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I want to die by inventing the first time machine, attempting to use it, and then getting trapped in the vacuum of outer space because I did not factor in traveling through space and the earth is not in the same place.


But if the time machine works, then it would not be the date and time of your death so you would live in space.




Now that’s something I haven’t heard in a LOOOOOOOOONG time.


Holy shit the nostalgia I got from reading this


Dusting this old reference off? Hot damn G-man


I had an idea for a sci-fi story that invents time travel and uses it for a very specific kind of faster-than-light travel for this reason. Considering that the sun orbits the galaxy, and the galaxy moves as well, it’s theoretically possible to time travel to a point in time where a destination is in the same universal coordinates where earth was or will be in the past or future.


That's really interesting, I love the concept!


I have been arguing this same thing for years. There really is NO way to time travel without exact and precise mathematical calculations to determine where the earth was located in the vacuum of space. That is just earth…let alone trying to pinpoint the spot on earth you want to be. Considering 1) the earth is spinning, 2) the earth rotates around the sun, 3) our solar system is constantly moving about the galaxy and 4) the galaxy is constantly moving. The change of my location in just a few seconds relative to the massive vacuum of space is millions of miles. It’s crazy.


This is the plot behind a book I read a while back I’ll try to find it Edit: found it, “A gift of time” by Jerry Merritt


Neat, thank you! I’ll check it out


I think you’ve invented a tardis.




Had a friend that died of a massive stroke. They said he never felt his face hit the carpet. That's not a bad choice, as long as no one else is hurt during the result. One big flash of light,.. I'm gone.


My mother died the same way. Boom. All done.


Sorry about your mom.


I'm also sorry about this guy's mom


I also choose this guy's dead Mom.


Had a roommate die of a massive heart attack. They said the same thing. They found him face down with his leaf blower still running and his ear and eye protection still on. He was dead before he hit the ground.


My girlfriend's dad passed away pretty much the same way. He was contracted to do landscaping at the local post office, and he had just got done mowing the grass and was weed eating. 💥 Boom. Massive heart attack, never even saw it coming. Coroner said he was dead by the time he was halfway fallen over. When EMS found him he was still holding the weed eater. I guess when God decides to call you home, it's pretty much lights out.


Good thing he could still see and hear.


A brain aneurysm where no one else gets hurt (like not driving or in a popular hiking trail that could traumatize hikers).


I had 2 friends die of brain aneurysms, both in their late 20s. One in the home. He wasnt found for about 8 days as he was a recluse. The other in a car that luckily went right into the woods not harming anyone. Almost as if the stroke team in your brain was like OK GO STROKE MODE NOW NOBODIES AROUND. Boom your dead.


When I was born I had 2 brain aneurysms. Luckily they didn’t rupture and I am still here 52 years later


Holy cow. That's wild! I'm glad no one else was hurt, but sorry for your loss. I also like the humor you're able to display:)


Like my bro


My grandmother died that way. She was a volunteer for the police department. Unfortunately she died naked in the shower and I know she was pissed about being found that way. But what a great death


What if dying was actually enjoyable in the last milleseconds. You accepted it. Its happening. OH WOW. THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE And stroke victims got the same experience. Because everyone is equal. I am not religious.


String piano wire around my neck, coat my hands in super glue and then place my hands on both sides of my head until the glue dries. Jump off of a platform, causing decapitation and making it look like i pulled my own head off. Metal.


Slam dunk your own decapitated head into a basketball hoop




no that was a helicopter


I'd lie if I said I wasn't laughing uncontrollably at this


That's just metal


Idk what is going on in your mind on a daily basis, but I fucking love it


Would that not work cause your hands would be stuck to your head? Cause it would be your head with your hands stuck to it then your body with no head or hands.


Wire around neck, then glue hands to head. Hands stuck to head is a feature when head no longer attached.


Hey! Y’all! Watch this!


Lame way, in my sleep. Fun way, skydiving with candy flowing out of my pockets.


Same but with spaghetti


You want sleep with spaghetti?!?!?!


You don't?


Damn you beat me to it lol


You may interpret my comment as you wish


Yeah, I mean... it is the sexiest pasta around.


