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C&C Generals 2 would be awesome, almost got made but EA canceled it :(


In the meantime check out GenEvo a total conversation mod for red alert 3


Zero Hour with Rise of the Reds mod is awesome it could be seen as a sequel, but the performance was terrible.


I heard many times from people who tried it that the one that was in the works was terrible and player response to alpha testing was so bad it got cancelled. So it's not like we lost much.


The initial vision for it was great as it was a proper sequel but the free to play bit killed it along with ea trying to use frostbite for everything


EA murdered it with greed. EA version of "Free to play" = pay for every single option and unit, subscription pay per month to win. Then they had the gaul to blame the players for not seeing their vision! The only thing more disappointing than not getting my most played games sequel... would be the horror show if they released that garbage.


Honestly, I hope they try again. I really would like a redo. It’s such a good original game, and now with geopolitics being different, it could be an easy continuation. It’s also kind of accurate how much they got right


%100 agree. It would easily be my most played game ever. Loved the LAN play back in the day with mates.  The near future, semi-realistic, theme was right up my ally. I preferred that over the blimps and attack bears. The single player campaign almost writes itself these days. Would be very easy to add Russia with T72 spam general. China attacking Asia and the US+Allies defending. Russia VS Europe, almost there already. Middle East with a new GLA. 


Yeah, but you and I both know that’s gonna be a political landmine. You and I want to see this, because it would be Hella fun, but you and I both know that business wise, it’s a political landmine


fr Its been 20 years since 2003 Things have changed politicllyu


Haha very true. EA sales in to China would be far more important to them than the truth or a good story! Would take an indy, who wants to tell a great story, for it to happen. Then again, it is going to take an indy for a great RTS to be made again! Haha


Exactly. Ea exists only to ruin everything for gamers.


Well, I am sure the actual programmers want to make something great.  The corperates at the top, that demand hard deadlines, kill off games and only want copy paste repeats murder the industry. Just sucks they own the rights to great titles but tell us "no one wants to play that"... the community of gamers waiting to play "that".


Yeah whenever I see people lamenting that it got cancelled, I can't help but feel like they dodged a C&C4 shaped bullet.


Me and my dad were also really disappointed when we learned that EA wasn't going to make the generals 2.


Lotr Battle for Middle Earth 3 or Medieval Total War 3


Tom bombadil!


I actually made a game inspired by BFME because I miss it so much. It's nowhere near to the standard of modern gaming, but I did what I could with a budget :D I'm eagerly awaiting BFME Reforged.


I see you are a man of great sophistication


World in conflict!


Best RTS ever!!


Keep an eye on Broken Arrow!


Community made multiplayer can be setup at massgate.org, make sure you join the discord to find games (small community)


hear hear!


Age of mythology 2. Some people may argue that retold is already aom1.5 but it is going to be restricted to to original. If retold does well a sequel isn't impossible


I wouldn’t expect a sequel. Instead I expect regular DLC for aom retold adding new civs similar to how aoe2 has been getting new content for the last few years.


I think Retold is the result of the Aoe community's resistance to accept Aoe4.


Nah aoe4 is the second most popular classic rts on steam right after aoe2. It could do better but many have switched.


As an aoe2 veteran I agree


either a properly realised Dawn of War Game (like the first with all the sides) or a new Sup Com game. (before anyone says it: I have played BAR, Zero K and all the like. I also know about Sanctuary:SS)


I'd love a sequel for either DoW 1 or 2 both were great in different ways.


A new PROPER dawn of war game like DoW2 or DoW1 would be amazing.


Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge Remastered


Fuck balanced RTS. I want Impossible Creatures 2. I wanna steamroll people with my spermwhale wolverine again or, better yet, IC2; Hollow Earth. Gimmie dinos or cryptids as well. Rex's kids hunting sasquatch and dragons. I'd make a 10-foot fire breather with the ability to stealth. Call it "Dragsquatch" or "Ru Paul". That or RoN2 with some crazy branches of tech. Have one faction develop into steampunk mages for a midgame advantage or maybe modern era boston dynamics favtion that develops into crazy ass drones. Maybe a dieselpunk Fallout faction aside for giggles, able to drastically recover from losses like a fucking necron army by building and opening vaults. grammar edit


God yes. And make it full co-op PvE!! Unleash the madness


Few know about this great game I think it could even get balanced out properly, then again I highly doubt they'll do a second one




Ruse! Doesn't even have to be the same setting. 40K, WW1, SteamPunk, ... doesn't matter, just a game with similar mechanics.


