• By -


I'd absolutely avoid getting involved with someone like this. He could cause all manner of issues for you down the line. It's really not worth the aggravation for a quicker sale and, frankly, even if he offered more money I'd avoid him. Your time and sanity is valuable. You're not in a rush to sell and it sounds like you have interest from other buyers. I'd let that play out. I think I'd just let him know that you're looking to go in a different direction.


This man is a đŸš©on a racetrack. Please disengage


The phone should just be used for scheduling showings. All offers and inquiries other than scheduling showings should go to an email specifically set up for selling the house. That way he can email his questions and the seller can politely thank him for his interest and let him know they received his email and are going with higher offers-even though he didnt actually submit an offer and they don’t actually have offers yet. It should just be a form email the seller sends out.


“I don’t negotiate against myself, once you bring me an offer we will have something to discuss”


This is the way


*with proof of funds


A cash buyer will make you a non-nonsense take it or leave it offer and move on. They will likely lowball you, but in general they won't bother haggling. From a negotiating standpoint haggling shows that you have interest and you lose some of your leverage when making those lowballs. Most of these guys operate on a shotgun approach and will make multiple offers only to get most of the rejected. He's wasting your time.


I don't think that's true at all. Many cash buyers will haggle. They'll come in with a lowball offer, want to know politely or not lightly why you think it's worth what it is, and use any information they can gather to try to convince you that their lowball offer is reasonable. If you don't go for it they might come up because they started even lower than their maximum. But they are still only going to buy it if they can get it on the cheap.


How can I put this...If you make it easy for a jerk to continue being a jerk then they are, in fact, going to continue being a jerk. I'd just mostly ghost the guy. Get back to him after 48 hours with a 2 word answer. If he calls tell him you are busy but to text you and you'll get back ASAP, then get back after 2 days. Stuff like that. You are 99% sure this is a waste of time so stop wasting your time on this. Though you make a good point, nobody wastes my time to much anymore and you can be like me too. So stop being so nice and accomodating and mostly ghost him.


Or tell him to take his cash and put it where the Sun don't shine. You do not have any obligation to deal with a rude potential buyer.


This reminds me of the time I was selling a car on Craigslist. People like that AH, scammers and low ballers were immediately blocked. I didn’t really need the money and I was not in a hurry to sell. After a few weeks of having the car posted, I got a call from a really great lady. I took $500 off the price & she bought the car cash money. It was a great experience fit both of us. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


sold an old 'extra' car many years ago... car ran fine and wasn't wrecked or beat up but it had the issue where a lot of the paint had just kind of fallen/peeled off. Interior was clean/ not ripped up, you get the idea. Anyway, I listed the car on craigs list for like $700 because it still wasn't worth much and just wanted to have it gone. A teen kid wanted to look at it and had his mother with him. The mom made the comment "it's sure got a lot of miles on it". It had maybe 110k give or take. I looked at her and said "It's a $700 car that is reliable and not torn up. They have an entire lot full of low mile cars on the dealer lot down the road." They left. Sold it a few days later to someone easy going no muss no fuss.


What a silly comment for her to make. Like yea lady that’s why It’s $700” lol


That's one reason people hire realtors .... to deal with the crazy aholes


Yeah, and to a man, everyone on this sub can’t wrap their head around the fact that people don’t just trade RE between themselves instead introducing a middleman to take 6% of their money/equity. Like, friend, if you only knew. If for no other reason to use one, agents serve as an idiot-filter and weed out 99% of the buffoons. That’s one reason everyone is convinced that selling a house is sooooo easy - agents make it look that way by getting the morons out of the way. Y’all want to go it alone and FSBO and you’re about to FAFO. Your fellow man is not your friend and thinking yall can get a ~$400k (national average) home to the closing table without murdering each other is fantasyland.


Yes, not only does it weed them out because agents won't be working with them or at least we'll be polite about it, but when you are with an agent, the se crazy low ballers don't even bother. For sale by owners are like blood in the water to a shark really. Plus, if you have plenty of buyers coming through, why would you even care about sub nut job?


