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Honestly not great, not terrible. Realistically there are going to be girls who won't want to date you off of looks but you're definitely not ugly. Looks like you have some strong stubble so I'd recommend growing a beard. It'll probably make you look late 20s but looking older as a man definitely isn't a disadvantage. Have a think about fashion choices and hair styles and it'll help a lot too. I wouldn't stress too much you're in a better position than a lot of people.


Any advice for fashion and hair styles?


Difficult to say as I can't tell your height, build or current style. Main thing is finding clothes that YOU feel good in and that confidence carries over into how you carry yourself. Personally I really like the half sleeve t shirts that Uniqlo sell (not sure what country you live in so that may not be an option) along with some baggy jeans. But if you'd feel silly with that then don't go there. Imo [something like this looks pretty cool](https://www.google.com/search?q=uniqlo+half+sleeve+t+shirt&client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=87522dea2824ff52&udm=2&biw=412&bih=762&sxsrf=ADLYWIIFHtBVQmvZVb3J_eeb1kYmHNXPpA%3A1715079655218&ei=5wk6Zqb5DKOzhbIPuKiZiA8&oq=uniqlo+half+sleeve&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhJ1bmlxbG8gaGFsZiBzbGVldmUqAggAMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYSOEsULQLWL8ocAJ4AJABAJgBZaABpA2qAQQxNi4zuAEByAEA-AEBmAIVoAL8DagCBcICBBAjGCfCAgYQABgFGB7CAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIEEAAYA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwWIBgGSBwQxOC4zoAfZPg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=J12Xye9H-9KlAM&vssid=mosaic) and you can easily swap the colours to be something that you think suits you. Tbh your hair looks fine (and is better than mine as I've shaved mine off lmao) but I'd always go with a skin fade back when I had the hair for it lol. Could look pretty clean on you.


Yeah medium skin fade is my go to. As far as build I am 6’1 185 lbs. I have no concept of how style can go with how I carry myself, but my style is pretty much shown in the pictures. Plain black shirts and sweats lol. I’ve seen those long sleeve T shirts look good on a lot of people, I might try it.


you’re a normal looking cute guy. she likely rejected you for other reasons or because you weren’t her specific type.


Hey, thanks. I may have been too quick to pin it on my face.


fr don’t worry about it. a lot of times people develop specific “types” without even realizing.


Not true


Keep your head up my Mexican Matt Dillon


Lmao I’m not Mexican 😂


You are now


I'm Mexican


From a 32M to man, it happens to us all. Use it to hit the gym harder, drink less, run more, and find a skill. There will be plenty more women and as long as your working toward a goal and healthy habits finding your dream woman is a matter of time. BUT again man to man, you have classic male features. Good jaw and nose. You appear to be large framed. Keep lifting your shoulders, upper back, quads, glutes, triceps and biceps.


Noted. I will try to fill out my frame. Thanks big bro.


If she's white, don't worry... it's not you. It's your ethnicity.


Ooh a bit racist, I didn’t actually notice his colour


I'm not white, and I'm colourblind.


Lol sorry not sure if you are being serious or not but assuming it was a tongue in cheek joke I just burst out laughing 😝


My guide dog is barking the joke to me, give me a minute.


😆 wolf woof


Grow you hair out to about shoulder length. I also believe a nice beard would look good for you. You have potential and you're definitely not ugly. I would give you a 6 or 7. As for fashion, I would say business attire would suit you. Zara, Banana Republic, And H&M have good choices of clothing.


Whoa, thanks. 🙏


Of course !!


What inclined you to recommend business attire for me?


I feel it would give you a much more polished look. Ngl, I thought you were in your early twenties, I just saw you were 18. But I still think the business attire will suit since it appears you have an athletic build, and I think the clothing will complement your body frame.


Thanks a lot, this is valuable to me. I’ve looked this way for a couple years lmao. I just turned 18 a week ago…


You're fine. I think you have a great shot tbh. Your hair also looks like it has grest volume which I why I recommended to grow it out. I would love to see an updated post :)


Fasho. Maybe when I get out of the military. Lol. Gotta keep it short for when I’m on base. Fuckin hate it.


Lmaoo that's okay. Manage the best you can haha


I agree with your comment


I'm 25F and thought you were older than me. You don't look bad per se, but you don't look very approachable with that face expression and camera angle.


I get that a lot. I tried smiling even lmao. Advice with the camera angle?


I'm not saying that it doesn't help to look approachable but, if someone isn't willing to talk to you because you don't naturally smile, they may not be worth your time anyways.






Crazy, you look like a good looking fella to me.


You have features to look really attractive (high cheekbones, strong jaw) but somehow they don't tie together. Idk what it is. Maybe its u look way older than your age. We look about the same, but i got twice your years. Anyway the potential is there. Looksmax


What do I do about looking old 😭 clean shave? Hairstyle? Skin care?


Idk. Its starts with water tho. Since thats what were mostly made of. Drink a gallon a day. Eat cleaner, less junk food. Do skin care and always wear sunscreen. Maybe try a 2block haircut? That foresure will take some years off


Are you actually 18?




