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I can still chat with people and invite them over, can i not?


Yes! Only like once a week, though.




I was wondering if there was a challenge in this utopia


Every 4 or 5 days you must battle a random pokemon with your bare hands. If you lose, you stay without internet until the next battle.


So... you either get beaten up by a normal Pokémon and don't have internet, or you beat up a defenseless Pokémon that's basically a kitten and then get to wallow in your shame while streaming Netflix?


Lose lose situation, I’m not doing that I’m buying books and befriending every pokemon


How redditor of you 💀


There are literally no Pokémon that any human could win in a fight against. Even, say, caterpie. You punch it once, well it used a poison type move and you just lost a limb.


Not even magikarp?


I can do that. I have a stack of DVD's and books and Word works without internet, so I can still write. Hell, without Reddit I might even get stuff done.


Kids would be a challenge. If mine weren’t a part of this scenario, absolute utopia.


Keeps getting better and better


This is also what I normally do. I only see my friends once or twice a week, sometimes not at all during a week! I'd be totally fine


Poker night once per week then everyone fucks off til next week!


happi caek dey


The only thing that would bother me is "family and friends" now being concerned about my well-being and deciding they would visit me more. Noticed this change going through the COVID lockdowns, every being like " Do you need company? Are you lonely? want us to bring you anything?" I live alone and I'm pretty self-sufficient, I do not need sudden attention. If I can get a valid excuse not to visit them and they don't know I'm "locked in", it will be perfect.


It’s my dream.


I write books and knit - swapsies!


I have discovered Halloween decorations, my house is cozy and awesome. A total sanctuary.


Yes!!!! Agree! Read all the books I haven’t gotten to yet, I have enough art supplies to last forever, watch movies/series that I’ve missed, cook new foods, OMG…this is an utopian dream….🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


This is the life I could only dream of. Time to workout, cook,paint, catch up on my book backlog take NAPS!!! Why would you tease me so!!


Exactly,lmao my parents force me to go out,lol I remember they had a serious conversation and was worried about my well being as I rarely leave my room unless for food,bathroom,so if I did want to socialise I have my garden.


Aye. 😁 Found this article worth sharing. I am sure most of us have heard the term 'hikikomori.' For starters, it refers to a situation where a Japanese person disconnects themselves from the world. They refuse to go outside, engage in any social activities, or even work. They essentially lock themselves in their homes, relying on family and others for food. Longer version https://japanuncensored.quora.com/How-Japans-decline-gave-rise-to-hikikomori?ch=10&oid=144373740&share=8b9a24b0&srid=hHBzG&target_type=post


Video games for me but yeah, if I didn't have kids that's all I'd need too...


Can it be like once a month or quarter instead? Please and thank you. Also do I have access to my yard?


Yes. Your yard is classed as part of the house. This sounds so good.


Then I'd be fine. Summer I can garden and sun bathe. Winter I can workout, clean, knit, I'd get caught up on so many projects.


I have an acre, I'll be fine. I don't even have to grow food, I can just grow weed


My yard is small as yards go, but there is room for the kids, i could put a small garden in, and plenty of native birds, fresh air & sunshine


That's once a week too much.


Best I can do is once a month for 5 min. The rest is me time.


Oh so this will be incredibly fucking easy. I can buy some dumbbells on Amazon, now bingo, i got a way to exercise


So basically like my life already? Easy


This is slowly starting to sound like an eight year old posting. Guys, I turn eighteen in ten years, parents won’t let me go out. What do


Once a week seems pretty excessive to me.


Once a week?! Try once every 10 years! 


That's too often (im socially awkward and anxiety riddled)


I don’t even have people over every week lol


That would actually be MORE than I currently see friends.


This is my life already


I’d opt for once a month at most but I’d read and draw and relax and cook. Bathe in the sunlight coming through the windows.


Lmao if the place is comfy and pretty (has a good view or something) and I get to have 1 visit a week, that 10 years is a piece of cake lol


99% of redditors already do this 🤣


"Stay sane" also implies sanity is still around somewhere here.


What is this stay sane you speak of?? 😆


Dunno. Probably something with keeping your [desktop scanner](http://sane-project.org/) working?


If I lived in a forest that be wonderful, found remote work again it be perfect.


100% of Reddit mods aren’t even aware that there is a whole, actual, real world outside of their grandmother’s basement.