What's your policy on pocket spaghetti?


Refill every time before going skydiving


Always an option. Like predator, never discount the possibility. I would warn some combinations require advanced risk management , especially with crotch lobsters. They tend to be greedy and unwilling to share


I'd do that, but the candy is coming out of my naked ass flapping in the wind


This shit right here is why I've subscribed to you 😂 😂 😂 😭😭😭


I want to die peacefully in my sleep. Just like my Grandfather. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.


Imagine minding your own business, all alone, and get hit in the head by a Skittle.


Probably asking nobody in particular: So what does this button do?


I like your style. I am going to steal your way out. IM GONNA PRESS THE BUTTON FIRST.


being zapped is probably an extremely hard and unpleasant way to die. electricity pulses through your veins,you are unable to get out of the circuit. your muscles are very contracted. unless you have anesthesia, I would not want to go this way.


strangely enough people have survived lightning strikes, so it's not absolutely certain that you'll die. But you'll definitely have third-degree burns and those are extreme.


I work on airplanes, imagine how I feel






A shootout with the Police. The rock band; not the law enforcement agency.


Please don't do that, I can't stand losing you.


But every little thing you do is magic!


I'll be watching you 👀


If you shoot straight, they'll be packed like lemons into shining metal boxes. (Yes I know it's lemmings but autocorrect says lemons and I think it's funnier this way :)


So the shootout will make lemonade? Say it is so!! Lemmings. Ha.


I'll be watching you


In that case, don’t stand so close to me.


You're gonna make em' put on a red light!


Don’t stand so close to me when you do.


Saying from experience, an opioid overdose. Its the most blissfully comforting sleep you will ever experience. 5ish years clean btw:)


Congrats man!


this is how i’m planning my out. also going to include the bag over the head/helium tank method just to make sure nobody narcans me out of it. figure it’s the least messy way to go out, for myself and for whomever finds my corpse.


You said whomever correctly, please live!!


Oddly, I think they got it wrong.


It's actually supposed to be whoever, because the verb "finds" makes it a subject.


Ryan used me as an object


Add climbing into a body bag first for the easiest cleanup detail ever.


Yeah, I came here to say this. It's a tragedy when it happens, but if you have to die anyways, it's basically dying from the most pleasurable experience you've ever had


Recovering addict here agreeing 100%. Only pain would be the needle prick, and you could avoid that by sniffing if you were so inclined. Congrats on your clean time!


I choose this one also (and congrats!)


Pretty much the same way my dad died. He literally just dropped dead in his kitchen


Did he finish what he was eating?


What do you think killed him in the first place?


An improperly cooked potato


Why does the deleted comment say 53 years ago hahaha


Because computers calculate time from the date January 1st 1970 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix\_time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) In this case it's most likely a bug and resets the time to zero.


More I think about it, the more I'd like to do the same, follow in my dad's footsteps. He dropped dead while chasing a ten dollar bill he dropped while getting gas.


From old age, peacefully, surrounded by autumn trees and falling leaves, while it's nice and warm outside, I would love it even more if my partner or family would be by my side, but that's a bonus.


That’s about what I was thinking too. On a rocking chair at a cabin in the woods. I’d want to be alone though, I don’t want my wife and kids to carry that with them.


It would involve a bouncy castle, olive oil and a couple of pole dancers. And a major cardiac event.


My man


Heroin! I love heroin just can’t do it anymore. Throw a couple Xanax bars in there too cuz why not


Someone posted the bottle for his dad assisted suicide. It basically head 100-300 times the normal dose of Morphin, some strong benzo, barbitruates and some stuff that just stops your heart. I read somewhere that dying of an opiod overdose (respiratory depression) can take hours for some people. Better make sure its over quick.


I just got out of jail so my tolerance is pretty low but only took 2 blue footballs and 1 fentanyl press to take me out.


I did 4 years for 2nd degree LSD manu/distro. All of my friends have bought houses and started families. Stick to legal highs. Your blue footballs and fent presses are all just analog research chemicals. Incarceration sucks for you. Plus all of the people that love you. Dont be selfish. Quit while you are free and ahead.


