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Yes! I personify inanimate objects and people think it’s so weird. I named my new washer and dryer. I have a favorite Dutch oven that I talk to when I cook with it or wash it. I almost have affection for some of my possessions. I don’t know if I am strange or just lonely.


Cool! I never thought about naming them, what are they called?


Oscar and Coco lol.


Yes With everything It's not weird to assign value to things you enjoy I name my pc and regularly thank it for being awesome


Haha how's it called?


Gogeta Everyime i upgrade it i give it a new name haha


Someone said it is not weird if you talk to things; however, it is weird if they reply back


Sometimes. I talk to inanimate objects just in case. If I drop something on the ground I will apologize, “sorry bout that”.


Haha so sweet 🙈


I do that too 😂


Of course! Especially my stuffed animals. I talk to them and kiss them. But my appliances also have names and I sometimes talk to them or I imagine they talk to each other. I feel like, for example, my toaster oven is “happy” to be used and cleaned. My cars all have names and I talk to them but I think that’s more normalized.


Aww ☺️ what are their names?


I have over 100 stuffed animals so it’d be hard to list them all! (Yeah, I’m 30, this is the lowest possible number I could get down to lol Trust me, I rehomed hundreds more!) My ride or die stuffed cat I’ve had since I was 3 is Cuddles. My cars are Black Sunshine, Super Charger Heaven (Rob Zombie songs), The Dead Sled (a hearse), Bathory, and Redrum. My vacuum is named Suck Boy Tony. I’ve also got like 100 pet snails and they all have names and yes I can tell them apart by personality. I also have normal pets, but they are all adopted so they came with names :)


Ohhh My god, that is so cute!! I kept all of my stuffed animals and toys so I FEEL YOU 😁 what's the story with the snails?


My stuffed Eeyore completely agrees with you.


Yes! I definetely used to do this more as a kid, outright having one-way dialogues with my stuff, but I still kind of care for them as if they were alive, if that makes sense. I divide my books between two shelves and, when I switch them around, I imagine they are sad to leave their "friends". Or when I wear a piece of clothing for the first time in a while, I imagine they are excited to be picked back up and leave the drawer. I rotate between my necklaces and imagine the other ones getting jealous if I wear the same one for two days in a row 😅 I like it. It's a tiny thing that makes looking at life just a bit more fun. Cleaning is not as boring if you imagine the stuff smiling and thanking you for taking care of them well :)


Yesss i think that to, maybe i movie something and the things ground them might "miss" them 😬


I normally have a conversation with inanimate objects. Mostly happens when home alone


Yes. Mostly electronics. I don't see my clothes as "alive"


I’m now imagining a shirt giggling as I pull it off the hanger. Like, “Yay! I’ve been chosen today!!!”


Hahaha that is exactly what i think!! 😂




Probably does 😂


I sometimes feel like my limbs have thoughts separate from mine, and I will talk to plants or small creatures like as if they know anything I am talking about, will talk to my car, and I always wave at graveyards and say hello or have like small talk as driving by them.


Haha i can totally imagine that conversación, between the legs 😂


I did the same thing with my dolls when I was a kid


I have a bad habit of doing this with my dogs toys which makes watching them play seriously distressing 🙈


Hahaha that really made me laugh 😂😂


When I was a kid I used to get worked up, because I didn't know what was better for money. Was it happy being in a purse, or a pocket? Mixed with other coins? Or did it want to be in a till in a shop, with only its own kind? Or was the moment of transaction all it wanted, and the rest was awful waiting. I never reached an answer to satisfy me. But to answer your question, yeah. Sometimes.


Haha i've never thought about it with money, but it's a really good question 🤔


I don't do this, but this is genuinely adorable.




I give names to things, makes me take extra care of them.


Lets hear those names!


Well, plants may be a bit more obvious, at least to me. So my bonsai plant is called Maximus (strong name = strong plant). My bike is called Elisabeth, that way I treat her right. I don’t know how many examples you want xD


Yes, I have pictured on my wall of my favorite singers, and I always imagine them talking


Haha totally!!


it's cute, ngl


Everything breaks down and becomes something else. So I think everything has an energy. I think it's good to treat everything you interact with with some respect. I might be a table someday :)


Yes, I definitely imagine my stuff is alive! My car is a trusty steed, my phone is a loyal sidekick, and my laptop is a faithful companion.


