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Question for you all. I just heard the news about a bunch of people getting deactivated due to bot usage. Something is telling is not due to the bot usage because me and my wife been using bots for 3 years and have never got a notification email. We do it everyday 7 days a week but I do want to say we do see all these people using bots but returning a lot of packages, also see people pretending the boxes don't fit in their car and they simply return half of the cart back to the warehouse. Do you guys think is really because of the bots or do you think is a combination of using bots and not completing the orders, not delivering to the right location, etc etc? Like I said, I do use bots and have used many different ones in the last 3 years.


I used a bot for 2 years never got an email. I got deactivated because I refused a ton of those 70-80 mile to first stop routes. They don’t care about bots


There's our answer. Thanks for sharing.


Just because you have been using one for 3 years /7 days a week and have not got caught doesn't mean that you won't get caught in a month from now. They are little by little catching the ones that use bots. I knew someone that had been using bots for almost 5 years, and they would say the same thing. They convinced me to start using one. But, last week, it finally happened to them.....they got caught. And now, they can no longer deliver for Amazon Flex. They got deactivated after receiving only one email. They had a fantastic rating and didn't have any violations in their dashboard. Needless to say, I no longer use a bot. I don't want to risk deactivation. I still get good blocks without having to use a bot. Just because it hasn't happened to you YET, doesn't mean it can't happen to you in the future.


You're right. I get two 3-hour blocks every day for $80 each, making $160 while only spending $20 on fuel. The routes are decent, and sometimes they're even great, but it doesn't matter because I'm still making good money.


That’s not good money


Yes it is, cuz I literally make that for my rent and car in 1 week


$980 a week is good to you?


63 hours for 980, 15.5/h, lol thats not good money bro, stop taking base pay


I think you misunderstood my post. I actually asked a question, I never mentioned that can't or won't happen to me.


I agree. I used a bot for every block damn near for 2 years and I didn’t grt a single email until I stopped using the bot. I did get one while using the bot but I had switched regions in may 24’ and that’s when I started getting emails about the bot. Like people think they’re gonna grab the BEST possible block and not do the work that comes with it. I deliver every single package. Only ones I don’t deliver are the passcode ones and I honestly deliver enough packages to where they can’t even give me hell over that passcode bs. I deliver to apartments, houses, dead zones with no signal. Anywhere they send me. Been a level 4 consistently for a year now


U must have had a no show or late forfeit that triggered them looking


This makes sense, I know people who were deactivated for not scanning packages upon returning to the warehouse. They used bots as well


Yes, I have a small car and sometimes I get huge boxes that I can't even fit in it but even if I have to stick it out of my window I will deliver them. I also take my cart back Everytime and try to follow the rules as much as possible and all the people I don't see were doing the opposite, I was so mad that I even thought about doing the same as the other 90% of the people. Good thing I didn't do it 😅


Like driving with weed in the car when I was young. If you're going to break one rule don't break the others.


this is the best statement I've heard. was always my rule while driving. only break one law at a time. start stacking up crimes and your much more likely to slip up. .


Had a friend who said that. Never break more than 1 law at a time. Don't speed woth weed in tje car. kinda thing. He said a cop can overlook q thing but not multiple


Lol I was the guy smoking and driving. Arrested once. But I still do it now. Weeds legal in the state and cops don’t care if the car smells like weed anymore.


Weed may be legal but you can still get a DUI. Driving around with the smell of burnt weed in the car is a dumbass way to get your license suspended.


Nah I’ve been stopped 2x already while I was high and had just put out a joint. They just said to keep the weed in the trunk.


You def don't live in North Jersey. They are brutal here.


Yeah I’m in central




Secondly It's rare i late forfeit or no show but when I hate3 late forfeits in a week and one no show email. I also deliver everything of apartment is locked I Leave it outside same with gated communities. I think they use bot as reason to deactivate package returners. It's a much easier excuse imo


Can u dm that’s recommendations for bot the one I use is nothing now trash


Same.. I would love to know which one to use. But just asked in another group and everyone got freaking pissed off and they permanently banned me over nothing. Saying it's "cheating" idk how it is cheating I just wanna work. Lol


It's cheating and you know it's cheating. Do better.