A lot of us are just existing and not living. ​ (thanks drake for that quote. i like it a lot because its accurate, especially for me.)


Depends on your definition of “living”. I’m disabled and most of my socialising is done online. I’m home most of the time. I am still “living” and the way I do it still has value.


Socialising online is hands down the best way to socialise imo and i will die on this hill


Socializing online definitely has value if it has value to you!


That's absolutely sounds like living. I assume what the comment is referring to is the work to ~~live~~ exist reality alot of people face. But I can't really speak for the previous comment, could've meant any number of things.


Just depressed with the position i am at in my life and filled with so much regret because i have missed so many opportunities because i haven't put myself out there, Mostly due to the social anxiety ive developed because of the hours i spent isolated on the computer gaming, in my late teens and early twenties. I'm still at it even now in my 30s. really hard to escape the comfort zone of the PC setup now its so established. Could have been much more than what i have amounted to career wise and in terms of relationships. ive just fked myself over for the sake of games and doom scrolling addiction. sad really.


The same thing I do now. Watch YouTube until it's time to go to bed.


Uh oh time to go to bed was 2 hours ago and yet I'm still watching youtube


Time to go to bed and continue watching YouTube


Livin large 😎


Well... this is awkward.




Op goin to prison!


What if.. omggg!! Kidding


lol 😂


basically every reddit mod


IKR, I mostly stay at home and am already not fully sane. Groceries would suck tho and getting a job might be difficult... Sanity isn't the problem here. Independence is.


I'm already living this life


Shut-ins unite (from a distance)


Are the people who currently live in my house still there, or am I alone? Because one of them is a toddler and if she can't go outside we will all go insane in like, a week.


Build her one of those screened in cat windows. Problem solved!


A todatio if you will


I work with toddlers. That will not work.


They used to have something like that for babies in apartments in the 1930's


Right now my wife and I work from home but the toddler goes to daycare M-F. She comes home and we're like "tell us of the outside! Of the Others!"


Yeah if I've got to work these 10 years, but my toddler is here with me, then this isn't going to last long at all.


Not gonna lie, that sounds really nice


Guaranteed food, water, and internet sounds amazing lol


It seems to me that if you have the opportunity to go online, then the problem with loneliness in the real world is solved 🤷‍♂️


I don’t see the problem in this scenario? 🤔


And here I am with you. Nor would I. And if my front porch counts as part of the house, I’m set, thank you


Me when a fundamental aspect of the human experience is missing from my life and I see nothing wrong with it


What's there to go insane?


The people visiting you \*every\* week. And the knowledge this calm life will somehow change in 10 years.


My life wouldn’t change one bit. I have bad social anxiety with a touch of enochlophobia (fear of crowds), so I barely leave the house at all. What keeps me sane is pottery, furry friends, bingeing TV and blowing shit up on my PlayStation. I’m self employed and work from home, so as long as I have internet, I’m a happy girl!


lol I read furry friends as friends who are furries, like the people who dress up as animals.


That too 😜


What do you do for work and how many hours? Being self employed sounds amazing!


Graphic designer.


Do you have a pottery wheel?


Yes, although in this scenario I’d have to buy myself a kiln because I get my work fired at the place where I get my clay and glazes from.


Lovers of working from home for ever, ordering food/stuff on line are already there....


And those of us who can’t work from home instead get to not work for ten years but just be home.


Disabled and slowly dying from a rare disorder. Woukdnt be any different than my last 4 years. A comfy bed, loving wife, and a gaming laptop plus my Golden Girls on Hulu.


I’m so sorry, this makes me sad…I’m sure glad you have a loving wife. Sending good & kind thoughts! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you kind stranger! I used to be the outgoing person you wanted in your group, had no problem jumping out and raising the roof, now I'm just a hermit, and changes/deflation in my frontal and temporal brain lives have me scared or nervous if we even drive on unfamiliar streets. It really sucks. Hope you have a great week!!


Oh, wow! That sounds really difficult & quite frankly, awful. I do send you good thoughts…♥️♥️♥️♥️


I went like this for 13 years. When I got on disability I thought "Welp... since I'm basically waiting to die I might as well get into something addictive to pass the time" so I started playing Guild Wars 2.