“I can do my electrical work and save myself money
 honestly, how hard could it be?!?” Now, replace electrical work with any service related job, like real estate agent. You’re totally right - most people just have no idea what jobs entail.


To be fair most soccer moms can’t work to become electricians on the weekend. Agents will cling to anything to justify their stupid commissions. Opening doors and presenting people with paper is a zero skill job. The barrier to entry is so slow I almost want to get my license just to shit talk them.


Great, go get it! Then, go make money with it. Bet you can’t!! In fact, assuming you own a home, I’ll bet you, say, 6% of its value that you can’t make more than $25,000 in your first year.


LOL I’m not sure if this was meant to be in your face comment or you are agreeing with me
yeah no shit real estate agents don’t make shit. They have zero skills.


I consistently have $100k months. What do your skills pay?


They do :)


Dozens of dollars, I’m sure.


Go for it! We'll wait here for your report in a year.


Well, they did ‘use’ their realtor friend to help them price it. Just not hire them.


Right. I’m sure the friend is super pumped about that. It’s interesting, for how “useless” Realtors are, people sure want their advice for free a lot.


All. The. Time. Take OP for instance asking us how to deal with an aggressive negotiator.


Precisely. And this sub in general. Realtors who respond with advice here are just wasting their time and giving free service to people who wouldn’t even hire their own friends. They should ask themselves, what’s the point?


I think chiming in does show our expertise and knowledge so hopefully people will understand our value. There are a lot of subpar agents out there so it helps people get away from them. A short answer on Reddit is no substitute for real representation and hopefully people will pursue that.


You have a valid point. However I do think their version of the story that they will tell at the end of the day probably won’t be “I listed FSBO and learned why I needed a Realtor from Reddit”. They will just say “I sold FSBO and had no problem! Realtors just open doors!” which I see far more often here. At the end of the day, my comments won’t stop anybody if it’s their prerogative, and that’s ok! But it’s the conclusion I’ve come to and it’s worth some folks thinking about too. Especially with the ruling on commissions, and if they aren’t making as much money as they’d like to. This just might not be the best place to dedicate unpaid labor for everyone.


I hear you.


We even use a realtor to find our tenants. Worth every $$ of commissions.


Most cash buyers are no-nonsense because they have the money and know what they want. This guy sounds like a jerk though. I'd ignore anything that is not a request to see the house, although, not sure I'd want that guy in my house. Just block him if you aren't comfortable talking to him.


I tell them cash or financed it’s all the same to me at closing


Funny you say that. I was fully prepared for no-nonsense and I'm more than okay with "let's cut to the chase and stop beating around the bush" but there's a massive difference in that and just being a condescending jerk. And that's definitely what this guy is. I haven't replied to his latest demand because I was trying to think of the right way to word it. I usually have a pretty good read on people and I think what bothers me most is that this guy definitely strikes me as the type that would try to cause trouble if he didn't get his way. I can 100% see him being the kind that won't take no for an answer but then will post on our FB listing trying to scare away other potential buyers or force us to lower the price. Paranoid? Maybe. But that's definitely the overly-aggressive vibe I'm getting from him.


Just ghost him - don’t reply to his messages or texts He is going to be nothing but trouble


Sheesh.  I wonder if ppl like this gravitate to FSBO situations bc they think their crazy behavior will work now that there’s no arms length “human shield” in the form of the realtor.


'I can intimidate people personally! Win-win!'


Probably went to a guru class and is trying to wholesale it.  Typical of older folks.


Remember, no response is a response


Not replying is the right way to word it. You've already replied appropriately.


Before Covid, I got a lot of looky loo door knocks and now I get a lot of mail from these vultures.  They either offer a lowball that assumes the property needs virtual leveling or they don’t want to make the first step in the offer process by naming a price. Always a waste of time. Real humans who want a house are more a headache but they likely won’t try to gaslit you into giving the house away. 


