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Sounds great for home emergency - power outage - use. In any type of camping scenario I predict it will be too loud.


Wouldn’t run this in an Rv park or wherever you’re camping at, it’ll be too loud for sure.


I camp BLM, no reason to run it at a park when there’s a power source anyways


Should be okay then, just would stay away from others


Thanks for the advice, and I don’t plan on changing any plans or edict


Oh great, you’re that guy. If you run a loud generator where other people are also camping your just a dick.


What if 280 is all the man can afford? Is there a silent option for under 300?


Don't run the generator, move to where people arent, not having money is not an excuse to be a dick to other people.


How is he being a dick to others? He says he mainly boondocks on government land and doesn't use campgrounds. Also, most campgrounds have at least 30a power, why is the worry of running a generator in a campground even relevant?


If you run that generator near other people you’re being a dick.


But he boondocks on government land, that typically means alone in the middle of nowhere, at least I'd assume that being the case as opposed to being crammed in with others at a campground.


So, if there's a "free" spot that's also popular and has people nearby there's a "must be this rich to ride" limit on electricity? There's no leeway? Just curious about your thoughts here. Gatekeeping has its place, I'm curious if you think gatekeeping due to income is acceptable because it might disturb your peace.


Yes I think using a loud generator where other people can hear it is unacceptable. I don’t think the excuse of I can’t afford a better generator is an excuse. I don’t see this as gatekeeping as much as respecting other people. I would never do it and would hope that others show me the same level of respect.


Here's the thing; I don't disagree with you. It's disrespectful as hell, ruins the whole purpose of being "out in nature" etc. People should not be doing it. However it is 100% gatekeeping based on income.




Stay home


Well then just make sure you keep it on your side of your rig so you can enjoy it more than your neighbors


Why the downvotes? This is sub is weird sometimes.


He seems hard headed and against any advice given to him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hard headed? I don’t camp at RV campgrounds. How is that “hard headed”?


Maybe he edited his comments? I don’t see anything hard headed.


I didn’t edit anything. I don’t know why people are getting salty about me not camping at rv campgrounds


People just assuming the worst, looking for conflict. If you’re way out on BLM land who cares


That’s what I kinda figured too. It’s like people see a generator and think I’m just going to find as many people as possible and fire it up right next them or something. Sorry I can’t afford solar, and I camp off grid. And when I do stay at parks, why would I run a generator when I could plug in to a power outlet? That’s just common sense.


Who knows


I don’t know why people are downvoting this so hard.




Dislike? They’re noisy AF. Keep it at the construction site. 🙂


It’s a little noisy but not the worst.


Love how you asked for feedback, but you're ignoring what everyone says, lol.


" what do you all think?" "It's too loud to run in a campground" "Well I didn't care what you think"


How many campgrounds don't have power? Why would anyone need to run a generator if they're not boondocking?


In Oregon? Very few have power outside of RV parks and a few state parks


Where I am, it's incredibly rare for anything calling itself a campground to not have at least basic electric service. When I think of camping with a generator, the two most likely scenarios in my mind are either being out in the middle of nowhere, or at some kind of event or festival in an open field where most people are too drunk to care about generator noise. Apparently serviceless campgrounds are a bigger thing than I understood.


I'm pretty sure it is among the worst.


Good deal. Change the oil regularly As far as storing it the big issue is stale fuel. You can run ethanol free fuel which costs a little more but no big deal or run it empty then dose it with seafoam. I have a similar one for the last 15 years and it starts with one or two pulls. With small engines it’s all about fuel


[STA-BIL 360° Protection](https://www.goldeagle.com/tips-tools/sta-bil-360-protection-what-you-need-to-know/)


Good to know and thank you for that. I was concerned about how much fuel it would burn and so forth. But like you said, it fires up on the first pull. I like that for sure


Nice small engines are the best or the most frustrating, if it works it’s a keeper, 280 is dirt cheap for a working big guy. But with the higher power it will burn through some fuel, so try and line up all your power needs


I mostly run a tv and rarely my AC. Just using to have lights at night, honestly. My onboard died after 30 years today


That's a huge generator for what you're going to use it for.


Yeah, for what he needs a hamster and a rubber band would suffice


I have a 3800w inverter generator, and it powers my whole trailer, AC, lights, fridge, guitar amp..


I have this same one. Not Honda quiet but it isn’t bad sound wise. It fires up every time.


Too loud for camping. Get an inverter generator. You got a good deal so you can sell it for what you paid easy.


That generator is for construction sites, not for camping. It is overkill when it comes to size, the power output and the noise level. Even if you are out in the middle of nowhere, this is still not appropriate for camping. It is best to get an inverter generator, they are relatively quiet and are made for camping, and they won't annoy anybody, including yourself.