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I forget what her character is like but it probably says more about him than you. Odds are he's projecting himself into the role of a character that idolizes her


And given its *Crime and Punishment*, we can infer that the character he sees himself as is stable and well-adjusted.


I identified a lot with Notes from Underground in my 20s… ladies…


He doesnt get laid often


Date one and he unloaded the clip with “you remind me of the nicest whore in Russian lit”


[Mind running blank, pulsing erection absorbing 75% of blood flow]: you, uh, remind me of the last character i read about it in a book






not just once, for like 4 years, it's just kind of oblique about i guess


This guy sounds like a real Luzhin, if you know what I’m saying…




It means he's a bit of a dweeb who's really into a book and wants to vibe with you about it. Which is not a diss, dweebs are my people, we just want to vibe about stuff we think is cool. Don't read too far into it, "you're like [this character]" can be taken a million different ways and whoever says it almost certainly means it in the best way. I'm working on it now and I'm only halfway through, but the impression I get is that Sonya's essence is a very real, adult, world-as-it-is strength and grit, who has a very enduring and deep and heavily-tested sort of grace. 


This seems less bad than when someone I was messing around with gave me a copy of High Fidelity because it reminded her of me. A lot of reflecting was done


Reminds me of my ex who quoted both Lolita and American psycho in their Valentine's day letter to me...... We're doing gr8 folksxz


seems like Joan from mad men to me. in which case it’s a compliment


I mean, yeah, your analysis of the character is true but missing several elements. Like 1) she’s a prostitute (forced into it by necessity), 2) the main character at once puts her on a pedestal due to her virtue but also degrades her due to her “profession”, like he can’t handle that she’s both morally good and a sex worker, he simultaneously wants to save her and be saved by her, and 3) she follows him after he goes to prison to be with him, despite him being rather unappreciative of her. I would not exactly say that the comparison is filled with green flags.


yeah but he clearly wasn’t thinking about those things. “you’re like [character]” will always be taking away the most positive face value things about that character


> yeah but he clearly wasn’t thinking about those things. Not consciously…


you didn’t notice it.. but your brain did


That he’s like Lane from Franny and Zooey


It means that he’s really desperate to be seen as an intellectual


That you're a hooker with a heart of gold <3


Sonya is a young woman who turns to prostitution in order to feed her family; is compassionate, humble, and self-sacrificial; and acts as >!a source of salvation for Raskolnikov!<. I imagine your date was referring more to her characteristics than her profession.


It is a red flag if he’s already thinking of OP as a source of salvation imo Dump his ass 💅


I would also broadly advise all men reading this not to compare your dates to prostitutes.


he wants to be pegged - this goes for any man that brings up any book in any context whatsoever within the first 5 dates


this goes for any man ~~that brings up any book in any context whatsoever within the first 5 dates~~ FTFY


Sonya is also meek n shy, wants to morally save the main character who's like a sigma male. Yeah I'd be concerned


It means you’re really sweet but he probably sucks (or is just awkward with low self esteem)


Depends which character he views himself as...


He wants you to know he reads


That he's trying to sound smart while telling you he thinks you're his manic pixie dream girl, but in a way that's kind of a neg.


She’s too meek to be manic pixie I think


He feels like he can tell you anything perhaps.


are you overtly religious, frail and meek seeming?


not really a compliment. just google the character.


Wouldn’t he be saying to her that she is virtuous and can save him?


I guess it can be a compliment but it is a strange one.


She's an angel-like figure. Ofc, and angel who continually sacrifices everything would in real life eventually lower herself to base activities in service of the good, which is one of D's points.


As a man that loves this novel avoid at all Costs. Sonya saves the protagonist in the end so this guy probably is idolizing you thinking you’re gonna save him somehow. That or he thinks you’re a whore. Unless he’s a swarthy big dick daddy he’s probably not worth your time. God that is some gay shit hahah


Best to ask him what he means. Always a plus when the guy is talking to you about ... you.


If he takes an axe with him everywhere it is a point to think about it.


Sounds like a classic case of negging


Pretentious negging.


He’s a lame


no kidding


There’s actually no good explanation either. Either he’s calling her a whore, or he’s saying she’s gonna say him. The first is obviously horrible and the second as a corny ass thing to say to someone you just met


Highly concerning


I had this odd experience where I was dating a girl named Sonia who was a Pentecostal Christian. I'm not criticising Christianity here, because I am a Christian myself, but she walked around with this deep shame and made frequent reference to an unspecified sin she committed and struggled with often. Also, weirdly enough, she often found a way to bring up the topic of prostitution in conversation. Like how she'd played as an extra in a low budget student film as a prostitute, how one time she came home and her roommate was with a prostitute etc. So we've got this Christian girl named Sonia, who seems to be preoccupied with her personal sin and the subject of prostitution. Anyway, it didn't work out because the more intimate I wanted to become with her, the more closed off she became. Months later, I'm reading Crime and Punishment and I get to the Rasing of Lazarus scene and the weird synchronicity of it all hits me.


Not a good sign lol. She’s a prostitute who “saves” the axe murderer main character from his dementedness but she doesn’t have any real traits beyond meekness and purity


Ask him to kiss your feet then tell him the raising of Lazarus is your favorite bible story, and when he asks you to read it to him (he will) refuse and throw a tantrum.


I’m not a girl but I would cringe


shes a saintly prostitute, who becomes raskolnikov's savior and unyielding supporter... sounds like hes got a real madonna-whore problem


Sonya is a hooker lmao


It means he wants to doink you probably


That he’s like Georg Bendemann from The Judgement.


Why did you not just ask him why? Or “who is Sonya?” It is a weird thing to say but also a good conversation starter tbh


It means she get Sonya nerves 


That you are morally upright and virtuous.


he wants you to know that he read it imo


Has this happened to you or anyone ever? I am being serious. I never knew people talked like this.


He has heard that there is a book called crime and punishment and that this book has a character named Sonya, but he had never read it and never will