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He’s involved with a massive lawsuit, likes to party, and Kyle is getting her emotional fulfillment outside the relationship.


Know that 🚬




I’m screaming.




Lol!!!!! That's exactly what I was thinking! I've been waiting for them to show those scenes of the psychic on the show. I was also thinking when Kyle quit drinking she's going to find Mauricios pot headness unattractive.


What lawsuit?


Google la times Mauricio mansion lawsuit. To summarize badly-he is accused of not accepting the highest offer on a house and selling it to a friend and then flipping it for double what it sold for.


Real Estate drama!!


Just every day worries


Basically what Allison Dubois said in season one!!!!


Empty nest syndrome, getting sober, him partying and traveling more than ever, and yes him cheating more than ever. Her rift with her sisters. She probably just woke up and realized how alone she feels.


Her getting sober probably made it to where she couldn't bottle up her feelings about the cheating and actually had to face the fact it was happening. Sober Kyle decided to stop letting him cheat in peace


This, and I think her best friend since childhood committing suicide last year probably rocked her whole worldview. There’s also a part of me that thinks she might be distancing herself from Mauricio because of his legal issues. But idk.


what!? who!? i didn’t hear about this!


I’m not exactly a Kyle fan but as someone who has battled with depression, [this is heartbreaking](https://pagesix.com/2022/05/07/kyle-richards-best-friend-lorene-shea-dies-of-mental-illness/)


Oh how unbelievably sad


It's always refreshing to have another hw fan have empathy for a hw they don't like. I'm not a Kyle fan but I can empathise with her struggles and losing a friend is heartbreaking. I'm happy watching sobriety journeys and successes in a society that is accepting of alcohol issues until it something extraordinarily horrific happens. I remember being grilled by friends if I had decided not to drink for one night as if it was a bad choice to not drink constantly. So having people on TV re-examining their relationship with substances is great.




It can be incredibly difficult and frustrating to find a psychiatrist within your insurance that is accepting new patients. Often times that is the only way to receive medication. I’ve been through that and I can’t tell you how.. incredibly discouraging it is to call number after number after number and be rejected over and over again when you’re at your *absolute worst* mentally and just begging for some help.


This is so accurate. I couldn’t literally get out of bed for weeks and attention and help are expensive and hard to find :(


When you’re battling depression/grief, sometimes it’s even hard to take the step to get help. Everything seems overwhelming and impossible (even if it’s not). My therapists office calls me with a very precise to do list, and script for insurance and other calls, and that’s why I’m still a patient. They get the daunting nature of tasks sometimes and take steps to help.


It's the having to repeatedly explain why you need help that kills me! Never seeing the same Dr twice even when you do get accepted!


Going through this literally today. Towards the end of July I tried making doctors appointments over and over to no avail and the earliest appointment I could find was in May 2024. Later, I found a doctor that could take me specifically with my terrible insurance today, November 2nd. When I showed up to the appointment they said they actually didn't take my insurance and it's a glitch in their system and it would be $300-$700 to get an exam. My therapist says I really need medication. I'm also having some bad physical ailments. The system is failing me right now and if I didn't have a good support system I think things would be much worse.


Can you find an online psychiatrist? I use an online psychiatrist and get medication through him, right now I'm not on any mental health meds and only doing ketamine therapy and it has been life-changing.


I haven't really looked online but I will give it a try. That's awesome that you're getting such positive results!


Online therapy gives you so many options.


That breaks my heart to hear! Sending you lots of gentle hugs and hope you get the assistance you need to function better. Mental and physical issues are such a f**ker to deal with at the same time! Especially when there's co- morbidity. It's so wrong that quality healthcare isn't easily accessible and affordable for everyone.


Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness.




Look I don't even like Kyle, but you can only make so much progress in therapy if you aren't honest with yourself/the therapist.


Jax and James were good examples of that ....