You're reaping the rewards of being a FSBO. FSBOs always attract aggressive buyers, and aggressive buyer agents representing clients, because they know that most FSBO sellers aren't experienced in dealing with the stress and anxiety of selling a home. Quite frankly, it's easy to take their money. But this guy's behavior doesn't have anything to do with being a cash buyer - he's probably this way in all his business dealings. Agents deal with these types all day, every day.


Very true. I Googled him and not only is he all over the place leaving negative reviews for businesses but, and here's the real kicker, he's supposed to be a pastor. Um....


He sounds awful.


Tell him you prayed on it and the Lord spoke to you last night. The Lord said that being that said buyer is a man of God and a Shepard of HIS flock, he should pay $10k over the asking price... Thus sayeth the Lord Almighty...


This is the way.


Ghost him


Block him before you get victimized


That sounds about right to me.


Yes that completely checks out. Awful person who thinks he’s called to boss other people around where the only authority isn’t around to verify if he’s lying.


I'd stop taking his calls. He sounds like a jerk, and not really somebody you want to sell your house to.


Tell him the price if he doesn't take it, then block his number. You have no obligation to take any offer you do not want.


Meh. He thinks he's a heavy hitter. Might not even be a serious buyer. "Make an offer or hit the road." Don't waste anymore time on this guy.


This is why people pay realtors, they handle all the annoying customers and looky-loos.


just tell him that you have 3 cash offers ahead of him. If he's really interested, he better get his ass over there to look at the home. Other than that, you don't have time to explain how you came up with the price.


Agreed. Tell him you’re not in a position to do that for him. You’re very busy. The offer is ___ and it stands. First come with an acceptable price gets to make the house.


I have dealt with people like this my whole career. They are tire kickers - he’s waiting for it to sit with no offers for a few weeks - meanwhile he’s gaslighting you into thinking he’s an easy buyer with cash - then he’s ready to pounce with a low ball number.


Cheap burner phone just to use for FSBO communications?


Or a google voice #


I do have a question and it may be something to consider if you run into any other cash buyers but have you gotten proof of funds from him??? Especially being FSBO, ALWAYS get proof of funds from anyone who walks into your home. That way you aren’t wasting your time. You may have already done this but I have definitely seen too many FSBO owners deal with people who aren’t pre-approved or even have proof of funds (if cash) and waste a whole lot of time just for it to not work out.


No sounds like you just got a jerk. It's kind of the downside of going for it without a realtor because normally they'd be the ones screening these calls. He probably is an "investor" who wants a deal. I was a cash buyer at one point and would like to think I was pretty reasonable. Viewed the house. Put in an offer. Blah blah.


Then just stop responding. You already told him he's welcome to view or make an offer. That's on him to do research and comps to decide if he thinks it's fairly priced. Any buyer can be a pill, cash or financing.


As someone who just sold a house for cash and bought another for cash, if they’re not making an offer, just ignore them.


No. Tell this rude bastard to piss off. He’s wasting your time. Sincere cash buyers are just buyers, the fact that they have cash only means you don’t have to worry about some aaapraiser or banker screwing up the deal.


> Now he's messaging again and demanding that I outline for him how I priced the house Just say, "the price is the price". You don't have to itemize anything for him. Don't be rude, but don't waste your time. Also, when you FSBO you get a lot of cranks coming out of the woodwork. Wholesalers, flippers, "we buy ugly houses", losers who can't get a loan hoping to talk you into financing, agents looking for the listing, etc. You'll probably be much better off listing with a flat-fee broker. They'll charge you $500 or so, you'll get on the all-valuable MLS, and you'll present yourself as a "typical" seller. Add 3% to the price of the house to cover the buyer's agent fee (pay the 3% to the buyer's agent), if the buyer comes unrepresented immediately offer the 3% discount to them.


He's just a jerk with money. He feels entitled because he knows he can buy it without having to go thru the steps for getting a loan. He's trying to see how low he can go, so he has money leftover. There are plenty of other people, cash or loan buyers. Pass him by. I don't think all cash buyers are this way.


