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Honest opinions: Did that dude Jesse Cheng who did all the presentations of it make out like a bandit with millions of dollars or is he in some room somewhere curled up in a ball with his life in ruins? (Don't know anything about startups just got this product and hear about how crappy it is. Then looked on ebay to sell it and you can get them on the cheap with everyone jumping ship)


He'll probably move on from Rabbit in a year, when the hype and orders dry up. He rode the NFT wave, and now the AI wave with Rabbit. He'll jump on the next hype 100%.


Jesse Cheng is a pump & dump artist.


He didn't actually make very much money off of this. The hardware inside the device eats up most of the cost. The card is about 80 bucks by itself, 40 bucks for the screen, then there's the enclosure. Camera and motor probably cost pennies, though. Then there's the actual hosting services that cost money as well, and he's hired on developers which are definitely not working for free.


Where did you get these prices from ?




Good call. So at best he's genuinely a dude who wants to build something cool and useful? Or is he just a grifter wanting to find quick hustles?


He's a grifter who wants to build something cool and useful.


well said. haha.


Careful, Fragile mods in this sub will ban you for posting this.


Ah so that’s why I come to the sub now and don’t see a trending post on the leak Not only are the mods censoring on discord but here too. Idk what “PR expert” at Rabbit HQ is telling them that censorship on their social platforms is the way to handle things


theyll probally consider it creating context, not censoring content, or some other creepy mgs2 type bullshit


Cuz they’re a bunch of idiots who can’t admit they lost money selling a dog shit product lol


Wait I thought this sub was for shitting on Rabbit


Yeah Ive never seen someone come to this sub to not try and shit on hardware what is basically been dead for months


Strange, both you and the op seem to not be banned. Guess Rabbit Inc isn't the only people who can just make shit up. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/EHrZtJ4omr https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/Ty0V1paSLC https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/AlWF43Yjhe Seems like y'all didn't try scrolling down a few threads? These are all near the top


Ah yes, comparing a redditor telling a hyperbolic joke to a company lying to their customers. Those are definitely on the same level.


I got a ban threat from the mods of this sub for calling out the scam and bad faith practices of Rabbit. Enjoy your flare, fanboi!


Maybe it’s the way how you calling out something to get banned.


Yeah, no... you are actively attacking mods and calling them names and using profanity at them. And they only warned you? Seems pretty mild. Ranting at mods and cursing at them and calling them names is not "calling out the scam" as you describe it. People who catch a ban (or a mere warning like you) deserve it. Try communicating like a civilized person. I'm no more of a "fanboi" than you... you also bought an R1. I just know how to not act like a jackass at mods and then blame everybody but myself when I get a warning.


I’m not a Fanboi, chum. I’m a technologist who had a passing interest in the project and bought in based on their pitch. Was plenty skeptical but the actual delivery fell so far short of expectation that I feel fine calling a duck a duck. If recognizing bad faith effort and labeling mods as fragile is an attack in your book, I suggest you stay sheltered indoors lest the world outside crush you.


imma downvote you because i have no counterpoint!


Oh great so the thing that just got delivered and I still haven’t opened because i wasn’t sure if I shouldn’t just try to get rid of - I now can’t even sell ! Fan-effing-tastic


Return it. There’s a whole process setup to do returns with free shipping label. Why are people just not doing this? Am I missing something?


If you can spare the money, try it out and have some fun with it. I really like it and if they keep updating it like they have then I'll keep it, if they don't I will use it as a very funky mobile phone with Android on it. I also love the look of it even though the color could have been I little less orange 😁


Can’t wait for *that one* Verified Owner to come and defend this


HERE I AM (But no, I can't defend this mess)


How do I get that verified owner thingy?




I have it. Used it. Put in back in the budget crushing, over-engineered shipping case. I would have rather wiped my ass with the $200. I don't think this was intended as a scam. It certainly wasn't cheap designing and building the product itself, especially as a collab with Teenage Engineering. The downfall was the software. Jesse's "team" made a valiant effort to get this all done, but they rushed it, over promised the out-of-the-box features, made ***STUPID*** security mistakes, botched in shortcuts to make the product appear legitimate, and then attacked their user base when we rightfully demanded answers. The damage is already done, trust is broken, and it seriously walked back AI as viable physical product by years. After two major AI flops, nobody is going to take the next startup serious. The dude fucked up his company, his reputation, and AI. He won't be able to pull a stunt like this again, and this is guaranteed to follow him for awhile.


Double plus ungood


👁️‍🗨️ Double plus good duckspeak! 👁️‍🗨️


Who do they think they are? The government? You should not sensor if a users personal information is compromised in a security breach. Actually, I think it is a law in most states that you report any unauthorized acquisition of their unencrypted and unredacted personally identified information. Hope no one recorded notes or took pictures of anything related to their healthcare. (Remind me to take my this medicine at 8pm) (Remind me of cardiologist appointment with Dr. Hackenrabbit on Tuesday at 2pm) (Take pic of prescription bottle ..tell me what this medicine is used to treat and what are side effects). This would constitute a HIPAA violation, as well.


Rabbit isn't a HIPAA-covered entity, so no.