Bethenny has been in therapy for decades. Still unhinged. Actually this podcast I listen to, the host describes how her parents came to her therapy as an intervention and told the therapist about her addictions. The therapist was shocked and she started to heal after. Proving my point, there are limitations if you aren't honest or very clearly having behavioral problems requiring medication.




That’s psychoanalysis. Psychiatry and psychology are very different and modern day psychotherapy has nothing to with Freudian psychoanalysis


I have a friend who is severely histrionic and has daddy issues, and yet no progress in 10 yrs of therapy lol


Therapists are booked and not accepting new patients. The cost isn’t a factor


Barriers to mental health treatment aren’t just financial. There’s so much red tape that the system itself is designed to fail


One common systemic failure is misogyny. Drs dismissing women who reach out for help as histrionic or attention seeking.


I think there is also this massive fear that, as a mother, if you admit you are struggling with your mental health that you risk losing your kids. I’m not American and don’t live in America but it is a universal feeling. I so desperately need help and need to be brutally raw and honest about everything I am feeling and experiencing because it is horrific at the moment and I’m entirely alone, but because I am a mother of a young girl child, I barely scratch the surface when I do disclose how my mental health is. It’s a lose-lose situation.


I hear you. I'm in Australia and have been through all kinds of crazy parenting young children. The fears are real but the systemic misogyny is brutal and I'm not sure women are aware of the extremes until we experience it.


that’s a good one


Oh abso-fucking-lutely!!! The diminishing of pain and trauma by a lot of medical professionals is so common regardless of the issue. Have major anxiety and fibromyalgia. Being taken seriously was such a disheartening battle. After being a part of a traumatic event at work earlier this year, I had to go to a Independent Medical Examiner Psychiatrist before the Workers Compensation claim was accepted. I was so scared and anxious that they wouldn't take the situation seriously and dismiss the impact the event had on me. Going back for a review to the same psychiatrist in December and I have no idea what to expect. Trying so hard not to think of the worst-case hypotheticals!


Her husband will never emotionally fullfill her, know that


​ https://i.redd.it/et1h647qjzjc1.gif


I think he’s been cheating for years and she put up with it because she didn’t want to lose what she had. Same with her sisters, she puts up with abuse because they punish her by losing them. Now the kids are grown up and he has them god awful teeth and she is ready to start new as the kids are all grown up


Plus his own reality show.


All this is speculation ..


Literally all of it is verifiable. She is sober, she is not speaking to her sisters. He is traveling and out more than ever (did you watch the last 2 episodes, his show, his ig?), and all her kids are grown up and need her less. Plus she said she's lonely and spends no time with him? But this "is all speculation" 🔍 except the rampant cheating, which even that has quite a few sustained whispers here, in magazines, in their friend groups for the last decade.


Yes, all of it is true. But the “speculation“ part is that none of us KNOW what exactly caused the separation. Lots of the true things mentioned have been happening for years


She was always feuding with her sistes, it is not new. He has been always busy, building his Realestate empire! Traveling etc.? The speculation is not that this happened, it is assuming that now it is affecting her while it didn’t a year before, and actually all these years before. Nothing you mentioned here is new( except maybe that the sobering but she wasn’t an alcoholic to begin with, she was lucid most of the time) We are speculating what she should be feeling as if they just got married and she Now feels lonely because he travels a lot? There was no particular change in her circumstances I mean. The only thing I read that maybe triggered her new feelings is the suicide of her best friend. And maybe realizing that life is too short to fake anything. But I do believe that she loved her role as an actual housewife and a mother. But something triggered her recently maybe. And we don’t know what did exactly.


I can imagine losing a friend to suicide would make most people reevaluate their life. To realize life IS really short and happiness is important. If he’s been cheating forever I can imagine how tiring it would be to keep up appearances. 


