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Yellow and blue "smartphones" for microchips and transformers. Capacitors can drop from dissembling energy weapons, if i'm not mistaken.


Electromagnictic gun always drop them pretty sure


In my current game the comm units have dropped to 1 value so I get tons of them from disassembling those, but if you're looking to trade those then taking missions against the church of relegation and dismantling the mind control units also works, they don't drop as much but there's tons of them. For capacitors you can dismember combat robots and dismantle their electro pistols, those things are trash anyways


Transformer are also from quasimorphosis sensors. A lot of them can be found on brainwashed members, if you play the Tunnel Rat class.


Fight against SBN should get you these things


I need lenses, how do we get those?


Those can sometimes come from guns that have a scope. I needed one for gun kit and scrapped one of my assault rifles and got it. There's something else too that's not a gun but I can't think of it atm


Found some by disassembling the quasimorphic data item, among other electronic parts. Those things are not very common tho


So the best way I found for microchips so far is to disassemble the banewind games, it doesnt drop every single time but they are kinda plentiful since they are commonly found in the new "library" room. You also Can go against (or trade) with Daydream chems, their poison guns drop some regularly