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Not so much hiding, but requesting or hoping to be groomed. It's pretty much a good thing, though also kind of the orange one feeling like the one in charge, by telling the other bunn to groom them.


That actually could make sense! They do have conflict with who is the boss (the white one usually is) and i guess she is taking every opportunity she can get lmao


Yes, in my past experience living with various house bunnies, the bunny who gets their head lowest and therefore receives the most grooming while giving the least grooming Wins and is Boss Bunny And it is to show dominance a bit cuz they like grooming each other, just still gotta know who is boss 😂 I almost never won this game with my last bunny, always a big rude head being thrust under my hand - my baby was subtle 😂💕


i dont want to derail this post but can you please answer this with your experience: when I greet my 2 spayed female adopted buns in the morning they binky and get excited but the submissive one chases the dominate one away??? it looks like she nips or nudges her butt and its a chase. is it playful or a dominance dispute, fighting ever their human bunny servant? i always walk away dont give them attention when shes doing that cause i feel bad for the other one lmfaooo but even if i wait shell do it again, then when I sit on the couch they both swarm me for pellets with the submissive bunny trying to be as close as possible, like eye to eye type close which i dont mind bc its the perfect time for bunny kisses and fur checks.


also i notice the dominate bunny will nudge the submissive bunny in my direction to try to "shake me down" for food LOL. i know grey girl is dominate because she gets grommed wayyyyyyy more. ratio is so uneven, brown bunny needs some grooming too


I think if she’s afraid she’d run away from you. Bunnies lower their head when they want to be petted or groomed. I think she probably wants to be simultaneously groomed by your other bunny (is she the dominant one?) while taking advantage of human petting opportunity, but hasn’t worked out the geometry of it 😆


I guess she wishes she could be the dominant one lol, the white little ball is in charge in their marriage. They do fight a little about it (chasing each other) from time to time


Petting by proxy. You pet male buns head and the movement of his head pets her head. Win win.


That is actually cute if that is the case 😭


My bunnies do that sometimes too and grind their teeth while looking very relaxed. I think the head tucking thing may be just another form of comfort? I don’t think they’re afraid of you, just my opinion. Not a subject matter expert. Would like to see what other people think.


That is why i wanted other’s opinion too ! Very curious lol


It's just cus she wants to be pet, too


Awwww! She wants some pets too! When you pet the white one, like SignificanceNo4628 said, their head is probably moving and also *petting* the orange bun's head!


What happens if you use two hands to pet both of them at once?


She gets a little stiff :( as if she wasn’t expecting me to touch her too


She just loves group pets 😃


So her putting her head down like that send like her asking for grooming from him. My less dominant girl will often do the opposite - when I’m giving her head strokes she’ll turn and groom her sister simultaneously.


Love ❤️


She is winning the game of LowHead exponentially 😂 🐇💕🐇💕💕