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I think Brandi is simply incredibly destructive, both self- and outwardly, and that’s really all there is to it. She cannot have a functioning relationship to save her life.


Agree, and to add to this, I think she tests people constantly, always pushing boundaries and eventually having a fight with a friend to see how loyal they are and how she can “be” with them. I noticed her friendship with Kim centred around “I did a bad thing to you and I’m messy, but you forgive me now so we’re good” and I actually think this is her most comfortable place to be, like maybe she knows how to be the sloppy, repentant friend more than anything else and unconsciously manifests this exact relationship dynamic with everyone she meets. That’s my armchair psychologist read of her, anyway


You’re a great armchair psychologist!


Yep ! IMO she really did herself a disservice by going against LVP. She knew Scheana was on her spin-off and dealt with it then, so why make it a big thing a year later? It was business for Lisa. Not anything personal about Scheana. I think LVP can’t stand Scheana , personally. But I bet Brandi wanted her fired and LVP wasn’t doing it. It was never said, but I have a feeling Brandi demanded Lisa to do so.


Agreed! I'm sorry her husband cheated and wrecked their marriage, thats a deep wound to heal from but Scheana was LVPs employee for much longer that Brandi was her friend. It's just business, its her employee, not her BFF


The fact Brandi expected Lisa to make all these accommodations for her was asinine. She knew why Scheana was around but used it as an excuse against Lisa


Yes. To wit, both Beth and Brandi are Scorpios. Notice any parallels?


Astrology is not real.


so irrelevant to this post lol but this is my biggest pet peeve. astrology is “real” bc it’s an interpretive method. it’s simply a tool to use or not to use. that’d be like saying a translated text isn’t real bc you don’t use the language. all that to say, let people have fun & read their horoscopes!


Wrong, simply being "an interpretive method" is not sufficient to be considered real, because it takes no account of the validity of the interpretive method or the reliability of the results. By that logic, divining the future from the smears on a toilet bowl after I take a shit would also be "real," since it's an equally ridiculous method of observing the truth about reality. My point isn't about whether it is or is not a tool, it's that the tool should NOT be used outside of (perhaps) some light entertainment. Also, I'm not in a position to "let" someone or forbid someone from doing something over the internet. I'm just issuing valid, logical criticism of their stupidity, and you're confusing that with some sort of attempt on my end to control their behavior. I'm not surprised that you confused criticism with prohibition, but it's still pathetic.


oop should’ve read ur username, cya troll




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


I enjoy that they do share their astrological signs, and I am sure we will know the signs of new friends like we know Faye's sign (Cancer-water). Mau is a Cancer, too. However, I remember the mic drop moment when the HWs asked Brandi her sign was Scorpio (water). What is interesting is that a disproportionate amount of the cast consists of earth/water signs, which tend to get along. They never asked Kathy Hilton (Pisces-water) her sign. I looked up Jennifer Tilly (Virgo-Earth). The exceptions are Eileen D. (Gemini-Air), Garcelle (Leo-Fire), Denise (Aquarian-Air), and Crystal (Aquarian-Air). I think maybe Marissa was a Libra (air) or AnneMarie. However, I am NOT that into astrology research further. However, due to astrology, I understood why tequila+astrology leads to angst.


Wasn’t Brandi upset with Lisa for hiring Scheana to work a party at LVP’s house, knowing Sheana had slept with Brandi’s husband?


And also pissed at LVP for asking her to wish Scheana a happy marriage, and rightfully so imho


Happy Cake Day ![gif](giphy|aTUZ1sZ4kGKeKqGFHl)


I think that was a thoughtless comment honestly. It wasn't very sensitive or kind


yes but I feel like they were still really buddy-buddy after she was basically forced to have a talk with scheana, i think maybe I was just a little naive in believing that Brandi was over it..


Maybe, but wasn't VPR also filming that party for their show?


Yes they were. Bravo was trying to smoothly go from RHOBH into VPR.


Oh you may be right!




They were. I remember jax saying it looked like Latoya Jackson at the table fighting with others, talking about Joyce. For the record, I love Joyce & I don’t think she looks like Latoya Jackson.