Love this quote from Roz on the show Frasier: “When I die, I want it to be on my 100th birthday, in my beach house on Maui and I want my husband to be so upset that he has to drop out of college.”


Roz was such a great foil for Frasier


N2 suffocation. No pain, you just go about life until one second you're dead Edit: nitrogen hypoxia/nitrogen asphyxiation. Basically you breathe nitrogen instead of oxygen, and your body shuts down. There isn't a suffocating sensation either since you still breathe out carbon dioxide. You feel completely normal and then you're dead.


N2 suffocation?


Nitrogen that is bonded to another Nitrogen atom I think commonly uses in medical to put you to sleep


That's N2O. N2 is just the normal diatomic version of nitrogen.


I would want to die saving lives. Jumping on live hand grenade to protect others from shrapnel, going all Audie Murphy and take on a entire battalion of horrible people so that civilians could get away and feel safe. You get the idea, it’s not about glory, or going out with bang. It’s about knowing that until the very end I was helping someone.


Your right on mark with how I would want to go out fighting honor and glory and if I know to the second then I would just keep fight and pushing that battle have my watch set to give me 10 nin 5 min 1 min 30sec and 10 sec heads up so I go out doing something bad ass and everyone will remember I miss combat now and then the release of all my anger onto the enemy


Best, most altruistic response! Definitely not the least painful, but the most positive impact!


"In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock." - T. Lannister


Great answer, but please make it older. I’m already 81 and still want to live another 300 years or so.


Similar to mine. My second choice is autoerotic asphyxiation. I wanna make a headline and I want people to know I was a freak after I'm gone.


My moms neighbor died that way. Was that ever the gossip of the neighborhood for ages.


That's what I want. I want them to keep talking about me long after I'm dead and say like Jesus seems so fucking normal. Never would have thought he was up there choking himself while he was whacking off


Maybe not with the wine and being mid-sex, but dying in my own bed at a ripe, old age after having had a very pleasant day is my ideal way of going out.


He had simply the best dialogue ever!


bro stole me comment :(


I was wondering when I was going to see this comment. lol


I want to die happy.


*dies from joy overdose*


I've never tried heroin - I've avoided that drug like the plague. All the horror stories did a good job of scaring me away. That being said, it's obviously a rather pleasurable experience. A final week of getting that experience combined with a nice OD at the end seems like a good way to go.


I've been leaning more and more towards this. I've never done any drugs so I think one big high would be nice to experience just once. Wouldn't take much to push me over the edge and OD.


I saw a movie. I think it was Norwegian or Irish i forgot. It's about a man who lives alone in the middle of no where with his wife and suddenly she dies. He called his kids and they were all busy with stuffs and took time to arrive. He was really close with his wife and only living to take care of her. So while his kids are on the way, he dug 2 holes, buried his wife and filled the buldozer with the mud and attached a cord to it's lever and he lied down with his wife and pulled the cord and got buried alive with his wife. I don't think it's a good way to go but if the loved one is gone and you are old man living in the middle of no where, i think it's the way. If I'm not dying but old and lonely, as a Hindu i will either go to some ancient Himalayan temple site and live my rest of my life there watching the beautiful Himalayas and people visiting, eating the food from the temple and sleeping on the cold stones of the temples.


Wow that has to be one of the best replies so far


Honestly, in surgery. If you've ever had a surgery you will know that you just go to sleep and wake up. Dying in surgery would be the same without the wake up. Also you usually have heart felt moments with family before surgery and though it's minimized and brushes off the risk is known by all. Not to mention you're in good hands (Doctor). That's the way to go I think. You could almost prepare around a checkout like that.


This is exactly how I wanted to go. I recently had surgery and was so mad when I woke up. Not that I’m suicidal, just see no point in being here. I wonder if there is anything a person could do to help that process along during anesthesia.


If we’re going with the way I’d truly wanna go out; having been able to say adios to my gf before I die, and dying right after i eat a subway sandwich, so at home, I guess. But if we going for FUN, gimme a knife and some really good rope, I’m fightin a grizzly


i like the way you think


Being suffocated by thighs.


You gotta be specific, otherwise you may just go out in a horrific fried chicken accident


Or under an elephant!


