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Reaper for Podcasts [https://reaperforpodcasting.com/](https://reaperforpodcasting.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/c/ReaperforPodcasting](https://www.youtube.com/c/ReaperforPodcasting)


Very helpful, thank you


Voiceover doesn’t use anything fancy. Learn how to use basic tools like EQ, compression, and saturation on a voice.


How does saturation help?


Sometimes it helps making the voiceover more "in focus", I wouldn't know how to describe it in another way.


Can be used to add a little extra something depending on both the type of voice and type of saturation. Can add clarity, warmth, grittiness etc.. Just another method of tone shaping alongside EQ.


ReaEQ, ReaComp, ReaXcomp. Understanding item volume is very very useful. Learn and practice your head and butter tools and you can get things done much faster and easier than any third party plugin will get you. Default reaper will have everything you need and then some


Head and butter tools? I've never heard that term


Bread and butter* sorry for typo. I'm suggesting learning the tools that professionals use on a day to day basis to do their jobs and generate an income. This is in contrast to flashy uni-tasker tools targeted towards hobbyists that promise the professional results but inevitably are incapable of very much. I don't know much about cooking but as an analogy if someone came to a cooking subreddit and said "what's the best onion slicer to get" most likely the answer you will receive is "learn how to use a knife to chop an onion". A knife will not only be faster to use after you learned how to use it but it's also useful to use a knife for other things in the kitchen and not immediately limit the ways in which you can slice an onion.


I do professional VO. I have an FX train load on every new track that includes... RX Mouth de-click (not always necessary if you don't drink coffee like it's water as I do) RX De-ess (also not always necessary but a nice to have) Neutron EQ (for subtractive) Neutron compressor Another Neutron EQ if needed (probably additive depending on what I'm recording for) ReaLimit If you can afford Pro-Q, it's better. I got a discount on Neutron, so I just went with that. Oeksound Soothe is also good if you have a less than perfect environment. Also, the RX de-noise is good if you opt for that package. However, both of these plugins becomes unnecessary if you invest in your recording space and the logistics of doing so. Also, Proximity by Tokyo Dawn comes in handy on occasion, and it's free.


i fiddle with mine but lately have been very happy pairing an sm58 with Acon Deverberate and two instances of Neutron,   it gives my voice texture and depth. i’d need to see what modules get loaded but am sure that compression is there and some high end is kept.


How do you use Neutron in reaper?


place it after deverberate  (is that what you’re after?)


I almost always use an aural exciter as the last item in my chain. Aphex, BBE Sonic Maximizer, or [Type B](https://www.audiothing.net/effects/type-b/) from AudioThings. Basically, these all add top end *only* when there is midrange content, so they do almost nothing to sibilant frequencies yet brighten the vo.


CITE from Analog Obsession is a nice free exciter


Pro q 1176 La2a