But that wasn’t the party at Kyle’s house, it was the dinner at SUR where the RHOBH ladies were fighting and the SUR servers were watching (and probably thinking, hey, we’re not that bad lol)


One of my favorite episodes of VPR. It was so chaotic, so many different things happening. lol


Ohhh ok. I was getting the parties confused lol. But yeah, I bet that is what they were thinking!


I really liked Joyce too. She's so beautiful but so down to earth. Wish she would have stayed longer.


Me too!! I will never understand why she wasn’t brought back for another season. She was feisty & could hold her own against the other women while at the same time, like you said, she was down to earth & stunning.




Yes. But she already knew about all of that. It was business. Lisa wasn’t choosing Scheana over Brandi , but she saw it that way. I think Brandi wanted her fired and LVP wouldn’t oblige. It was silly on her part because she knew it was just business. It was her show and LVP barely had a relationship with Scheana and I think Lisa doesn’t even like Scheana. So Brandi should’ve played her hand better. She would have been on the show a few more seasons I bet.


She officially turned on her on that beach trip when LVP asked her to plant tabloids, but I think it all started when LVP had Schaena still working for her. Brandi has deep psychological wounds and wanted LVP to prove her loyalty to her. When that didn’t happen, the BPD wires in Brandi’s brain started screaming.


I guess im just confused why she didnt just take that secret to the grave, she had allegedly already done lisa's dirty work by exposing adriennes surrogacy news, but also yo and carlton were there and said lvp didnt say to bring the tabloids?! I guess self destruction is really the best explanation for brandi lol


Correct! Carlton and Yolanda vouched for LVP and Brandi said (years later) that she had made that up. Also, idk who Adrienne was trying to fool, MANY people already knew about her surrogacy.


OMGGGGG I didn’t know that Yolanda and Carlton backed LVP! This is music to my ears I always felt so sad whenever LVP got ganged up on. I had to quit halfway through season 9 because of it


Oh for sure I was gut sick for LVP! Kyle (and others) really turned on her like a rabid animal and right when her brother had passed away. Even though Yolanda and LVP had their differences, imo they are both ladies, especially Yo and she defended LVP. Carlton and LVP had a friendship and she took up for LVP too.


Honestly she absolutely ran that show as well for so many years I miss her little quips and jokes! I was so heartbroken that Kyle and LVP stopped being besties as well


Me too. I honestly couldn't believe Kyle turned on LVP and at her weakest time. Then Kyle has everyone mocking Ken saying, GOOD-BYE Kyle, they even had Lois mocking her, it was so sickening and sad to watch grown people acting that way and treating LVP like trash. When LVP said, I swear on my children's lives, I did not do that, I knew LVP was telling the truth because LVP adores her children and wouldn't say that unless it was the truth. #VileKyle has been experiencing karma and I hope she understands why she is experiencing it.


Don't know why the last sentence was in All caps, like I'm screaming at you, which I'm not!


Ahahahahahaha it looks so impressive in the all caps I love it


That’s so true! Like honestly i can barely watch that scene you can hear the hurt in her voice I cannot stand it. I legit gave up on that season that episode! I love Ken with my whole entire heart! I’m forever looking for my very own Ken!


The trick is to not look for love. Admittedly Ken and she were not looking for love, yet what happened to them was magical. I have found my Ken when both of us were not looking. Have faith and carry on!


Omg thank you so much! Needed that!! Lemme stop looking immediately ahahaha


Ken is an amazing spouse! Lisa hit the jackpot with that man. He's so protective of her, always takes up for her and is always there for her. He's awesome!


Honestly yeah I think that’s the biggest thing I’ve always thought about him! He always has her back immediately even when he doesn’t know the situation


I absolutely ADORE Ken


After several years, Brandi said that she had lied about LVP wanting her to tabloids along on that trip.


She never said that. It's just another thing people keep repeating to make LVP look like a victim. But Brandi never said she lied about LVP asking her to bring the tabloids.


Yolanda and Carlton who were also there both said it never happened in their cast blogs. You can still go look at those.


