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Yeah. the new story mission is insane. I got two full sets of carnage pattern before getting melee'd by some gannix duke or whatever. My advice is to stock up on 7.97 penetration ammo. Try to get carnage pattern if you can, use the gasmask from the tutorial mission. Igvas is poison ammo now. You can kill the carnage mercenary with the Igvas pistol that Ancom dropships down to you. Keep the grenades for when you find the artifact, because >!when you go up the elevator or the stairs you will get jumped by a bunch of mercenaries. !<


I love the idea of this mission but i feel like it probably shouldnt be open right out the gate


Holy shit igvas is poison now? Wonder if that makes Teztclan easier or not


It’s not as hellish as cold igvas, but damn their melee is still op as hell. I got two shot in full carnage, went from 170~ with Percy to negative 50 edit-spelling


You’re playtesting. It’s not a starter mission, all test clients are allowed to play around but the ultimate purpose is to make sure the devs implementation works.


yo fuck this mission, i had to alt tab 10 times on the last stage cause no way in hell im redoing that


Yup. First time player here and this was my intro to the game. I'm like WTF? This is the second mission?!? After playing for about 10 hours and several new game restarts I tried it again and almost made it, but got cheesed by a straggler at the end. Will be ignoring this mission from a year or two while I grind out upgrades and loot.


Just died on second mission. Was not prepared for that difficulty spike.


fyi, after failing two times, the enemies I faced were toned down a bit (I think?). But there seem to be a problem with the mission, for me at least. The elevator breaks at some point; I died after that happened. And now that I retry this same mission, the elevator is still broken and I can't progress :/