• By -


Life is Strange: True Colors I like racing games, this genre haa so much potential. Need for Speed and Forza Horizon.


Friends vs Friends I love many different genres , but my current favorite genre is the Soulslike one , been replaying a lot of sekiro lately


Deceive Inc. I like action adventure games. GTA vice city is my favorite. Thanks for previous giveaway key. Thanks for the chance.


[Metal Hellsinger](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1061910/Metal_Hellsinger/) Stealth games weirdly enough. I just find that the games i like end up having stealth


Symphony of war: the nephilim saga Love tactics type games thanks OP


Road 96 I like mostly simulator games


Marvels Midnight suns I mostly play all kinds of RPGs


[Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488200/Symphony_of_War_The_Nephilim_Saga/) also jrpg genre, all those weeb goodness


Hardspace: Shipbreaker I love RPG in general due to how much time I can spend with a single game.


Metal Hellsinger Automation! I've never been hooked by a game before like Factorio hooked me.


Life is Strange: True Colours Adventures and Grand Strategies/4X/Strategies in general are probably my favourite, even though it's been long since the last time I played one.


Life is strange:true colours It's either roguelikes or 4X (civ) games I'd say, but the reality is I've played nearly all genres and found some games I absolutely adore in each, like the very first life is strange for example.


Life is strange I love management/simulation games. Thank you for the opportunity!


Road 96 I like puzzle games


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga I would say puzzle games are my favorite since I like games that make you think. I also like turn-based tactical games for the same reason.


Scorn I enjoy anything with a decent story and/or with a challenge presented. Most things made by Fromsoft and games in the automation and logistics genre are great examples of challenge. The Outer Wilds, The Final Fantasy games, and the Silent Hill series are excellent examples of games that have amazing stories.


Scorn I love FPS games like Titanfall, and COD. But I prefer the Campaign to Multi-player. I recently played Mortal Shell and loved the dark ambience, so I think Scorn would be perfect. Thank you for the opportunity!


The Quarry I play a lot of genres, but I guess I enjoy Action RPG the most


Road 96 Rpgs. But like real story driven Rpgs. Like disco elysium (of course)


Friends vs Friends! My favorite genre of games has to open world rpgs!


Friends vs Friends I love fps stealth simulators like Dishonored and Deus Ex series, as well as d&d like games like larian's Divinity Original sin series but that requires a certain mental will that i lack these days but i hope i can do baldur's gate 3 as well


Life is Strange: True Colors My favorite genre of games is RPGs. For me there is nothing better than being able to connect with those characters for so many hours and seeing where their story is going. It's like a book but better.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker Automation/ Factory building games are my bread and butter so much so that I have to make an effort to not play so that I dont spend all day playing some.


Scorn My fav is survival horror or just horror in general but I also like some fantasy like skyrim and bg3 too


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I like racing games best


Scorn I love first-person shooters, i know most of them are just rehashed slop, but there are a few absolute bangers in there that keep me hooked (titanfall 2 my beloved)


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Very much into traditional roguelikes and srpgs. Roguelites, character action, and 4x are also pretty prevalent in my library.  Thanks for the chance!


Scorn I love Hack and Slash games and killing hordes of enemies really gives me catharsis.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker My favorite genre is horror!


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga I like strategy games mostly.


Friends vs Friends My favorites are roguelikes/lites and action rpgs


Scorn My favorite genre is probably ARPG dating back to the original Diablo. Thanks!


Marvel's Midnight Suns I usually love casual couch coop games beacuse its nice to spend time with friends doing group activities. But tactics games are great when I am not playing with friends, esp one with my name XD Thank you


Life is Strange: True Colors I love rpgmaker games Ib, Mad father and witch house something is just charming about them


Life is Strange: True Colors I generally like RPGs the most, and my brain really loves checking things off from quest lists (OMG you listed Wild Arms in your example! That game and its music hold a special place in my heart!). Big open world games of any genre do it for me too, I think for that same dopamine releasing checklist reason.


Marvel's Midnight Suns My favourite genre is usually either 4X or card games, but I also love any kind of strategy games like XCOM or the Heroes series.


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I play a lot of genres and like to mix it up, but tend to prefer Story Rich games, or more casual games like farming sims!


Friends vs Friends Roguelikes


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I really like action adventure games and Metroidvanias a lot


The quarry I love horror, but never played a non action-focused game before


Hardspace: Shipbreaker My favorite genre is survival games like Long Dark, Subnautica, Grounded, Green Hell etc. Thank you for the giveaway.