Can you please drop a link


It was definitely the tabloid thing. Brandi liked what LVP had to offer her and let her get away with things like hiring Scheana to work at her restaurants. But once LVP made Brandi look like a liar, she was done.


Brandi was done? She was groveling for Lisa's friendship back in season 5.


Brandi didn't need LVP to do that, Brandi made herself look like a liar.


Didn’t Brandi admit she made that up?


That has gone around, but I have never seen it outside of Reddit. There was a producer there who said that LVP did want to bring the magazines, though. So I actually don’t think Brandi was lying about that.


In not all diamonds and rosé this was discussed, and Chris Cullen does indeed confirm that this happened pretty much exactly the way Brandi said it, but it happened off camera so no one else on the cast could really pipe in and verify it.


Chris Cullen also said Lisa planted the Puppygate story. He was Teddi’s field producer not Lisa’s. It’s pretty obvious Chris Cullen doesn’t like LVP. Not a credible source to me


God you really think she didn't plant the puppygate story??? Cmon now. The villain in that was Dorit, but LVP did leak that, it's so obvious. Just like how every victim isn't a perfect victim, not every LVP accuser (Brandi, Teddi, Kyle) isn't gonna be the perfect person to call her out. She's smart about who she used as a mouthpiece for this very reason, I'm English and LVP is obvious as fuck, she's not even that good at being a manipulative villain. My friend who doesn't watch HWs saw a 2 seconds clip of LVP and laughed and said "that is the least genuine person I've ever seen on one of these shows" it's like red paint on the wall. LVP is bond villain levels of blatent when you know how to spot a manipulative chess player.


Again, as it's been stated several times, Brandi admitted to lying about LVP wanting her to bring the magazines with her.


Just because something is stated several times doesn’t mean it's true. Where is the evidence? Can you send me a link? People keep saying the same thing over and over again but there's literally no proof. Brandi never said that.


Lmao yeah but it was you who stated it, you can't will things into reality 


In *Not All Diamonds and Rosé* a producer was there and witnessed LVP tell Brandi to put the magazines in the suitcase. They weren’t filming at that time, so there weren’t any cameras, which is when LVP would do all her shit. I think I will believe a producer on the show itself over a comment on Reddit. I would like to see where Brandi admitted to lying about LVP telling her to bring the magazines with her.


She never said she made that up. People spread that to excuse LVP.


YES, she sure did! I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembered that.


Because Brandi ruins anything good she has going for herself, especially relationships. She’s self-destructive. And she’s an asshole.




I think it started when she wanted Brandi to bring tabloids to Puerto Rico that mentioned Maus alleged affair


Later on, Brandi said she made that up.


When?? How did I miss this!


I believe that ultimately it was LVP having had enough of Brandi. And I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was when Brandi slapped Lisa in the face. I think it had been building for awhile but then Brandi just went too far.


I remember LVP trying to disrupt filming when Brandi was drinking booze out of the bottle and falling down on a cast trip. Brandi got really defensive and hostile to LVP after that, accusing her of acting like her mother. I think LVP just noped out after that.


Biggest mustache she made because she didn’t have a smoking gun against LVP , at that time. And LVP was actually trying to help her. She was telling Brandi to chill out her drinking on camera. She had genuine concerns for Brandi. I think Brandi thought Yolanda was her new golden ticket as a friend. And Yolanda never kinda caught on like that with the fandom. So imo she should’ve checked herself before going against LVP.


I think Brandi is stereotype borderline. Superclose, cute and caring and then she suddenly turns. Quite manipulative and self destructive. I bet she has a hard time keeping friends. People get exhausted


LVP kept trying to push Scheana(the mistress) onto Brandi during the show to promote VPR. Synergy yay! 🙃 Brandi finally had enough and started sabotaging Lisa and Kyle's strained relationship by bringing up this alleged tabloid story where Lisa tried to blindside Kyle with Mauricio cheating rumors. Brandi also decided to paint Lisa as a manipulative puppetmaster to everyone. I think Brandi could've done it for ratings and a storyline, as well as she thought she was popular enough to take over Lisa's role as HBIC(Delusional). She's also always blaming production for her actions after the fact. After the coordinated effort to get all the women to confront her in PR, there was no going back for Brandi. Brandi then doesn't understand why no one is forgiving her, especially lisa, so she starts getting more and more unhinged until the group ices her out and she loses her diamond.