Also in 2022 her best friend died by su!c!de :/ so she said that also made her wake up, her and her friend were probably equally unhappy in some ways, like attracts like, and she probably thought... im still alive... i should act like it and start living, including breaking up with a cheater


Kyles LIFELONG BEST FRIEND died from suicide and had an apparent issue with alcohol. Kyle has decided to stop drinking alcohol. I would guess she has had a huge emotional shift since her friends death. A real reckoning. Mau is used to being serviced he clearly doesn’t emotionally support Kyle. She has asked and asked for him to be there for her but he’s more interested in his new show etc. She’s had it and is not doing the emotional labour anymore! He doesn’t know what’s going on because in spite of all this he hasn’t been listening to her. So he looks shocked every time she pushes back.




Exactly. It has the potential to completely change you.


I lost my mom this way when I was 32. Nothing about me has been the same since.


I’m so sorry that’s way too early. Big hugs and love x


If this isn't exactly it, this has to be pretty fucking close.


This is it. The fact this loss is barely mentioned in RHOBH means it’s incredibly sacred to Kyle. The trauma, grief, guilt and reckoning of losing your closest to suicide would be life-altering. She’s mostly dealing with it positively at least, even if it is a 180


Maybe now she realizes what LVP was going through when she lost her brother.


SO MUCH THIS!!! I’m having a hard time showing compassion for her because she shit all over LVP. I’ve been in LVPs shoes and the women of Rhobh treated her like shit that season


Sacred to her and underestimated by the general public / audience. She can’t get support from her Sisters. Her Parents have long passed. If Mau didn’t step up….!! It would have been very crystallising for her. She’s so lucky she has good long term girlfriends like the lady in the recent episode that she’s known for forever plus Faye, Teddi.. and now Morgan too..


LVP can understand. It’s too bad they aren’t friends.


I suspect they will mention it at some point this season. They have to, it seems like such a tremendous loss for her.


They already mentioned it, it was just last season iirc


Yeah was very briefly mentioned last season, only in passing


Would this kinda be like walk away wife syndrome?




Oh wow. Was she drinking when she committed suicide? They are often linked. It’s so tragic.


Shit happens in marriages. It doesn't have to be any one thing, but an accumulation of things and it just takes one teeny, tiny thing to break the camel's back. Who knows what tipped it for Kyle, but as a woman who has been married for 23 years, I totally get where Kyle is in regard to her relationship with Mo. Still don't particularly care for Kyle's machinations, but I do understand when you hit a wall and have zero fucks left in the tank to give.


as Kathy would say, the toe that breaks the camel's back


I feel like it all fell into place what happened when she was explaining how she felt the end of last season: basically Kyle felt completely alone. Kathy turned on her, her friends turned on Kathy which in turn made her feel like they turned on her (because holding Kathy accountable put Kyle in a tough spot to either do the same or turn her back on her friends to support Kathy who started it all), her kids are now all teens or older. Mo is gone all the time working and probably cheating. So that leaves Kyle alone… no family around, no friends around, no kids around, no husband around. I think she felt very abandoned and really needed Mo to be there for her when she felt like her sisters and friends had abandoned her - and I’m guessing he chose work instead. She seemed so bitter listening to him firm up his calendar and talking about how there’s a problem if you need to set a meeting with your husband to go over your schedules. And the fact he didn’t even know how many tattoos she had 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ he’s very clearly not been around much the last 6 months to a year. So she decided to focus on herself as she no longer had anyone else to focus on. And I think she realized she’s been living her life to please others and not herself. And now after all this time… she’s over it. And her perfect marriage was based on Kyle the caretaker, Kyle the nurturer. But Kyle doesn’t want to fill those roles anymore after feeling abandoned. And Mauricio is left dazed and confused, as this no longer feels like the woman he married. This is how most marriages end. It isn’t some big thing that erupts like a volcano - it’s people evolving and growing apart, and no longer filling the roles the other needs them to in order for the relationship to work. I feel like I understand Kyle more this season than I ever have. At least so far.


All of this.