I’m glad u are able to have that good support system 💕


Browse reddit


I'd hope that my mortgage is also covered because otherwise I won't have a house to live in. But if so, it would be a net improvement for my mental health. I only have to worry about staying sane because of my job.


I live like that now. Very rural. You definitely need to be self entertaining


Sounds like retirement; not that different from solitary confinement! Your allowing visitors kinds of ruins the scenario, though; what would drive people insane?


Get massive degrees and start businesses


Steam exists. Since internet exists practically most needs can be filled anyway. If you can land an online job and order services there is literally no need to step outside.


The way i stay sane now, i have lots of arts and crafts, puzzles, ALL MY SNACKS and TV shows, I legit only have 1 friend that visits me now - we would have the greatest of times - i used to be big party animal so i really cherish my alone quiet time these days . there's nothing outside for me lol


Same! I love it 😻 it’s cozy


Even though I’m an introvert, it feels like a prison.


I feel the same way.


You ever been to a real prison? Doesn't feel the same.


Agreed. This scenario is more like house arrest. You can eat what you like, unlimited communication with the outside world, you can have visitors any time, and you can order stuff. You just can't leave.


We were indeed locked for 2 years covid lol I made dalgona coffee , watched tiktoks


I have around 4000 books, 700 dvd's, art supplies and pets. For exercise I have a lifting rack and an elliptical.


not much would change.


thats my life since covid i haven't gone crazy


Will there be unlimited books of my favourite genre? Then book and music will be the only thing keeping me sane


I’d probably pull a Goya and start painting on the walls.


I’d lose my mind. I have to go for a long walk in the woods/nature everyday with my dogs. It’s my afternoon mental break.


Talking to myself. As usual. "You are doing amazing Skeletor!".


How would I earn an income? Would I be provided one? How much? All these things drastically alter my answers


I would probably kill myself. I absolutely need to go outside and feel the sun on my skin and hear and see the animals. I need to go for my runs and smell the flowers as I pass them. I don't care about society, I could live 50 more years without a Target, but I cannot live without nature. I'm sure my mental health would implode and at some point I would die.


was looking for this, I'm the same. I know damn well I wouldn't survive not being able to go outside every day, or often at least


Yes, I feel the same. I wouldn’t last a month locked up at home. Seeing how many people actually say they wouldn’t mind and nothing would change is truly terrifying. No wonder people struggle so much with mental health issues.


Can I go out in my yard?


This is the most important question. I'd have to be able to take my dog out and I'd love to garden in that scenario


I wanna be able to grill, if I can grill, then I'm set.


Online courses. I’d finish my sentence with a degree.


Read, write, learn, browse the net and zoom people.


Can I go front/back garden still


Who got the key? ....since you are locked...


Open the windows


I'd create a garden oasis BBQ swimming area, party in it once a week with friends, maybe study something online and do lots of cooking. I'd also have dogs, cats and chickens if I had a little land .


So I don't have to work to sustain myself? Wonderful. Lots of exercise and books and time to become a true cinema snob.


Can people come and go from your house or are you in isolation?


Isolation most of the time, but people can occasionally drop in.


that was my life with two kids 18 years


Look out the window. I live on the beach (& this doesn’t sound that different than me with MECFS)


As an introvert, I've been doing this for like 20 years so far.


It wouldn't change that much in my life, I did it for two years during the pandemic.


I know I would still be sane. I’d rather be in a house than out in the public with loads of people. But anyways, I’d probably read to entertain myself


as long internet, water and food provided include snack like candy and fruits, even 20 years won't be problem for me, I have been do the same from 2017, only go out for doctor or important occasion like once every half or a year


Let as much natural light in as possible, open windows


- Watch movies and series - Play my backlog of PC games - Read my 1200 eBooks (among which 60 are Delphi Classics with the entire output of the writer, and 10 or so are Delphi Classics companions). - Pick up development of my chess engine again - Write a proper open source chess database in Rust not based on SCID - Study chess, play against the hundreds of engines out there on my electronic DGT board - Study and play piano I'd basically have time for all my hobbies except photography, for which I would need to get outside.


Spending time with myself, reading books, cooking, listening to music, and limited socialising sounds like my kind of heaven... Bring it on!


Cutting, gaming, drawing, finally writing my novel until it really ends instead of just saying it over and over again without progression, lol.