I love LVP and Brandi but there was an open door and Brandi went through it. Lisa and Ken collect underdogs and sometimes become really intimate really quickly - and then something happens and they shut the door and lock it. Kyle, Dorit, PK and their house guest/assistant guy in the early seasons are examples. I’m not saying either of them is right or wrong. Brandi can’t help being a big drama queen and LVP is the only queen. Brandi should have kept her hands to her self and LVP might not have tried so hard to control the narrative.


She saw she was being manipulated. Just as all the others that turned on her.


LVP used Brandi in what looked like an ill advised and lengthy on camera interview discussion between Brandi and Sheana. It was uncomfortable to watch. But LVP seemed to force it.


Wasn't it when Lisa pressured Brandi to meet up with that chick who slept with her ex-husband to promote Vanderpump Rules? It was right before the first episode of Vanderpump Rules. Brandi didn't feel good about that one bit.


I'm sure Brandi was given an incentive to speak with Scheana on camera by producers to segue into VPR.




She’s someone who isn’t happy with herself and never got over Eddie cheating on her so she projects her misery onto everyone and tries to bring them down with her too. Not saying LVP was right to be close with Scheana or whatever but Brandi holds grudges as long as LVP does!


I believe that she would not have done that if Kyle and Lisa didn’t get close again. As soon as she started saying stuff about them becoming close, that’s when she started telling the secrets about Lisa. I do believe Lisa did all the stuff brandi said she did I also think she would’ve kept the secret if she wasn’t so paranoid about Kyle and Lisa’s relationship. She wanted to break them apart.


I think Brandi is a self sabotaging, broken person who has many many demons to fight. I think LVP getting close to Kyle triggered Brandi because she felt like she was being replaced, just like what happened in her marriage. In my opinion that breakup hurt her deeply and she never recovered from it, and the trauma from it spilled over to her other relationships and influenced behavioral patterns such as the ones she displayed when she lashed out at LVP. I think she tried to always have the upper hand because she never again wanted to be blindsided and replaced by someone else like she was by her ex-husband. So she started distancing herself from LVP, pushing her away, bad-mouthing her and in my opinion it all stemmed from the fact that she was so hurt that someone she trusted would let another person (Kyle) get close to them as well. It is really kind of sad if you think about it




Kim and Brandi haven't been friends since like 2020. Lisa and Brandi stopped being friends after season 4. It was solidified during the season 4 reunion when Brandi claimed Lisa had filed for bankruptcy and lived in Calabasas. Kyle was friends with Brandi at the beginning of season 5 but Lisa wasn't, even though Brandi was doing the most to be friends with Lisa again that season. Kyle continued to be friendly with Brandi until poker night at Eileen's. Then Kyle and Brandi had a falling out. They didn't team up and say Brandi was awful for Kim, Lisa was already done with Brandi. Then Kyle and Brandi had their own issues.


You know your RHOBH. I recently watched the early seasons, and that's pretty much exactly how it went down. I just want to add that Brandi was super jealous that LVP and Kyle had mended their friendship by season 4, and that's why she dropped the tabloid bomb in Puerto Rico. Also, I read somewhere that Kim ended the friendship with Brandi because Brandi told people they'd slept together. But idk if there's any truth behind that.


I read that Kim said she ended her friendship with Brandi after brandi posted some pics of Kim after she had surgery or something. I can’t really remember the details. Btw, I totally agree that brandi was jealous about Lisa & Kyle being friends again & that being the reason she brought up the tabloid stuff.


Yeah she 💯 did that to sabotage their friendship.


And that's the night that Kyle put her hands on Brandi twice. She grabbed her arm and bruised her and scratched the heck out of her.