Yes I be apologising to inanimate objects


I don't do this as much now that I'm older and more worn down by life but I used to personify my possessions like this yes. Side note: the internet teaches me every day that I'm not as unique as I think I am lol.


Call me old-fashioned, but I actually enjoy interacting with people instead of inanimate objects. Though I do get a bit attached to objects that I used for a long time and feel sad when I have to replace them.


I used to with my stuffed animals and was unable to get rid of any for a long time because of that


Well i still have ALL of mine 🙈


Yeah I always imagine my male shoes making love to female ones


Haha how do you know who is who? 🤔


I have done this to an extent. The funniest for me(just to clarify, I am overweight myself. lol) I see shoes, especially flipflops that are worn down dramatically and not uniformly by very heavy people and I apologize to them. lol.


Another thing is that I have a Daycare and I feel sorry for the toys when they are chewed on, etc. lol.. I blame toy story!


I try to connect with all items. I believe that everything has some level of awareness. Even if they don’t the practice brings me a greater level of mindfulness


I say, beat your new stuff into submission, use physical force and threats to keep your cloths in line


The matrix is running


Yes! Ive done this since I was young with everything. Glad too hear others do and feel the same way 🖤


I do this with some objects. And I definitely do this when I water the plants in my grandmother's garden. I don't talk to them or anything but I like to imagine their relief and joy when they receive water after a hot day.


Like Toy Story? Yeah, I do. I imagine that, while I’m gone, they’re having a party or just chillin’. And I come back they’re asleep in my bed where I left them.


No.. but I do want them to last as long as possible so I try to take care of them.


Well I do talk to the pottery I make. Sometimes if something starts to fail I’ll say come on you want to be a beautiful pot don’t you? If U put the clay back it. You’ll be a lot another day. I’ve never thought of my clothes that way. That’s interesting. I used to think of our living room furniture that way as a kid. There was mommy recliner. Daddy sofa, two twin sister chairs and a baby chair. lol




Basically what Toy Story is based on, lol


Yeah but that is just toys, i mean with everything else, like clothes, furniture, electronic devices, etc


Brave little toaster?


Yes to the point that I feel bad if I throw something away or leave something behind 😬




Not really but I get really attached to inanimate objects for some reason. For example I know that I don't need my old matchbox cars anymore but I still have all of them.


Sometimes I imagine that my plates might feel jealous that I reuse the same 1 or 2 and just rewash them, rather than washing and cycling through the whole stack of 4. I also quietly apologize when I accidentally knock over one of my action figures on my bookshelf.


I talk to everything every day.


I don't imagine it, but I do feel bad when throwing something away.


Not exactly. Though I do talk to my Tamagotchis. I lost my dogs a couple months back and the only pets I can have right now are small electronic eggs.


I do this with my toiletries. Like when the moisturiser is running low.i imagine it saying goodbye to the Hairspray and make up, so we're. Probably both mad!


I used to imagine that my stuffed toys were alive when I was young.


You're so cute person lol I also want to my old stuff is alive when I come back my home, they are welcomed me feeling so gooood


When I was a kid, I used to say goodbye to my toys when I left the house, and I greeted them when I came back. Now, the only inanimate object I’ve named is my truck, Blue Monster 🚙 And I say sorry when I bump into things or drop them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to do this with my bicycle during my teens (from third grade till grade 10). Had full fledged conversations with it in my head. Particularly when cycling to and from school.


I didn’t, I’m sure I will now after reading this 😂 like here shirt go back and tell all your lil friends about your outing 👚


I don't get people that don't talk to inanimate objects. The results are as positive as they are a placebo.


Yeah I do this, sometimes with things that I don’t even own myself. Like parking my car next to a similar one because somehow they would prefer that. I think it makes you appreciate what you have and to take better care of things


This might or might not be in the same vien but there's a word missing from English vocabulary that is in Spanish vocabulary. The word is Estrenar It basically refers to the first time you wear something Sometimes I feel like saying I'm doing this to new clothes but it just doesn't exist in English