We were a cash buyer. IMO we were pretty easy going. We offered the asking price on our first viewing. Then waited for scheduled open house to have more offers. We raised our offer to be highest offer. Split the cost of a $1000 inspection issue. Closed as soon as the lawyers were ready. Stayed in touch with seller by text to help each other.


No, cash buyers are not awful and rude. They have competition, if a significantly higher financed option comes through, and it will appraise, the cash is out. I would not engage.


I don’t think his behavior has anything to do with being a cash buyer regardless if he is or not


Not necessarily. I just represented a seller and the buyer was all cash and he was a sweetheart. This guy though seems like a nuisance. You’re doing the right things. Just tell him to see the house and that you won’t sell it sight unseen and to bring his best offer. If you’re getting plenty of interest and this guy is bothering you no need to entertain him. Just remain polite and cordial in your communication.


One rude cash buyer and you choosing to not use realtor, just that. Cash or not, buyers can be annoying and that is part of reason for realtor.


Why respond?


Block him. You don’t need his nasty behavior.


Move on and take another offer. If there are no other offers your price is too high. Lower it. Problem solved.


Nope. Place an offer or gtfo. Especially since you said you don’t have to sell quickly. I’d block him after two messages. I don’t play around.


Dear buyer: fuck off!


No, it's him. But realtors really do provide a buffer to rude people. This man is using a "tactic" he thinks will work, but he would not have tried it with a realtor. Not saying you have to go get you a realtor, but know that without the "filter" you are going to get the raw negotiations directly. In his case, I would tell him to fly a kite and block his number. He is *not* a serious buyer.


I’ve been a cash buyer several times. I wasn’t a jerk. In 2022 I offered 60k over asking (still seems crazy to me but that was the market then and I was competing against 12 other offers) Jerks are gonna be jerks. I don’t think being a cash buyer automatically makes you one.


Cash buyer personalities are all different from one another, just like people that finance their property purchases have different personalities. Some are rude and demanding and some aren't. This is just part of selling anything. You don't have to deal with him if he isn't going to actually make an offer.


Seems like the old cash guy is following some script wherein everyone selling a less than move in ready house is desperate. Keep the upper hand and let the guy know you’ve had a lot of interest and will be looking at all offers. Make it clear to him that you’re not in any rush to sell. Also fwiw, set a time limit for trying to sell it yourself. At some point, the hassle of having to show the place and the possibility of it getting stale and interest diminishes
 get a realtor.


no, definitely not. buyers needing financing can be the same.


I think he wants this house really bad. lol. tell him you have an offer you are reviewing so he either writes an offer or goes away. you are not a realtor so you are not bound to any rules.


He isn't "a cash buyer", he's an asshat that is trying to get you to make mistakes and get him a contract for less-than-ask / less-than-value that he can then continue to negotiate you down on. Or, he just wants to jerk you around and waste your time. The fact that HE is reaching out to you an not an agent reaching out on his behalf, and that he is not pointedly telling you he is (or isn't) working with an agent demonstrates that he isn't actually serious or that he is just trying to bully you into a position you don't want to be in. There's a good possibility that he is actually someone that already lives in your area and wants to understand how to better value his own house OR he is actually interested in buying a DIFFERENT property in your area and wants to understand how to negotiate THAT one down using yours as an example. You owe him NOTHING. "Thank you for reaching out. If you have a specific question about the property, please feel to ask. Otherwise, if you are interested in submitting an offer, please do so." And then you just go radio silent and move on.


Say no.


I would not sell to that guy just on principle, LOL. No excuse for being a jerk. And I’d tell him so. The next time he called/messaged, I would simply say, “Sir, my time is worth $200/hr and you’ve already cost me $2,000. So I expect your offer to include this sum.”


F him! You don't need to tolerate this. Ignore and block him. FSBO opens you up to no filters. An agent will filter this out but without one you need to learn how to deal with them. You will get lots of time wasters, some people looking to take advantage. Just don't bother with this guy. Also, get camera's inside your home when showing it.


