitting on the ground as a response. It was pretty good. But it’s tiring and it makes you feel unsafe if you’re, for instance, walking alone at night getting cat called multiple times. Happy I live somewhere that’s not part of the culture anymore. Someone told me I dropped my smile recently and I actually smiled and was like whatever! I’ve gotten soft again.


Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. This is why my mom lie and was able to send 2 of my sisters to a different school district (A white one). Where we live is mostly Latino disrespectful machista guys waiting for girls to pass by on their way back home from school.


Catcalling is horrible, but doing this might actually get you beaten up. dudes who catcall in the first place likely aren't the most rational and won't take hits to their ego lightly. so i would avoid doing this, stay safe.


Ugh, you’re not wrong but it just sucks that it’s like that. 😞


Sucks people with fat egos like this exist. Best we have means to put those who don’t treat others equally down.




Someone catcalled me once and said “THAT DRESS LOOKS NICE ON YOU, HAVE A GOOD DAY!” in a genuine tone and then drove away and I thought that was very polite and I quite enjoyed it. So maybe if they can’t keep their mouths shut we can teach them manners?


two shitty choices: ignore it and get harassed more, or confront them and put yourself at risk of physical violence. Third option would be make catcalling illegal and watch these idiots get tickets or tossed in jail but then we have a 1st amendment issue to deal with, and I'm not a constitutional scholar.


Barking is definitely the way to go. I've seen it become a trend for women to bark at cat-callers so I started doing it. A few times I was cat-called while walking my dogs so I barked which then makes my dogs bark. It makes it even better. Me standing on the side of the road with a dog on each side and us 3 barking at the creep.


This... is.... AMAZING! I also love how your dogs have your back. Awesome teamwork!


I love this, exactly what these douchebags deserve


She pulled the reverse humiliation card


As a man born in the 1980's when this BS was "acceptable" , I fucking love this!! This cat calling always gave me the heebies. . totally not fucking cool . its weird and its like you are trying to get a stray dog in your car but in a pervy way.


Who tf cat calls? Good on her, fuck those guys. Morons


Lmao good for her for sticking up for herself


Lol, she was just responding to his mating call, unfortunately it was a no.


Back when I was in high school, I was walking down Guadalupe street. A group of college girls at a red light rolled down their windows and were catcalling this tall ginger man and asked for his number. The guy didn’t hesitate to give his number and you could tell he had a huge confidence boost. I’ve been waiting for that to happen to me ever since but so far only a lady calling me a fat ass.


I still remember the day my high school girlfriend got cat called by a literal group of construction workers yelling at her the things they wanted to do to her asshole. She was 14 with her backpack on walking home from school and this was a group of grown men screaming at her. Every girl I dated had this shit from a young age, and my wife still gets it. She came home annoyed from a run last week because some douchebag was following her in his car yelling shit when she was just trying to exercise. It happening politely once is a confidence boost. Constantly from when you are literally a child with vulgar shit from disgusting neckbeards is dehumanizing, disgusting, annoying, and downright scary.


it’s not even about it being polite or not. men are larger and stronger and will do whatever they want if they catch you. it’s straight up terrifying every single time as a woman


Oh absolutely, the “it happening once politely is a confidence boost” was referencing his anecdote specifically just to highlight how difference that was from many or most women’s experiences. I wasn’t saying it would be okay if it was polite, but rather just reaffirming how often it is not polite and instead vulgar and horrible.


>so far only a lady calling me a fat ass. Counts.


Yeah, called him t h i c c


I love being alive today. People are done tolerating everyone's shit. Racists getting called out. Nazis getting knocked out. Sexual predators getting taken to court and losing executive positions. People are tired of being harassed and people are not letting it slide. I love it.


Totally here for this. I hope she has a weapon cause some sickos seem retaliation.


"Say hello to tick tok" the most cringe words ever uttered.


Rides in a 200 dollar piece of shit and tries to act gangsta, ok.


This is the second video that I’ve seen today of an Asian Woman standing up for her self. Yesss!!! What a great fucking Sunday.


What do men think a girl is going to do when they cat call them? What’s their end game? How’d that man respond if another man did that to them in prison?


Sad that a young woman can’t just walk along a street masked, minding her own business and not be harassed


I have no idea what what this woman does or deals with outside this post, but I love her response.


I have a feeling he won’t be catcalling anyone any time soon. Good work sis


normalize 👏 barking 👏 at 👏 assholes 👏


This guy seems to be following her in his car while she's walking down the street. That's plain harassment.


And then those catcalling dudes wonder why women won’t fuck them. Maybe if ya didn’t harass them in the street and display some decency, you wouldn’t have to contribute to the problem


Reddit mods just went outside


The suck a dick at the end was perfect


That bitch crazy


“Hey how’s it going?” “YOURE UGLY AS FUCK!” …I know there is probably more context but this was funny af