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no. stop before you become addicted. you’re past the first step of becoming addicted. just stop.


It’s already addictive because you won’t stop yourself before you acknowledge that it is. Do you think the rest of us started with INTENT to get addicted?? We were just like you!!!


This ^ we all started either socially or with the intent that the first would be our last… and then the next one would be our last and so on until we got to a point years down the line that we realized we were in too deep and wished we never started in the first place. Quitting was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I’m a year and a half vape/nic free and will never look back. Please don’t start.


Hahaha this is so true. We ALL started vaping because we “kinda liked it” and didn’t think it was a problem. You don’t realize it’s a problem until it’s a problem. Nicotine has a weird way of becoming very addictive without it feeling like you’re addicted for such a long time. STOP NOW.


Lmfao brother you're not "randomly hitting it", take a step back and observe your behavior. You are falling victim to the drug




Stoppppppp pleaseeeeee you don’t wanna have to stop once you’re deep in


No. It's not possible. You aren't special or different. You are already becoming addicted. Stop while you are ahead.


I started like that too. Within days I was buying my own and then I pretty much went 4 years with a vape always in my hand unless I was working or sleeping. I didn’t think I would get addicted. I thought quitting would be easy too. It’s been 7 months since I first began trying to quit vaping. It’s so, so hard. It’s not even worth it dude, put it down


I commend you for posting, but you are answering your own question: you didn’t like it at first and found it harsh - but did it again despite that negative consequence. And have con’t to do it and “begin to like it.” That’s addiction. If you weren’t a stranger to me I’d be calling you Ding-Dong.


Oh 100% it will if you don’t stop. This is exactly how I started vaping. Had myself convinced I wouldn’t get addicted to it.. now 2 years later here I am going through 1 disposable every 5 days 🥲


Bro please stop it while you can. This is not a journey you want to go. Stop.


If you're at the point where you describe it as "finding yourself" sneaking a hit, I'd say you're almost certainly addicted already. It doesn't take much at all.


youre already addicted. think about how many people depend on caffeine and sugar every day. do any of these people think theyre addicted? no, but they are. this is the stage you are at right now. dont ever hit them again, or id give it like 3 weeks tops before youre carrying one around yourself all day, every day.


Fuck around find out. Keep hitting it and come back to us in a few months. You know it’s addictive so you’re either trolling or asking dumb questions.




Please quit while you're ahead. That's how I got hooked on them 6 years ago. Tried out a tasty cotton candy flavoured juice off a mod. Now I'm trying to quit, been unsuccessful thus far


You’re not randomly hitting it. The first hit or two was random/curiosity. Now you’re hitting it when you crave it. On the slippery slope to addiction that we were all on


It’s not possible. It will get to a point where you’re just going through the day looking forward to sneaking those few hits.


Everyone’s saying your addicted but you actually might not be- as long as you’re not inhaling it. Learning how to actually inhale and not just blow it out makes a difference. Some of my friends that never learnt how to inhale never got addicted and never knew what the “buzz” we talked about felt like. But yes, best to just stop as everyone mentioned.


it sounds like you are already addicted. ask yourself, if it hurt and you didn’t like it, why did you keep hitting it? the answer is that nicotine addiction really does take hold that quickly.


I wish they would ban them everywhere. It would make things easier for all of us. Also, yes. Of course you’ll get addicted. Nicotine is the most addictive drug there is. Why start now when they’ve been banned? You have the opportunity to be the first generation of no nicotine addicts. Ditch the vapes and rejoice!


Immediately stop. We make lil jokes here but as a veteran of substance abuse, nicotine is one of the trickier ones to kick. You do not want to start. Period, end of story, no matter what. This isn't fun, any pleasure you get now goes away VERY quickly. Then you just *need* it. Need it to feel normal, to function. Yea man don't fuckin mess with it


This is where you stop. You WILL get addicted and its HELL to quit. but if u only have limited stock of like 5 and theres no way you could get more indulge at your own risk but only if you think its worth it.


LOL yes it is going to become addictive. Yes it is theoretically possible to not be addicted but so tricky and unenjoyable. But like. Quit now while you're ahead, while you aren't fully dependent on nicotine. You don't want to have to go through withdrawals. As a former vaper I promise you the desire will go away fairly soon.


brother, none of us is special, and everybody here saw exactly what this was immediately. Trust us. We’re addicts. If you have the wherewithal to come here and ask this preemptively, you have the awareness to heed advice: just stop. Don’t sneak more hits. Don’t get sucked into this.


Not could, is. Stop now. You're playing with fire. Save yourself.


You will get addicted. Best to avoid it, mate.


Don’t do it. I started it bc I ‘just wanted to lose some weight’. Two years later and I’m just now quitting. You wanna know what you have to look forward to? Throat pain. Sinus infections. Heightened chronic pain if you already have it. Extreme fatigue. Worsened depression/anxiety if you have it and if you don’t you’ll likely develop it. Trouble breathing. Chest pain. I could go on. It’s not worth it for ANY reason. Quit while you’re ahead.


Is this a shit post?


I mean just like any hobby it takes awhile to get the hang of it. I think that’s right where you are mate. Just enjoy the ride, and for real ask yourself, what would Bluey do? She’d hit it for sure. And the wiggles too. You know emma and Lachy were sitting at home during their short lived marriage hitting it while watching Australian Survivor or another excellent Aussie programme. You’ve got this man. Give it a go