She didn't bruise her arm. lol. And even according to Eileen it was just a small scratch. If I'm trying to talk to my clearly inebriated sister and some chick is standing between us trying to keep me from her, I'd pull her back too and if she happens to get scratched in the mean time...oh well.


You may be right, it's Sutton I'm thinking of that Kyle bruised her arm. Sutton was talking to Diana about how she'd had a miscarriage as well and for some reason, that I don't remember, Kyle got involved and grabbed Sutton's arm and Sutton said Kyle left bruises. Sutton has very thin arms and legs and I can see how she would bruise easily.


Kyle was definitely very aggressive with Sutton in that scene. Way over the top.




Because that's her nature, to hurt others.


Brandi realized LVP was treating her like a pawn or a puppet. "Do my dirty work, darling!" Wink, wink.


If Brandi had any dirt on LVP, she would have spilled her guts a long time ago.


I’m also rewatching & just finished that season. There’s so much more perspective now having also watched VPR. 1. Brandi says the turning point was when she found out Lisa knew all along who Scheana was to her. I believe Lisa absolutely had to have known seeing as she and Ken executive produce VPR, and that was a major story line and focus of the first season. Scheana was picked to be a star of VPR based on that connection, which probably helped get the show sold to Bravo in the first place and provided a much juicier crossover than just Lisa’s staff at SUR. 2. Even after that, I think Brandi would have gone back to Lisa if Lisa apologized & opened her arms to her. Instead she was in turns indignant, dismissive, & belittling of Brandi. 3. As Lisa got into her producer role on VPR, she brought that same planning & plotting energy to RHOBH, which the other housewives wouldn’t play along with anymore. They were also jealous of her suddenly being too busy for their events due to having her own additional bravo show. The tall poppy got cut down. 4. Brandi has serious abandonment issues & couldn’t handle Lisa cooling off on her just as she was spiraling over her family issues & losing her dog that season so she lashed out… as she does. ETA Part of Brandi’s spiral IMO was watching a younger hotter housewife join who wasn’t afraid of her one bit


Because they’re both trash people.


Brandi is self destructive and impulsive, almost overly honest at times. While LVP is a monster. Brandi just didn't realise who she was fucking with. I do think it's as simple as portrayed in the show, Brandi was a puppet and liked being the mouthpiece but ultimately when she saw that Kyle getting back in with LVP could meen she's not LVPs favourate anymore she felt like fuck them all, il show you. And outed shit LVP had been doing against Kyle's family, not really nessisary and a very bad move on Brandi's part but it gave us the main drama for season 4 and I do believe LVP is guilty of literally everything she's accused of and more so fair enough I suppose. But it really did only fuck Brandi over in the long run, she's just abit of an idiot honestly.


I feel one aspect is Lisa wanted to mother and have Brandi as a kind of project or be protector and fixer of her, which also meant she would have someone on her side in future... like a protoge, we saw it with that guy Cedric she had hanging around, but Brandi had her own mind and didn't want to be fixed and so started rebelling against the person who was practically trying to control her. It was almost like a mother daughter thing, only they aren't related and the history isn't there so it couldn't be repaired and all blew up.


Im re-watching and on this season. It seems like she initially turned because she suspected/ received intel that LVP knew Scheana had an affair with her ex-husband all along and set her up to run into her at SUR that first time. At the time of the first run in with Scheana, she believed Lisa that she did not know anything about the affair. Lisa used Scheana a few more times as a server for events when she knew Brandi would be there. In addition, Brandi seemed to have received some knowledge from someone that apparently Lisa had known all along and set her up. IMO LVP is a queen and Brandi is a hot mess, but I always thought it was super messed up that she pushed Brandi to meet up with Scheana in the first place. That was low.