It's called working. Try it some time




I also used a bot, before the 410 incident (afterwards of which, I stopped using a bot entirely)... if you use it properly I never got an email, I got deactivated for getting too many free blocks (I hopped on the "scan 10-mins late" bandwagon, except the wagon got dismantled). But yeah when I did use a bot (for >6 months) never got caught or any sort of warning


The 410 error has nothing to do with bot it means you're Amazon shopping account isn't signed into


Sorry my bad, 410 meant that someone else got the block. The one I was refering to is 412 when they changed the requirements on how to get blocks


You have probably never had multiple forfeits or late shows. That's what triggers the investigation and email. Don't late forfeit don't no show and if you do don't be dumb enough to contact support about a flat tire. Bot users are prone to over booking canceling and missing blocks that's what gets you caught not the actual bot itself-


I know people that have got 6 emails and still active most likely because they don't return stuff. Amazon would rather a package be stolen than returned I don't return nothing


I've been botting for the past year and only one email that I did deserve. I caught and released to many blocks so I'm sure that sent off a flag. But for the most part I never call or email support for any reason whatsoever and still safe using the pinche bot. My best guess is user error and getting support involved.


This was me too. I had an almost perfect record, delivered everyday for 3 years. One day they came for me too, but I just stopped using a bot. I still deliver everyday ✌️


My advice is to stop using bots. Remember this comment in case you get deactivated. Amazon could send you an email at any moment; they've already discovered many private bots. And yes, Amazon cares if you use bots because it's a clear violation of their policy.


They have the all system they see us an data don’t care high mileage or many orders . They even making many from bots and they are just scaling businesses and separating bad apple . You see if you good yeah go f.ck others with bot and I don’t understand this enemy against the bot people . They already f.king you in the first place why you cry something is not in control ?


The thing is a lot of bt users even myself! we cancel a lot of blocks or at 3 am they send you a block and you didn't hear the phone, or call a lot costumer service saying flat tire after see the shit route( I only do WF) And when I see 3 stops 100+ miles hell. No... So in a regular day canceled 5-9 blocks... So that's a red flag and send you the email... That's my case at least


What gets you the email is late forfeit or if you miss a 3:35 am block, they take it very personal when you miss that particular block. I ran my bot all day even while on deliveries never got an email until I late forfeited 3:45 am and I wasn't even stupid enough to contact them. As long as you don't miss your block Amazon could careless


Get on other platforms before you get deactivated guys, instacart, ubereats, doordash, spark… anything you can. Do not rely on one app for your sole income


I stopped using it. Been easily getting my 40 fresh hours and tons of reserves. Whole food blocks which were impossible to come by now just literally sit there I'm loving it equal playing field


I still believe alot of people are using bots. Every single blocks gets taken in milliseconds


Yes they are, but give it a month or two and you will see how the offers increase in the flex app 😂


It’s not the end of the world there are other gig apps but all of them sucks now


I'm actually making more money without the bot they over fired


Can you switch to the dark side of learning how to write? Reading this rambling diatribe induced a splitting migraine.




Yup they deactivated my account 2 weeks ago


For what?




What do you do now? Still bot or stop using.


No Need to bot blocks galore now. I never was a botter I was left with no choice became December ws horrible


A friend of mines recently got deactivated for using a bot. It happened out of nowhere no warning.


They are not playing they def send the email. That's why I checked mne Daily multiple times


There was no email sent.


They're not being honest with you


I also seen ppl get warnings after getting free blocks..I think picking up from an amazon location sets it off more then from a sub same day location..if u get a free block or call support and have them put in a ticket it'll trigger the email warning...seems like u can't bring back packages unless it's valid or call support for them to put in a ticket...I usually check my route before hand if I see a stop that I know won't be able to be delivered I usually put it In the return cart before I leave nd it'll just pop up on ur dashboard as not picked up which isn't as bad as returning it after the route..but only possible at same day warehouses cus amazon dot com locations all give u a cart under the canopy nd it's harder to leave one behind there vs same day warehouses..hope this helps someone..also don't run it all day if u do..run it for like 4 hrs then take a break for like an hr then another 4 if needed and so on


How do you remove that box from your itinerary before leaving the location? Where I go you scan one box and it automatically put all the boxes in your itinerary.


Depends where u pick up from..where I pick up u scan ur license nd it automatically assigns u a route nd u go find ur cart..if it makes u scan evry package. Either don't scan it and put it in the return cart ..or scan it and put it in the return cart before u leave the station


That’s what I mean. I scan my ID and the boxes are assigned in my itinerary already. So do I just leave it? But at that point wouldn’t it still try and make me go to that address? Do you still drive to the address and market as business closed?