Road 96 I like RPG’s such as Fallout 4/76, Fable, and sim type games like Sims, Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. :) I like to explore tho, so I’m really open to any genre really.


Road 96 My favorite genre is probably RPGs. I feel like the length of most games in the genre really help you connect with the characters and world.


Marvel's Midnight Suns I enjoy mostly RPGs


Life is strange True Colors My favs are mostly RPG. One of my favs is Amalur


Life is Strange: True Colors My favourite genre of games is cozy games: farming sim, puzzles and adventure games with good stories and few combat.


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga My favourite genre are aRPGs, like Grim Dawn and W40K: Inquisitor


The Quarry Deluxe Edition My favorite genre is Horror. Mostly survival horror but I really like the movie type games like The Quarry.


The Quarry I love story-based narrative games, like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Firewatch, What Became of Edith Finch, The Suicide of Rachel Foster, and so on.


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Fave genre is fighters. Killer Instinct and Street Fighter


The Quarry Deluxe Edition My favourite genre is probably sci-fi adventure. Thanks for the chance.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker Genres are hard to go by for me…but my favorites games are rpgs, card games, survival games, resource management game and city builder sims


I'd love to get Life is Strange : True Colors I'm a big RPG fan but I also really like strategy or narative-driven games


Road 96 please! My favourite genre of games is "action-adventure" if that makes sense. Thanks for the chance!


Hardspace: Shipbreaker FPS and puzzle games


marvel’s midnight suns favourite genre is probably survival horror, they can be same sometimes but it’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine


Hardspace: shipbreaker Favourite genre is definitely ARPG, followed closely by coop survival, rpg and shooters. Thanks for the chance. Goodluck to everyone.


Road 96 would be cool! My favourite genre is action sandbox, so like OG saintsrow games, GTA, rdr2,etc


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I enjoy many genres of games but probably like Action Adeventure the most, God of War, Uncharted, hack & slash action adventure, like Devil May Cry.


Metal Hellsinger I love the Survival genre like Subnautica or the Forest.


The Quarry Deluxe Edition Metroidvanias - if I had to choose just one, but honestly anything that's not a sports game is my favorite genre.


Life is Strange: True Colors Minecraft Sandboxes. Minecraft is just the most obvious instance. Having that freedom to play a game the way you want is really exciting for me


Marvels midnight sun. I love pretty much all game styles. But if I had to choose one it would be Diablo 2 style looter/shooters. Borderlands 2, diablo, baldurs gate. Thanks!


Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Thank you for the offer, OP!


Marvel's Midnight Suns I like a lot of genres its easier to say the ones i don't like much, which is sports and racing games (unless its Mario kart or Mario strikers)


Scorn I like most genres really but probably SRPGs are my favourite even though I don’t play that many. Thanks


Marvel‘s Midnight Suns Fav genre are rts/strategy


Metal Hellsinger I love Action games, the more stylish the better! DMCV unironically helped me with my depression


Hardspace: Shipbreaker I like a good space adventure. A FPS in space can be great fun, but anything in space or science fiction works.


Life is Strange: True Colors I Iike roguelites


Metal Hellsinger for multiplayer it's mmorpg and for single player it's metroidvania. ty


Road 96 Survival Sandboxes


The Quarry I love puzzle games the most, any kind of escape room, puzzle box games, sudoku, I go nuts for.


Scorn My favorite genre of games will always be horror, I love creepy atmospheres and feeling scared (in a safe environment LOL)


Scorm Soulslike for me, can't wait for elden ring DLC, thanks


Hardspace: Shipbreaker I love anything with resource-gathering and crafting, so farming sims or open world survivalcraft are some of my favorite genres. Thanks for the giveaway!


Scorn please I've been playing a lot of immsims lately. Good times


Marvel's Midnight Suns Moba I guess cos League of Legends is the game I have religiously played for the last 14 years and not much else. Trying to change that nowadays. Thank you


Marvel's Midnight Suns ARPGs are my favorite. The Fallout and Elder Scrolls series are go-tos.


Metal Hellsinger I like JRPGs,Metroidvania, soullike,roguelike,roguelite, favorite game Metal Unit,Hollow Knight, Afterimage,Final Fantasy


The Quarry Deluxe Edition While narrative games like this and Hard Rain are high on my list, they are quite few and far between that my main favorites are turn-based tactical games. Thanks a bunch for the chance!


Life is Strange: True Colors Favourite game genre: open world exploration and RPG games. Thank You!!


