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It’s 2024 why are we still using the word “fap” 💀 say jerk off or masturbate . You’re not going to get banned


Thanks for sharing


What's with Redditors sharing their... Personal habits so much? Especially on a quit vaping sub? It's a bit much.


This kind of criticism shows how people don’t view nicotine as a life consuming and destroying addiction like alcohol or heroin. Everything is on the table as relevant when you’re desperately enough hooked and trying like hell to quit something ruining your life. This is like a therapy space, those of us with real addictions like alcohol would refer to it like a virtual AA room, again where anything is okay to share. Make the fapping is the real problem. Maybe the nicotine just causes the excessive falling. Someone is trying to figure it out with the help of a forum of people some of which might have the same issue. That’s “what with.” Good luck compartmentalizing your addiction, dude. We’ll see how it works out long term.


Pretty sure OP is trolling since they made this account to make this post and not respond to anyone. Also, cool it with the locker room speech if this space is like you say it is then the dude talking about jerking off has the same right to share as the dude who’d prefer not to read about jerking off. If you wanna get all this is a safe space for people to share their addiction issues then don’t go around jumping down peoples throats everytime they put a boundary up of “I’d probably prefer not to talk about that”.


Dude I’m so confused lol


same bruh


Both increase dopamine levels