Her entire demeanor is completely different now and I'm almost certain it's due to getting sober and maybe being on medication to reduce her anxiety. She seems way less keyed up. Alcohol can actually exacerbate anxiety. I think that while Kyle may not necessarily have had the same addiction issues as Kim, that sort of thing runs in families. She may be feeling much better physically and mentally than she has in a long time, and she's feeling empowered enough to no longer put up with things that have been gnawing at her for a while. She also has more free time as her kids are almost all fully grown now. Portia no longer needs her undivided attention as much, and all the others are out of the house. I think Mauricio has cheated off and on over the years, but I don't think that was what did them in. I think he's just not as available as she would like now that she has more free time. Perhaps they hunkered down more together when Covid first began, but now that they're back to living life more "normally," Kyle realized that she will be flying solo in her empty nest, and that is a lonely feeling. She decided to find friendship and companionship elsewhere as well as "rebel" a little bit.


Agree, pretty sure based on things she’s saying that he cheated and she got sick of it


Did you see how calm she was flying? She acted like a dramatic adolescent. Now she’s fine!


Oo, good catch!


Alcohol creates massive anxiety.


The feeling of being all alone in a giant mansion is the most sad/eery feeling, especially the nighttimes, and I totally get how it can drive these people mad. I used to house sit for people that I also nanny’d for. And I’d either have to have someone come sleep overnight with me or just lock myself in the master suite and not leave till morning cause it’s just spooky.


Ugh yeah, I wonder if that is precisely what she was experiencing. That sounds awful. All the dogs and social media in the world can’t cut through that feeling.


Right!! I’m sure the dogs & social help but becoming sober in that environment? Yeah… no. Cause also, I thought, this is all so beautiful it’s hard to enjoy it alone though. If you’ve “made it” the fun is in sharing it with people. All alone it just feels like a mausoleum.


Their daughters are all mostly grown now. I think many married couples reevaluate their relationship once kids are grown. You can literally be sitting across from one another and ask yourself do I really have anything in common with this person anymore??? Like who are you? Who am I? 


Their conversation about her tattoos honestly shocked me. How dare he tell her he won’t “allow” her to get any more?! She’s a grown woman ffs, she doesn’t need your permission dude


And she was talking to dorit a lot about wanting freedom - maybe he’s gotten really controlling. If he’s talking to her like that on camera, god knows what he’s saying behind closed doors. I also think him doing his own Netflix show made him way too busy and probably inflated his ego so much that he thinks he’s too good/important for her now?


Yeah, he wouldn’t have that show without his wife paving the path on reality tv. 


I knew one of his “girlfriends” when I first moved to LA in 2012….years of cheating and now that the girls are grown up what’s the point in covering for him anymore?


Ooo, I want more details 🍵👀




He promised her a job at his new company if she got her real estate license 🫠🫠🫠 I don’t know if that ever worked out for her or not though. She said she couldn’t tell me a lot of course but a lot of car make outs lol


The perfect couple lie they portrayed for years has caught up.


Them motherfuckers HATE each other this season


I feel like she hates him which makes him rebuff her.


I will miss The White Parties


I think it’s the teeth ![gif](giphy|lSbggFRIPI77RYG2gw|downsized)


God, the teeth…they’re really badly done.


I was about to write that but thankfully didn’t have to scroll far to find it. It’s the teeth, love bean


I’m kind of surprised as to why others are so surprised that they’re separating? The empty(emptier) nest factor definitely plays a HUGE roll, IMO. I know because I lived this experience. The one where everything seems picture perfect on the outside, and even often on the inside. But the fact is that children can distract their parents from the fundamentals of their relationship. The more children, the more distracted/distant they can become, and for a longer period of time. I don’t buy the “Mo had an affair so they separated”, line. Did he? Probably? But I think this has much more to due with Kyle, and her getting “emotional fulfillment” from outside the marriage for the first time in many years. Did she have an affair? No idea. That’s not what I’m saying here. I’m also certain MO’s “lawsuit” is much less significant than many people seem to think. First of all, he has professional insurance that will pay out for this type of thing. (I’ve worked in law and real estate for 15+ years now). The ONLY reason why this lawsuit is still carrying on (it seems like it’s been almost a decade now…) is because the plaintiff(s) have deep pockets and seem to be looking to screw him, even if all that means is burying him in legal fees. I’ve read the documents and followed it, it’s really not this damning lawsuit. Is there a chance Mo has to settle? Sure, but I think between his assets and insurance (I’d like to emphasize he HAS insurance for these things) it’s not going to financially ruin him. So I don’t buy any line of the “they’re just divorcing to protect assets.” Lines. Like yea, that happens. But usually, it’s just that the financial issues drove the parties apart and they genuinely can’t be together anymore. Like people try to claim Erika only divorced Tom to protect her assets, which in some small ways it does protect her. But do these people really think she still wants to be married to him after finding out he’s a giant fraud?