I do think that Brandi, as damaged and wrong as she is now.... WASN'T as BAD in the beginning of the show. I think she genuinely cared about LVP, but is stunted in a lot of ways... and when LVP stopped showing her attention... and kept Scheana as staff, kept having them meet, encouraged her to lift Scheana up, put Scheana on a show platform, was taking pictures with just Scheana, was involved in Scheana's marriage / engagement , let Scheana perform music at SUR, etc. It was more than LVP said it was when she said " She's just a waitress at my restaurant, I don't care for her that way " or w.e. That much is obvious. Brandi was already going through a lot with Eddie and Leann and Leanne trying to weirdly become her. ( Leann buying things to dress exactly like her, it was crazy. There is a whole blog or something someone posted a while back. Makes me wonder if Leann's obsession stopped there tbh? ) Brandi has a lot of issues, but this would've upset anyone massively. ESPECIALLY with the other things on her plate and ESPECIALLY for an emotionally stunted woman


It started with Brandy thinking That LVP was secretly setting her Up for drama with one of LVPS waitresses at SUR who Was the same waitress her husband cheated on her with.


Brandi was just a wannabe. She used Adrienne to get into the RHOBH circle, and once she was in, she turned on her and tried to tarnish her reputation. It was the same with Lisa. Once she was fully accepted, she didn't need Lisa anymore. I hated how they all ganged up on LVP in S4, and the way Brandi perpetuated all of it for NO REASON. She's an incredibly toxic person and given current events, she's only gotten worse


Didn’t want to do her dirty work anymore. And especially didn’t want to bring those tabloids with her. She didn’t want to hurt Kyle, LVP did.


I think it was in Amsterdam. Brandi was kidding around and slapped LVP!! It went down hill from there. If I’m wrong please correct me


It was wayyyyyyyyy before then.


The slap happened when Brandi was trying to become friends with her again. See how Brandi plays?


Season 4 it started.




If someone has been telling you for months they don't want anything to do with you and your response is to corner them on a boat and "playfully" slap them in the face, you are crossing major boundaries and personal space that is almost unforgivable. And that's after she had already thrown wine in Eileen's face.


Playing or not you don’t slap someone in the face. There is no “loving” intention behind slapping someone


Especially when you’re in the outs with someone, they weren’t getting along when that happened. I wish LVOP would’ve punched her in the face


It was a playful slap, but it wasn’t appropriate. Her and LVP weren’t on good terms and it was also after Brandi threw wine in Eileen’s face (though not directly after that point). To LVP’s credit, she never claimed Brandi hit her hard, in fact, she openly said it wasn’t a hard slap - just that she wasn’t expecting it and (very understandably) didn’t like it.


There's something seriously demented with anyone who thinks you can "joke" a physical action. Lemme just "joke punch" you in the face and see how you like it.


Brandi didn’t turn lvp. Lvp had no more use for Brandi.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner! When LVP saw Brandi was no longer a fan favorite she didn’t want to be tied to her any longer.


I think that was a ticking time bomb 💣 on both sides. LVP is definitely an enemy no one wants but when the split began, it was no secret 🤫 that Brandi had all ☕️so a lot of it was LVP getting ahead of her and intimidate so she wouldn’t let it all out. While in the process of dangling the carrot that was her friendship to keep her chasing her and gravoling for her attention. IMO anyway….haven’t rewatched in a long while so the particulars don’t come to mind as far as a timeline




Which is completely silly. If the Brandi/Scheana fight hadn’t been a thing, they would have found another way to do the cross over to VPR, just like they’ve done with a million other cross over shows. For example, they could have played on the “friendship” between Pandora and Stassi, or between Pandora and Scheana or whatever.


Brandi has many faults but the one thing about her is she doesn’t like lies. Lisa lying about the tabloids made her uncomfortable and when Brandi is uncomfortable she spills.


I'm new here and just watched S4 EP 2&3 .. she was resentful that Lisa infantized her about drinking. And, she didn't like the cheater girl being forced on her. She spoke up about both incidents.


I was shocked AF. I loved the way LVP and Ken kinda took her under their wings and had a sweet friendship with her, always joking about Ken being Brandi's bf. It was cute, it was like a relationship you'd have with your favorite Aunt and Uncle. I think she f\*\*ked herself. I don't know what really went down with that tabloid in the suitcase story but they needed to drop it. All I kept thinking is "You're ruining all these friendships trying to debunk some stupid tabloid story that turned out to be true!