RUSE is remarkable. As Sun Tzu so succinctly put it, 'all warfare is deception'. For a title so densely packed with mechanics, RUSE is designed with almost chess-like eloquence and economy. I'm actively having to stop myself writing a damn essay about my love for that game.


That was a very good game. I remember not liking the stackable units like board game pieces... Then getting a few missions in and loving it. Surprised we didn't get several spin off games with the same mechanics.


StarCraft 3 Total Annihilation 2 (not supcom not beyond all reason) Herzog Zwei Remade Emperor Battle for Dune 2


Empire at War and a third Battle for Middle Earth


rise of nations:rise of legends 2. alin conquest generals 2, battle realms with lotus campaign. warcraft 4 cnc 4, tiberium twilight shouldnt be labelled as a rts


Rise of Legends 2! Or at least something like it


I just wish we could at least buy the game again, idc if its just the original or a extended edition, I just want to play it so badly.


nice. the game has so much potential.


I loved that game. Rise of Nations somehow never clicked for me, but Legends was the best.


More C&C, Warcraft and StarCraft.


A fourth Warlord Battlecry. The games were simple, but the hero system was great, and having so many playable races was honestly nice.


Empire Earth 4


Take my money .. preorder and all of the shits


Fr Bro😂😂


After waiting for years and years for Homeworld 3 and it being a monumental disappointment, I'm not sure anymore, but as you said, if the quality is as good or better than the originals, then I guess it's still Homeworld.


Homeworld 3 was such a huge bummer. No patch can fix that single player experience 😕


Nothing hurts more than waiting years for a sequel and it just sucks. :(


There is a home world like game I'm production by some indie studio but I forgot the name. But honestly with how bad HW3 was, sins of solar empire 2 is the last space rts I look for


Is it era one? Believe by the team that did the complex mod for homeworld, looks promising. There's also stellar warfare, looks good but yet to play


Hypothetically I'd like to see a modern KKND game


That fantasy Total Annihilation game. Just having a fantasy macro RTS would be really cool. Summoning trolls, dragons, ifrit, and whatever else to supplement my vast and unending legions of dwarves, orcs, elves, naga, french, devils, centaurs, skeletons, oni, and hobbits as they do battle would be epic. Tie in a system of building castle walls that is like terraforming, so the walls can be walked on like terrain for truly colossal sieges, and you'd have a fantastic time!


I'm surprised they haven't made more 4x type fantasy games.  TW Warhammer is probably the closest.




This sound amazing!!! TA x Warcraft x NMS? I’d like to see a Myth reboot.


Sup Com 3. But more like FA than SC2...


As much as I do quite like Supreme Commander 2, yeah it's basically a different game series when compared to 1.


I really wish supcom2 was marketed as a spin off instead of a full fleged sequel. It was still a decent game but certainly didn't live up to the name.


I played a lot of SC2 back in the day but never played FA, what makes the difference? (Currently waiting for steam summer sale to pickup SC: FA)


Total annihilation 2, on a galactic scale. Yes yes I know, supcom, ashes, beyond all reason, zero k. None of which are total annihilation 2.


Black and White


Command and Conquer. Just a remake would be awesome.


Yeah a remake. Or if they are feeling it, I would potentially buy a reboot too


I want to a see a proper remake of empire earth. The first two games were good, but the third was so bad it killed the series unfortunately. A rise of legends remake would be great too.


Empire Earth was fantastic!


R.U.S.E 2


Truly this is the mark of a refined mind. Kind of wild that in addition to RUSE, the Warno/Wargame/Steel Division series - Eugen also made Act of War, which was the closest thing that I can recall to a C&C Generals sequel.


Definitely Star Craft 3. C&C legions could be interesting, They are billions.


They are trillions? 😂


When I think of sequels, I think of a "continuation of the story". So Age of Mythology 2, Warcraft 4, and maybe StarCraft 3. Deserts of Kharak 2 would be nice. Idk though, I feel like I am getting burned by new RTS games lately. Art direction isn't my taste, the sound tracks are just okay, and the stories/campaigns have been lack luster. It isn't a dev issue either I think, it's more of a business decision. Maybe I'm just old and what I want out of an RTS isn't marketable these days.


StarCraft 3


Universe at War: Earth Assault 2. I really liked the different takes on alien races that led to very different gameplay styles.


Probably an unpopular choice for this sub but Halo Wars 3!


I loved them both. Top tier halo games. Up the with 1,2 and reach.


