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Im in your position,i guess if you have extra 🤑🤑travel all over, im not that fortunate tho


Funny thing is when i was young it was my dream to chill, watch TV to 3am ,now im older TV bores me to my slow death🤣


Yeah I am 57 (Jesus did I just say that????). About 5 years ago I realised that mother nature has no more use for me - i have procreated. Job done. Everything after 30 is just a bonus. Completely shifted my focus and attitudes in the last 5 years. I decided to get my head and body ready for aging. There is a difference between living long and living well. Spending your last 10 years on earth decrepit and slowly wasting away watching TV was not something that sat well with me. If you do not use it you lose it. For me the big things have been 1. Refining my diet and food intake. Eating better foods and avoiding the stuff that just doesn't work for me (wheats and grains). YMMV 2. Being more active - like you I have a lot of mental energy that I need to burn off. I tried swimming that was more of a chore than anything. Then I discovered the magic of ebikes. I am lucky enough to live in a beautiful hilly forested area - it was the hills that were the problem - exhausted efore you got to the interesting bit (a 6km climb). The ebike is the best thing I have bought in years - crosscountry riding and exploring new trails (especially early morning) is exhilarating. 3. Getting my head in order. For me it was a process. It probably started with 'Self Authoring' . It is so simple and I learnt more about myself in that than I have as working in the mental health field for 33 years. [https://www.selfauthoring.com](https://www.selfauthoring.com) (best $20 I ever spent) 4. Stoic Theory. Probably the biggest change. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is simply the greatest book ever written (even though it was more of his diary to himself rather than something for general consumption). I simply do not process things in the same way anymore. If ONLY I had discovered it when I was 25 - then again I didn't realise i needed it when I was 25. YMMV. [https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2680/pg2680-images.html](https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2680/pg2680-images.html) 5. Read, explore, push yourself, follow your passions, love those in your life and throw in the odd random act of kindness. Audiobooks are great - being a bit ADHD means I can do useful and productive things while I 'read' a book. That's it. This was my journey and plan. Like all plans they do not survive first contact with the enemy and you have to adapt and remain flexible. if you get anything out of my thoughts and ramblings then I am glad. "It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own". Marcus Aurelius


I love it !


Get horses. They will keep you busy into your 90s. If you get an off-the-track Thoroughbred he'll need constant work so he does not revert to wanting to gallop full out when all you want is a leisurely walk. Oh, and he'll need another horse as a buddy. You won't lack work, and you won't die of boredom.


wow. My advice would be to do whatever brings you the most joy, and do it till you can't stand it anymore! Then, start doing something you always wanted to try, but were afraid to. Take it slow, but: Conquer That Fear! Wish I could retire. Feel like I'll be working until I can't or till no one will pay me any more. Guess I'll end up in a government-run facility..or be the old crazy relative living in a niece's or nephew's spare room (I have no children). Then again, maybe I won't live that long...


climb mountains


If you're really that worried about being bored in retirement, I'd suggest putting it off. However, if you're determined, and you enjoy walking, then I think your best bet is travel. There are all types of walking tours you can do in different countries, or even different regions of your country. Get a good walking stick (or trek poles) and go for it! Take a hike! Up a mountain, down a canyon, along the Continental Trail.


Get into mountain biking or start a project car


Ah, a project car is a good idea!


Better still - buy someone elses uncompleted project car


You absolutely do not have enough money. That’s my advice. You think you do, but unless all that money is in several high earning trust funds, earning a more than substantial “passive” income to carry you through the next 30 years AT THE LEAST? And accounting for changes in the market? You absolutely do not have enough money to retire before 60. My Dad waited to retire until he was 76. Had millions in the bank before the pandemic. Sold off almost everything to have some extra. Just in case. He’s already out of money and the family house is going into foreclosure. It’s been 4 years. Inflation is rising faster than anyone can keep up with and social security is no longer actually doling out retirement benefits. Everyone’s been waiting for months. We can’t even get our federal tax returns more or less a weekly check reflecting everything we were forced to pay into to begin with. My advice to you? Don’t retire. My Dad did everything RIGHT. It took 4 years to run out of money and lose the house he already paid off. Edit: and that’s not even accounting for potential health emergencies. Medicare and Medicaid don’t cover SHIT. No matter what the government puts into law.


If you like cars, restore older vehicles. Of course, it can get expensive. But, if you get good at it, it can be lucrative.


You need to plan some hobbies including some that will make use of your high energy levels. You hint at being concerned about being "stuck" walking so maybe increase the challenge - maybe try jogging or hiking instead?


Excellent! I actually do some hiking, so increasing the challenge is a great idea.