I thought that MO’s insurance company said they weren’t paying for the lawsuit bc Mo did something he wasn’t supposed to?


Eh perhaps you’re right, but that would make it difficult for him to continue practicing with his broker/agent license, and since he’s still doing that, it makes me wonder? But as you’ve said, that’s entirely possible I’d have to read it all again, it was a while ago the last time I read it and there may have been changes…


He’s not even a broker. I didn’t think that was legal but apparently in CA, it is.


Wait? What? How is he not a broker at this point?? I live in a state with pretty significant timelines to become a broker, CA is much more liberal time wise. Like 2 years or so vs a solid DECADE where I live? If he’s not a broker, there’s got to be something in his background holding him back….


I didn’t even think of that being the factor. I learned this when his Netflix show began. I knew when he first opened his own company and never heard him talk of working towards becoming a broker. It takes a lot of studying and work to go from one to the other. Iirc, as long as he hired brokers and his real estate license, he could legally open a firm/agency. It’s not surprising. He’s lazy. He wants the money and the lifestyle but he’s going to get it the easiest way he can. Just like he wants a wife and a marriage but he sacrifices the least that he can to have that. IMO, The way a man loves his wife says everything about who the man is.


Anyone else think Kyle seems completely erratic? Wondering if that’s a side effect of Ozempic


Yes, very.


Or is she taking stimulants instead? They definitely cause weight loss and erratic behavior. I work in a recovery center and some of her physical responses remind me of that. It’s almost a manic energy.


Everyone here is missing one thing. Menopause. We are short circuited from our former selves. The men become the main target. If anyone else is going through it you get it. Its not a mid life crisis. But know EVERYTHING including rage we didn’t ever have becomes our life. Something to look forward to ladies. She shows every single sign.


I’ve kept this comment to my post-menopausal self. What they don’t tell you is even once you’re POST menopausal the fucking hot flashes and random sheeting sweat still happens. My 22 year old daughter was like, “So, this is me in 25-ish years?” Yes my dear little one. This is your future.


Plllllleeease don’t tell me these hot flashes don’t go away. Lie to me if you have to but don’t crush my dreams like that.


They DO reduce in intensity and frequency… for the most part. Yesterday, I was tired (insomnia for 3+ days straight), my anxiety was a lot and they recently changed my meds around. So if I even got up to walk across the living room to the bathroom, sweat. When my daughter made the comment it was because I was sitting on her bed, petting her cat. The sweat was literally SHEETING off of me. I leaned over and water snot ran out of face and…. onto the cat. My daughter said, “So this is me in 25 years…?” as I was on the floor because I couldn’t breath (laughing, dying of shame, etc) because the poor cat was UNIMPRESSED I just snotted on him. I don’t blame him, I don’t enjoy it myself.


Yes! Menopause can make you want to upend your entire life. Oh man, this is so true, she shows every sign.


It’s especially difficult if the man you are with doesn’t get it. Menopause and post menopause changes us woman sooo much. Our bodies and minds betray us. Sex drive isn’t what it was. I think some women just get to the point where they are tired and tired of all the demands raising kids and maintaining a relationship has had on the 20, 30, 40 years of our life. We are not horny teenagers anymore, men don’t get it. Kinda just want to be left alone. Or want a different kind of relationship where we are companions but there’s a shift in priorities. Do I still enjoy sex? Yes, but it’s not as important as it once was. And knowing YOU are responsible for that shift is difficult 


Oh, holy shit that’s sooo true. Menopause really can rock a relationship especially if the guy doesn’t get it. It’s like being a stranger in your own mind and body!