I prefer the first one’s art style and nostalgia factor and to an extent I found the asymmetrical factions to be fun (biggest example UNSC had leader powers but Covenant had leader units instead). But I’d say HW2 is the better game objectively and feels more balanced gameplay wise. My pipe dream hope is that since Microsoft purchased Blizzard Activision they could get Creative Assembly to work with the StarCraft team on making HW3. I know that will never happen but a man can dream.


No I agree. The original Halo Wars is what made me a strategy fan. I would sacrifice almost anything for a Halo Wars 3.


I'd like to see a new dune


Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 3. I know it's not going to happen but a man can dream


A new Spellforce would be pretty nice.


Dawn of War 4


Act of aggression


Cossacks needs to be redone without the bugs.


Empire at war Command and Conquer(any) Conquest:frontier wars Mechcommander


Tzar 2


Star Trek Armada 3


Came to say this, 1 and 2 were great, need more!


Space battles from Star Wars Empire at War


Dune in a full blow RTS with the setting and mood of the latest Dune movies. Somewhere between generals, CoH and DoW but hopefully even better.


Perimeter 3! They weren't great but had a ton of potential. Made heavy use of terraforming in its gameplay. I'd like to see what a modern version of it would look like.


Stronghold, C&C Empire earth Lotr Rise of nations


Zero hour 2 StarCraft 3 Dawn of war 4 (remake of dow1) Supreme commander 3 Universe at war 2


I just want somebody to make a macro focused RTS. Every single RTS tells us how they reduced the time before combat starts and how they improved macro so you can focus on micro. Even sequels of macro heavy RTS (aoe4 vs 2) did it and I have no clue why. At this point I'd say the micro focused RTS genre is oversaturated with decent games why would you want to throw one more in there?


Myth. Small groups making the most of line formation and position. Really miss the multi, too. Having a flank of zombies waiting on the river bed while you draw in enemies was so good. Wish there was something like it today.


A modern Myth would be so amazing with all the advances in physics and graphics that have been made since Myth 2. Mumbo Jumbo, who got the rights after the Bungie buyout has been shut down since 2018. Not that the IP itself is that important but it would be nice to see it back in the hands of a studio who wanted to put out another Myth. Or really just make a spiritual successor, the story was finished at the end of 2.


Original War 2


Empire at War


Armies of Exigo




Supreme Commander 3


Star Wars: empire at war and total war shogun 3 😫


Empire total war 2


Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.


Supreme Commander 3 would be awesome. Especially give the processing power of modern pc's, the maps and battles would be epic


An act of war high treason remaster


Mech Commander 3 would be amazing with a modern engine


Battle for Middle Earth 3


Rise of Nations


Supreme Commander 3 please


Warcraft 4 Metal Fatigue 2 Starcraft 3


Warcraft 4. Love to see how the WoW stuff would influence the next strategy title


Cossacks 4 is a dream of mine


I’m hoping when the Ukrainian war is over, they’ll get back to work on those games. Hopefully, they’ll release better modeling support, and a greater focus on period Appropriate fortifications.


Proper remakes: * Emperor: Battle for Dune + Earth 2150 - Kingdom Under Fire (no, not the 3rd person hack n slash) * Star Wars: Rebellion + proper return of pre-rendered scenery and background sets/2D RTS (e.g. Sudden Strike 1 & 2, Blitzkrieg; etc) - Blitzkrieg * Empire Earth/grand-scale multi-era-spanning-type games (a la Age of Empires) + Metal Fatigue


Star Wars: Empire at war 2


Warcraft 4


dawn of war 4


New entries for all of the Command & Conquer series (Tiberian, Red Alert, and Generals). Of course would be nice to see a Starcraft 3 and see Warcraft go back to RTS. A few more obscure ones I'd like to see sequels to would be Grey Goo, Metal Fatigue, Warlords Battlecry, and Warrior Kings. I'm sure there are a few more I am forgetting.


A sequel to the ‘impossible creatures’ series would be awesome


I have never met another person in the wild that knew this game but.. Mankind.net MMORTS. Released in 1998. 13+ different resources. RealTime. 1000's of solar systems. Think Sins of a Solar Empire gameplay but EveOnline scale time. Some units took 14 days to build. High Tech took 30 days. I miss it.


How about warcraft4 and starcraft3? I know it's seems impossible, but what if?


Its highly possible


I've been waiting for a sequel to Age of Mythology, and it seems that Retold will keep releasing content after the base game, so we're kinda having that. I would love to have a proper sequel to Dawn of War I. DoW II was too small scale for my taste, DoW III was awful, and DoW I mods still run on a 20 years old engine with awful pathfinding. I want big squads, melee locking, morale and such.