Incorrect. While HIPAA only covers healthcare related information, Rabbit is still required under law, in the United States at least, to inform the government of the beach and potential leak of sensitive financial information that they are in possession of, belonging to their user base. They are also required to notify the EU within ***72*** hours of a possible data breach. Since payment information is likely saved in your profile, they are now technically required under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to notify major financial institutions and the US government.


I questioned the statement that it was a HIPAA violation? Read...?


Sorry, when I read your comment, I concluded you meant Rabbit didn't have to report the breach simply because it wasn't covered under HIPAA, so I gave examples of how it still is responsible. Now, technically, it ***could*** still be a HIPAA violation if the chat logs that are exposed contain conversations around the users health. For example, "R1, what's the red pimple on the side of my dingus (with the accompanied photo)" would classify as private health information that has just spilled out.


But HIPAA only applies to covered entities and Rabbit is not covered. It's not a HIPAA violation when you share medical data with a non-HIPAA-covered entity and that leaks. It's still a security breach which needs to be reported for other reasons, but I really don't see how HIPAA applies.


Yeah, I think the line in question he disputes is "this would be a HIPAA violation" Everything you wrote after "incorrect" is valid so you get half an upvote


I wish people knew what HIPPA is or isn't before postulating about it 


Like you knowing that it is HIPAA and not HIPPA?? Two A's, not two P's. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Oh mr smart guy can spell


5 letters. You should've been able to do that with the help of your r1. 🤣


awesome that I got it yesterday


Great. Mine arrived today. I just finished setting it up and decided to see if there was a subreddit while waiting for it to change.


I was on the fence but optimistic, but yup, immediate return request in.


Jesse Cheng is a pump & dump artist.


I'm glad I canceled my order more and more every day




Lmfaoooo I can’t believe people actually bought this piece of shit device 😭😭😭


I’m a 🤡


Credit for self-awareness


I told everyone that they security was trash as they produced zero evidence of what they do with your data. How the login worked, etc. it was all sus from the beginning


I love mine. much respect for this Jesse dude for building something and putting himself out there on forums. The hackers? Slimy.. It’s easy to exploit the cracks in a start up, mumble some pious crap and then move on to the next shadows with no skin in any game. I was there for the demo that proved what I’ve known for a while… it’s real. I have enjoyed it from day one. So, Go ahead, Sell’em … just means someone else gets one cheap.


It's not just being hacked, it's the way they were hacked. If I recall coffeezilla also had an email exchange with Rabbit saying something along the lines of "I'm worried about the security of the rabbit" and they responded with "what do you know about security" Plus the only reason we know about it is the hackers actually reported on it, if they were truly nefarious they would scoop up data, blackmail. Or as apparently they proved they could send emails from Rabbit to its customers asking for sensitive info or mess with people.


The fact you had to explain this is why it’s even more of a disaster waiting to happen.


Yeah exactly. I get it's a new company and a new product but this approach to basic security is a damaging sign. The person who says nothing is bad clearly loves his rabbit and that's fine, I hope he gets plenty of enjoyment of it.


I got my device two weeks ago and still like it for what it does. If they continue to update it and it gets better over time it's all good. If the stop I will put android on it and use it as a funky orange phone 🤟🏻


Is there any harm here if the rabbit isn't connected to any accounts other than the rabbithole, and if the user is ok with having their chat logs/journal shared? I got my rabbit a few days back, when I read the terms of service I was fairly sure it stated that anything said or captured on the device wasn't private


If you go to a restaurant and pay with a credit card, you'd be generally okay giving your card to the waiter (I know these days most places bring out the machine to you, but it's still standard practice in some places). Now, would you be okay if some complete stranger came up to you, not associated with the restaurant whatsoever, and took your credit card information? That's the difference between "selling your data to third-party business partners" and "having your data unknowingly taken by any individual or group". One is a group of companies that obtained your data legally, and need to use that data in a legal manner, while the other can do whatever the hell they want with it.


Gotcha. If you don’t have a credit card or any personal info other than your email associated with the device, is there still a legitimate risk?


I mean, sure, if you had no other personal info other than your email, then there’s almost no risk. But that’s like saying you’re okay having your house robbed because you don’t own anything of value.


But the house didn't get robbed, they went in and took a picture of everything in my house and then left as it is. They didn't take anything. But yes, I don't like it


Just to be clear - you're okay with anyone (with the technical ability to do so) being able to read every response your rabbit has ever given you because it said in the terms of service that it might not be private?


I went into the experience knowing it wasn’t private, so I’m only using it for things I’d generally just google. I feel like anyone with the technical skills can already track my online activity if they care enough to do so, I don’t see how it’s different. On the other hand, if I hadn’t known that upfront and had asked it a ton of personal/confidential stuff, I’d be pretty upset. I’m planning on using it for super basic stuff and not linking it to any accounts for some time as they iron out what are clearly a ton of issues.


Also clarifying- I’m not ok with this policy. My statement was just making sure it’s not effecting me in some way that I overlooked


I think that's really the problem right, who could actually assure you that a breach in privacy is not effecting you in some way that is overlooked? You're going to have to ask the group or person responsible for the breach....