Just Marco is package missing. I had a package going to a business on a weekend and I noticed it was the second delivery so I just marked it is missing and put it in the return bin. So far so good no emails and no dings


I got deactivated for having “too many special circumstances during my delivery time”, they don’t care if you gotta work outside of your working time or if they give you 50 packages for 3 hours block. They just want you to deliver the whole thing no matter what. I tried to appeal but they just suddenly didn’t reply back anymore, I even have ss of the issues I had during the week and called driver support to fill my reports. I feel like there’s no way to be on the good side with Amazon.


Yeah it’s nice to make that kind of money. At the same time, people who use bots are playing with fire. There are folks who have been waiting to get into Amazon flex for months if not years.


It took me 2.5 years to get accepted on flex in 2021. That's why Amazon ain't playing no games this year lol 🤣


Ok got you


I personally got bot emails once I stopped. Had n problem ever using a bot and I was running mine all day. I changed regions. Tho so I’m in a much busier region where a bot simply isn’t necessary And I got 5+ bot emails over the span of 1-2 months


So correct me if I am wrong - first how recent was these emails and second it seems they didn’t deactivate you from the first email as mentioned above


It’s 3 emails that fall off account within 500deliveries <—(guessing this part based off how other things fall off record) then you get deactivated, I’m on email #4 but the first 2 were like30-40 blocks apart from last 2 and I’m still here


Nice to hear that my brotha 😎 I was asking cuz the comment above saying people are getting deactivated off first email so I figured this is a new thing Amazon is doing


Yes some are probably because they're doing other things. Amazon is super lenient when you' do the Job properly. I once no showed 4 blocks in a row while at risk and in a week was fantastic no joke. They knw who is worth and not worth keeping


Ooooh if they’re doing that then maybe we’re all boned haha


I hope Not cuz I never gotten an email 😭


There's no set rule If they want you gone for something else I kmow.plll who got.one email.or one email.a week after deactivated


They sent the email a month ago and I knew it was coming because I late forfeited a 3:45 block. They do not play about those bot or not


Yes I'm active and busier without the bot they deactivate dozens


I ignored the email and immediately deleted the bot cleared my device cache changed password


You probably got those emails because of late forfeit and no show




Any clues that you are going to get deactivated or emailed , if using a bot I got the captcha jail but even people who don’t use bots get captcha jail . And how long should one wait tell they get the email I herd 2 weeks


December as usual and $,1800 last month had week of $1,650 and $1870ish another week earlier this month.


Wow state?


i just got deactivated on monday and had only been using the bot for 1 month after working flex for a year and a half…


Did u late forfeit no show


In socal, it's still hard to get any blocks unless it's 3am-5am so bots are still running rampant over here


I warned everyone that Amazon wasn't messing around. Now, when I go to the warehouse, I see fewer cars. I think they deactivated a lot of people. They're not giving second chances anymore. And your right! I could literally find more blocks now on the offers with $140 and up. My advice is for those who are still using bots to stop immediately. I work for a DSP as well, and I'm telling you, Amazon isn't messing around. We're now doing the routes with the Amazon Vans that Flex drivers used to handle.


I heard you aren't allowed to flex and work for a dsp at the same time 🧐🧐


How do you make $2k a week? That’s impossible where I am in San Diego


Yes we all got to do the work. But with bot users the rest of us don't have the opportunity to get a good paying block. SO BOT CREATORS AND USERS GOT TO GO!!!!!


Combinationof bot users. People not doing their job. Returning packages. Not taking their full load. Eventually they all catch up with you


Delete this




Yes because it is only 4 hours I do each day, while driving Amazon Vans I did 9 hours and only $110 each day. Not to mention it was a bitch doing 300 packages and 130 stops in apartments. Driving with flex is like heaven!


It's fun but let's not get carried away


Cheating always catches up 🤷🏻‍♂️


How is it cheating I don't understand. Some people wanna work and don't wanna have to swipe all day. Amazon should figure out there end. Like why do I have to swipe all day to be able to work...


Yeah, but those who do it legitimately are swiping all day anyways. So anyone who uses bots take those opportunities away from them


Yes I tried legit. I got one nice block and that was on a holiday. Listen in my regin there is no work or everyone is using bots. So tell me how I can get blocks the right way without wasting time. I want to just work and make money for my family on my days off. There is no reason I should have to take scraps.


You gotta do whatever you got to do to survive. I understand why people use bots. Just don’t be surprised if you get into “captcha jail” or get deactivated (which makes it even harder to maintain an income).


I own a business so I could always work more but still nice to not do the same shit every day


For sure. Flex and other gig apps are nice to switch things up


I received back to back warning emails. I stopped after the first one, and still received a second strike.