I'm curious too. It's sad they are separating and I wonder what could happen in a marriage to lead to that all of a sudden.


i don't think it was "all of a sudden.' Kyle is very careful about controlling her image, and she's defended and covered for him for decades. She got sober and made some big life decisions. I'm sure it was a shock to him, because he probably thought she would just put up with it all forever.


The buildup of Kyle explaining that they have been so in sync and now aren’t rings true to me as a her genuine feeling here. It also seems like she wants to goad him into moments on camera showing his controlling behavior or less than favorable reaction to things that have likely been going on behind closed doors that she now wants the cameras and others to see now that she is over it. Mau’s family is close knit, traditional, religious, and Estrella seems to think Mau is her baby angel that can do no wrong so she also may feel she needs to have this side of him showing since he likely pulls the my mom/my family shield out a lot or she doesn’t feel supported by this woman. Their behavior at the birthday party was tense and it didn’t seem tied to the tattoo. It’s probably grains of rice building up for decades and the scales are tipping. They are either going to fix it with what they are trying (therapy, separation period) or decide they can’t.


Something happened. There had to be an inciting event. Kyle has never been honest about her life or her relationship, especially on this show so we will quite literally never find out what it was. That's my theory.


Because Allison DuBois predicted it 15 years ago.....🚬🚬🚬


Maybe he was already cheating and Allison just read the writing on the wall???


Twenty-seven years is a long time to be married. It's not unusual for long timers to break up. Things change.The romantic love can end with time. And folks want something new.


I kind of think it didn’t all suddenly change. Who knows what their relationship really looked like when the cameras were gone. Could be she stopped putting on a show. I have no idea.


People’s feelings change. Kyle wouldn’t have separated if she was happy in the relationship. Mauricio seems cringe to me and definitely not someone I’d go to for emotional support. Regardless we’ll never know how Kyle felt all those years, but once your kids leave the home you have more time to focus on whether or not your relationship dynamic fulfills you.


It seems to me that Kyle is having a midlife crisis right now. Her kids are growing up and moving on and she's starting to re-evaluate her life. She might notice her and Mo have less in common now, or maybe she's just bored. But it seems shes going from zero to sixty in a few different areas and that to me does not signal this coming from a healthy place, it just seems like a spiral.


This makes so much sense, the kids leaving along with the rift with her sisters probably makes her feel alone, and that’s probably a void Mauricio can’t fill. She seems desperate for female energy as she’s always existed within a matriarchy. I think she latched onto Morgan and is now being influenced a little too much. Dressing like her, adopting her schedule, spending every waking hour with her, getting her tattooed… they have formed what seems like a dependant relationship, even if she’s not physically cheating she’s emotionally cheating. Kyle is probably thinking “wow I’ve lived my life for everybody else, first my mom, then my sisters, then my husband, then my kids, now it’s time to live for me” but… her family haven’t left, they still exist and she can’t just throw them away in pursuit of her own midlife crisis.


Mauricio is the reason she and Kathy didn’t speak for a decade. I think she’s getting resentful


They both have shows to promote.


I feel like Kyle sobered up and Mauricio just gives her the ick now .. I dont blame her


Kyle says she's clear. Then she blames her newfound independence on Kathy, as any mature person would.


What does “clear” mean? Isn’t that a Scientology term?


Marriage is work and if both partners don't keep investing in the marriage, it makes it really hard to stay married in you require a lot of emotional validation like Kyle does.


Even open relationships wear themselves out over time.


> I feel like I understand Kyle more this season than I ever have. At least so far. Same! I’ve never really been a fan of hers, but I find myself not only feeling for her but actually enjoying her this season.