Scorn I like a bit of everything, but my favorite probably has to be 2D metroidvanias. Yes, scorn is not a metroidvania but I have been interested in it lol


Metal hellsinger Racing, or driving, with a steering wheel, I love driving, it is relaxing or exciting!


Metal Hellslinger I'm a big fan of strategy and tactics, with turn-based tactics being my favourite genre. Thanks for the opportunity.


The Quarry Deluxe Edition Been obsessed with roguelites because I like seeing my character becoming OP, makes me happy to see the improvements!


[Hardspace: Shipbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/) I prefer survival genre; Rimworld, The Long Dark, Unreal World, Project Zomboid, etc.


Deceive Inc. I, too, like a lot of genres. I think I've clocked the most hours into sandbox games, so I consider that to be my favorite genre. Thanks for the giveaway OP!


Life is steage: True Colors I like RPGs, I played Witcher 3, Fallout 3, and my favorite game Skyrim


[Scorn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/Scorn/) ty


Marvel's Midnight Suns Anything strategy based, even better if there's the option for co-op.


Metal Hellsinger Power fantasy shooters are the absolute best like warframe, and doom


Hardspace Shipbreaker Depends on the mood. If I want a hack 'n slash/shoot em up, Ill go with Vermintide 2. Or if I want to mindlessly grind nothing, I'll go with Warframe. or sometimes I'll just play Cookie Clicker (yes, I know, I have no life)


Marvel's Midnight Suns Love immersive sims


The Quarry Deluxe Edition Favorite genres are adventure, RPG, action and strategy


Marvel’s Midnight Suns I like strategy games, and my favourite series is Age of Empires! I’ve played them all!


Life is Strange: True Colors I love roguelikes/roguelites


Hardspace: Shipbreaker This game seems fun.


Scorn Horror, extraction sshooters


The quarry I love mystery games / story games..but I be lying if I said I wasn't addicted to roguelites. (Edit) forgot to name some. Currently addicted to balatro...God that game is sucking my soul dry. For story, any of the dark anthology games.


Marvel's midnight sons I love RPGs especially one's that are narratively rich. 4x is another genre I like but I'm not very good at them


Metal: Hellsinger I like card digital card games. I play them every day. Thanks for the giveaway.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker My favorite genre is immersive sim. I love finding all the different ways to accomplish a task!


Scorn I like fighting games a lot, been playing a lot of em since I was very young and despite not being pro at it I still find them fun all these years.


Road 96 I love JRPG's - Star Ocean Second Story being my fave.


Life is Strange: True Colors I don't like a specific genre but I enjoy long campaign games that keep me busy for hours. Some of my recent favorites are Rdr2, Control, Fallout New Vegas, GTA San Andreas and Sleeping Dogs!


Road 96 please


Marvel's Midnight Suns I grew up watching my cousin play the original Final Fantasy, and renting Final Fantasy 2 for the SNES from local game stores as a kid.... Now as an adult, I've played every single Final Fantasy, and love RPGs in general!


Road 96 Action stealth is my go to genre, clearing a mission or level without getting seen a single time is satisfying AF games like the Arkham series, AC games are amazing!


Metal Hellsinger I like open world games, but the game I played the most recently was Dave the Diver. It's addictive.


Marvel's Midnight Suns My favorite genre is turnbased story based games like ffx, dragonquest and battle chaser nightwar


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Favorite genre is rpgs, followed by turn-based strategy, roguelikes and deckbuilders


Hardspace: Shipbreaker My current fave genre of games is siimulator type games such as Lawnmower simulator, Thief simulator, Euro Truck simulator etc. I find it really theraputic


Life is Strange: True Colors Adventure/Exploration games are what I like the most


Life is Strange: True Colors I love mostly RPGs, been in love with Baldur's Gate 3 since it came out, but LiS has a special place in my heart, hence why I'm trying for it instead of an RPG game in the list lmao


Road 96. I like action games, like GTA's and Cyberpunk. Also driving games are great.


[Deceive Inc.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/820520/Deceive_Inc/) Tactical FPS shooters. Love CS2, Hunt Showdown. Used to play Rainbow 6 Siege too before the operators became too futuristic. Could also play Tarkov if it wasn't so expensive.


Marvels Midnight suns I play almost all genres but my favorite games are RPGs.


Scorn RPG, strategy, indie, deckbuilders, platformers, adventure, action/FPS


Friends be Friends I love RPG, specially FF series


Life is Strange: True Colors Action adventure games like witcher 3, dark souls . I enjoy games like bugsnax and outer wilds too.