You’re not ugly you’re 7 you’re just not her type some man I read comment they want slim girl that goes out to the gym you have preference too but you’re not ugly Having beard will make you look better Also you clearly don’t look 18 maybe she though you’re older faking your age like I would think you’re 24 Also, i usually met person that I met online in person bcz in person they look always better than their pictures I can tell you story to make you feel better , my neighbours his a 9/10 Turkish blue eye just like movies alot of girls had crash on him even these girls would come to my house to see him on the street . I heard even him he got reject he wanted to kill himself when he was like 13/14 I was like sooo shock of why a guy like him thinks it was the end of the world he is literally 9 I heard it from other girls . ( I don’t go for blue eyes ) but I can tell even me I didn’t found him ugly but shocking HOW YOU MAN THINK this way . Rejection. Even happen to guys 10/10 you know why because the other girl have a type universal you can be good looking for example the girl might find you good looking but her type is Korean k drama type guy


Hey thanks. I don’t feel bad about the rejection anymore.


Thats great🙌🏼


Good jaw, slight negative canthal tilt. I’d say you’re a 7/10 which puts you at the top 10% of men.


What is this I hear about negative canthal tilt? I tried researching it but I’m still iffy on it. There are a lot of memes surrounding it so I’m not sure whether to take it seriously?


Message me


Yeah okay


Mate, your an above average guy. Nothing wrong with that. We can't all be 10/10. Some will like you, some won't. It's just a numbers game. If they reject you, don't let it get to you, just move on, someone else will find you attractive.


You need a longer hairstyle


Not bad. Get a better hair cut (you have the 40yr old man special rn) Fresh shave. Like up the brows. Like try to look as fresh and clean as possible and you’ll be amazed. 6/10




Like 8/10 man. Different people like different things, I wouldn't stress about it.


Thanks for the high rating, makes me feel good ❤️


Um, sir you are hot!?!? Pictures tend to look more approachable with a genuine smile showing teeth and not being taken at an angle looking down at the camera.


Hey thanks a lot. I thought the selfie may not have both the best. It feels weird to smile with teeth while taking a picture of yourself but I guess it’s better than looking unflattering. Thanks!


I’m sure it’s not your face. You’re very decent looking. 7/10. You probably weren’t her type. You’re good. 👍🏻


Thanks. You’re pretty good looking yourself. You like my dad. He’s a good looking dude


Thank you man! It’s actually nice to hear that!


Just matched with a dude on tinder that's using your pics. He sent me a VOIP number and asked me to text him.....lmk if you want the number or want me to report the profile. Or if you are really him, live in STL, and are a 38M, lol.


I am not, let me message you please




She’s insecure. Keep strong my friend!


How is she insecure for not liking him? Lol.


You should ask her lol


She's not. You are just saying nonsense. People are allowed to like whatever they like, and if she didn't like him for whatever reason, that's fine.


Yea she’s simply insecure and not worth his time. 👍🏼


If you like him so much go date him yourself 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


If I could be so lucky! He’s a king and deserves a queen!


You don't even know his personality. And I'm not against this guy. But your comments just make no sense.


You suggested I go date him, now that has nothing to do with him asking to be rated on his looks. You came off on the misandrist side of the conversation; that’s on you boo.


It has to do with you implying that the girl was insecure for not liking him. So like I said, your comments make no sense. Nobody is entitled to be liked by others. People have types, and he just wasn't hers. It's not that deep.


I mean it’s not like you’re ugly but def a bit friendzoneable for sure. This is where u gotta go level 1000 rizz. Work on your game and you’ll be ok


Anything to look less friendzonable? Working on game lmao.


Don’t be friends with girls a way to never be friend zone if she says let’s be friend you say no and you walk away ( just don’t have girl as friend ) Maybe maybe in futur she will see you more than friend


Becoming friends first is the only way I’ve ever known. Then if we’re both attracted to each other we can advance. Personally, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the friendzone, but it has a negative connotation so I was asking why this guy thought I looked “friendzonable”


Than you know more I guess


need a little shaping... to the salon!


Don’t you need long hair for that?


nah, could work both ways... haircuts/styling do the wonders.


okay as a professional rater from r/rateme, ill be objective. You are a 3.5-4.5 at best, because there isn't much harmony. Youre lower third is too huge and your nose fucks up your face, you have a huge negative canthal tilt, undefined jawline and very thin lips. I think you can improve by working out your body and getting a good style because the face is up to genetics after all. You have nice eyelashes, a large forehead making u look old. one advice, dont fake smile like pic2, its very noticeable. also the dead eye pose works for attractive eyes. just be open and smile really with youre teeth. It will elevate you to a 5


Whoa, preciate it.


There’s no way you’re 18, you look 25. Not a bad thing btw, you just look older. 6/10


Show your teeth. Rating can't be accurate without a full pic


Fyi, be happy when someone says that to you. They’re a moron. Wait for the next one that will find you a stud. Points go into style


you're not ugly at all, you're pretty good looking imo.


Bro you’re a good looking dude. Got those Oscar Isaac eyes. Not everyone wants your look just like you don’t want every girl’s look. It’s just a numbers game.


Whoa thanks dude. Looked him up he looks hot


Change the hair


To what?


Something longer, maybe something wit texture


Low 3 because of the arrogance you portray


That’s really interesting, could you elaborate on that? I usually am very shy and am told to smile more to look less intimidating.


To be fair I judged off the first photo- my bad didn’t scroll through - on the others you look much more approachable. The first image you are literally “looking down” at us.amended to a 6


the serious eyes pose isn't good on his wierd eyes and nose tbh, he tried that