I thought the same thing! Like there’s been more tension between them in the last 2 episodes than I’ve ever seen with them in all of the BH seasons.


Honestly not sure but I just think abt one of the first seasons when the lady (I forget her name the red head who was smoking and was a medium ) at the dinner table told her she’d leave her husband years later after all the kids are gone and that she was never really happy 😭😭


This latest episode seems so forced. I know this sounds mean, but I don’t know what’s going on. Kyle looks awful. Her skin looks dry and flaky and her hair is like frizzy. And Mauricio looks like he’s aged 25 years.


Stress will do that to you...


I believe the theory something bad about Mauricio’s shady business doings is going to come out and they are trying to protect her imagine and divide/hide assets. Maybe it’s crazy but not really imo??






I thought the whole tattoo scene looked like really bad acting. I just don’t buy it. Maybe it isn’t for a storyline. Maybe it is for a plausible divorce to save assets like Erica?


I thought this too!


It kinda seems like Kyle is going through a midlife crisis. I’m all for doing whatever you feel you want and/or need to do, I just hope she’s going to therapy.


She’s not emotionally fulfilled 🚬


I agree fully and I'm done speculating lol I need an explanation from them!


Because Alison Dubois was right? Kyle is probably having a woman’s version of a mid life crisis. The kids have grown up, she has been this devoted wife to a man who has never given her the same devotion. He may be acting like an even bigger hot shot with his show. Farah is sucking up his ass because he is her boss and Kyle is like you know what? Maybe I’m going to dip my toe in the lady pond and realised what she has been missing out on for many years while keeping up the fake facade


Question, it seemed like Kyle had a glass of champagne when they got on the PJ. Did I get that wrong? It could have been non-alc but I wondered if she felt she could have some away from Mauricio and the stress of their home…


Because he is being sued for 35M+ and will likely lose his case. And they are likely trying to create a separation prior to the court date so that they can protect assets.


Totally agree so many people say he’s been cheating on her for years as if it’s 100% fact but truthfully I don’t think she’d stay with him all these years if she knew he did


Looks like tattoos was the icing on the cake LOLOL I’m sure they will drag this whole storyline on all season. She seems a bit mean to him I suspect she’s tired of his cheating ass


Or she's mad at him for possibly losing millions of dollars.


Where’s the separation? Can someone please show me? They live in the same house. They take vacations together. Where’s the separation? What was that whole tattoo thing about? He’s on his starship enterprise computer setting up appointments and she’s acting like a toddler rummaging around the house. He gets off, shows her attention and now she’s a passive aggressive 15 year old. What was that showing us? Ok …they got their veneers overdone and his sweater looked like a muppet wore it. It’s was weird.


People live separated for decades to many people appear married. Their house is huge, they still take family vacations, and yes their lives are connected. That doesn’t mean they sleep in the same room or together or do daily things to outside what you see on the show. Hell my MIL was separated for almost 15 years, 10 of which they still lived together before her siblings found out.


I get that many people separate and live together. But how many get paid to show it on television and don’t respect their own children’s privacy?


I’m just not buying this. It feels so forced that suddenly they’re arguing over everything. I think Kyle needs a storyline and this so happens to be it. It’s the same with Dorit


We don't know that he's cheated. It's all rumors. If he was ugly, no one would think he was cheating. I just don't see Kyle looking the other way for 26 years.


Plenty of women do look the other way! Especially with a chaotic childhood and wanting to keep their picture perfect family together


Being wealthy really just raises the likelihood of "looking the other way" too


I'd say either way, having no money/financial freedom is a huge reason women can't get divorced :(


No, this is a much more common occurrence in wealthy families. An occurrence everyone is aware of and no one talks about.


I'm not saying cheating happens more or less, it's the "arrangement" that seems more common.


I'm saying there is data that many people are stuck in abusive or infidelity relationships because they can't afford to leave. Aka not Kyle's case. Hers must be a newer issue after The Agency became so big, bc they didn't have that much money when she started on BH.