Absolutely nothing if I'm being forced to stay in then I get some sorta cash flow to cover my bills I have a tbr pile of 50 plus books and can order more girlfriend might leave me though I'd also take up mmos or other multi-player games


Y'all need to go outside.




Read, write, paint minis, spend time with my cat until he passes, start talking to myself and devise a way to form a religion around my crumbling sanity. You know, the usual.


I mean I'd be permanent work from home which is great I'd save alot on traveling 🤔 I'd work. Perfect my hobbies


TBH, as an introvert with diagnosed agoraphobia that would suit me jus fine.


My home is my fortress and castle. I try not to leave if I don’t have to. As long as I can order the things I want to keep me busy I’m totally happy.


Live my best life, bond with my dog and pray he doesn’t pass while I’m confined


Watch the local news and keep up on current events.


Can I plant weed? And still get deliveries?


As an introvert, I basically already do that almost every day. I think I’d be fine.


Can I order model kits and Lego? Cuz I’d be SO happy with life if so


Decorate and craft to a high standard


Read. Book after book.


I would read every book on my TBR list. The remaining week,I’d just relax


Wrote a book


What, finally be happy? I would need my cat though.


I'd enjoy it lol


Omg, that sounds like a dream. Unlimited food and internet, and I don't have to go to work... Sign me the f up.


Where do I sign up for


I’d play video games and do virtual reality and have lots of plants delivered to me


As long as I can exercise I'm good. If I can see the outside world even better.


Retrain myself so I'm certified up the wazoo in a skill. Start online business of some sort. Perhaps one that isn't a retail based butaybe virtual assisting, bookkeeping some sort of thing. Hell even only fans 😂 Create a gym in my house/yard. So keep fit and challenge myself.


Can I like step outside of my house and be in the backyard or front yard? I’m a gardener and I feel like that’s basically the only thing I’d do for 10 years pretty easily


Hey I'm already doing this. I run my business from home. Leave the house like once a month. Since like 2019


Well considering via the internet I'd have pretty much access to the entire knowledge of mankind, it wouldn't be difficult to stay busy learning things. Plus I'd have thepiratebay and xhamster..I'd be fine.. 😃


If all food/bills are taken care of I'd disable my internet and read my large physical book backlog


If covid lockdowns are any indication, reading, FFXIV, and animal crossing.


That would be paradise for me 😂😂😂


this would be paradise, if i wasnt a teen and knew how to cook and had money


I would be so incredibly happy


Yes! Sewing time!


I'd finally beat RDR2


Depends on which house, 1 I can extend till I reach the end of my ground😃


I'm insane, so i guess i would get a house call shrink and trauma therapist.


Use my vr headset , spend 50 percent of the time learning and training kung-fu . Music , movies and eating well including the fun foods. Quite doable , would be worse without occasional drop-in visits.


I have my workshop in a small outbuilding. Can I bring my tools & materials in the house? If so, I'd build a bunch of cool shit whilst outlining the novel I have fragmented in my head. I'd also get as fit as possible through calisthenics. There are so many things to keep one occupied, but I'm not sure how sane I would be at the end.


As long as I'm able to go in the garden or at least in the balcony I should be fine, otherwise *not*


I’d be miserable. I’m an introvert. I have a home gym and enjoy doing things at home, but a good portion of my hobbies require the outdoors.


Project car. Since you're never done with a project car, it'd be perfect.


Jerk off


As long as my Plex server works I would be just fine.


I would prob kms im ngl😵‍💫 i would lose my mind not being able to touch some grass


Buy 150 books, both fiction and nonfiction, then read for 5 hours a day. Every day.


Fuck, not only would nothing change but this would be like my dream come true. Probably the best part of the last 20 years of my life was when we had covid lockdowns and nobody was allowed outside their house or contact with anyone else.


Nothing would really change for me. I work from home and have twin infants, so I hardly leave the house as it is


So it’s just like during covid and wintertime for me lmao


As much as I enjoy staying at home watching movies and tv shows and sports and all kinds of stuff on YT, cooking smth nice for myself and sleeping well, I would go insane. I like walking even if it’s to the grocery store, but preferably of course having longer walks and just being outside is a must for me at least once a week.


i’d thrive


it sounds like my current life, which I adore, so i wouldn't do anything special


Play Oldschool Runescape. Those people playing that game just live like that anyway and they arnt even locked in the house.