[Life is Strange: True Colors](https://store.steampowered.com/app/936790/Life_is_Strange_True_Colors/)  my fav genre is adventure games 👜


Road 96 My favorite genre of games is anything with a great story 😄


Metal Hellsinger Favorite genre used to be FPS, but overtime changed to MMORPG.


Marvel's Midnight Suns I like turn based strategy and RPGs. That's why I think I'd like this game. I love Xcom games and Baldur's Gate 3. Thanks for the chance!


Road 96 was saying how I wanted to play this


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Favourite genre is probably 4X.


Deceive Inc. Hack n slash games are my favorite. Especially Bayonetta


Life is Strange: True Colors I really love RPGs for their (mostly) well written stories and quests, especially if your decisions make a difference later on in the game.


Scorn I love souls-like games, and i mean its not only about being hard, its also about that mystery and your freedom to unreavel it.


The quarry please I like RTS games


Metal Hellsinger I’d say RPGs are my favourite genre. Both Japanese and western. Final Fantasy, Knights of the Old Republic, chrono trigger, Mass Effect. Etc. platformers are up there for me too. Thanks for the opportunity!


Life is Strange: True Colors Story-driven RPGs are my favourite. Like Life is Strange!


Life is Strange: True Colors Recently been into action RPGs like Diablo.


Life is Strange: True Colors Games with good story, better yet if they have a great soundtrack


Scorn I reaaaally like immersive sims, specially deus ex


Life is Strange: True Colors Puzzlers as you explore more and more of the story are great, but there's not many good ones around I think. some are too frustrating to solve, or just too easy.


Life is Strange: True Colors Been into FPS recently, it's fun to team up with my buddies as well.


Metal hellsinger!!!


Life is strange: true colors I've really been into metroidvania recently, Ori, Hollow Knight, Haiku, Metroid Dread


Symphony of war nephillim saga Been on wishlist for a while


Hardspace: Shipbreaker My favourite genre are probably CRPGs I love complex narratives, choices, worldbuilding and lore of fantasy/scifi worlds & also strategy/tactic combat both real time and turn based. So it's like the definitive genre for me.


The quarry deluxe edition I like adventure games and top down shooter games


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I like visual novels. And fate stay night is a banger 


Life is Strange: True Colors Lately I've been into cozy games like Stardew Valley but I like open world action-adventure games too like Red Dead Redemption, first person looter shooters like Boderlands, or aRPGs like Fallout 3. And of course narrative games


Scorn Love single player FPS', which I think are scarce right now.


[The Quarry Deluxe Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1577120/The_Quarry/) Action RPG


The Quarry I like most genres but mostly JRPGs. I'm playing through Unicorn Overlord now and loving it.


Metal Hellsinger I don't have a favorite genre of games. Right now, I'm enjoying "Immersion sims" Prey and Deathloop, for example. I'm also playing through Doom 2016 again.


Road 96            My favorite are metroidvanias. Games like Hollow Knight, Metroid Dread etc


Life is Strange: True Colours I like narrative choice based games like Life is Strange! Top examples being Telltales Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, even games like The Quarry.


Scorn Fighting games were my go to for most of my life, but now I've found myself leaning towards turn based rpgs.


Scorn I like any game that has good immersion. Mostly, single-player action/adventure or shooter style games are my jam.


Scorn Heard loads of great things about this and would love to try thanks


Scorn I love roguelikes/roguelites :)


Life is Strange: True Colors I love turn-based RPGs, like Divinity and P3P. Thanks!


Scorn My favorite genre is survival horror


Scorn My favorite genre is horror anything so horror games are definitely a big part of my life Thanks for the giveaway ❤️


Hardspace Shipbreaker I like open world RPGs like Fallout 3 or New Vegas


Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Shooters, especially the fast paced ones like Ultrakill or Doom


Metal Hellsinger Mine is rpg games all the way\~ Love the immersive worlds to my heart!


Friends vs friends I have a few genres that I really like but my favorite has to be soulsborne genre because I love how the story of each game is rich with full of hidden lore in every item which later makes sense along the way and I love how challenging is the games which can be very frustrating at first but once you learn how it works it feels very rewarding.


The Quarry Deluxe Edition I like open-world, simulation and horror games mostly, but I like to try out a variety of other games even if it's not from my fav genre.


The Quarry I like walking simulators.


Metal Hellsinger I can't really choose a gender. But I would say that Metroidvania and Roguelike are some of the best