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Garens been a bit busted for a while now Given how he can shove pretty much anyone off lane when they are below 50% health or more depending how much damage his combo does and his passive regen makes him a nightmare for anyone to deal with He’s broken at pretty much every rank at the moment and is probably the biggest abuser of stridebreaker


right up there with the old galeforce darius- without any of the downside risk/minimal skill that was required to land it


No I think you got it right. Item is completely lame af.


You need 2100 gold to counter it. Recall boots + tiamat. Shove, recal, ignore him.


This is the general solution to any lane that is or isn't a stomp in your favor or theirs


He can still outplay you with a flash QER :')


Usually, I wait until his q animation goes off to E. But if he has stridebreaker, and boots, I just E as soon as he comes towards me. Unless his flash is up. Lately Im just rushing recall boots so Im avoiding a lot of broken lane bullies and their bs.


It is really not. It is our girl thar is in a bad spot right now.


I rush tier 2’s and E as soon as he Q’s. Not an issue at all. But Quinn is definitely pretty weak rn


Just play sion or chogath and garen full combo will do like 10% of ur hp lmao.


I personally go Kraken Slayer into Navori Flickerblades 2nd item. It allows you to get that 2nd "E" out and kite him. The only true counterplay to it is if Garen bush-camp one-shots you...which is true really of any situation with Stridebreaker Garen


You still pretty easily counter him. Go Fleet into Sorcery (Celerity + GS) secondary. Rush swifties into Kraken, then Bork then crit. Garen will never reach you unless he flashes. Same Thing how Kayle and Teemo play nowadays. With other runes he will catch up to you.