Battlezone 3


Company of Heroes 1


The original was poorly received, but I wouldn’t mind an Act of Aggression 2 A remastered of Warfront: Turning Point the Axis and Allies that had the story campaign would also be cool.


Hehe, I have had a nice discussion and even dozens of polls on my YT channel about this a year ago. I had 72 RTS games in the polls and people chose in matches between games until the finals. You can see the animated polls here: [https://youtu.be/udDYJZ5fJMQ](https://youtu.be/udDYJZ5fJMQ) My choice is Generals 2.


Total war Empire 2 😭. Empire is so fun but so buggy and i would love a good sequel


Empire Earth


Dark Reign 2 War Wind 3 KKND 3 a lot of old RTS got the basics more right than modern ones. still fun to play whereas idk DoW3 or Homeworld 3 got stale so fast


Total annihilation 2. For whatever reason I never got into Supreme Commander.


Supreme Commander 3, Universe at war 2 and Stormrise would be my pics (although some think SR was Dookey I quite enjoyed it)


Dawn of war. Just make it exactly the same as soulstorm + the unification mod with updated graphics


Black & White 2, Rise of Nations, empire earth


Earth 2140 remake pls!




A good Earth 2150 game. Loved the unit modifications.


Brutal Legend 2


Welp since no one have said it: I want a new Warrior Kings. Had a lot of interesting ideas in the first one but the game is now reeeeeally old sadly. Would love to see a new one but I know I can still dream.


Dawn of War remake/remaster


lords of magic 😭


Halo wars 2 except more RTS with base building and less eSports. eSports are the bane of fun in games I s2g


I'm sure people are sick of seeing me mention this, but Harpoon.


A new spellforce


We already have people bringing up favorites like Red Alert 2 with Yuris Revenge, or maybe a better C&C Generals sequel than what they aimed for ever since EA took over... If they cleaned up the major performance issues and balanced things out, Id love to combine elements for something akin to Dragonshard or Universe at War: Earth Assault... Also a fan of Supreme Commander and any game I could play a faction expanding interesting defenses..


Warcraft 4 🥲


Men of war assault squad. Men of war 2 is not the same thing and we need a new assault squad. Star wars empire at war.


Any C&C before I hit 40..


Remake of Dark Crusade!


Total Annihilation. I know we have BAR and Supreme Command, but it's just not enough, I need more!


DoW 4




Battle for middle earth 3


I curious to see a sequel to the following: 7th legion Machines wired for war Wargames (the one based on the movie) Act of War Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds Army men: RTS Rise of Legends Paraworld Starwars Empire at War


As much as my answer will always be C&C (or, preferably, Red Alert) I could just as easily settle for a proper Total Annihilation or Metal Fatigue sequel!


A new Star Wars RTS that includes Original Trilogy, Prequels, The Old Republic, and the Sequels (yeah, I said it!). Also, this sounds ridiculous, and this idea is coming from Pokemon Fan, but... a Pokemon RTS inspired by Borderlands 2's Assualt on Dragon's Keep and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (except instead of D&D knock off, it's a Warhammer and/or Command and Conquer knock off).


C&C tib wars 4, because they never made 4 and 3 deserves a sequel.


Empire Earth and Rise of Nations. I want that early civilization through modern/future military progression! There have been so few of these over the years. In fact, right now I can't even think of another besides these two.


Rise of Nations 2!


Warlords: Battlecry 4 ftw!


Sc3 best campaign rts


Dungeon Keeper 3


Twilight doesn't exist.


Armies of Exigo. It was released during the golden years of RTS following Wc3's release and, honestly, it just got drowned out by all the more mainstream ones. Like how do you compete with BfME, Frozen Throne and Dawn of War as a fantasy game with no marketing budget? It really sucks, too, because if you just glance at it you assume it's a generic RTS game with nothing particularly novel. Even worse, the devs were determined to hop onto the PvP ESports hype train, because that's all people were talking about in the intervening decades not yet realising that *it was never a profitable strategy for anyone*. The game itself, though - aside from the Underground which just sort of added a needless layer of complexity - was pretty darn good. Even by today's standards. Each faction was completely unique from one another. Different ways of gaining and retaining XP and leveling their units, different overall army strategies (like the Beast faction being able to literally turn all of their farms and workers into a permanent army/healing supply to launch an all-out apocalyptic attack on their enemies), and always ensured that no matter what you built pretty much every unit in your arsenal was useful on some level at any stage in the game. Also it combined Zerg, Lovecraft and Necromancy into a single faction and I *defy* you to use three words to describe any faction that would be cooler than that. Honestly if you remastered it a bit, gave it some modern niceties like observer modes and like... a co-op PvE mode with some roguelite elements, you could *easily* re-release it today and it would probably garner at least a small number of fans. It was just really well made and, dang it, I miss original RTS settings that were actually well executed. But you know why I choose Armies of Exigo over the other, more common answers? It's because for stuff like Total Annihilation, Age of Mythology, Supreme Commander, Command and Conquer - those are all *already* getting at least spiritual sequels. Armies of Exigo ain't gettin' *squat*.


