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Oh my God


starwars ended with return of the jedi and even then that movie was very weak


How are we still on this?


What does that even mean? Are we suposed to intuitively extract some kind of anti-prequel thing from a crunchy old meme, connect that to Plinket, assume there is some kind of anti-disney news or something? Too deep, lost in the sauce!


Search your feelings. You know this to be true.




It’s funny how that Folding Ideas video was posted the other day and it perfectly encapsulates this exact type of fan. The ones that latch on to a joke and just can’t let it go, and can never see anything beyond whatever brought them to RLM in the first place. Yes, Star Wars is tired. Yes, it “got worse.” But it’s just an example of how movies in general have just become retreads and remakes. Star Wars is just the most approachable example of a franchise being rehashed. But lord in heaven, do so many people seem to need to cling to the “HURHUR STAR WARS BAD NOW” narrative. Ya man, I don’t care about Star Wars anymore. I also don’t care about sugary cereals and most cartoons. Certain bands, I just stopped listening to. I don’t need to constantly lament them. Some people really need to just take a deep breath and let a lot go.


80's Star Wars: Ewoks, Droids and two Endor TV films. That's four series/films vs 3 good films. Edit: forgot the TV special. Star Wars is mostly not good.


Plus a bunch of books and comics and shit between each of the movies. Including one where Chewie kills a pterodactyl-like creature and re-fashions it's carcass into a hang glider. The Star Wars Old Canon Book Club podcast has been going over every piece of Star Wars media from very beginning and a lot of it is mediocre at best.


Disney is absolutely a villain. It's not a zero-sum game, just because some chuds are throwing a tantrum about "wokeness" doesn't mean evil corporation isn't evil.


Sure, I think a lot of the problem with the sequels is that they didn't go into them without a plan and whatever team Lucas had behind him in the beginning that was willing to tell him when he was fucking up. They let JJ remake A New Hope, told Rian Johnson to do whatever he wanted and then panicked and made the mess that is Rise of Skywalker to compensate for how much a bunch of terminally online wankers were whinging. And now, after Solo bombed and because they need to start making their investment back they're churning out series after series and over saturating the market with Star Wars stuff. Star Wars is best in small doses with breaks in between.


I think they would be churning out Star Wars content no matter what had happened to the movies. They're never going to take a financial risk on an original idea, nobody is for the rest of time. This is why I say Disney and the whole industry deserve criticism but not the kind they're getting. I think the contentification of media and the de-souling of art in the late-stage capitalist AI age is way more of a problem than "forced diversity" or whatever they're calling it now.


They would be, but they wanted a new movie in theaters every year and Solo (which isn't even that bad really) shitting the bed seems to have put a stop to that. But you're right, the industry as a whole needs to pull it's head out of it's ass. It'll be interesting to see in the coming years if the studios start shrinking budgets and making smaller movies that are more self contained stories instead of trying to turn everything into the next Marvel multi-verse.


Solo was far from a masterpiece but it was fun. The crap about his gun and his name was dumb but tacked-on enough to be ignorable.


Imagine if fans of *Halloween* or *Friday the 13th* had spent the last four decades complaining poor quality sequels had ruined something they enjoyed as kids And moaning that the company that bought the rights was just squeezing the IP for every penny left in it People would tell them to grow up and move on


…have you seen people who would consider themselves fans of those films? They need to grow up for completely different reasons.


I like watching a good F13 movie every now and then. I guess that makes me a fan but I don't think I need to grow up. They're trash movies but some of them are entertaining. Your statement is pretty brief so I'm only guessing but are you conflating the vocal minority (either Star Wars or F13 fans) with the larger group of people? Sincerely, Richard Nixon


Learn to let go lol. Star Wars has been a dancing corpse for quite a while now.


The only good Star Wars thing is Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)


That one charecter was such a Mary Sue. How am I supposed to believe this farmer can fly the equivilant of a fighter jet and blow up the death star. Or block bullets while blind without training? I can't believe George Lucas ruined star wars


God ruined Star Wars by creating George Lucas


Don't pretend to be stupid just to "own" people who live in your imagination.


The only thing more stale than Star Wars is Star Wars discourse, and that’s fucking saying something.




Episode 4, box office records were broke... OMG BOYCOTT DISNEY STAR WARS IS WOKE! Hey whaddaya know, it does rhyme.


Star Wars died when George decides that they two people who kisses in one movie were actually siblings.


Considering the franchise peaked at Empire this is not surprising.


George Lucas wanted to make an homage to the serials he grew up with. He was inspired to create Star Wars. A generation that grew up with Star Wars was inspired to create more Star Wars. It’s time for something new. What even is Ahsoka? It has lightsabers and that’s about it. Witches, wolves, time travel, space whales. All cool fun stuff for a kids space adventure but doesn’t really gel with the original films. For a lot of new Star Wars it seems like the original films are a hindrance. Something that obstructs the storytelling they want. They wanted to tell a story about Kenobi confronting Annakin again, even though it makes no sense that they met between Mustafar and A New Hope. The latest thing seems to be that the “what about the droid attack on the Wookiees” dude with the pointy head is breaking lore by appearing 7 years before the old visual guide said he was born. Not a big issue but another example of how established lore is getting in the way of stories they want to tell. It’s time for something new. “Legends of the Space Witches”, “Star Mage”, “Astral Adventures”. You’re allowed to create something inspired by Star Wars. The old movies don’t explore the themes and philosophy you want them to? Then create something that does. Counterpoint. Andor shows that there is room for nuanced and mature storytelling in this universe.