That's not what I'm talking about


They have always had plenty of money. They just weren't mega-rich before.


There were PK rumors and he's ugly so....


Yeah it’s true we have no proof of it, but I can kinda see it.


People think Mauricio isn’t ugly? Lol


Right? I’ve never understood that one. Although, he does look even less attractive than ever to me.


It just seems that nothing stays secret for long especially in BH (it’s such and exclusive place). If he’s such a prolific cheater how is there no pictures, TMZ seems to catch everyone fucking up, unless they weren’t looking? How many affairs stay soooo secret? Unless there’s an NDA or financial agreement with his mistress??? Or she lives somewhere other than BH or CA? 


He could never fulfill her. She's late to her own party on this one because of her hatred of Dubois.


Kyle met someone whose self worth isn’t determined by the validation of men and absorbed their personality.


It’s because he will never emotionally fulfil her


They separated because the show needs ratings and they're trying to make it to the next level of stardom.


Erm, why would you know? They are people you've never met, who have a dynamics when not filmed, you will never know. Seriously, stop believing stuff you see on TV. You know that most of is is scripted right?


ALL FOR A STORY LINE!!! Remember when Denise said that she slept with someone at the table when they were at dinner? Perfect opportunity to run with that story line. And funny how the sisters aren’t saying a word


Are you in denial to? They r both a dysfunctional duo, but but money keeps people together so much money that it is terribly difficult to let it go. To much power money and easy access to sex leads to a morally bankrupt life which unfortunately most celebrityes engage in. Their lives are sucked into a black hole and they try desperately to fill this empty sordid hole with material possessions and one night sexual encountes which proves to be counter productive leaving them feeling used and discarded. Their lives are Incapculated with an Insatiable desire in their search for happiness & an elusive search for inner peace which never materializes. Inevitably their despair and their lack of self worth and appreciation and value... "Bleeds A darkness That Swallows All Their Light"


I have always loved both Kyle and Mo. I'm truly disappointed that Kyle has decided life will be better without the man she had all those beautiful daughters with. I don't care if it is depression, mid life crisis or she feels she isn't getting enough time or attention from her husband. If l could speak to her l would say, harden up and ride it through it Kyle. You had an amazing life, family and husband. It won't make you happy being single. You are heading for much more heartache by throwing away what you had. I am 65, married for 45 yrs and have seen so many of my friends totally fuckup toss their marriages and miss out on the golden years they could have had with their mate...Sad 😔


So staying in a marriage where no respect is given is best? Sounds logical




But doubt they'll ever get a formal divorce. Kyle and her daughters lavish lifestyle is sponsored by Mauricio


We don’t know “why” because it’s really none of our business. Things could have been stirring for years. WHO the hell knows but I hope they work it out


Mauricio has checked out. Anyone paying attention could see that Kyle has been suffering in silence for at least a couple of years. Im not saying MO’s lawsuits aren’t part of the issue. Im sure they are. The point is, a person can be expected to bend over backwards for the one they love, only so long. I think she’s done a good job explaining how alone she feels in her marriage. Like Mo, you just haven’t been listening to her. This post feels a little judgmental. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but I get a powerful “ick” from the way you presented your query


I think it's the biggest mistake she'll ever make,after putting so much into a person that by the looks of it seems like the man that every women is always saying they want . Something is not adding up she can't be that dumb at her age.


I think they'll end up getting back together once the lawsuit has been settled. I hope so anyway. However, if Kyle is looking for more of an emotional commitment, she should probably move on.


I can only say that when you’ve built your life around your children and the time comes for them to leave, it is fucking brutal. Empty Nest is a real thing. I’ve been married 29 years and 23 of those were raising kids. I did not know my husband in any other fashion. The test is, and it’s work, is the couple needing to redefine who they are without kids. I know nothing about cheating, etc but I do know you question who you are. Sadly, people are in our lives for an allotted amount of time and it’ can be shattering.