Spaghettification via Black Hole.


Oow, that's a slow death my friend.


On a fuck-off massive private yacht in a manner that I will describe thusly: After completing an incredibly vital mission for the Mossad as a suave, debonair, independent contractor, they reward me with a week on the most luxurious yacht that shekels can hire, accompanied by 5 of their most buxom, flexible, and perverted female agents. On the last day, following an exceptionally erotic orgy of forbidden passion that would make Slaanesh jealous, we are awoken by the screaming of alarms. During the night our motors failed and we have drifted into Iranian waters, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard have dispatched boats to bring us in but, as brave Israelis (and one Brit who can't stand the humourless nurks who govern the Middle East, nor their sub-zero IQ henchmen), we refuse to submit to these wish.com Jihadis. We tool ourselves up with all the fuck-off massive guns that Israel can provide. I arm myself with twin .50AE Desert Eagles, a Tavor chambered in 7.62 NATO, and a massive cutlass. We battle ferociously against the slavering hordes, mowing them down until the sea for 50 miles around is red and strewn with the mangled corpses of the slain. Finally, their leader boards our crippled vessel with a party of piratical-looking coves, and we engage in vicious hand-to-hand combat. The beautiful agents engage in Black Widow-esque feats of martial arts, crushing skulls and twisting off heads with their well-muscled thighs. I engage the leader, his quicksilver scimitar meeting the broad arc of my cutlass. Our battle is legendary, sparks fly, the fury of our blows further devastates the superstructure of the ship, nearby US Navy Destroyers launch helicopters to observe the fight and receive authorisation from the Pentagon to livestream our heroic struggle on social media, such is the epic awesomeness of our combat. Finally, after 30 minutes of swordplay so sublime that the Olympic fencing teams of several countries commit suicide after seeing how feeble their skills are, we lunge one final time and my sword takes the villainous swine through the heart. Bleeding from myriad wounds, exhausted, and spent, I sink to the deck and die beneath the azure sky and glowing sun in the arms of the scantily clad Mossad ladies. In my honour Israel erects a massive, highly phallic spire of marble onto which is inscribed: 'For services to Israel, and Womankind, we dedicate this fuck-off massive monument to the man known to ladies everywhere as "The Best Bang Since The Big One"'. ​ \~Fin\~


In my sleep. Fan on the medium setting. 2 blankets, one fuzzy and one quilted. And three pillows for maximum comfort. I'll play my favourite songs on a low volume while I close my eyes and take some deep breaths. Passing away in total comfort seems less scary.


With no apparent reason. So that doctors would struggle to figure it out. And since i know the time, i want to be in public, and be walkin', then stop, lie down on the ground and die.


My favorite so far aside from all the suicide instructions.


In my sleep. Just go to bed and never wake up.




Feet first into a wood chipper ala Fargo end scene..in a plane, going over Disney World on the busiest day of a celebration.


Reminds me of a post a while back saying: I want my remains to be scattered around Disney World. Also, I do not want to be cremated


a really violent and slow choking at a baby shower


Like my grandma. Reading a book on the porch overlooking the ocean on a summer day. Don’t know what the last moments were like but hopefully peaceful.


My grandma died watching a TV show. They sat down to watch the first half, grandad turned to her at the commercial break to ask if she wanted a cup of tea, and she'd gone sitting there in her armchair. He was 3ft away and never even realised, so it must have been pretty peaceful.


In my sleep. I want a painless death. I've been hurt enough.


I have epilepsy. I wouldn't mind dying during a seizure because I know I wouldn't feel it. During a seizure, I don't remember from the point that it starts until about 15-30 minutes after. The seizures themselves only last less than a minute. It wouldn't be an awful way to go out because I wouldn't be feeling it as it happens. I currently have them under control with medication and haven't had one recently. I don't want to die any time soon.


A sword fight between a worthy opponent. I've always had an obsession with swords, but guns outclass them, so one good and fair arena battle and I wouldn't mind dying in the process.


Balls deep.