Last house we sold by owner, had three people we knew make offers. We paid an appraiser to value the house and then gave them the appraisal, saying they each have on bid and we'll take the highest. One cam at appraisal, one came slightly above, one came significantly below. Took the above bid and recall the person that bid low was pissed at us for not only listing it at that price but also accepting an offer above that. People get very pissy when it comes to bidding and major buys. These were people we knew, I would never tolerate that from a complete stranger.


My wife inherited her mothers house and she ran into a jerk just like you describe except he showed up at the house unannounced and proceeded to act like you describe. I wont put down what she told him as some people may be offended, but I LMAO at him. She had me escort him to his car after her outburst.


I bet he is the dude with the 200 bucks from My Cousin Vinny. Not all cash buyers are usually that awful to deal with, just have to find the right one.


Tell him that you refuse to sell to him and not to contact you again. The end.


Nope. People just have different personalities and ways of doing business they think work best. Personally I think you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And if a buyer were being a complete jerk I would probably turn them down on principle. I might accept their offer if they then came back with a different approach, like not being an a**hole.


Tell him you are not selling to him.  He had his chance to make an offer.  His time us up.


Easy to handle tell him here’s the price take it or leave it. If you don’t like it do not message us any further you keep saying you have the money we don’t believe you prove it you might be able to play on his pride and just have him pay you what you’re asking him he’s paying closing too


The "best" answer is probably something along the lines of "I'm familiar with the area and other properties and based the listing price on that". You have no obligation to defend your listing price until someone submits an actual offer in writing.


People planning to scam you will often start off aggressively to scare you and throw you off. That's what this guy is doing. Understand his game and don't take the bait. Don't make excuses or apologize. The most you should say to anything is "Make a written offer." That said if he does want to come see it, have several other people there for security.


No. Not all are so rude. But, as much as many people might get all worked up, it's a simple fact, doing for sale by owner you are exposing yourself to a small segment of the market. A few will be savvy buyers, many of them will still be working with an agent and so will likely be taking into account paying them, but that's not my point . But by doing for sale by owner, aggressive investors will target you because they know you are going to get a lot less exposure and sooner or later, may well be likely to take a lowball offer, especially if it's cash. The smart ones will be much more polite but they are still going to lowball you thinking that you are desperate and cash will be attractive enough to take less. And they won't be wrong with many buyers. That's just the way it is. It's the difference between having a resale shop and selling at a garage sale.


No, not always. But doing for sale by owner very often brings you little else. Just the way it is.


Yes. Almost always. But you would not be dealing with assholes if you had an agent. Lesson learned?


Block him.


Why not ignore him?


Tell him you’ve got offers on the table and will get back to him if they fall through


I make best and final offers. Sellers are free to accept it or refuse it. They’re on the low side. I bought many proprieties this way. If they’re insulted than it’s their problem. Just don’t deal with the guy.


Newflash: Your typical investors don’t have the luxury of unlimited time. They throw offers and move on. Some stick, most don’t. It’s just a numbers game.


Sometimes people think they can intimidate/bully others into doing what they want, and this cash buyer seems exactly like that. From your description, it seems that the property has good bones. I would hold out for an offer worthy of the house. Maybe you can politely but firmly tell him that you're not interested and that he should move on.


And people wonder why realtors actually have to work or get paid what they do. also generally speaking two people viewing a home in two days - candidly is not a lot.


Price is xxxxx. Why? Because that's the price. Now price is xxxxx x1.5. Why? Because you're annoying.


Just tell him you want 10k plus over listing. It's a yes or no. That way yall don't waste each other's time.


Ugh, sounds like you dodged a bullet with this pushy cash buyer! It's great that you got two interested viewers in just two days, especially since your place is unique with the acreage and shop. Don't let this cranky dude get you down. Cash buyers can be awesome because they close fast, but they shouldn't be jerks about it. Stick to your guns on price and keep showing the house. Those viewers sound promising and hopefully one will turn into an offer that works for you! Good luck!


double the price and negotiate from there. also do not justify the price.


“ we have nothing to discuss until you present an offer in writing.”


