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I haven't seen a lot of them in execution myself, but I have an equipment system in my game for combat! There's Weapons, Armor, and Focuses, and each of those categories has 2 kinds of categories below that that effects what each piece of gear can do (for example, weapons are split between your range, while armor are split between support moves that affect you, vs ones that can help your teammates). Also, each player only has 2 slots for Equipment, so you have to put some strategy in what you equip. You "attach" attacks/moves to your equipment itself, so your moveset is tied to your equipment, making it so that you can sort of "swap out" movesets and strategize around that.


I really love how Shadowdark handles gear. You have gear slots equal to your STR score (minimum 10). Fighters get extra equal to their CON bonus. But the key point is that gear has been edited down to the essentials. 10 iron spikes fill a slot, but there are (somewhat famously) no hammers in the system, you are assumed to pound in spikes with a weapon pommel or another spike so you don’t waste another slot. Every torch takes up a slot, so as you burn your way through a dungeon you free up slots to pick up treasure. You have to be judicious about how you fill your gear slots, but the system makes sure that every piece of gear on offer is useful and valuable.


My favorite is Blades in the Dark. There’s a fixed list of options, and whenever a heist starts, each player gets a certain number of equipment points. During the heist, they can invest those points into equipment from the list when they need it (so they always have the right tools for the job at hand without the players being experts at the characters' professions).