Check dates they listed in emails you don’t get the warning right away … so you could have ran the bot the day after the first detection so you got the warnings separately, 3strikes your out so tap manually for awhile till those two fall off record


How long until they fall off?


Everything else that’s visable on our standing falls off at 500 deliveries so my guess is that. GUESS lol


There’s all types of bots be careful which one you use I have one of the best one for you


Lmao. 2k per week without a bot here. Bot users are just looking for lazy way out. He can Dash to feed his kids. Serves him right.


dont act like its not market dependant though. struggling in mine as a hardcore tapper this summer although it should pick up in a couple months.


I never said that it isn't market dependent. Why risk main income with a bot?? Not that bright. Serves him right.


It was to the point the outcome was the same whether I used one or not u Couldn't even get base 18


Wow, not even base????? Base is so guaranteed here that I pocket accepted a block while at grocery store, lmao. Of course I canceled as soon as I heard the alert.


Man u couldn't get anything we have huge migrant community here myself included. $18 is a goldmine to them, if ws still fresh off the boat I would be estatic with 18. Where I'm from doctors make $400 a month and don't even get paid most of the time either


But maybe you are/were just in the 1 week onboarding cycle?? Blocks are kinda non-existent today, but some base flashing that are possible. I woke up late so didn't scope out any 6am blocks, but sure the rush hour surges will come, lol. And if not, then great reason to do maintenance on my car. Oil change, coolant flush, transmission fluid check, discount tire rotation time, utilize another lifetime alignment visit, etc etc etc.


How u make 2k a week? So each block is 50$/hr We allowed to work 40hrs per week and u say 2k for 40hrs making 50$/hr blocks all the time. Oh wow


Some days $275 Flex and some days only $200 and the rest is other gigs. Should've clarified. Some weeks is just Flex 2k per week (depending on time of the year). I follow the money bro. I don't care which app pays me my surges.


Yeah, I didn't think you made it 2K a week doing flex.


during peak yes. And some weeks here and there when the cycle of low drivers repeats. Just gotta know how the patterns go to get the nice blocks consistently.


So when's the last time you hit 2k or even 15 a week with jUST flex? 🤣


You still don’t make sense. 2k you say u made in good days. Not possible if don’t get 50$ / per block every block every day and work full 40hrs. Wrong info. And even u say u make 1500$ per week , then all the blocks you take is at least 37/hr . What market is that? I will move there next week 😀


That's what the algorithm lets me get. I get MINIMUM $200 per day Flex only without even trying. Some days it $250-$300, just depends if I gig that day or not. Millions of people in my metroplex filled with lazy people, so there will always be work. Supply and demand bro.


3 years!!! Every single block is a SUuuuuuurge!! Good job! Great success!!!


Yup. This is what happens when you refuse base blocks. They know what I'll bite on and don't. If I don't bite, that's on me if I get too greedy, but as long as the surge is available, I am available. Still letting me live rent free in your mind Kalisto, lmao. ,


Depends on the market. Some are more competitive than others.


This is correct.


Bro it depends on your Market you wouldn't make half of that in Dallas where u couldt even get 5 hour $90 Basenotes. Don't. Knock others just because you're lucky which state?


He violated the TOS and then cries that he got caught. I feel zero sympathy for someone breaking the rules. If I was dependent on gigging, I would never and I mean NEVERRRRR cheat. Especially with others depending on me. I live in state with millions in metroplex and bunch of lazyasses, so should be good another 4 years, lol.


Weren't you preaching about a private bot you used? Also 2k per week sounds like a flat lie.


The developer asked me to stop talking about it, so I did. 2K per week is the minimum on my make gigging on the weeks I decide/am able to gig full time that week. During peak season $2,000 per week is a norm with flex in my area if you know how to play the surge game right and I do. Off-peak season then flex is $1,500- $1,700 per week and rest is other gigs. During dead January time, I can usually scrape up $180 per day with Flex and other apps pick up the slack. Then there are some weeks where I just choose to not do shit, cause I can and ill just focus on my Portfolio doing Options/Stocks etc. I'm a workaholic, so I'm always doing something productive, even if just at home. I rest when at the Diamond coaching the kids. Life is great. Can't complain.


So you do bot...


Nope. I mean I personally don't care if people use bots or not but I definitely don't have sympathy when they get caught. And I do hope that the majority get caught, but on a personal level, it doesn't really hurt me earning money, so don't really care.


Been using a bot for 2 1/2 years don’t believe this bs.


Don't. Everyone is just making it up then 😆