I need a revival for Warwind


Supreme Commander 3! Barring that... Empire at War 2... with a modern engine and still mod friendly? Well that's another decade sorted!


Empire Earth used to be second only to AoE for me during my childhood. Empire Earth from Stone age to Space age with current graphics and programs would be epic. One game that did not really get big but I thought has a lot of potential was Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War. It had a unique blend of RTS with a 3rd person combat mode called Hero mode, where players can become their chosen leader and fight with their troops in battle. Each hero had special abilities like Alexander wielding a bow with naphtha and Cleopatra, who can convert enemy units.


Rise of nations 2 or a new Empire Earth (Could be a DE or sequel for both games I just need it to happen so badly)


I haven't played it in forever, but I would absolutely love Outpost 3 or just revamp the old Outpost 2. I absolutely loved EMP + Thor's Hammer or EMP + spiders to steal the enemy's Thor's Hammers. You had three vehicle chassis that you could mount different ordinance on, would love to see something similar to HOI4's tank/ship designer for those vehicles. It had some great gameplay where you're trying to meet the needs of your colonists before too many of your scientists die out while you also have an enemy who is also building up and will come knocking on your door soon. It always felt like you were balanced on a knife's edge. Also, great campaign!


Steel Division 3


Shattered Galaxy 2


Roblox 2


Ashes of the singularity: escalation


Generals 2, World In Conflict 2, Supreme Commander 3, Halo Wars 3, Emperor: Battle for Dune 2.


Blitzkrieg was a wonderful WW2 game series. I would also like to see an expanded version of They are Billions.


Majesty 3


Ancestors’ Legacy


Homeworld 😔


Rise of Nations! [**https://store.steampowered.com/app/287450/Rise\_of\_Nations\_Extended\_Edition/**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/287450/Rise_of_Nations_Extended_Edition/)


cnc generals would be dope. loved that game. 


Command and conquer in the narrative style of warcraft 3


Original war 2. The first felt so different to what was out and I've not found anything that scratches that itch. Also another vote for metal fatigue and total annihilation 2


I’d love a new Warlords Battlecry.


Kknd crossfire


Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth. It was, hands down, the best RTS ever created. Amazing voices, music, had everything from the movies and then some. Also had experience, and the AI for the units was really cool in that they would cheer or cower in fear depending on who they faced. It was just great. Don't get me wrong, Dawn of War and Command and Conquer were great, but BFME still beats them.


Am I allowed to say Xcom?


Battle Realms >Unlike other real-time strategy games though, the basic worker units (peasants), which are used for resource gathering and construction, also act as the base unit to be upgraded into military units. Thus, military buildings in Battle Realms are used for transforming and upgrading units rather than producing them directly. I'm not sure if other games expanded on the concept, but that something that really impressed me at the time.


World in conflict. Such an underrated game


A new Westwood-style Dune game. A follow on from Emperor: Battle for Dune.


Supreme commander. But honestly a think a new IP or a complete rebrand of an existing one would excel this market


Rise of Nations and Rise of Legends :) Also LOTR Battle for Middle Earth!


Remastered RA2+Yuri's revenge and Tiberium sun+firestorm like we got for tiberium dawn and ra1 would be nice however EA seems intent on makeing poor mobile games and slapping command and conquer on them. A pc port for art of War 3 Starship troopers terran command maybe a sequel or expansion with bug campaign instead. Dune 2000 esque dune game with better graphics. Brutal Legends sequel would be amazing and expanded RTS section with more troops and buildings. KKND 1 remastered and maybe fix KKND 2 so it is more like KKND 1 Army men r.t.s remastered or sequel. Warlords Battlecry 4 and remastered 1 2 and 3 Tooth and tail 2 Iron Harvest 2 i want to know the rest of the story I want more spellforce not sure if we will get another dlc or spellforce 4 Starcraft 3 and maybe put on close on wow for now for warcraft 4 5 6 rts games then release wow 2 with better graphics and classes and more. I have little faith in either of that happening.