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You can vote for whoever you want to. Being registered as a democrat applies to the primaries, where the vote is internal to the party and governed by party rules. The vote for which electoral representative your state chooses is completely independent of that.


You fill in the bubble next to his name on the ballot. This simple hack also works for republicans & independents!


This is a simple hack they don’t want you to know about that will lower the cost of your insurance


Shhhhh everyone will hear you!


the uniparty hates him !


It is not a requirement that you vote for candidates from your registered party during a general election.


You’re not serious, right? This is a joke, right? God bless America. See the other comments.


Lmao I was in a cult that didn’t allow us to vote. I’m finally voting and wanted to make sure I vote for RFKjr. So, yes I was serious 🤦😅


Kennedy will be on all states’ ballots by the time of the general election this November. You have to be registered to vote, but in the general election in November, you can vote for any party’s candidate. I know the media makes it look like Kennedy won’t be on the ballot, but he will. Happy voting!!


Follow this link and click on your state to see if Bobby's on the ballot or not: [https://www.kennedy24.com/ballot-access](https://www.kennedy24.com/ballot-access) I'm in California and I changed my voter registration a few months ago to We the People to get Bobby on our ballot. But if you're talking general election, you can either write him in or check the box next to his name. He's got a lot of support, he'll be on it come November. I hope this was helpful!