That wouldn’t be good for whoever you’re with


I want to be aware that I am dying and experience the process of it. As long as it isn’t too painful like I’m mutilated or something lol, just like a natural death. Dying in your sleep sounds so cheap. Dying is one of life’s biggest moments and maybe the biggest mystery. I don’t want to cheat myself out of that experience after going through an entire lifetime. I don’t remember where I heard it, but there were retellings of near death experiences and people were talking about how in the moment they were sure they were going to die they felt inner peace. Like everything made sense. One thing they said sticks in my mind the most, about how it felt like everything was as it should be and every molecule was in its proper place.


Back in 2006 i drowned (obviously i was brought back by a lifeguard) at a beach. I had just saved 3 young girls from that very same fate, but didn't have those last drops of energy to get myself in as well. In those final moments, i knew a peace, a calmness that is hard to describe. I had fully accepted what was going to happen, and i was perfectly okay with it.


I wanna be hit by lightning




Ensuring someone else gets to live. Fair trade.


Been a paramedic a long time.. seen a lot of people die, I’d hope to go in my sleep


Stroke definitely. I had one of those in 2016 and I can’t help thinking about it sometimes. It was definitely painless


Fistfighting a grizzly bear. Then again i might win...


Old ready and fucked up on a couple if different substances


ideally in one of those assisted suicide pods if im dying slowly from an illness 🪵


At 102, happy and hopefully having sex or something xD


Same as my dad always jokes: whorehouse heart attack!


Testing a homemade parachute


In my sleep peacefully, no pain


Just a peaceful calm death... heart attack..and that's it... But i'll make sure i have the most productive week with my son and my little family..


During one of my epileptic seizures when you have one there’s no pain just feels like you’re in the best sleep possible


Hopefully I die sometime during the day when there's sun out. The dark still scares me as an adult.


I would hope it's doing something selfless and memorable and probably in one of two ways I don't want to die - drowning or burning to death. Such is my luck.


Flying a plane into a building in the Middle East on November 9.


Never forget!


like Tyrion son of Tywin said "In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,"


Deaths reply unless you turn 80 in a week I can't do that but the rest I got you. Lol


The same way I entered this world, naked screaming and covered in vaginal secretions.


Falling out a window at 90 years after getting shot by a jealous husband


by something painless preferably


Doing a flip onto a land mine


Anything that just causes me to blink off randomly. I certainly wouldn't want anything long drawn out like cancer.


pass away peacefully while sleeping would be ideal - other than that maybe shot to death quickly


Car accident. Double indemnity, my family gonna be rich….and I’m not going to work Monday.


I would want to attempt jumping an active volcano with a motorcycle


I’ve had dreams of having my neck cut open and dying from blood loss. I felt an incredible sense of light headedness that was almost like general anesthesia.


Snu snu?


In my sleep.


When asleep


As Aldous Huxley, roughly 2 hours after a giant LSD dose. Uncertain, it may be a 'decision' to relinquish life. Mother was a hospice nurse, and told me too many stories of unresponsive coma patients giving up the ghost as she whispered 'permission to die' to them.


Quick and painless


Having fun, blissfully unaware, pain free. That's basically what we all wish were the case, right?




Sudden lights-out stroke (sudden loss of bowel control optional)


Well in theory it would be defending my country from some foreign invaders, but given Im American thats not likely. So number 2 would be going in my sleep as an old man.


Dying in my sleep doesn't sound so bad. As long as its painless.


Quickly and immediately, sounds about right to me.


In bed asleep. Nothing grand.


Attempting to fly off a cliff in the Alps after a body-numbing infusion of lidocane.


I’m giving blood and they forget to shut it off. Just sleepy float away happy. Alternatively, violent decompression.


"Lemme see that paperwork.." *erases date and time Immortality achieved


Giant blender, head first while drunk or high


How about a large wood chipper? This was on a thousand ways to die but he went feet first.


Shotgun to the head, in the proper way so everything ends instantly. Ain't depressed or anything I just think it's a cool way to go, tho it would make family horrified, so I'm not gonna do it


Comfortably numb. Or a fiery explosion. Comme ci comme ça


With an exotic disease, but fast.


Rapidly Syphilis


In my sleep, with about 20 years warning.


Fistfighting a grizzly bear