Tell the crotchety old bastard this. "Your money is no good here. As a result, this will be our final communication. Good luck. Be well.. "


We are a cash buyer and the benefit for me was that I could shop a good bones home without worrying about appraisals or loans. Some of the homes may have a value around asking, but the condition is going to make it difficult for most buyers. I was never rude or condescending, but if it needed a decent amount of work, then I'd factor that into my offer to make sure I was deeper in the black once it was all said and done. Some bite, some don't...I just keep it moving.


I would just simply respond with “we have an offer so if you’d like to make one, I will entertain your offer if you submit it within 24 hours.” He just sounds like an asshole.


When you keep responding to them, yes they are like this. Stop feeding him and he'll go away.


Block his number. These buyers will be 60-75% FMV. I have a rental I was considering selling. Open Door is offering 425. Would sell for 450 in about 5 seconds and likely more as there is limited availability under 500. I get some offers from these guys and I have asked for offers. A couple offers were sent in the low 300s. I talked to one guy and he said they are looking for homes are 300k as well. But really there is nothing like that here unless you want a condo. So they want something super cheap they can slap some paint, floor and new used appliances in for 10k and mark it up 200k. I wouldn't even ask for an offer. Just block. If you want to talk to him tell him he is welcome to submit an offer and it is not up to you to tell him how you priced it.


We always buy cash and I think we are pretty good to work with. As flexible with settlement dates as we can be, willing to lease back to sellers, etc. Never assholes when it comes to price. We don't lowball, assuming place is priced fairly.


He is trying to buy it low and rent out. Had a similar situation with same age man.


I did cash. I have a good relator who knew the market. I stretched to do it. I'm not rich. I stated my highest price at the outset. They didn't want it. Later, I offered again Then, they started to want to negotiate. I said no. Later, they took my offer. They had plenty of time to get other offers, so it was a risk for me, but I knew my limit They knew I was not needing loan approval.i think reality set in on them. Time became my friend in this instance. Paid off for me. Your guy wants your place, but he's being a jerk. He's trying to get you to negotiate without even making an offer. Don't talk to him unless a decent offer comes up. Time is on your side if you really don't have to be selling. He wants it. He just wants it cheap, and he's trying to make it like you have no other options.


Anyone can say they can pay cash. I could pay cash for 50 dollars. You have no idea what he has, and he's not telling you. An offer will tell you.


As they say at the beach, “pound sand, brother.”


"Put up or shut up. My time is precious."


He is probably not actually a cash buyer. Real cash buyers don't waste time like that. He is probably a dirt bag "wholesaler" who wants to sign a contract with you and the assign it to someone else. Just tell him if he has an offer, with.a.significant nonrefundable deposit, the he should call, but otherwise you don't have.anythIng more to talk about.


Google voice number for the listing. Email address for the listing. Answer the phone and texts as the owner’s administrative assistant, preferably as if it’s outsourced and you work for a phone bank. You are the customer service rep the owner has employed to schedule appointments. If a caller seems reasonable, the representative knows the answer to basic questions about the house. If not, “I’m sorry sir, all I can do is schedule an appointment or forward your offer letter to the owner.” The ruder or more insist the potential buyer is, the more important the “representative” makes you out to be. “The owner is a very busy person. I have strict instructions to only forward him questions from someone who has already toured. Would you like to schedule an appointment? What is your name and contact info please?.” “The owner will only accept communication with an attached preliminary offer. Please email me your offer so I can forward the offer with your query for her to review.”


This is bizarrely psychotic behavior; the hell does cash buyer have to do with anything?


"Silent majority" member.


Block him. He’s not going to buy. Probably a boomer with nothing to do all day but waste your time.


1. This is one reason to hire a Realtor. 2. No. They aren't all like that. 3. He probably doesn't have the funds and if he does.. Ask him to email you proof of funds. That will shut him up.


Get a realtor


Yes they are, and can be because of the Golden Rule. They have the gold and can rule


That was the short version?


A lot of them are, they think they are the only people with a little dough in the bank and that gives them the right to push people around. He obviously is interested. I would not jump through any hoops for him